Results for 'Locke, Blackstone, Montesquieu'

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  1.  68
    Reclaiming Democratic Classical Liberalism.David Ellerman - 2020 - In D. Hardwick & L. Marsh (eds.), Reclaiming Liberalism. Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism. pp. 1-39.
    This essay shows that the principles of classical liberalism (e.g., James Buchanan) do not apply to the firm based on the employer-employee relationship. However, there is a deeper democratic classical liberalism tradition based on inalienable rights, but it rules out the employment or human rental relation.
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    The Politics of Liberty in England and Revolutionary America.Lee Ward - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This study locates the philosophical origins of the Anglo-American political and constitutional tradition in the philosophical, theological, and political controversies in seventeenth-century England. By examining the quarrel it identifies the source of modern liberal, republican and conservative ideas about natural rights and government in the seminal works of the Exclusion Whigs Locke, Sidney, and Tyrrell and their philosophical forebears Hobbes, Grotius, Spinoza, and Pufendorf. This study illuminates how these first Whigs and their diverse eighteenth-century intellectual heirs such as Bolingbroke, (...), Hume, Blackstone, Otis, Jefferson, Burke, and Paine contributed to the formation of Anglo-American political and constitutional theory in the crucial period from the Glorious Revolution through to the American Revolution and the creation of a distinctly American understanding of rights and government in the first state constitutions. (shrink)
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  3. Two Eighteenth-Century Senses of 'Comparison'in Locke and Montesquieu.Melvin Richter - 2000 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 8:385-406.
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  4. Two Senses Of Comparison In Locke And Montesquieu.Melvin Richter - 2000 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 8.
    This paper considers comparison in eighteenth-century Europe 1) as philosophical reflection upon an operation of the human mind and passions, 2) as a discourse on diversity and similarities of regimes and societies within and beyond Europe. Der Beitrag befaßt sich mit dem "Vergleichen" - "comparison" - im Europa des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. "Comparison" ist einerseits eine philosophische Reflexion über einen Prozeß des menschlichen Geistes und der menschlichen Leidenschaften, andererseits ein Diskurs über die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten von Regierungs- und Gesellschaftsformen innerhalb und (...)
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  5. Montesquieu and Locke on Democratic Power and the Justification of the “War on Terror”.Cory Wimberly - 2008 - International Studies in Philosophy 40 (2):107-120.
    This paper focuses on a comparative analysis of the legitimate exercise of democratic power in the philosophies of Montesquieu and Locke. This analysis not only highlights a strong bifurcation in liberal thought, it also sheds light on the contemporary practice of liberalism through the example of the United States’ ‘War on Terror.’ I argue that although it is Locke who at first blush gives an account of the exercise of democratic power that is more opposed to tyranny, it is (...)
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    From Locke's letter to Montesquieu's lettres.Edwin Curley - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):280–306.
  7.  10
    Eighteenth-century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke.Joel Weinsheimer - 1993
    Studies of hermeneutics have rarely dealt with eighteenth-century British thought, yet during this period debates over the interpretation of texts plagued and invigorated religious, intellectual, and political life in England. This important book is the first to deal with hermeneutical issues in British scriptural, legal, historical, political, and literary interpretation. Examining the work of Swift, Locke, Toland, Bolingbroke, Hume, Reid, Blackstone, and Burke, Joel C. Weinsheimer discusses common philosophical problems of understanding, concentrating especially on their theories about the application of (...)
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    Montesquieu's philosophy of punishment.D. Carrithers - 1998 - History of Political Thought 19 (2):213-240.
    In spite of his stature as a major figure in the history of political philosophy and his strong interest in the correlation between liberty and the content of criminal law, surprisingly little has been written concerning Montesquieu's views on crime and punishment. Even less has been written about his views on the philosophical justification of punishment. Unlike Locke, Rousseau and Beccaria, he did not use social contract theory to justify punishment. Close analysis of Books VI and XII of The (...)
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    La solitude de Montesquieu: le chef d'oeuvre introuvable du libéralisme.Jean Goldzink - 2011 - Paris: Fayard.
    Depuis le XIXe siècle, on lit Montesquieu comme le théoricien du libéralisme politique, l'héritier de Locke et des penseurs du droit naturel, le chantre de la modernité post-révolutionnaire. Jean Goldzink montre ici avec brio combien cette lecture est discutable: l'essentiel de la gloire de notre plus fameux théoricien politique serait dû à un « blanchiment d'idées » involontaire, opéré dans les camps idéologiques les plus opposés. En proposant une relecture de De l'esprit des lois et des oeuvres des lecteurs (...)
