Results for 'Kant Opus postumum'

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  1.  15
    (1 other version)Kants opus postumum.Erich Adickes & Immanuel Kant - 1920 - Berlin,: Reuther & Reichard. Edited by Artur Buchenau.
  2. Kants Opus postumum nach Erich Adickes.Hermann Schneider - 1921 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 26:165.
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    Kants Opus postumum und seine Rezeption.Giovanni Pietro Basile - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Biographical note: Pierfrancesco Basile, Zürich, Schweiz.
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    Kants Opus postumum.Vittorio Mathieu & Gerd Held - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
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    Immanuel Kant, Opus postumum, edited by Eckart Förster; translated by Eckart Förster and Michael Rosen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp lviii + 303, Hb £35.00. [REVIEW]A. W. Moore - 1993 - Hegel Bulletin 14 (1-2):21-25.
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  6. Kants Opus postumum. Herausgegeben von Artur Buchenau. I. Hälfte. [REVIEW]Hermann Glockner - 1937 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 3:199.
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    Basile, Giovanni Pietro (2013). Kants »Opus Postumum« und seine Rezeption.Lara Scaglia - 2019 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 63:141.
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  8. (1 other version)Opus postumum.Emmanuel Kant & J. Gibelin - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:299-299.
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    Die Materie Äther in Kants Opus postumum.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden (eds.), Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Naturgeschichte und Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Kants Opus postumum.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden (eds.), Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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  11. (1 other version)Opus postumum.Immanuel Kant - 1950 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by J. Gibelin.
    This volume is the first ever English translation of Kant's last major work, the so-called Opus Postumum, a work Kant himself described as his 'chef d'oeuvre' and as the keystone of his entire philosophical system. It occupied him for more than the last decade of his life. Begun with the intention of providing a 'transition from the metaphysical foundations of natural science to physics,' Kant's reflections take him far beyond the problem he initially set out (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Ganzheitsbegriff und Weltidee in Kants Opus Postumum.Gerhard Lehmann - 1936 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 41:307.
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    Apperzeption und dynamisches Naturgesetz in Kants Opus postumum: ein Kommentar zu "Übergang 1-14".Veit-Justus Rollmann - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Innerhalb der Literatur zu Kants Opus postumum fehlt bislang ein Kommentar des zentralen Entwurfs „Übergang 1-14“. Die Studie liefert eine systematische Interpretation und bezieht die Ergebnisse auf Kants Schriften – vor allem auf die Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Kants Grundlegung der Naturlehre als einer wirklichen Wissenschaft der Natur wird so in einen transzendentalphilosophischen Rahmen eingebettet.
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    Leib und Erfahrung in Kants Opus Postumum.Kurt Hübner - 1953 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 7 (2):204 - 219.
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    Années 1796-1803, Kant, Opus postumum: philosophie, science, éthique et théologie: actes du 4e Congrès international de la Société d'études kantiennes de langue française, Lausanne, 21-23 octobre 1999.Ingeborg Schüssler & Christophe Erismann (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    Kant a consacre les dernieres annees de sa vie a l'ecriture d'un ample texte intitule Passage des principes metaphysiques de la science de la nature a la physique et qui, acheve, aurait ete la clef de voute de sa philosophie critique. Occupe depuis la Critique de la raison pure par la question de la liberte morale au sein d'un monde domine par la science et sa vision mecaniciste de la nature, Kant cherche dans l'Opus postumum a (...)
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    Metaphysische und transzendentale Dynamik in Kants opus postumum.Burkhard Tuschling - 1971 - New York,: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Metaphysische und transzendentale Dynamik in Kants opus postumum" verfügbar.
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    (1 other version)Erscheinungsstufung und realitätsproblem in kants opus postumum.Gerhard Lehmann - 1953 - Kant Studien 45 (1-4):140-154.
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    Kants Transzendentalphilosophie des Opus postumum gegen den transzendentalen Idealismus Schellings und Spinozas.Ernst-Otto Onnasch - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 307-356.
