Results for 'Laura Noemí Chavarría de Cocar'

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  1.  30
    uso de las TIC en Salud Sexual Reproductiva para el aprendizaje.Laura Noemí Chavarría de Cocar - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-11.
    Las TIC son herramientas para la información y el conocimiento que los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes utilizan para adquirir aprendizajes que permitan orientar y mejorar su calidad de vida. Con el objetivo de mejorar el grado de conocimiento, se desarrolla la metodología en tres fases: la primera fase, revisión bibliográfica; segunda fase, construcción del cuestionario (pretest) y la tercera fase, elaboración de la guía educativa: “Hablemos sobre sexualidad”; posteriormente, se aplicó un postest. Los datos obtenidos se comparan por la Prueba (...)
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    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy.Ladislao Salmerón, Barbara Arfé, Vicenta Avila, Raquel Cerdán, Raquel De Sixte, Pablo Delgado, Inmaculada Fajardo, Antonio Ferrer, María García, Laura Gil, Nadina Gómez-Merino, Álvaro Jáñez, Gemma Lluch, Amelia Mañá, Lucia Mason, Federica Natalizi, Marina Pi-Ruano, Luis Ramos, Marta Ramos, Javier Roca, Eva Rosa, Javier Rosales, Alba Rubio, Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, Noemi Skrobiszewska, Cristina Vargas, Marta Vergara-Martínez & Manuel Perea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Boosting effect of regular sport practice in young adults: Preliminary results on cognitive and emotional abilities.Noemi Passarello, Ludovica Varini, Marianna Liparoti, Emahnuel Troisi Lopez, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Fabio Alivernini, Onofrio Gigliotta, Fabio Lucidi & Laura Mandolesi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Several studies have shown that physical exercise improves behavior and cognitive functioning, reducing the risk of various neurological diseases, protecting the brain from the detrimental effects of aging, facilitating body recovery after injuries, and enhancing self-efficacy and self-esteem. Emotion processing and regulation abilities are also widely acknowledged to be key to success in sports. In this study, we aim to prove that regular participation in sports enhances cognitive and emotional functioning in healthy individuals. A sample of 60 students, divided into (...)
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    Editorial: Psychological Distress, Burnout, Quality of Life, and Wellness Among Healthcare Workers.Laura Galiana, Krystyna Kowalczuk & Noemí Sansó - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    The Acrobatics of Dying: A Psychodynamic Framework for Palliative Care.Rugnone Laura, Traina Maria Luisa, Lenzo Vittorio, Venturella Noemi, Ruvolo Giuseppe & Falgares Giorgio - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):353-363.
    This article aims at summing up the reflections of a small group of psychologists who work in the domain of palliative treatment. The theory and methodology supporting it are borrowed by a group analysis approach; the group's purpose is a research based on the workers' experience elaboration, which aims at finding out both the specificities of the work apparatus with the people accompanied to the conclusion of their lives, and the main thematic areas of the relationship between healthcare team, patients, (...)
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    Meu Corpo, Meu Território.Marta Judith Zapata Chavarría - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):119-130.
    Num espaço acadêmico dominado por formalismos textuales, a arte constitui se numa revolução, assim a presente expressão artística se ergue como uma forma de diálogo entre o que pode ser entendido como fazer ciência e o lugar que as artes cênicas e performáticas podem gerar quando são colocadas em jogo no corpo de uma mulher que faz perguntas incômodas, que faz uso de um discurso que poderia parecer ininteligível e que qual borboleta, faz uma metamorfose que até chega a gerar (...)
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    Fina BIRULÉS, Una herencia sin testamento : Hannah Arendt. 2010.Adrià Chavarria - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:116.
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    Una aproximación a la dimensión etho-estética en Marcuse. Entre el furor y la serenidad.Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:171-193.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an approach to the etho-aesthetic dimension in Marcuse’s thought. The approach in this paper is built upon the following thesis: the etho-aesthetic dimension consists of the transformation of subjectivity based on artistic sensitivity and critical rationality from which social relations opposed to an advanced industrial society and its one-dimensional man are reconstructed materially and intellectually. The conclusion is the following: a Marcusian critical theory, inherited from Marx and Schiller, would be one capable (...)