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  10.  5
    Humankind and humanity in the philosophy of the Enlightenment: from Locke to Kant.Stefanie Buchenau & Ansgar Lyssy (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    What makes us human beings? Is it merely some corporeal aspect, or rather some specific mental capacity, language, or some form of moral agency or social life? Is there a gendered bias within the concept of humanity? How do human beings become more human, and can we somehow cease to be human? This volume provides some answers to these fundamental questions and more by charting the increased preoccupation of the European Enlightenment with the concepts of humankind and humanity. Chapters investigate (...)
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  11.  31
    Book Review: Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke. [REVIEW]Paul J. Korshin - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):365-367.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to BurkePaul J. KorshinEighteenth-Century Hermeneutics: Philosophy of Interpretation in England from Locke to Burke, by Joel Weinsheimer; xiii & 275 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993, $30.00.Hermeneutics has until the present study had little application to eighteenth-century England. The omission is curious for, although there were few advances in biblical scholarship during the Restoration and eighteenth century, modern (...)
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  12.  19
    The Pragmatic Enlightenment: Recovering the Liberalism of Hume, Smith, Montesquieu, and Voltaire.Dennis C. Rasmussen - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a study of the political theory of the Enlightenment, focusing on four leading eighteenth-century thinkers: David Hume, Adam Smith, Montesquieu and Voltaire. Dennis C. Rasmussen calls attention to the particular strand of the Enlightenment these thinkers represent, which he terms the 'pragmatic Enlightenment'. He defends this strand of Enlightenment thought against both the Enlightenment's critics and some of the more idealistic Enlightenment figures who tend to have more followers today, such as John Locke, Immanuel Kant and Jeremy (...)
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    Natural Property Rights.Eric R. Claeys - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    Natural Property Rights presents a novel theory of property based on individual, pre-political rights. The book argues that a just system of property protects people's rights to use resources and also orders those rights consistent with natural law and the public welfare. Drawing on influential property theorists such as Grotius, Locke, Blackstone, and early American statesmen and judges, as well as recent work in in normative and analytical philosophy, the book shows how natural rights guide political and legal reasoning about (...)
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    Kant’s Revolutionary Metaphysics as a New Policy of Reason.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 23:29-33.
    Kant’s critical project has been understood as a description of the functioning of knowledge. Such an understanding of the first Critique seems however limited, especially if we consider Kant’s frequent use of political analogies. These analogies suggest another reading in which Kant’s critical project emerges as an attempt to overcome a state of nature in reason through the institution of a legal state in and by reason itself. Seen in this perspective, Kant’s critical metaphysics can be considered revolutionary, because it (...)
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    Kant’s Revolutionary Metaphysics as a New Policy of Reason.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:5-9.
    Kant’s critical project has been understood as a description of the functioning of knowledge. Such an understanding of the first Critique seems however limited, especially if we consider Kant’s frequent use of political analogies. These analogies suggest another reading in which Kant’s critical project emerges as an attempt to overcome a state of nature in reason through the institution of a legal state in and by reason itself. Seen in this perspective, Kant’s critical metaphysics can be considered revolutionary, because it (...)
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  16.  54
    Educating the Solitary Man: Levinas, Rousseau, and the Return to Jewish Wisdom.Claire Katz - 2007 - Levinas Studies 2:133-152.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau opens his book The Social Contract with his famous statement, “Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” An Enlightenment thinker, Rousseau understands himself to be responding to the two dominant traditions of political thought at this time: the voluntarist tradition of Hobbes, Pufendorf, and Grotius; and the liberal tradition of Locke and Montesquieu. The latter group argues that civil society exists to protect certain natural rights, one of which is liberty. The former group supports (...)
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  17.  22
    The General Will: The Evolution of a Concept.James Farr & David Lay Williams (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Although it originated in theological debates, the general will ultimately became one of the most celebrated and denigrated concepts emerging from early modern political thought. Jean-Jacques Rousseau made it the central element of his political theory, and it took on a life of its own during the French Revolution, before being subjected to generations of embrace or opprobrium. James Farr and David Lay Williams have collected for the first time a set of essays that track the evolving history of the (...)