    This paper analyzes, first, the reception of Schelling’s philosophy in the environment of Kant in Königsberg, and second in Kantian writings published by his students Jäsche and Rink. – The only two passages Kant mentions Schelling are to be found in the latest leaves of the Opus postumum. Here Schelling’s philosophy is characterized as transcendental idealism. In current research it became rather common to interpret these passages as a positive account of Schelling’s philosophy, moreover, that (...) recognized Schelling’s transcendental idealism as an improvement of his own philosophy. However, in the latest leaves of the Opus postumum the term transcendental idealism is – remarkably – strongly linked with Spinozism. In this paper I argue, thirdly, that Kant in the Opus postumum employs transcendental idealism in a negative way in order to distinguish his own transcendental philosophy clearly from the wrong philosophical account transcendental idealism brings forward. (shrink)
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    O Opus Postumum de Kant Entre a Condicionalidade Empírica e a Indeterminação Transcendental.Adriano Perin - 2021 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 62 (149):497-518.
    ABSTRACT This paper contends with the critical-systematical status of Kant’s argumentation in the manuscript known as Opus postumum. At first, the elements holding Kant’s conceptual accuracy in his writing methodology and the contrast of these elements to the argumentative structure of the Opus postumum are set forth. After that, the historical condition of the manuscript in what matters to ordering and presence/absence of proofs is taken into account. Finally, the philosophical situation of the (...) postumum regarding its (post-)critical contextualization is brought into discussion. The conclusion reached is that the limitation of proofs and the historical condition of the manuscript determine its philosophical nature: it will always be susceptible to an interpretation which on its own is transcendentally necessary and, at the same time, contingentempirically conditioned. (shrink)
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  20. Buchenau, A., Kants Opus postumum[REVIEW]H. Fels - 1937 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 50:137-138.
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  21. Giovanni Pietro Basile: Kants „Opus postumum“ und seine Rezeption. Berlin/Boston: W. de Gruyter, 2013 . XV+536 S. ISBN 978-3-110269680. [REVIEW]Detlef ThielCorresponding authorWiesbaden GermanyEmail: - 2017 - Kant Studien 108 (1).
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    Kants Transzendentalphilosophie des Opus postumum gegen den transzendentalen Idealismus Schellings und Spinozas.Ernst-Otto Onnasch - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter.
    This paper analyzes, first, the reception of Schelling’s philosophy in the environment of Kant in Königsberg, and second in Kantian writings published by his students Jäsche and Rink. – The only two passages Kant mentions Schelling are to be found in the latest leaves of the Opus postumum. Here Schelling’s philosophy is characterized as transcendental idealism. In current research it became rather common to interpret these passages as a positive account of Schelling’s philosophy, moreover, that (...) recognized Schelling’s transcendental idealism as an improvement of his own philosophy. However, in the latest leaves of the Opus postumum the term transcendental idealism is – remarkably – strongly linked with Spinozism. In this paper I argue, thirdly, that Kant in the Opus postumum employs transcendental idealism in a negative way in order to distinguish his own transcendental philosophy clearly from the wrong philosophical account transcendental idealism brings forward. (shrink)
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    Apperzeption Und Dynamisches Naturgesetz in Kants Opus Postumum: Ein Kommentar Zu "Übergang 1-14".Veit Justus Rollmann - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Until now, the literature on Kant s Opus Postumum has lacked a commentary on the key draft, Transition 1 14. The study offers a systematic interpretation with reference to Kant s other works especially the Critique of Pure Reason. Kant s presentation of natural science as a true science of nature is thereby placed in the context of his transcendental philosophy.".
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    Chemistry in Kant’s Opus Postumum.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):64-95.
    In his Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft (MAN), Kant claims that chemistry is an improper, though rational science. The chemistry to which Kant confers this status is the phlogistic chemistry of, for instance, Georg Stahl. In his Opus Postumum (OP), however, Kant espouses a broadly Lavoiserian conception of chemistry. In particular, Kant endorses Antoine Lavoisier's elements, oxygen theory of combustion, and role for the caloric. As Lavoisier's lasting contribution to chemistry, according to some histories of (...)
