Leo Luks [8]Leonid Luks [5]
  1.  44
    Art as the Silence of the World. An Attempt at a Phenomenological Interpretation.Leo Luks - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (4):275-286.
    This paper provides an analysis of the paradoxical definition of art as the silence of the world, as presented in Maurice Blanchot’s The Space of Literature. The definition is analysed phenomenologically, by treating the world as the universal horizon of all experiences. The paper presents two possible interpretations of Blanchot’s statement. First, a possibility is considered that, according to Blanchot, in genuine artistic experience the mundane everyday life falls silent, and an autonomous fictional world opens up. The paper argues that (...)
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    Der “dritte Weg” der “neo-eurasischen” Zeitschrift “Elementy” -- zurück ins Dritte Reich?Leonid Luks - 2000 - Studies in East European Thought 52 (1):49-71.
    Articulated in the twenties, the doctrines of the exiled Russian ‘Evrazijstvo’ movement are undergoing a renaissance in Russia today. As the ‘Evrazijstvo movement counted among the most original ideological currents of the Russian diaspora, association with its doctrines could well add to the reputation of a given group or groups. This is the case with the journal Elementy which considers itself as the inheritor of ‘classical’ ‘Evrazijstvo’. Is this claim justified? The article is addressed to this question.
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    Eimiski-kunst. Nihilistlikust loomest eesti luule näitel.Leo Luks - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 2 (1):85-111.
    Artiklis käsitletakse nihilistliku kirjandusloome võimalusi eesti luule näitel. Nihilismi ei mõisteta artiklis väärtusprobleemina, vaid ontoloogilise probleemina. Nihilistlikku kirjandusloomet käsitletakse taotlusena tuua sõnasse teine, eimiski. Artikli teoreetiline raamistik toetub põhiliselt Gianni Vattimo languse ontoloogia kontseptsioonile, aga ka Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heideggeri ja Maurice Blanchot' töödele. Samuti analüüsitakse artikli teoreetilises osas eimiski väljendamise võimalusi eesti keeles, tuginedes Uku Masingu ning Jaan Kaplinski mõttekäikudele. Luuletajatest käsitletakse artiklis enim Jaan Oksa ja Juhan Liivi. Analüüsi käigus tuuakse esile järgmised eimiskiga seotud poeetilised figuurid: ootus ja (...)
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    Forum Für Osteuropäische Ideen- Und Zeitgeschichte: Die Nicht Gehörten Propheten des 20. Jahrhunderts.Leonid Luks, Gunter Dehnert, John Andreas Fuchs, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Alexei Rybakow & Andreas Umland (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Since 1997, FORUM has been an integral part of the landscape of European studies. In addition to contemporary history, it offers insights into the history of ideas and reviews books on Central and Eastern European history. It offers more than just history--for instance, interdisciplinary discussions by political scientists, literary, legal, and economic scholars, and philosophers. FORUM sees itself as a bridge between East and West. Through the translation and publication of texts and contributions from Russian, Polish, and Czech researchers, it (...)
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    Šiuolaikinės post-subjektyvistinės filosofijos ir animistinių religijų šeiminiai panašumai.Leo Luks & Argo Moor - 2016 - Problemos 89:48.
  6.  57
    Vladimir Pečerin und die Russische Sehnsucht nach dem Abendlande.Leonid Luks - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (1):21-36.
  7.  14
    Tinklai ir hierarchijos: du mąstymo būdai.Argo Moor & Leo Luks - 2015 - Problemos 88:114.
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  8. Forum Für Osteuropäische Ideen- Und Zeitgeschichte. 18. Jahrgang, Heft 2: Simon Frank Als Philosophischer Vermittler Zwischen Ost Und West.Leonid Luks (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Since 1997, FORUM is an integral part of the journal landscape of European Studies. In addition to facts of contemporary history, it offers deep insights into the history of ideas, reflects current discussions, and provides reviews of books on Central and Eastern European history. Especially on the history of ideas and contemporary history it offers more than ›just‹ history--e.g. interdisciplinary discussions by political scientists, literary, legal, and economic scholars and philosophers. FORUM sees itself as a bridge between East and West. (...)
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