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    Pierre Bayle et le politique.Xavier Daverat, Antony McKenna & Philippe Fréchet (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    Bayle propose une déconstruction philosophique des fondements de la souveraineté politique, qui semble faire fi des souffrances des huguenots dans la conjoncture historique complexe dont ils font l'expérience douloureuse. Son analyse mérite certainement d'être étudiée de nouveau, à la fois dans la perspective de la cohérence propre de sa propre philosophie, dans celle de l'héritage (Machiavel, Naudé, Hobbes, Pascal, Spinoza) et dans celle de la réception (Locke, Leibniz, Montesquieu, l'Encyclopédie, Gottsched, Wolff et les Lumières allemandes).
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  19.  25
    Bentham, Byron, and Greece: constitutionalism, nationalism, and early liberal political thought.F. Rosen - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Exploring the connection between Bentham and Byron forged by the Greek struggle for independence, this book focuses on the activities of the London Greek Committee, supposedly founded by disciples of Jeremy Bentham, which mounted the expedition on which Lord Byron ultimately met his death in Greece. Rosen's penetrating study provides a new assessment of British philhellenism and examines for the first time the relationship between Bentham's theory of constitutional government and the emerging liberalism of the 1820s. Breaking new ground in (...)
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  20.  82
    The rule of reason in Plato's statesman and the American federalist.Fred D. Miller Jr - 2007 - In David Keyt & Fred Dycus Miller (eds.), Freedom, reason, and the polis: essays in ancient Greek political philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 90.
    TheFederalist, written by in 1787-1788 in defense of the proposed constitution of the United States, endorses a fundamental principle of political legitimacy: namely, This essay argues that this principlemay be traced back to Plato. Part I of the essay seeks to show that Plato's Statesman offers a clearer understanding of the rule of reason than his more famous Republic, and it also indicates how this principle gave rise to the ideal of constitutionalism, which was adopted and reformulated by Aristotle, Polybius, (...)
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  21. Een bedreigd ideaal.Thomas Pangle - 2008 - Nexus 50.
    ‘In tegenstelling tot het spinozistische liberalisme, is het liberalisme van Locke en Montesquieu niet langer gericht op het hogere en het spirituele, maar meer op het lagere en materiële [...]Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat onze liberale traditie, die overheerst wordt door de ideeën van Locke en Montesquieu, steeds meer gekweld wordt door het bange vermoeden dat de prijs die moet worden betaald voor onze alsmaar indrukwekkender prestaties [...] bestaat uit een geestelijke uitholling en een verwording van (...)
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  22.  20
    Regimen Medium: Executive Power In Early-modern Political Thought.J. H. Burns - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (2):213-229.
    The notion of a distinct 'executive power' was famously employed by Locke and Montesquieu; but the term potestas executiva, coined by medieval canonists, had been adopted by the early sixteenth-century theologian Cajetan, who located it as regimen medium in his defence of papal power against a revived 'conciliarist' challenge. The distinction between legislative sovereignty and a power effectively executive was used in post- Reformation political controversy and in Bodin's République. From those beginnings it was developed by mid-seventeenth-century writers, from (...)
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  23.  12
    Launching Liberalism: On Lockean Political Philosophy.Michael P. Zuckert - 2002
    In this volume, prominent political theorist Michael Zuckert presents an important and pathbreaking set of meditations on the thought of John Locke. In more than a dozen provocative essays, many appearing in print for the first time, Zuckert explores the complexity of Locke's engagement with his philosophical and theological predecessors, his profound influence on later liberal thinkers, and his amazing success in transforming the political understanding of the Anglo-American world. At the same time, he also demonstrates Locke's continuing relevance in (...)
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    »That Vast Tribe of Ideas«: Competing Concepts and Practices of Comparison in the Political and Social Thought of Eighteenth-Century Europe.Melvin Richter - 2002 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 44:199-219.
    In the human sciences of eighteenth century Europe, systematic comparison played a crucial part, generally as a method but also occasionally as a target of criticism. Particularly in the domains of political and social thought, comparison was conceptualized and practiced in sharply contested forms: philosophical, social-scientific, and rhetorical. While some of the meanings now carried by the concept of comparison in the human sciences coincide with what was understood by it in the eighteenth century, others do not. This paper discusses (...)
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    Jean Jacques Rousseau’s concept of freedom and equality in the Social Contract.Trang Do - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):305-324.
    One of the common characteristics of early modern Western European philosophers is the emphasis on freedom and equality. Philosophers of this period looked for answers to “what is freedom and equality?” and realized freedom and equality into fundamental human rights. From John Locke to Montesquieu and Jean Jacques Rousseau, all consider freedom and equality as natural rights of human beings. Rousseau’s concept of freedom and equality is reflected in The Social Contract. At the beginning of this work, he commented (...)
