  1.  9
    Der halbierte Tod: Thanatologische Reflexionen zur Suizidproblematik.Knut Berner - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 54 (3):206-212.
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    Dwellings of Evil.Knut Berner - 2012 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):127-141.
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    Glanz und Elend der Intimität: Theologisch-ethische Überlegungen zu menschlichen Naherwartungen.Knut Berner - 2005 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 49 (1):266-277.
    Fora human being, intimacy is relevant for bis self-conception, bis relationships with others, with material objects and with god. Intimacy proves its glamour and its susceptibility to trouble in these four perceptional areas. The essay covers positive and negative aspects of some changes in perceptions of intimacy that result from social change and the introduction of new technologies. Theological ethics serves to limit and protect intimacy. At the same time, theological ethics has to emphasise and to substantiate the meaning of (...)
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    Local anaesthesia, the increase of the evil through emotional impoverishment.Knut Berner - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):161-169.
    Evil should be characterised as a specific constellation, which results from destructive connections between individual activities and systemic influences. The article shows some important aspects of the structure of evil and prefers the terms of wickedness and obscene coincidences to describe its own character. Therefore, also the division between rationality and affectivity appears as inadequate, because evil has on the one side an intrinsic attractiveness for individuals and is on the other side in modern societies more and more a product (...)
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    Leerstelle Schönheit.Knut Berner - 2014 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 56 (3).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 56 Heft: 3 Seiten: 306-330.
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    Nächstenschaft und Sozialchoreographien: Die >Evidenz des Ethischen< am Ort sozialer Wirklichkeiten.Knut Berner - 1999 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 43 (1):187-200.
    The changing of social realities requires a new discussion about the important theological and philosophical thesis, that the command of charity further is self-evident in modern societies. The article describes some problems of this point of view and prefers an ethical theory, which espacially recognizes the artificial character of social choreographics and intends to show their implikations for a theory of cognition, a concept of anthropology and responsible personal acting.
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    Ohne Ansehen der Person: Gottes Unsichtbarkeit und die Transformation einer Ethik der Augesichtigkeit.Knut Berner - 2002 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 46 (1):169-180.
    This article describes the intrinsic ambivalence of the face-to-face communication and gives examples to support its thesis, that there is no reason for preferring a concept of human understanding, which ignores the medial influences for personal communication in modern societies. The remembrance ofGod's invisibility also gives- especially for theological ethics - some further aspects to transform the traditional opinion, that only the visibility and authentic presentation of persans can be a good foundation formoral acting.
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  8.  12
    Theorie des Bösen: zur Hermeneutik destruktiver Verknüpfungen.Knut Berner - 2004 - Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener.
    Nach Auschwitz -- Vom Sich-Zeigen und Sich-Entziehen des Bösen -- Indikatoren der Wirksamkeit des Bösen und Fokussierung des Gemeinen -- Zur Epigenese des Bösen -- Zum Aufbau der Untersuchung -- Provokationen: Epigenese, Banalität und Attraktivität des Bösen -- Systematisierungen: Zur Erkenntnis und Hermeneutik des Bösen -- Typologien: Theologisches Denken des Bösen -- Schlussbetrachtung: Dialektik und Epigenese des Bösen.
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    Todesdeutungen im Konflikt. Dogmatische und ethische Überlegungen zum Umgang mit dem Lebensende.Knut Berner - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (3):306-322.
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