Results for 'Karol Martel'

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  1. Podstawowe zagadnienia marksistowskiej teorii poznania: wykłady w Wyższej Szkole Nauk Społecznych, 1958-1959.Karol Martel - 1963 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
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  2. Podstawowe zagadnienia marksistowskiej teorii poznania.Karol Martel - 1961 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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    Subverting the Leviathan: Reading Thomas Hobbes as a Radical Democrat.James R. Martel - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    In _Leviathan_, Thomas Hobbes's landmark work on political philosophy, James Martel argues that although Hobbes pays lip service to the superior interpretive authority of the sovereign, he consistently subverts this authority throughout the book by returning it to the reader. Martel demonstrates that Hobbes's radical method of reading not only undermines his own authority in the text, but, by extension, the authority of the sovereign as well. To make his point, Martel looks closely at Hobbes's understanding of (...)
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  4. Machine learning in bail decisions and judges’ trustworthiness.Alexis Morin-Martel - 2023 - AI and Society:1-12.
    The use of AI algorithms in criminal trials has been the subject of very lively ethical and legal debates recently. While there are concerns over the lack of accuracy and the harmful biases that certain algorithms display, new algorithms seem more promising and might lead to more accurate legal decisions. Algorithms seem especially relevant for bail decisions, because such decisions involve statistical data to which human reasoners struggle to give adequate weight. While getting the right legal outcome is a strong (...)
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    Kardynał Karol Wojtyła — filozof moralista.Karol kardynał Wojtyła - 1979 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 27 (2):15-32.
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    Divine violence: Walter Benjamin and the eschatology of sovereignty.James R. Martel - 2012 - N.Y.: Routledge.
    Introduction: divine violence and political fetishism -- The political theology of sovereignty -- In the maw of sovereignty -- Benjamin's dissipated eschatology -- Waiting for justice -- Forgiveness, judgment and sovereign decision -- The Hebrew republic -- Conclusion : the anarchist hypothesis.
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    Anarchism Is the Only Future.James Martel - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (6):113.
    In this paper I argue that archism, a form of political power that is ubiquitous in the world and is based on hierarchy and violence, effectively denies us a future. Archism in invested in continuing the current power dynamics. Accordingly, it projects a false sense of the future which is actually only a continuation of the present on and on forever. I look at two thinkers, Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt, who try to take the future back from archism (my (...)
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    Learning to teach history as interpretation: A longitudinal study of beginning teachers.Christopher C. Martell - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (1):17-31.
    Over the past two decades many social studies educators have called for history to be taught as interpretation, which has included arguments for the teaching of history through inquiry. This case study examined four secondary social studies teachers and their development of beliefs and practices related to teaching history as interpretation. The data were collected longitudinally from their student teaching through the completion of their first year in the classroom. Corroborating arguments found in the pre-existing research, this study found that (...)
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  9.  13
    The Misinterpellated Subject.James R. Martel - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    Although Haitian revolutionaries were not the intended audience for the Declaration of the Rights of Man, they heeded its call, demanding rights that were not meant for them. This failure of the French state to address only its desired subjects is an example of the phenomenon James R. Martel labels "misinterpellation." Complicating Althusser's famous theory, Martel explores the ways that such failures hold the potential for radical and anarchist action. In addition to the Haitian Revolution, Martel shows (...)
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    Anarchist Prophets: Disappointing Vision and the Power of Collective Sight.James R. Martel - 2022 - Duke University Press.
    In _Anarchist Prophets_ James R. Martel juxtaposes anarchism with what he calls archism in order to theorize the potential for a radical democratic politics. He shows how archism—a centralized and hierarchical political form that is a secularization of ancient Greek and Hebrew prophetic traditions—dominates contemporary politics through a prophet’s promises of peace and prosperity or the threat of violence. Archism is met by anarchism, in which a community shares a collective form of judgment and vision. Martel focuses on (...)
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  11. Hobbes’ Anti-liberal Individualism.James Martel - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):31-59.
    In much of the literature on Hobbes, he is considered a proto-liberal, that is, he is seen as setting up the apparatus that leads to liberalism but his own authoritarian streak makes it impossible for liberals to completely claim him as one of their own. In this paper, I argue that, far from being a precursor to liberalism, Hobbes offers a political theory that is implicitly anti-liberal. I do not mean this in the conventional sense that Hobbes was too conservative (...)
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    Phenomenology of Joint Attention.Timothy Martell - 2010 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 10 (2):1-10.
    It is one thing for two or more persons to perceive the same object, and it is quite another for two or more persons to perceive the same object together. The latter phenomenon is called joint attention and has recently garnered considerable interest from psychologists. However, contemporary psychological research has not succeeded in clarifying how persons can share perception of an object. Joint attention thus stands in need of phenomenological clarification. Surprisingly, this has yet to be offered. Phenomenologists have provided (...)