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    The Personal Wellbeing Index in Spanish Palliative Care Professionals: A Cross-Sectional Study of Wellbeing.Sergio Pérez-Belmonte, Laura Galiana, Irene Fernández, Gabriel Vidal-Blanco & Noemí Sansó - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Health professionals are especially exposed to stress, with consequences on professionals’ health and wellbeing. However, palliative care professionals’ wellbeing has been the subject of very little research. The aim of this work is to study the Personal Wellbeing Index in a sample of Spanish palliative care professionals, as well as to study their levels of wellbeing and the relationships of wellbeing with variables such as gender, age, marital status, profession, and professional quality of life. A cross-sectional survey of Spanish palliative (...)
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    Sobre el concepto mismo de Izquierda Política: algunos criterios definitorios.José Esaú Chavarría Ortíz - 2019 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 9 (18):-8.
    El trabajo pretende indagar en la historia y desarrollo, actual, de las principales ideas que han sustentado a la izquierda en el contexto global y su repercusión en la vida política de México desde su aparición. Todo ello, para tratar de identificar los elementos que la han conformado. Dichos elementos servirán de apoyo para clarificar nuestra cuestión principal: ¿mantiene la izquierda política, en la actualidad, una identidad ideológica genuina y completamente de izquierda? Ante esta cuestión se responde, con antelación, que (...)
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    Integrative Clinical Ethics Support in Gender Affirmative Care: Lessons Learned.Laura Hartman, Guy Widdershoven, Annelou de Vries, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger, Martin den Heijer, Thomas Steensma & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):241-260.
    Clinical ethics support for health care professionals and patients is increasingly seen as part of good health care. However, there is a key drawback to the way CES services are currently offered. They are often performed as isolated and one-off services whose ownership and impact are unclear. This paper describes the development of an integrative approach to CES at the Center of Expertise and Care for Gender Dysphoria at Amsterdam University Medical Center. We specifically aimed to integrate CES into daily (...)
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    RePAIR consensus guidelines: Responsibilities of Publishers, Agencies, Institutions, and Researchers in protecting the integrity of the research record.Alice Young, B. R. Woods, Tamara Welschot, Dan Wainstock, Kaoru Sakabe, Kenneth D. Pimple, Charon A. Pierson, Kelly Perry, Jennifer K. Nyborg, Barb Houser, Anna Keith, Ferric Fang, Arthur M. Buchberg, Lyndon Branfield, Monica Bradford, Catherine Bens, Jeffrey Beall, Laura Bandura-Morgan, Noémie Aubert Bonn & Carolyn J. Broccardo - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    The progression of research and scholarly inquiry does not occur in isolation and is wholly dependent on accurate reporting of methods and results, and successful replication of prior work. Without mechanisms to correct the literature, much time and money is wasted on research based on a crumbling foundation. These guidelines serve to outline the respective responsibilities of researchers, institutions, agencies, and publishers or editors in maintaining the integrity of the research record. Delineating these complementary roles and proposing solutions for common (...)
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  14.  28
    Virtual Reality as a New Approach for Risk Taking Assessment.Carla de-Juan-Ripoll, José L. Soler-Domínguez, Jaime Guixeres, Manuel Contero, Noemi Álvarez Gutiérrez & Mariano Alcañiz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422663.
    Understanding how people behave when facing hazardous situations, how intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence the risk taking (RT) decision making process and to what extent it is possible to modify their reactions externally, are questions that have long interested academics and society in general. In the spheres of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), the military, finance and sociology, this topic has multidisciplinary implications because we all constantly face risk taking situations. Researchers have hitherto assessed risk taking profiles by conducting questionnaires (...)
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    Acceptability of the Transitional Wearable Companion “+me” in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparative Pilot Study.Valerio Sperati, Beste Özcan, Laura Romano, Tania Moretta, Simone Scaffaro, Noemi Faedda, Giada Turturo, Francesca Fioriello, Simone Pelosi, Federica Giovannone, Carla Sogos, Vincenzo Guidetti & Gianluca Baldassarre - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Pós-modernidade, complexidade e suas nuances na ciência da informação.Antonio Gouveia de Sousa, Tâmela Costa, Noemi Andreza da Penha, Michel Batista da Silva, Jetur Lima de Castro & Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (2):65-81.