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  26.  35
    La théorie kantienne de la séparation des pouvoirs.Hans Friedrich Fulda - 2001 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 56 (1):3-18.
    Kant développe en faveur de la séparation des pouvoirs d’autres arguments que les fondateurs de la théorie moderne de la division des pouvoirs ; or ses raisons sont les seules à conduire de manière contraignante à la triade aujourd’hui familière : pouvoir législatif, exécutif, judiciaire. L’article voudrait explorer ces raisons et montrer aussi précisément que possible à quel résultat elles concourent. En fin de compte, cinq questions demeurent ouvertes : 1 / Les raisons de Kant suffisent-elles à énumérer de manière (...)
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  27. Jean Jacques Rousseau’s concept of freedom and equality in the Social Contract.Trang Do - 2023 - TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO: REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 46 (2):305–324.
    Resumo: Uma das características comuns dos primeiros filósofos modernos da Europa Ocidental é a ênfase na liberdade e na igualdade. Os filósofos desse período buscavam respostas para “o que é liberdade e igualdade?” e transformaram a liberdade e a igualdade em direitos humanos fundamentais. De John Locke a Montesquieu e Jean Jacques Rousseau, todos consideram a liberdade e a igualdade como direitos naturais do ser humano. O conceito de liberdade e igualdade de Rousseau é refletido em O Contrato Social. (...)
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  28. Is het schrappen van artikel 23 wel zo liberaal?M. Ossewaarde - 2005 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 3:262-282.
    There is currently a public debate in the Netherlands about the desirability about article 23 of the Dutch constitution, on the freedom of education. This freedom has come under attack because it facilitates the foundation of Muslim schools, which are entitled to support from public finances. Critics argue that, as a result of this support, the state officially sponsors the spread of Muslim segregation in Dutch society. Moreover, some liberals are now inclined to openly argue that freedom of education is (...)
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  29. Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy.Paul Katsafanas (ed.) - 2023 - London: Rewriting the History of Philosophy.
    Voltaire called fanaticism the "monster that pretends to be the child of religion". Philosophers, politicians, and cultural critics have decried fanaticism and attempted to define the distinctive qualities of the fanatic, whom Winston Churchill described as "someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject". Yet despite fanaticism's role in the long history of social discord, human conflict, and political violence, it remains a relatively neglected topic in the history of philosophy. In this outstanding inquiry into the philosophical (...)
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  30.  47
    Separation of Powers: Introduction to the Study of Executive Agreements.Gary J. Schmitt - 1982 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 27 (1):114-138.
    The text of the Constitution is silent on the topic of executive agreements. This essay attempts to overcome that silence by examining the doctrine of separation of powers as found in the writings of Locke and Montesquieu, the historical material leading up to the Constitutional Convention, and the early practice of the framers under the Constitution. From the theory of executive power thus deduced the most important issues surrounding executive agreements can be addressed. In brief, while the text of (...)
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  31. The Worldwide Financial Collapse or the Eve of End of Modern Nations.Guido J. M. Verstraeten - unknown
    Our planet contains 194 independent states and much more nations. They share membership of the United Nations and in consequence they subscribed the Universal Declaration of Rights. These are rooted in the modern universal conception of states and human rights formulated by philosophers of the Enlighten Age like Locke, Kant., Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau. Concepts like democracy are mirrored to the organization of the political life as it was developed in North America and Europe at the end of the (...)
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  32.  11
    Book review, Andreas Kalyvas and Ira Katznelson, liberal beginnings: Making a republic for the moderns. [REVIEW]Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This book review considers Andreas Kalyvas and Ira Katznelson's argument that there is less of an intrinsic tension between liberalism and republicanism than has been claimed by various students of the history of modern liberal thought. It fully endorses the authors' directing of our attention to the mode of thinking which is to be seen in their select group of subjects (Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, Germaine de Stael and Benjamin Constant). But it balks at their claim (...)
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  33. Law and Political Thought.Michael Baur - 2013 - In Gregory Claey (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Modern Political Thought. CQ Press. pp. 488-494.
    In the modern period, the most original and influential theories about law and politics were developed in connection with a set of far-reaching, interrelated questions about the definition of law, the purpose of law, the relationship between law and morality, and the existence of natural law and natural rights. In this entry I summarize the contributions of Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu; William Blackstone; Jeremy Bentham; and Immanuel Kant as exemplars of the history of (...)
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  34.  10
    La carne de lo social.Martin Plot - 2008 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo.