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    Dreier Is a Great Dad in All Possible Worlds: A Challenge to Moral Contingentism.Alexis Morin-Martel - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy (1):118-132.
    In this paper, I raise a challenge to Gideon Rosen’s defence of moral contingentism against Jamie Dreier’s moral luck argument. Dreier argues that if moral contingentism is true, acting in a morally permissible way always depends on a form of moral luck, because we could be in a descriptively identical possible world where the moral laws are different. Rosen’s response is that such a world is too remote from ours for us to count it as lucky that we are not (...)
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    Between the Ocean and the Ground: Giving Surfaces.James Martell - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (2):211-223.
    Beginning right at the start of the recently published volume II of Donner le temps, at its ‘bord’ or ‘boarding’ upon or out of a calmy oceanic surface, this essay examines the functions and movements of distinct surfaces in between Heidegger and Derrida. Confronting thus the tradition of the ‘Grund’, ‘Abgrund’, ‘Urgrund’, ‘Ungrund’, with the khôra-like surface of archi-writing and dissemination, the essay proposes an investigation of the philosophical and writerly space of Derrida/Heidegger not through their marks and letters, but (...)
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    Review of Karol Edward Soltan: The Causal Theory of Justice[REVIEW]Karol Edward Soltan - 1989 - Ethics 99 (3):637-638.
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    ‘We/One devastate(s) the world’: Of Deserts, Chaos & Khōra.James Martell - 2024 - Oxford Literary Review 46 (2):161-181.
    If the word ‘devastated’ feels most appropriate when thinking of the passing of a beloved one, it also undergirds, through the waste of its desert, two essential notions of Western philosophy and literature: chaos and khōra. Looking at our world twenty years after Derrida’s passing, and at how for more than five decades he thought and wrote on the notion of world, this essay examines the radicality of Derrida’s deconstruction for our past and future conceptions of a world, of ourselves, (...)
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    Amo: Volo ut sis.James Martel - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (3):287-313.
    Although critical of what she calls the `antipolitical' forces of love and sovereignty, Arendt reluctantly embraces these aspects as the basis of politics itself. I explain this paradox by arguing that Arendt seeks to balance Greek and Roman notions of freedom with modern conceptions of the will. The solipsistic will poses a threat to politics (it is the source of sovereignty itself). Yet the will is a fact of modern life and cannot be ignored. I argue that despite her embrace (...)
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  18. The Principle of the Common Cause, the Causal Markov Condition, and Quantum Mechanics: Comments on Cartwright.Iain Martel - 2008 - In Stephan Hartmann, Luc Bovens & Carl Hoefer, Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge. pp. 242-262.
    Nancy Cartwright believes that we live in a Dappled World– a world in which theories, principles, and methods applicable in one domain may be inapplicable in others; in which there are no universal principles. One of the targets of Cartwright’s arguments for this conclusion is the Causal Markov condition, a condition which has been proposed as a universal condition on causal structures.1 The Causal Markov condition, Cartwright argues, is applicable only in a limited domain of special cases, and thus cannot (...)
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  19. Cassirer and Husserl on the Phenomenology of Perception.Timothy Martell - 2015 - Studia Phaenomenologica 15:413-431.
    This paper creates a dialogue between Ernst Cassirer, one of the last prominent representatives of Neo-Kantian thought, and Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology. In Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Cassirer criticizes Husserl’s distinction between hylē and morphē. His criticism is based in part on the work of several figures belonging to the early phase of the phenomenological movement, including Wilhelm Schapp. By developing Cassirer’s criticism and considering the responses that Husserl could have offered, the dialogue helps to clarify the complex (...)
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    The one and only law: Walter Benjamin and the second commandment.James R. Martel - 2014 - Ann Arbor, [Michigan]: University of Michigan Press.
    Introduction : a slight adjustment -- The one and only law -- The law of the break with law : Badiou and legal ethics -- Raving with reason : Kant and the moral law -- A "useful illusion" : H. L. A. Hart and legal positivism -- The Haitian revolution : one law in action -- Conclusion : how lawful is one law?.
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    Vie et logique d’Alfred Tarski.Marie Martel - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (2):367-374.
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    Fatores de personalidade e sintomatologia depressiva de pacientes com fibromialgia.Ketry Johnston de Oliveira Martel, Sibeli Carla Garbin Zanin, Vinicius Renato Thomé Ferreira, Kelly Zanon de Bortoli Pisoni & Carine Tabaczinski - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):45-60.
    A presença de sintomas depressivos em pacientes crônicos é comum e está associada com a redução da qualidade de vida. Esse estudo em questão, objetivou levantar a sintomatologia depressiva em pacientes fibromiálgicos crônicos e identificar sua relação com características de personalidade. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A amostra consistiu de 20 indivíduos, homens e mulheres, com idades entre 32 a 62 anos, com diagnóstico de fibromialgia e em processo de tratamento clínico. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se (...)
