Results for 'Katarzyna Surma'

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  1. Collectivism on the horizon: A challenge to Pettit's critique of collectivism.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):165 – 181.
    (1998). Collectivism on the horizon: A challenge to Pettit's critique of collectivism. Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. 165-181.
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    Three-element nonfinitely axiomatizable matrices.Katarzyna Pałasińska - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (3):361 - 372.
    There are exactly two nonfinitely axiomatizable algebraic matrices with one binary connective o such thatx(yz) is a tautology of . This answers a question asked by W. Rautenberg in [2], P. Wojtylak in [8] and W. Dziobiak in [1]. Since every 2-element matrix can be finitely axiomatized ([3]), the matrices presented here are of the smallest possible size and in some sense are the simplest possible.
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    Twierdzenia o dedukcji niewprost.Stanisław J. Surma - 1967 - Studia Logica 20 (1):151-160.
  4.  13
    Inner-out: transgresje, inspiracje, interpretacje: Katarzyna Łyszkowska, 2005-2021.Katarzyna Łyszkowska - 2022 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
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    Ageing bodies and beauty in selected Polish women’s magazines.Katarzyna Kociołek - 2024 - Communications 49 (4):561-577.
    The aim of the article is to examine the representation of ageing in selected issues of the Polish women’s magazine Twój Styl. With reference to Wolf’s concept of the “beauty myth,” the article argues that ageing is presented as a threat to women’s psychological integrity. Although the theme of old age is rarely directly addressed in the magazines, its presence is implied in the advertised anti-age beauty products. Based on semiotic theory and Cognitive Metaphor Theory, the paper demonstrates that the (...)
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    Equivalential fragment of the infinite valued logic of Lukasiewicz and the intermediate logics.Stanis law Surma - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (4):170-174.
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    On reducts of intermediate logics.Stanis law Surma - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (4):176-178.
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    What is the equivalence connective.Stanis law Surma - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (4):184-187.
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  9. Społeczeństwo równych? Alexisa de Tocqueville\'a Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej'.Katarzyna Machowska - 2000 - Colloquia Communia 70 (3):47-64.
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    Artykuł O treści logicznej zawarte W czasopismach nadesłanych do redakcji.Stanisław Surma, Klemens Szaniawski, Jan Franciszek Drewnowski, Ewa Żarnecka-Biały, Jerzy Kmita, Jerzy Giedymin & Leon Koj - 1964 - Studia Logica 15 (1):311-343.
  11. A survey of various concepts of completeness of the deductive theories1.Stanblaw J. Surma - 1973 - In Stanisław J. Surma (ed.), Studies in the history of mathematical logic. Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich. pp. 279.
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  12. A survey of the results and methods of investigations of the eqltvalential proposmonal calculus1.Stanistaw J. Surma - 1973 - In Stanisław J. Surma (ed.), Studies in the history of mathematical logic. Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich. pp. 33.
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  13. Studies in the history of mathematical logic.Stanisław J. Surma (ed.) - 1973 - Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich.
  14. Towards an abstract theory of Lindenbaum operators. Abstract.S. J. Surma - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):119-120.
  15.  28
    The Logical Work of Mordchaj Wajsberg.Stanisław J. Surma - 1987 - In Jan T. J. Srzednicki (ed.), Initiatives in logic. Boston: M. Nijhoff. pp. 101--115.
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  16.  19
    Twierdzenia O dedukcji ważne W pewnych fragmentach systemów s2 lewisa I T feysa-Von wrighta.S. J. Surma - 1973 - Studia Logica 31 (1):137-137.
  17.  49
    Twierdzenia o dedukcji dla implikacji zstępujących.Stanisław J. Surma - 1968 - Studia Logica 22 (1):61-77.
  18.  40
    Algebraic semantics for the (↔,¬¬)‐fragment of IPC.Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (1-2):29-37.
    We show that the variety of equivalential algebras with regularization gives the algebraic semantics for the -fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic. We also prove that this fragment is hereditarily structurally complete.
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  19. False consciousness of intentional psychology.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (3):271-295.
    According to explanatory individualism, every action must be explained in terms of an agent's desire. According to explanatory nonindividualism, we sometimes act on our desires, but it is also possible for us to act on others' desires without acting on desires of our own. While explanatory nonindividualism has guided the thinking of many social scientists, it is considered to be incoherent by most philosophers of mind who insist that actions must be explained ultimately in terms of some desire of the (...)
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    Preface: From Pragmatics and Dialectics to Argument Studies.Katarzyna Budzynska, Frans H. Van Eemeren & Marcin Koszowy - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):7-22.
    Pragmatics and dialectics are two disciplines which have been amongst the first and most important partners for argument studies in the exploration of the complex realm of communication. Treating argumentation as a construct consisting of premises and conclusion allows for investigating some interesting properties of the phenomenon of reasoning, but does not capture a variety of aspects related to the usage of natural language and dialogical context in which real-life argumentation is typically embedded. This special issue explores some of the (...)