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    Preparatory Principles.Douglas G. Long (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Preparatory Principles is not a linear text in the conventional sense, but consists of a series of short passages on a variety of topics, whose themes are summarised in marginal headings. The material constitutes a philosophical commonplace book, compiled by Bentham in the mid-1770s, in which he worked out the foundational ideas for his new science of legislation. He then drew on this material when composing such works as A Fragment on Government and An Introduction to the Principles of Morals (...)
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  36. Constitutionalism and Character: Executive Power and the American Founding.Clement Fatovic - 2002 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    This dissertation argues that the current tendency to define liberal constitutionalism in terms of the impersonal and formalistic ideals of the rule of law diverges from early liberal theories of constitutionalism, which were sensitive to the occasional need for extra-legal discretionary exercises of power to deal with the unpredictable contingencies of politics. This understanding of politics shaped the constitutional and political thought of liberal thinkers from John Locke, David Hume, and William Blackstone to Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and other Federalists (...)
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  37. Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government.Erin Kelly & Philip Pettit - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (1):90.
    In his most recent book, Philip Pettit presents and defends a “republican” political philosophy that stems from a tradition that includes Cicero, Machiavelli, James Harrington, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Madison. The book provides an interpretation of what is distinctive about republicanism—namely, Pettit claims, its notion of freedom as nondomination. He sketches the history of this notion, and he argues that it entails a unique justification of certain political arrangements and the virtues of citizenship that would make those arrangements possible. (...)
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  38.  27
    Political Thought of Hume and His Contemporaries: Enlightenment Projects.Frederick G. Whelan - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Intended for scholars in the fields of political theory, and the history of political thought, this two-volume examines David Hume's Political Thought and that of his contemporaries, including Smith, Blackstone, Burke and Robertson. This book is unified by its temporal focus on the middle and later decades of the eighteenth century and hence on what is usually taken to be the core period of the Enlightenment, a somewhat problematic term. Covering topics such as property, contract and resistance theory, religious establishments, (...)
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  39.  17
    "La déontologie politique", ou, La pensée constitutionnelle de Jeremy Bentham.Emmanuelle de Champs - 2008 - Geneve: Droz.
    Inventeur du néologisme « déontologie », le philosophe anglais Jeremy Bentham lui donnait pour but de fixer ce qui doit être sous l'égide du principe de l'utilité, de concilier les intérêts privés et les intérêts publics. Emmanuelle de Champs explore la branche politique de la déontologie benthamienne, l'art du législateur, celui du droit constitutionnel, et la dimension morale de l'utilitarisme, qu'elle juge centrale dans le système philosophique benthamien. Elle montre que la théorie du langage et de la connaissance est une (...)
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    The Ennobling of Democracy: The Challenge of the Postmodern Age.Thomas L. Pangle - 1992 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Pangle believes liberal democracy is in grave danger of losing its way in the tricky Cold War "endgame." This philosophical discourse rethinks the foundations of democratic society through a dialogue with Locke, Kant, Jefferson, Montesquieu, Hume, Plato, and other seminal figures. Diagnosing the "disintegration all around us" from the classical republican perspective of Aristotle and Socrates, Pangle presents prescriptions involving workplace democracy and greater citizen participation in government; he espouses policies encouraging the aged to remain employed; urges tough-minded incentives (...)
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  41.  13
    Enlightenment Thought: An Anthology of Sources.Margaret L. King - 2019 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Margaret L. King has put together a highly representative selection of readings from most of the more significant—but by no means the most obvious—texts by the authors who made up the movement we have come to call the 'Enlightenment.' They range across much of Europe and the Americas, and from the early seventeenth century until the end of the eighteenth. In the originality of the choice of texts, in its range and depth, this collection offers both wide coverage and striking (...)
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  42. Introduction: In Search of a Lost Liberalism.Demin Duan & Ryan Wines - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):365-370.
    The theme of this issue of Ethical Perspectives is the French tradition in liberal thought, and the unique contribution that this tradition can make to debates in contemporary liberalism. It is inspired by a colloquium held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in December of 2008 entitled “In Search of a Lost Liberalism: Constant, Tocqueville, and the singularity of French Liberalism.” This colloquium was held in conjunction with the retirement of Leuven professor and former Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, André (...)
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    Tyranny and Freedom.Anne Marshall Huston - 1993 - Upa.