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    “We need to teach school differently”: Learning to teach social studies for justice.Christopher C. Martell, Rob Martinelle & Jennifer P. Chalmers-Curren - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (4):345-361.
    Using interpretative case study methods, the researchers examined the beliefs and practices of 10 preservice social studies teachers with self-described preferences to teach for justice. While all...
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    Un sermon anonyme sur Ruth 1, 22 pour la Nativité de la Vierge Marie (Cambridge, Gonville and Gaius College 358/585).Gérard de Martel - 1997 - Mediaeval Studies 59 (1):1-18.
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    Art as Performance David Davies Collection «New Directions in Aesthetics» Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 2004, 304 p.Marie Martel - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (3):614.
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    Arendt and the Pilgrims.James Martel - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (2):551-571.
    Although Arendt rejects all manifestations of what she calls “the absolute,” the way that theology trumps politics, she yet overlooks the theological basis of one of her most cherished models of political origins, the story of the Mayflower Compact. Arendt sees the Mayflower Compact as affording a basis for a community that is joined only through mutual promising, allowing a maximal amount of individualism and struggle within a collectively determined entity. Yet she downplays the role that theology serves in supporting (...)
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  27. Absolute modernism and the space of literature.James Martell - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois, Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Comment l’art vient à poussercomme Des ongles de pied.Michèle Martel - 2013 - Philosophique 16.
    Lors d’une conférence à l’université de Iéna, Paul Klee construit une ana­lo­gie entre la création artistique et la morphologie de l'arbre. Dans cette para­bole, qui a depuis connu une fortune critique internationale, il associe les racines au flux des apparences et des expériences et l'artiste au tronc, celui-ci ordonnant et acheminant dans l’œuvre ce courant qui l'assaille. Cette démons­tra­tion, qui a pour intention de justifier les développements abstraits de l'art moderne, réserve à l'ar...
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    Comments on Working with Walter Benjamin.James Martel - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (1):139-146.
    In this essay, I comment on Andrew Benjamin’s recent book, Working with Walter Benjamin. I claim that in this book, Professor Benjamin has done a great deal to illuminate certain complicated aspects of Walter Benjamin’s philosophy. In particular, I focus on his distinction between theology and religion, his treatment of divine violence and the ways that it differs from any human actions, and the nature of what Professor Benjamin calls counter-measures, that is measures which not only challenge but actually unmake (...)
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    Can We Do Away with Sacrifice?James R. Martel - 2006 - Political Theory 34 (6):814-820.
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  31. Dieu cet inconnu.Jean Martel - 1972 - Lyon,: E. Vitte.
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  32. Ethical Issues in the Forensic Psychiatric Use of Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing.Daniel A. Martell - 2025 - In William Connor Darby & Robert Weinstock, Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
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    Essai sur le concept d'existence.Jean Martel - 1970 - Lyon,: E. Vitte.
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    Edith Stein’s Political Ontology.Timothy Martell - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2):201-217.
    What is a society? What is political power? John Searle claims that previous political philosophers not only neglected these fundamental questions but also lacked the means to effectively address them. Good answers, he thinks, depend on theories of speech acts, intentionality, and constitutive rules first developed by analytic philosophers. But Searle is mistaken. Early phenomenologists had already developed the requisite theories. Reinach’s philosophy of law includes a theory of speech acts. This theory is based on Husserl’s account of intentionality. Edith (...)
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  35. Gerard Genette, L'oeuvre de l'art.M. Martel - 1999 - Philosophiques 26:163-168.
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    Gabriela Mistral y la literatura rusa. Una aproximación a la influencia de Lev Tolstói, Máximo Gorki y Leonid Andreiev en su vida y obra.Alfredo Gorrochotegui Martell - 2017 - Escritos 25 (54):135-163.
    En este artículo se trata de explicar la influencia de algunos novelistas rusos en la vida y obra de Gabriela Mistral, ya que en su existencia artística son nombrados con cierta frecuencia, además de recomendarlos como lectura obligatoria, citándolos para referirse a ellos como ejemplo para la educación y el cambio social. En un primer momento, se describe y analiza la influencia de estos autores, a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX en Chile, a través de hitos significativos (...)
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    Hobbes's "Thinking-bodies".James R. Martel - 2010 - Theory and Event 13 (1).
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    How to Make Concrete Laws Out of Thin Air: Peter Fitzpatrick on the Myths and Groundings of Legality.James Martel - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (3):255-268.
