Results for 'Logic of Ideas'

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  1. Mathematics, Metaphysics, Philosophy'.Jean-Michel‘Idea Salanskis - 2006 - In Simon Duffy, Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference. Clinamen.
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    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence.Peter Øhrstrøm & Per F. V. Hasle - 1995 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence deals with the history of temporal logic as well as the crucial systematic questions within the field. The book studies the rich contributions from ancient and medieval philosophy up to the downfall of temporal logic in the Renaissance. The modern rediscovery of the subject, which is especially due to the work of A. N. Prior, is described, leading into a thorough discussion of the use of temporal logic (...)
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  3. Ideas and Results in Proof Theory.Dag Prawitz & J. E. Fenstad - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):232-234.
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    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence.Peter Ørstrø & Per F. V. Hasle - 1995 - Springer Verlag.
    Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence deals with the history of temporal logic as well as the crucial systematic questions within the field. The book studies the rich contributions from ancient and medieval philosophy up to the downfall of temporal logic in the Renaissance. The modern rediscovery of the subject, which is especially due to the work of A. N. Prior, is described, leading into a thorough discussion of the use of temporal logic (...)
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    Nine Ideas for Including a Civic Engagement Theme in an Informal Logic Course.Lisa Cassidy - 2018 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 4:100-115.
    A class in informal logic can be an opportunity to do more than just cover the basic material of the subject. Critical Thinking can also foster civic engagement as experiential learning—in the course’s readings, assignments, in-class activities and discussions, and tests. I favor an inclusive understanding of civic engagement: the course theme is engaging with the concerns of the civis. The argument made throughout here is that the civic engagement theme is a way of doing experiential learning in informal (...)
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  6. Paraconsistent ideas in quantum logic.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Roberto Giuntini - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1/2):55-68.
  7. Innate Ideas.Stephen Crain & Paul M. Pietroski - 2005 - In James McGilvray, The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky. Cambridge University Press.
    We think this is Chomsky's view, and also the view he finds in certain historical figures who participated in debates about innate ideas. Chomsky's contribution to the traditional debate lies in (i) his articulation and defense of a detailed nativist program in linguistics, showing _how_ experience plays only a restricted role in a broadly rationalist account of the acquisition of linguistic knowledge, and (ii) the framework this program suggests, given its empirical success, for the more general study of human (...)
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    Logical and philosophical ideas in certain formal approaches to language.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1998 - Synthese 116 (2):231-277.
    This paper reminds, puts in order, sketches and also initiates some researches from the field of logic and philosophy of language. It lays emphasis on the logical-linguistic and ontological developmental lines originated with Polish researchers. The author discusses two opposite orientations of the former line in the process of formalization of language, called here nominalistic and Platonistic. The paper mentions the author's result (1989; 1991) concerning theoretical equivalence of two axiomatic approaches to language syntax which take into consideration these (...)
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    Informational Ideas.Arnoldi Jakob - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 89 (1):58-73.
    Based on an empirical study of the British think tank Demos, the article deliberates on the nature of current political ideas. The key argument is that such a deliberation must take into account not only ideas of production but also ideas of mediation. The article argues that the ability to disseminate, brand, and market political ideas in the public sphere through the mass media is a crucial part of the activities of modern idea producers such as (...)
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    The world's greatest idea: the fifty greatest ideas that have changed humanity.John Farndon - 2011 - London: Icon Books.
    Where would humanity be now without fire, vaccinations, farming--or wine? A great idea is one that has changed the path of human civilisation. But which is the greatest of them all? John Farndon, author of the bestselling Do You Think You're Clever?, has set out to find the answer. A distinguished panel of experts agreed on a list of 50 ideas, and each chapter of The World's Greatest Idea sees Farndon explore the argument for a different one. The candidates (...)
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    I think something that you do not think, and that is red. John Locke and George Berkeley over abstract ideas and Kant's logical abstractionism.Alexander Aichele - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (1):25-46.
    The paper discusses Berkeley's classical critique of Locke's theory of generating concepts by abstraction, rebuts it, and shows that endorses Lockean abstractionism concerning the formation of empirical concepts.
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    False Ideas: Leibniz and Aquinas.Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero - 2022 - Studia Leibnitiana 54 (2):205-224.
    Though accepting the traditional view that truth and falsity are properties of propositions and judgments, Leibniz does not refrain from predicating truth and falsity of pre-judgmental items such as ideas, which he considers to be true iff logically consistent, and false otherwise. Elsewhere, however, Leibniz claims that ideas are true or false only insofar as they include the (true or false) affirmation that their object is possible. This paper aims to cast light on Leibniz’s doctrine of ideas (...)
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  13. Faint Impressions, Forceful Ideas: Hume's Impression/Idea Distinction.Alexander P. Bozzo - 2021 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 24 (2):326-350.