    Os registros históricos humanos sofreram transformações à medida em que evoluíam as tecnologias. Quanto maior a evolução tecnológica, mais informações puderam ser disseminadas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é discutir as possíveis similaridades entre a Ciência da Informação e as nuances pós-modernas. Como procedimentos metodológicos apresenta uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e exploratória baseada em uma revisão bibliográfica. O estudo possibilitou a confirmação dos elementos relacionais para uma compreensão dialógica entre a pós-modernidade, a complexidade e a Ciência da Informação. O pensamento (...)
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  17. Subliminal Emotional Words Impact Syntactic Processing: Evidence from Performance and Event-Related Brain Potentials.Laura Jiménez-Ortega, Javier Espuny, Pilar Herreros de Tejada, Carolina Vargas-Rivero & Manuel Martín-Loeches - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    The Challenge of Generating Sustainable Value: Narratives About Sustainability in the Italian Tourism Sector.Laura Galuppo, Paolo Anselmi & Ilaria De Paoli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Tourism is capable of distributing wealth and participating substantially in the economic development of many countries. However, to ensure these benefits, the planning, management, and monitoring of a sustainable offer become crucial. Despite the increasingly widespread attention to sustainability in this sector, however, the concept of sustainable tourism still appears fragmented and fuzzy. The theoretical frameworks used in many studies often reduce sustainability to its environmental or social aspects and consider such pillars as separate issues. Furthermore, although most studies acknowledge (...)
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  19. Anclajes.Noemi de Haro García & María G. Navarro - 2013 - In Noemi de Haro García & María G. Navarro, Anclajes. Gas Natural Fenosa.
    Pulcro, sobrio, comedido, preciso, cotidiano, manual, podrían ser calificativos (demasiado fácilmente) aplicables al trabajo de Amaya Bombín. Como si se tratara de la labor de una cirujana, de una bordadora, de una artesana, de un ama de casa. Si afirmáramos esto no solamente estaríamos recurriendo a tópicos sobradamente manidos cuando se trata de hablar de la obra de mujeres artistas, sino que además estaríamos desviando nuestra atención de lo que se nos ha dado a experimentar para reflexionar. [...].
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  20. Anatomías inefables.Noemi de Haro García & María G. Navarro - 2013 - In Noemi de Haro García & María G. Navarro, Anclajes. Gas Natural Fenosa. pp. 22-27.
    Ante estas obras de Victoria Diehl es fácil pensar en conocidos modelos anatómicos en cera o en la iconografía de Venus y Evas de las que un vistazo rápido a cualquier libro de historia del arte nos mostraría múltiples variantes. Algo de todo ello hay aquí. Pero también hay algo que hace que los espectadores se detengan a pensar. Algo más allá de lo reconocible que hace que las lenguas del pasado se muevan a un ritmo actual. Hermes, al trasladar (...)
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  21. Notice of 'Interpretar y Argumentar' by María G. Navarro.Noemi de Haro - 2012 - Revista Areté (1):217-219.
    ¿Qué es razonar?, ¿qué es interpretar?, ¿cómo podemos estar seguros de que determinadas interpretaciones, en ciertos contextos políticos, sociales, culturales, etc., son más razonables que otras? Estas preguntas se encuentran en el origen de dos tradiciones de pensamiento: la hermenéutica y la analítica.
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  22. Spreading the Plague: Vulnerability, Solidarity and Autonomy in the Time of Pandemic.Noemi Magnani - 2020 - Revista de Filosofie Aplicata 3 (Supplementary Issue):69 - 81.
    In a series of reflections published in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, Giorgio Agamben expresses a number of concerns related to the way the pandemic has altered the very fabric of our societies, potentially changing it forever. While maintaining a certain scepticism towards the threat represented by the virus itself, Agamben claims that the response to the contagion shows how easy it is for authorities to limit individual freedoms in the name of public health, and how readily they are (...)