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  21. Default semantics, pragmatics, and intentions.Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt - 1999 - In Ken Turner (ed.), The semantics/pragmatics interface from different points of view. New York: Elsevier. pp. 199--232.
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  22.  42
    The Influence of Different Social Roles Activation on Women’s Financial and Consumer Choices.Katarzyna Sekścińska, Agata Trzcińska & Dominika A. Maison - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Photomontage: Between Fragmentation and Reconstruction of Experience.Katarzyna Weichert - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (1):7-22.
    In the twentieth century, due to the development of mechanical reproduction and press, photomontage became a popular means of communication – popular and diverse in its nature and methods of exploitation. It is one of the cultural phenomena related to the change of rhythm of life and a sense of its increased pace, and an impression of fragmentation of reality. This article questions the role of photomontage in such an experience. The said role is complex: sometimes photomontage allows for expression (...)
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  24.  24
    Cross-Lagged Relations Between Sexual Attitudes, Perception of Love and Sex, and Young Adults’ Relationship Status: A Two-Wave Study.Katarzyna Adamczyk - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Intercultural Exchanges in Fourth-Century Attic Decrees.Katarzyna Hagemajer Allen - 2003 - Classical Antiquity 22 (2):199-250.
    Focusing on the analysis of Athens' relations with both Greeks and non-Greeks as recorded in extant fourth-century decrees, this paper challenges the applicability of the notion of Greek/barbarian antithesis to the interpretation of formal diplomatic exchanges between Athens and the non-Greek states. A comparison of the types of decrees and honors reveals a remarkable uniformity in the forms of Athens' foreign relations irrespective of the ethnicity of honorands. The distribution of honors among individuals and groups of recipients within single decrees (...)
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    Turyści halal w Zakopanem w opinii pracowników HoReCa.Katarzyna Ceklarz - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):395-420.
    W sezonie wakacyjnym 2023 roku Zakopane odnotowało znaczący wzrost udziału turystów z krajów arabskich w sektorze HoReCa. Wzmożony ruch turystyczny halal wywołał konsternację branży turystycznej, zmuszając do refleksji nad kierunkiem dalszego rozwoju tego sektora. Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie, w jaki sposób pracownicy HoReCa w centrum Zakopanego (na Krupówkach) postrzegają kontakty i współpracę z muzułmańskimi turystami. Celem jest także odpowiedź na pytania o zmiany, jakim pod wpływem turystyki halal podlega oferta turystyczna tego miasta. Tekst został oparty na materiale pozyskanym w (...)
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    Pojęcie wyrażenia sensownego zawierającego terminy określone definicjami warunkowymi.Katarzyna Hałkowska - 1969 - Studia Logica 25 (1):159 - 167.
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  28. Interpretacja mechaniki kwantowej Everetta w świetle realizmu modalnego Lewisa i semantyki Kripkego.Katarzyna Kuś & Marek Kuś - 2008 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 66.
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  29. Frederick C. Doepke, The Kinds of Things: A Theory of Personal Identity Based on Transcendental Argument Reviewed by.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (4):248-250.
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    On a Neg‐Raising Fallacy in Determining Enthymematicity: If She Did not Believe or Want ….Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2014 - Metaphilosophy 45 (1):96-119.
    Many arguments that show p to be enthymematic (in an argument for q) rely on claims like “if one did not believe that p, one would not have a reason for believing that q.” Such arguments are susceptible to the neg-raising fallacy. We tend to interpret claims like “X does not believe that p” as statements of disbelief (X's belief that not-p) rather than as statements of withholding the belief that p. This article argues that there is a tendency to (...)
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    On Lowe's Argument for His Conception of Intentional and Physical Causation.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (1):91 - +.
  32. Gramatyka narracyjna Claude'a Bremonda a "Morfologia bajki" Władimira Proppa.Katarzyna Rosner - 1980 - Studia Semiotyczne 10:95-110.
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  33. A generalisation of the Tarski-herbrand deduction theorem.S. J. Surma - 1991 - Logique Et Analyse 135 (133-140):319-331.
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    A note on indirect deduction theorems valid in łukasiewicz's finitely-valued propositional calculi.S. J. Surma - 1973 - Studia Logica 31 (1):142-142.
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    Cztery studia z metamatematyki.Stanisław J. Surma - 1968 - Studia Logica 23 (1):79-102.
  36.  17
    From closure-operatic deductive methodology to non-standard alternatives.Stanisław J. Surma - 1998 - In Katarzyna Kijania-Placek & Jan Woleński (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy. Dordrecht and Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 365--377.
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    Nota w sprawie twierdzeń o dedukcji nie wprost ważnych w skończenie wielowartościowych rachunkach zdań Ŀukasiewicza.Stanisŀaw J. Surma - 1973 - Studia Logica 31 (1):139-141.
