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  1.  57
    Pojęcie piękna w „Process And Reality" i „Adventures of Ideas" Alfreda Northa Whiteheada [The Notion of Beauty in the „Process And Reality" and „Adventures of Ideas" of Alfred North Whitehead].Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):291-292.
    Alfred North Whitehead is a prominent contemporary philosopher and scientist. He was an active participant of the scientific revolution in the two very first decades of this century. In a concise book dedicated to his philosophy the Author considers the concept of beauty elaborated by Whitehead, especially in his two principal works: Process and Reality and Adventures of Ideas.
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  2.  34
    Stanislaw Kowalczyk. Idea sprawiedliwosci spolecznej a mysl chrzescijanska [The Idea of Social Justice and the Christian Thought].Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1):263-266.
    The idea of social justice belongs to a narrow group of philosophical concepts which have been frequently and eagerly discussed by moderns. Many different authors, not only philosophers, have recognized this idea as being crucial to any social approach - others have applied it with considerable enthusiasm to their own discourses on the social order. To mention Karl Marks and Frederic Engels is enough. Unfortunately, professional philosophical works dedicated to the idea of social justice have been scarce. It is so (...)
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  3.  23
    Stanisław Kowalczyk. U podstaw demokracji. Zagadnienia aksjologiczne [At the Base of Democracy: Questions in Axiology].Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 7 (1):262-264.
    Democracy was never praised in unanimity. Nor was it praised by everybody. Its greatest supporters were usually its greatest critics. Alexis de Tocqueville, the author of famous Democracy in America, used to call political parties an „evil inherent in free governments". Being so impressed by the enthusiasm of Americans for joining associations, probably he would never expect that some generations later Jonathan Rauch will call the same genuine American spirit „demosclerotical" and „hyperpluralistic". Stanislaw Kowalczyk writes about democracy from a far (...)
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  4.  21
    Polska filozofia wobec encykliki „Fides et ratio", Toruń 19-21.04.1999. Materiały Konferencji [Polish Philosophy Faces the Encyclical „Fides et ratio". Toruń, April 19th-21st, 1999. The Proceedings from the Conference Held at the University of Toruń]. [REVIEW]Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):247-249.
    The encyclical Fides et ratio: On the Relationship Between Faith and Reason, written by Pope John Paul II in the summer of 1998 and published in the Vatican City 14th September of the same year, received considerable amount of commentaries in Poland. Several different volumes have already appeared: there are proceedings of some scientific meetings, some collected works, and a special, philosophical edition of the monthly review „Znak".
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