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  25. El Opus postumum de Kant: la resolución de la física en filosofía transcendental.Leopoldo Prieto - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (3):453-482.
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    Giovanni Pietro Basile: Kants „Opus postumum“ und seine Rezeption. Berlin/Boston: W. de Gruyter, 2013 . XV+536 S. ISBN 978-3-110269680. [REVIEW]Detlef Thiel - 2017 - Kant Studien 108 (1):146-152.
  27. El Opus Postumum de Kant.Eckart Forster - 2023 - In Gustavo Leyva (ed.), Immanuel Kant. Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    L'Opus postumum di Kant.Vittorio Mathieu - 1991
  29. Mathieu, V., Kants Opus Postumum[REVIEW]B. Raymaekers - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):544.
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  30. Die sogenannte neue Deduktion in Kants Opus postumum.Wolfgang Albrecht - 1954 - Archiv für Philosophie 5 (1):57.
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    (1 other version)Bemerkungen zu einem neuerdings näher bekannt gewordenen Losen Blatt aus Kants Opus Postumum.Wolfgang G. Bayerer - 1981 - Kant Studien 72 (1-4):127-131.
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    Opus Postumum.Jeffrey Edwards, Immanuel Kant, Eckart Forster & Michael Rosen - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (2):280.
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    Opus postumum: Passaggio dai principi metafisici della scienza della natura alla fisica.Immanuel Kant & Vittorio Mathieu - 1963 - Zanichelli.
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    Gebäude auf Abbruch? The digital archive of Kant’s Opus postumum.Daniela Helbig - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):59-77.
    Over two hundred years after Immanuel Kant’s death, the first full, critical, and digital edition of his last manuscript is currently being completed by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. This edition stands in institutional continuity with Wilhelm Dilthey’s monumental Akademieausgabe of Kant’s writings that was grounded in Dilthey’s lastingly influential concept of the national, literary-philosophical archive. The new edition showcases Kant’s dynamic writing process as a matter of investigation in its own right. As I argue here, it (...)
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    Spuren des platonischen Timaios in Kants Opus postumum.Detlef Thiel - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 648-657.
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    (1 other version)Ein verschollenes loses Blatt aus kants opus postumum?Wolfgang G. Bayerer - 1967 - Kant Studien 58 (1-4):277-284.
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    Kant's Opus Postumum and McDowell's Critique of Kant.Martin Shuster - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):427-444.
    In this article, I have a modest goal: to sketch how Kant can avoid the charge of “subjective idealism” advanced against him by John McDowell and to do so with reference to Kant's last work, the so-called Opus Postumum. I am interested in defending Kant on this point because doing so not only shows how we need not—at least not because of this point about idealism—jump ship from Kant to Hegel , but also suggests (...)
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    Kant’s Opus postumum and Schelling’s Naturphilosophie: The Very Idea.Terrence Thomson - 2022 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (1):97-117.
    This paper is about Kant’s late unfinished manuscript, Opus postumum (1796–1803) and some of the resonances it has with Schelling’s early Naturphiloso­phie (1797–1800). Most of the secondary literature on Opus postumum investigates its relation to the rest of Kant’s corpus, often framing the drafts as an attempt to fill a so-called “gap” in the Critical philosophy whilst ignoring the relationship it has to the wider landscape of late eighteenth century German philosophy. Whether Opus (...)
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    Perspectives on Kant's Opus postumum.Giovanni Pietro Basile & Ansgar Lyssy (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers new perspectives on the theoretical elements of the Opus postumum, Kant's project of a final work which remained unknown until eighty years after his death. The contributors read the OP as a central work in establishing the relation between Kant's transcendental philosophy, his natural philosophy, practical philosophy, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and his broader epistemology. Interpreting the OP is an important task because it helps reveal how Kant himself tried to correct and (...)