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    The Impact of Language Opacity and Proficiency on Reading Strategies in Bilinguals: An Eye Movement Study.Diego de León Rodríguez, Karin A. Buetler, Noëmi Eggenberger, Marina Laganaro, Thomas Nyffeler, Jean-Marie Annoni & René M. Müri - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    El ojo y la navaja. Sujeto y creación contemporánea.Noemí de Haro García & Idoia Murga Castro - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo, Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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  25. Conjectural paradigm and Empathy as Embodied Mechanism.Noemi De Haro García & María G. Navarro - 2012 - Purlieu. A Philosophical Journal 1 (4):83-96.
    In this paper art history and visual studies, the disciplines that study visual culture, are presented as a field whose conjectural paradigm can be used to understand the epistemic problems associated with abduction. In order to do so, significant statements, concepts and arguments from the work of several specialists in this field have been highlighted. Their analysis shows the fruitfulness and potential for understanding the study of visual culture as a field that is interwoven with the assumptions of abductive cognition.
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    Financial Model for Universal Minimum Benefit for Spain.Noemi Pena Miguel, J. Inaki De la Peña Esteban & Ana Fernandez-Sainz - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (1).
    The paper proposes a financial model suitable for ensuring the economic, financial and social sustainability of this basic protection. We have calculated the estimated cost for the Spanish population in 2010 and have estimated the cost for the following 12 years (three legislatures) under a range of demographic and economic assumptions. The results are then analysed to draw conclusions about the viability and sustainability of this basic social protection floor. A remarkable finding is that it is feasible to obtain greater (...)
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    Profesorado y realidad aumentada.Noemy García Sánchez & Juan Pablo Orejudo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-10.
    Ahora que la digitalización está ampliamente extendida en las aulas y la educación se enfrenta a un cambio de paradigma, la Realidad Aumentada aparece como la herramienta ideal para el desarrollo de una educación híbrida. Esta tecnología, a caballo entre el mundo real y el virtual, facilita experiencias en entornos de aprendizaje altamente significativosPara reflejar el estado de la realidad aumentada en el ámbito educativo y conocer las principales limitaciones de los docentes para usarla, se analizó la relación de los (...)
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    O Currículo e a Nova Racionalidade da Sociedade Do Conhecimento.Laura Cristina Vieira Pizzi & Roseane Maria de Amorim - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:107-130.
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    La non-rééligibilité en France et aux États-Unis.Noémie Marrel Févrat - 2022 - Temporalités 36.
    Cet article interroge la dimension temporelle de l’activité de représentation politique. En s’intéressant aux projets de limitation de la réélection des parlementaires en France et aux _term limits_ états-uniens, il met en évidence les conflits et intérêts qui s’articulent autour de la codification temporelle des mandats. L’idée de limiter le nombre de mandats parlementaires successifs autorisés n’emporte pas l’unanimité : les débats mêlent à la fois des anticipations des effets de la règle sur les pratiques politiques et des croyances à (...)
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    festival Publicatessen: herramienta para la integración de competencias académicas y profesionales.Noemí Martín García, Alberto Martín García & María Ángeles Núñez Cansado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-14.
    El Festival Publicatessen se desarrolla desde hace catorce ediciones en el campus María Zambrano de la Universidad de Valladolid. Está organizado por el alumnado de cuarto curso del grado en Publicidad y RR.PP., con la coordinación directa del profesorado. El objetivo de esta publicación es conocer la valoración de aquellos exestudiantes que han participado, y conocer qué competencias han desarrollado de cara a su vida profesional. Los resultados muestran que es una acción muy positiva para ellos y la reconocen como (...)
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  31. Corps à corps avec le conte dans le roman Solibo Magnifique de Patrick Chamoiseau.Noémie Auzas - 2005 - Iris 29:167-178.
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  32. Ulises criollo : una aportación a la historia de la filosofía en México.Noemí Rubio Bobadilla - 2017 - In Hugo Ibarra Ortiz, Ricardo Martínez Romo & Idalia Basurto Ortega, Reflexiones en torno a la filosofía en México: siglos XIX y XX. Zacatecas, Zac.: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas," Departamento Editorial UAZ.