    This book covers the issue of tyranny and freedom. Included are selections from Hobbes, Rousseau, Jefferson, Machiavelli, Sophocles, Aristotle, Locke, Montesquieu, Madison, Calhoun, Plato, Milton, Mill, Tocqueville, Douglass, Chief Joseph, Thoreau, King, Arendt, and Holocaust documents. Co-published with Lynchburg College.
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    A short history of ethics.Oliver A. Johnson - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):386-387.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:386 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY species of pragmatism, it could be said that there is indeed some justification for discovering analogies between the Heideggerian theory of truth and pragmatism. What is deplored by Vers6nyi is the loss of the concrete significance of tIeidegger's early theory of truth (as Vers~nyi characterizes it) and its replacement by a conception of truth which is paradoxical and ultimately fruitless for an understanding of the (...)
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    Voltaire philosophe: regards croisés.Sébastien Charles & Stéphane Pujol (eds.) - 2017 - Ferney-Voltaire: Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle.
    Voltaire historien de la philosophie. De l'Antiquité au Grand Siècle Renan Laruc, Porphyre de Tyr, héros voltairien; Marc-André Nadeau, Défense et critique de Montaigne dans les Lettres philosophiques; Véronique Le Ru, Voltaire, lecteur de Descartes; Gerhardt Stenger, Un philosophe peut en cacher un autre: Malebranche et Spinoza dans Tout en Dieu; Lorenzo Bianchi, Voltaire lecteur et critique de Bayle; Miguel Benitez, Locke, Voltaire et la matière pensante; Claire Fauvergue, Voltaire et l'idée d'automate. Voltaire et la philosophie des Lumières Debora Sicco, (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Los filósofos modernos en la independencia latinoamericana.Raúl Cardiel Reyes - 1964 - México,: Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
    Introducción.--La filosofía moderna; Francisco Bacon. Renato Descartes.--El liberalismo europeo: Juan Locke. Juan Jacobo Rousseau.--La estructura del estado moderno: Montesquieu. Manuel José Sieyés.--El ataque a la tradición: Voltaire. Diderot.--Progreso y Utopía: Adán Smith.
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    (2 other versions)The Philosophy of Giambattista Vico.Benedetto Croce - 1913 - New York,: Routledge. Edited by R. G. Collingwood.
    Giambattista Vico is often regarded as the beleaguered, neglected genius of pre-Enlightenment Naples. His work-though known to Herder, Coleridge, Matthew Arnold, and Michelet-widely and deeply appreciated only during the twentieth century. Although Vico may be best known for the use James Joyce made of his theories in Finnegans Wake, Croce's insightful analysis of Vico's ideas played a large role in alerting readers to his unique voice. Croce's volume preceded Joyce's creation of "Mr. John Baptister Vickar" by a quarter century. During (...)
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  48.  8
    Helvétius, sa vie et son œuvre, d'après ses ouvrages, des écrits divers et des documents inédits.Albert Keim - 1907 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Excerpt from Helvetius: Sa Vie Et Son uvre, d'Apres Ses Ouvrages, des Ecrits Divers Et des Documents Inedits Je dois d'abord quelques explications sur cet ouvrage, sur la methode employee, le but poursuivi. Psychologue, moraliste, poete epicurien, ideologue, economiste, Helvetius, avec ses tendances encyclopediques, peut etre considere a des titres divers. Mais on s'apercoit bientot que ce disciple de Locke et de Hobbes, ce continuateur systematique de La Rochefoucauld, ce contemporain de Voltaire, de Buffon et de Montesquieu, dont il (...)
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    The Enlightenment in American Law III: The Bill of Rights.Andrew J. Reck - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (1):57 - 87.
    REASON, SKEPTICISM, REVOLUTION, AND COMMON SENSE--these are the four characteristics which Henry F. May has found to designate the four categories, or stages, in the development of the Enlightenment in Europe and America. These categories, useful for the classification, description, and analysis of the copious intellectual and cultural materials which comprise the Enlightenment, overlap in the formulation of basic documents--the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights, which are fundamental American laws. The interweaving (...)
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    L'homme est un être philosophique.Paul Trouillas - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    Ce texte est né de la manifestation du 11 janvier 2015, au cours de laquelle les masses françaises proclamèrent leur adhésion à un contrat social philosophique fondé sur quelques principes essentiels la liberté d'expression, la démocratie, la tolérance, la laïcité, la volonté de vivre ensemble, la lutte contre la barbarie. Des exemplaires du Traité sur la tolérance de Voltaire furent même déposés au pied de la statue de la République, à Paris. La thèse ici défendue est que la plupart des (...)
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