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    An der Grenze von Physik und Metaphysik. Zum Begriff des „Kristalls“ in Kants Opus postumum.Bernhard Fritscher - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 241-264.
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  41. Kant's final synthesis: an essay on the Opus postumum.Eckart Förster - 2000 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This is the first book in English devoted entirely to Kant's Opus postumum and its place in the Kantian oeuvre.
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    Transición de los principios metafísicos de la ciencia natural a la física: Opus postumum.Immanuel Kant - 1991 - Cantoblanco: Anthropos Editorial. Edited by Félix Duque.
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    Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstanschauung: eine Reflexion über Einheit und Entzweiung des Subjekts in Kants "Opus postumum".So-In Choi - 1996 - Walter de Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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    Kants Übergangskonzeption im Opus postumum: zur Rolle des Nachlasswerkes für die Grundlegung der empirischen Physik.Dina Emundts - 2004 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Funktion und Bedeutung des Opus Postumum für die Philosophie Kants sind in der Forschungsliteratur umstritten. Dina Emundts zeigt, dass die Hauptaufgabe des Nachlasswerkes ist, ein System aller für die empirischen Erkenntnisse erforderlichen Begriffe auszuarbeiten, wie es Kant zur Fundierung der empirischen Physik als unerlässlich ansah. Darüber hinaus geht die Untersuchung der Frage nach, wie sich empirische Wissenschaften fundieren lassen.
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  45. Paneth’s epistemology of chemical elements in light of Kant’s Opus postumum.Farzad Mahootian - 2013 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (2):171-184.
    Friedrich Paneth’s conception of “chemical element” has functioned as the official definition adopted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry since 1923. Paneth maintains a distinction between empirical and “transcendental” concepts of element; furthermore, chemical science requires fluctuation between the two. The origin of the empirical-transcendental split is found in Immanuel Kant’s classic Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1787). The present paper examines Paneth’s foundational concept of element in light of Kant’s attempt, late in life, to revoke (...)
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  46. Does Kant’s Opus Postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late (...)
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    Does Kant’s opus postumum Anticipate Hegel’s Absolute Idealism?Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Ernst-Otto Jan Onnasch (ed.), Kants Philosophie der Natur: Ihre Entwicklung Im Opus Postumum Und Ihre Wirkung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 357-384.
    The three presumptions that Hegel’s idealism further develops or radicalises Kant’s transcendental idealism, that their respective versions of idealism are linked by Kant’s account of self-positing (Selbstsetzungslehre) in the late opus postumum and that the basic model of Hegel’s early idealism holds also for his mature system are wide-spread and largely unexamined. This paper examines several problems confronting these presumptions, including Hegel’s refutation of the basic premises of Kant’s transcendental idealism and Transzendentalphilosophie in the late (...)
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  48. B. Tuschling, Metaphysische und transzendentale Dynamik in Kants Opus postumum[REVIEW]A. Häussling - 1975 - Kant Studien 66 (3):366.
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    Opus Postumum.Eckart Förster & Michael Rosen (eds.) - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is the first ever English translation of Kant's last major work, the so-called Opus Postumum, a work Kant himself described as his 'chef d'oeuvre' and as the keystone of his entire philosophical system. It occupied him for more than the last decade of his life. Begun with the intention of providing a 'transition from the metaphysical foundations of natural science to physics,' Kant's reflections take him far beyond the problem he initially set out (...)
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    Apperception and Related Matters in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Opus Postumum.Andrew Brook - 2022 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 3 (3).
    In the Critique of Pure Reason (1781/7), Kant laid out a deep-running and largely original picture of the apperceptive mind, including a claim that in consciousness of self, one does not appear to oneself as an object and that consciousness of self is presupposed by consciousness of other things. As a result, consciousness of oneself does not provide knowledge of oneself and the referential apparatus of consciousness of self is radically different from other kinds of referential apparatus. The main (...)
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