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    Art industriel et art décoratif : faveurs et déshonneurs de la fonte ornementale au XIXe siècle.Noémie Boeglin - 2019 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 1:9.
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    Influencias de Weininger en la concepción wittgensteiniana del judaísmo.Noemí Calabuig Cañestro - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (2):287-311.
    The aim of this work is to contribute to elucidate Wittgenstein’s conception of Judaism. It is generally acknowledged that Otto Weininger’s work influenced the thought of Wittgenstein, but there is no agreement on the content of that influence. Here we argue that it is perceptible not only in the wittgensteinian conception of ethics, geniality, talent, etc., but also in his characterization of Judaism and the way the philosopher uses this idea.
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  35. " Wittgenstein: arte y filosofía", de Julián Marrades (comp.).Noemí Calabuig Cañestro - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):191-195.
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    Hacia la enseñanza de Los estudios artísticos en chile: Manuel de Salas Y la academia de San Luis.Noemí Cinelli - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 42:297-310.
    El artículo recorre la obra de Rodolfo Kusch posicionando sus principales propuestas en la construcción de tres enfoques convergentes en su filosofía. El primer enfoque está relacionado con la fenomenología y la cultura. El segundo enfoque se refiere a la influencia de la antropología y el cuestionamiento por el símbolo. El tercer enfoque despliega una aproximación filosófico-política. Estos enfoques permiten introducir tres “horizontes de pregunta” principalmente relacionados con el método, con lo popular y con lo indígena, que son expuestos como (...)
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    Ventajas del método de palabras generatrices de Paulo Freire.Noemí García Díaz & María Luisa García Rodríguez - 2021 - Voces de la Educación 6 (11):34-59.
    Con una indagación cualitativa se intenta averiguar si el método de palabras generatrices de Paulo Freire presenta ventajas para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua escrita castellana en la edad infantil. Se extraen los datos de la experiencia práctica acumulada por profesorado que lo ha aplicado en el segundo ciclo. Cinco maestras aportan informes escritos individuales y dos equipos docentes se constituyen en grupos de discusión. Tras la categorización y análisis de los datos, se concluye que el método tiene muchas ventajas. (...)
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    Un dictionnaire de concepts transnationaux : Le projet « Iberconceptos ».Noemi Goldman - 2007 - Hermes 49:77.
    Cet article présente le projet de recherche international « Le monde atlantique comme laboratoire conceptuel . Fondations pour un Dictionnaire historique de la langue politique et sociale dans l'espace ibéro-américain» , qui réunit plus de 60 chercheurs en Europe et en Amérique latine. Son objectif est d'effectuer une étude comparée des concepts politiques de base tels que América/ americanos, constitución, etc. Il analyse les modes de conceptualisation et de traduction/adaptation des vocables d'une même langue d'un pays à l'autre, et les (...)
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    Julie De Ganck, Le Sexe, une invention moderne? Histoire des réactions face aux anomalies sexuelles et à l’hermaphrodisme e.Noémie Marignier - 2018 - Clio 48.
    L’ouvrage de Julie De Ganck se veut une histoire de la médecine belge concernant l’« hermaphrodisme » et les « anomalies sexuelles » couvrant la période allant de 1830 à 1914. Comme l’explique l’auteure, la période voit l’émergence de travaux médicaux sur la question de l’« hermaphrodisme » – ce qui se traduit notamment en Belgique par la publication croissante d’articles d’auteurs européens sur ce thème dans des revues médicales, qui constituent le corpus d’étude de l’ouvrage. L’auteure choi...
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  40. Tension entre spontanéité et passivité dans l?étude sartrienne de l?émotion.Noémie Mayer - 2012 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    La psychologie phénoménologique sartrienne, qui s?attèle à repenser la mé­thode psychologique classique, inopérante et cernée de préjugés et d? a priori chargés, fait de l?émotion un de ses sujets de prédilection. Elle constitue un thème continu du projet philosophique sartrien, de son premier essai à sa dernière somme biographique, traversant divers types d?approches de la réalité-humaine, s?inscrivant toutes dans un projet global d?investigation et de compréhension de l?homme en situation, de l?individu concret dans son époque, dans ses rapports au monde, (...)