  38. On closure operators one-to-one associated with fixed object languages. Abstract.S. J. Surma - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):358.
  39. The concept of the Lindenbaum algebra: its genesis.Stan1slaw J. Surma - 1973 - In Stanisław J. Surma (ed.), Studies in the history of mathematical logic. Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich. pp. 239--253.
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    Discourse, beliefs, and intentions: semantic defaults and propositional attitude ascription.Katarzyna Jaszczolt - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    This book is about beliefs, language, communication and cognition. It deals with the fundamental issue of the interpretation of the speaker's utterance expressing a belief and reporting on beliefs of other people in the form of oratio obliqua. The main aim of the book is to present a new account of the problem of interpreting utterances expressing beliefs and belief reports in terms of an approach called Default Semantics.
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    George Santayana's Political Hermeneutics.Katarzyna Kremplewska - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    The first comprehensive study of Santayana’s political thought as connected to his cultural criticism. It ranges over topics such as Santayana’s political ontology, his criticism of democracy, liberalism, and communism, his views on freedom and forms of human servitude.
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    Platon Cycerona.Katarzyna Borkowska - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Can recycling compensate for speeding on highways? Similarity and difficulty of behaviors as key characteristics of green compensatory beliefs.Katarzyna Kaminska & Katarzyna Byrka - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):477-487.
    People believe that the effects of unecological behaviors may be compensated for by engaging in alternative conservation activities. The problem is, however, that those who hold such beliefs are less likely to engage in real behaviors. Understanding the structure of compensatory beliefs could potentially minimize this negative effect. In a pair of studies we explored two aspects that appear key for compensatory beliefs 1) the similarity and 2) the relative difficulty of behaviors. We found that people spontaneously proposed compensatory behaviors (...)
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    Free equivalential algebras.Katarzyna Słomczyńska - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 155 (2):86-96.
    We effectively construct the finitely generated free equivalential algebras corresponding to the equivalential fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic.
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  45. Social Anatomy of Action: Toward a Responsibility-Based Conception of Agency.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    The dissertation develops a conception of action based on the concept of practical task-responsibility rather than on the concept of intention. It answers two problems. First, it grounds the distinction between an action and a mere happening, thus meeting Wittgenstein's challenge to explain what is the difference between an agent's raising her arm and her arm rising? Second, it grounds the distinction between acting for a reason and acting while merely having a reason, thus meeting Davidson's challenge to give an (...)
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    No matrix term-equivalent to wroński's 3-element matrix is finitely based.Katarzyna Pałasińska - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (3):413 - 423.
    Motivated by a question of W. Rautenberg, we prove that any matrix that is term-equivalent to the well-known nonfinitely based matrix of A. Wroski is itself also nonfinitely based.
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    Czy prawda jest wieczna? O kilku aporiach ontologii G. Santayany.Katarzyna Kremplewska - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Explanation versus Understanding: On Two Roles of Dynamical Systems Theory in Extended Cognition Research.Katarzyna Kuś & Krzysztof Wójtowicz - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-26.
    It is widely believed that mathematics carries a substantial part of the explanatory burden in science. However, mathematics can also play important heuristic roles of a different kind, being a source of new ideas and approaches, allowing us to build toy models, enhancing expressive power and providing fruitful conceptualizations. In this paper, we focus on the application of dynamical systems theory (DST) within the extended cognition (EC) field of cognitive science, considering this case study to be a good illustration of (...)
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    Finite basis theorem for Filter-distributive protoalgebraic deductive systems and strict universal horn classes.Katarzyna Pałasińska - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (1-2):233 - 273.
    We show that a finitely generated protoalgebraic strict universal Horn class that is filter-distributive is finitely based. Equivalently, every protoalgebraic and filter-distributive multidimensional deductive system determined by a finite set of finite matrices can be presented by finitely many axioms and rules.
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    Społeczny wymiar natury ludzkiej – konsekwencje i wyzwania.Katarzyna Haremska - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 24:155-170.
    Jesteśmy istotami społecznymi. Fakty ukazują niesamodzielność jednostki, jej potrzebę usytuowania i znalezienia sensu w ramach większej całości. Akceptacji powyższej diagnozy powinna towarzyszyć świadomość zagrożeń wypływających ze społecznego wymiaru natury ludzkiej. Pragnienia uzależniają od obiektów pożądania, potrzeba społeczna uzależnia od społeczeństwa. Z lęku przed wykluczeniem godzimy się odgrywać role sprzeczne z naszym sumieniem. Z drugiej strony, w każdym człowieku istnieje potencjał do zachowań autonomicznych, indywidualnych, nieposłusznych. Rzadko wykorzystywany, niemniej obecny, stanowi uniwersalne zaplecze naszych możliwości sprawczych i obowiązków etycznych. Poziom indywidualnej podmiotowości (...)
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