    In this essay, I will describe the way that Peter Fitzpatrick takes a deep dive into law in its most abstract and mythopoetic form. I will argue that in doing so, Fitzpatrick reveals the way that an intangible and ethereal non thing can and does shape laws in all of their authority and violence. By looking at this strata of legal formation, Fitzpatrick demonstrates the way that law bridges the gap between its own non-being and its power in the world. (...)
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  39. How to undo truths with words : reading texts both sacred and profane in Hobbes and Benjamin.James R. Martel - 2021 - In Michael Bernard-Donals & Kyle Jensen, Responding to the sacred: an inquiry into the limits of rhetoric. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Idiomatic Images: Derrida and the Forgotten Japanese Film Irezumi.James Martell - 2017 - Oxford Literary Review 39 (2):210-227.
    In a footnote of Monolingualism of the Other Derrida describes the plot of a ‘Japanese film whose name [he does] not know,’ but which presents a familial history of incest, violence and tattoos, and which relates to the dream of his style, his ‘ductus,’ what he wants to make arrive to language. By analysing this film together with other instances of tattooing in Derrida's body of work, this essay will show how, if Derrida's dreamt style is a colourful tattoo, this (...)
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    In search of Atheism: Benjamin and Nietzsche on secularity and occult theologies.James Martel - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 2 (2):150-175.
    In this article, I argue that atheism is different from secularism. Secularism is based on a faux elimination of theology which effectively preserves that theology in the guise of overcoming it. To achieve atheism (a term that I draw from the work of Maria Aristodemou), I argue that one needs to directly confront the theological element in order to come to terms with it. In this essay I look at how two political theological thinkers, Nietzsche and Benjamin, accomplish this. Nie-tzsche (...)
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  42. Límite a una ingrnuidad: la filosofía.James Martell - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 35 (107):149-158.
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  43. L'anthropologie d'Althusser.Donald Martel - 1984 - Philosophica.(Ottawa) 27:1-205.
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    La formación de la mujer en Gabriela Mistral: un breve análisis en torno a tres textos publicados entre 1903 y 1923.Alfredo Gorrochotegui Martell - 2022 - Escritos 30 (65):164-182.
    En este trabajo, analizaremos algunos temas que evidencian la preocupación que Gabriela Mistral tenía por la formación de las mujeres de su tiempo; especialmente, en el hecho de que ellas no podían tener una educación más científica (al contrario de lo que sucedía con los hombres), en la formación de las mujeres obreras (quienes eran prácticamente ignoradas) y en el estímulo de la lectura femenina (como una oportunidad para elevar su cultura). En concreto, veremos las ideas relevantes de tres escritos (...)
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    La Psychologie de Gonzalve d'Espagne.Benoit Martel - 1968 - Paris,: Vrin.
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    L’interprétationnisme pluraliste et la nature de l’oeuvre littéraire.Marie Martel - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (1):101-123.
    Dans cet essai, nous voulons contribuer à poser les bases épistémologiques et ontologiques d’une approche composite de la théorie de l’interprétation que nous désignerons sous le nom d’« interprétationnisme pluraliste ». À l’encontre de l’intentionnalisme hypothétique, mais à l’instar de la théorie du patchwork dont il s’inspire, l’interprétationnisme pluraliste admet une variété de modes d’interprétations sans concéder de statut privilégié à aucun. Cette approche s’accorde avec la thèse de l’interprétation imputationnelle que l’on justifie sur la base d’une analyse de la (...)
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    Le suicide assisté: héraut des moralités changeantes.Joane Martel - 2002 - Ottawa, ON: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
    En 1994, Sue Rodriguez se suicide avec l’aide d’un médecin après une intense bataille judiciaire en Cour suprême du Canada dont l’objet était la décriminalisation du suicide assisté. À la suite de ce suicide, aucune accusation criminelle ne fut portée contre la ou les personnes ayant présumément aidé Sue Rodrigues à mettre fin à ses jours, et ce malgré le fait que le suicide assisté est un acte criminel au Canada. Cette non-intervention du droit pénal est examinée en fonction du (...)
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    Machiavelli's Public Conspiracies.James Martel - 2009 - Mediatropes 2 (1):60-83.
  49. Notas sobre la historia de las mujeres en la radio española.Elvira Marteles Marteles - 2006 - Arbor 182 (720):455-467.
    Se estudian los orígenes de la radiodifusión en España con la creación de Radio Ibérica que comienza a emitir en 1924 y cesa su actividad en 1927 con su adquisición por su rival Unión Radio, que tras la guerra civil y hasta nuestros días pasaría a denominarse Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión (SER). La participación de las mujeres en las tareas de la radio se describe cronológicamente, comenzando con la labor de la escritora y periodista Teresa de Escoriaza y siguiendo con (...)
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    Person and Community in Stein’s Critique of Heidegger’s Existential Philosophy.Timothy Martell - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 4 (1):121-131.
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