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    Baudelaire et Mallarmé de Jean-Paul Sartre ou la captivité affective.Noémie Mayer - 2013 - Sartre Studies International 19 (2):78-96.
    Using an analysis of two of Sartre's biographies, and , I will show how freedom can be inverted into captivity in order to constitute an affective destiny. If every choice, act and affect of an individual is, through its “original project,” confined to a specific framework, the schema of freedom positing its choice of existence seems to resemble a circle of captivity: total freedom at the outset, and then a trapped freedom, limited by itself. At the basis of this alienating (...)
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    Características psicosociales y densidad argumentativa en adultos mayores.Cristián Noemi & Sebastián Rossel - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):182-195.
    This work pretends to unveil the relationship between the psychosocial features grouped under the argument frame concept and the degree of discursive density that is reached by a sample of 243 older adults in the production of argumentative discourses. In order to specify the main psychosocial features of the sample’s subjects, the Hample test was employed. In order to evaluate argumentative density, all of the participants were asked for an essay about a controversial situation derived from the Dilemma of the (...)
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  43.  12
    Textura discursivo-argumentativa de la ecología migratoria hacia Chile.Cristian Noemi - 2022 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 32 (2):231-245.
    Durante los últimos años se ha producido un proceso migratorio sin precedentes hacia Chile, situación que ha modificado en cierta medida la ecología social, por medio de la introducción de discursos de variadas procedencias dialectales. En esta línea, el trabajo ha descrito el comportamiento discursivo argumental de la ecología de inmigrantes colombianos, peruanos y venezolanos de la Región Metropolitana y de la Región Coquimbo, Chile (Zona Centro Norte). A partir de una entrevista cualitativa estructurada, 160 participantes expresaron su punto de (...)
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    Mettre en mots les choses elles-mêmes : le difficile passage de l’expérience à l’expression.Noémie Parant - 2011 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 19:157-179.
    « Le Compte-tenu des Mots ferait assez bien le pendant du Parti-pris des Choses » I Préambule L’idée, en ces lignes, est d’explorer la liaison qui unit l’expression phénoménologique à l’expérience – et, ainsi, les mots aux choses. Sachant que c’est au fil conducteur de la perspective husserlienne qu’il s’agit d’opérer ; sachant aussi qu’il est question de lire en le couple expression-expérience un rapport particulier – puisque l’on ne veut voir en le langage du phénoménologue rien autre qu’un...
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    L'épistémologie d'Émile dans l'œuvre psychologique d'Ignace Meyerson.Noemi Pizarroso - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):385-402.
    La psychologie historique d’Ignace Meyerson est habituellement présentée comme opposée à l’épistémologie de son oncle Emile Meyerson , fondée sur le « principe d’identité ». Toutefois, dans les écrits d’Ignace conservés dans ses archives personnelles, un certain nombre de notes le révèlent proche du système de son oncle. L’objet de ce texte est d’éclaircir le rapport intellectuel entre l’oncle et le neveu. A la lecture de leur correspondance, entre 1922 et 1933, apparaissent quatre points de discussion. L’interprétation de Lévy-Bruhl, la (...)
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    La psychologie historique vue par la psychologie expérimentale : Analyse d'une rencontre manquée.Noemí Pizarroso - 2008 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 2 (2):399-434.
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  47. Émile Meyerson et la psychologie de son temps.Noemi Pizarroso - 2010 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 58:201-216.
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    Note de lecture.Noémie Rapegno - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (3):277-279.
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    La Casa Voladora.Noemí Duran Salvadó - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:398-413.
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  50. A counterfactual explanation for the action effect in causal judgment.Paul Henne, Laura Niemi, Ángel Pinillos, Felipe De Brigard & Joshua Knobe - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):157-164.
    People’s causal judgments are susceptible to the action effect, whereby they judge actions to be more causal than inactions. We offer a new explanation for this effect, the counterfactual explanation: people judge actions to be more causal than inactions because they are more inclined to consider the counterfactual alternatives to actions than to consider counterfactual alternatives to inactions. Experiment 1a conceptually replicates the original action effect for causal judgments. Experiment 1b confirms a novel prediction of the new explanation, the reverse (...)
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