    A natural reading of Hume’s distinction between impressions and ideas is that impressions are forceful perceptions whereas ideas are faint. A problem emerges, however, when Hume countenances the possibility of faint impressions and forceful ideas. In this paper, I attempt a resolution to the problem. I argue that Hume characterizes impressions and ideas intensionally and extensionally, and sometimes uses the term in only one of the two senses. I argue that Hume intensionally defines impressions and (...) as forceful perceptions and weak perceptions, respectively, but takes these to be extensionally equivalent to original and copied perceptions, respectively. Hume recognizes that his two characterizations—the intensional and extensional—don’t perfectly match up, and that there are exceptions to the purported equivalences (the exceptions being disease, sleep, madness, and enthusiasm). Nonetheless, I argue that Hume’s willing to proceed with his definitions. (shrink)
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    Gerold Stahl. Ideas generales de la lógica combinatoria. Revista de matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, vol. 5 no. 1 , pp. 20–27. [REVIEW]Luis E. Sanchis - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):321.
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    (1 other version)Øhrstrøm Peter and Hasle Per F. V.. Temporal logic. From ancient ideas to artificial intelligence. Studies in linguistics and philosophy, vol. 57. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, and London, 1995, viii + 413 pp. [REVIEW]Angelo Montanari & Alberto Policriti - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):1044-1046.
  16. Fichte’s Ideas on God and Immortality (translation).Chiu Yui Plato Tse & Rory L. Phillips - 2018 - Pli 29:185-197.
    This short piece is collected in the complete edition of Fichte's works published by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (1964-2012), IV/1, pp. 153-167. According to the editors' foreword, it first appeared anonymously as part of a pamphlet titled "Something from Professor Fichte and for him. Published by a veracious schoolmaster" in 1799 in Bayreuth as a response to the so-called atheism dispute, which eventually cost Fichte his chair in Jena. This translation concerns a part appended to the pamphlet which is (...)
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    Modeling Cultural Idea Systems: The Relationship between Theory Models and Data Models.Dwight Read - 2013 - Perspectives on Science 21 (2):157-174.
    Subjective experience is transformed into objective reality for societal members through cultural idea systems that can be represented with theory and data models. A theory model shows relationships and their logical implications that structure a cultural idea system. A data model expresses patterning found in ethnographic observations regarding the behavioral implementation of cultural idea systems. An example of this duality for modeling cultural idea systems is illustrated with Arabic proverbs that structurally link friend and enemy as concepts through a culturally (...)
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    How to Distinguish Simple Objectless Ideas.Jan Claas - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (4):422-441.
    Bernard Bolzano offers a criterion of individuation for ideas, according to which ideas are distinct if and only if they represent different objects or are composed differently. It fails to individuate ideas that are both simple and fail to represent, in particular syncategorematic ideas and logical constants. However, Bolzano also provides the means to close this gap. He suggests that we can distinguish ideas if they are not substitutable for each other in propositions, which we (...)
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    “Living with an Idea”.Gabriel Riera - 2008 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 12 (2):36-50.
    The essay addresses the main shifts in Badiou’s conception of the event and the subject as they unfold in his late Logiques des mondes. In this text he develops an objective phenomenology of appearing in view of specifying the logical character of real change. The main focus of the essay is how Logiques des mondes stipulates a set of directives for an “ethics of living with an Idea,” that is, a subjective incorporation to truth as exception. How does Badiou’s text (...)
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    La lógica pura, la idea de la gramática pura y el problema de una filosofia del lenguaje en las investigaciones lógicas.Christian Möckel - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:55-81.
    "La Lógica pura, la idea de la Gramática pura y el problema de una filosofí­a del lenguaje en las Investigaciones Lógicas" Una de las cuestiones centrales que hasta hoy en dí­a se siguen debatiendo en torno a la recepción de las Investigaciones Lógicas, se refiere a la relación entre pensamiento y lenguaje, entre significado y expresión lingí¼í­stica, entre percepción y juicio, entre Lógica y Gramática que estableció en el debate con G. Frege y A. Marty, entre otros. El autor se (...)
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    Clarifying our Ideas in Persuasion Dialogue.Gábor Forrai - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (4):473-499.
    Persuasion dialogue sometimes helps us to clarify our ideas; this paper attempts to find out what clarification consists in. It criticizes Walton’s view, which explains clarification as making implicit commitments explicit and proposes a different approach according to which clarification consists in replacing narrowly individuated views with epistemically better ones which retain elements of the earlier views. It also argues that clarification so conceived is not one of the main goals of persuasion dialogue but rather an accidental even if (...)
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  22. Natures, ideas, and essentialism in Kant.Lorenzo Spagnesi - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-26.
    Despite recent essentialist approaches to Kant’s laws of nature, it is unclear whether Kant’s critical philosophy is compatible with core tenets of essentialism. In this paper, I first reconstruct Kant’s position by identifying the key metaphysical and epistemological features of his notion of ‘nature’ or ‘essence’. Two theses about natures can be found in the literature, namely that they are noumenal in character (_noumenal thesis_) and that they guide scientific investigation as regulative ideas of reason (_regulative thesis_). I argue (...)
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    Logic Matters.Logic Matters - unknown
    I read Stefan Collini’s What are Universities For? last week with very mixed feelings. In the past, I’ve much admired his polemical essays on the REF, “impact”, the Browne Report, etc. in the London Review of Books and elsewhere: they speak to my heart. If you don’t know those essays, you can get some of their flavour from his latest article in the Guardian yesterday. But I found the book a disappointment. Perhaps the trouble is that Collini is too decent, (...)
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    ‘La Historia no puede aparecer’. Subjetivación, organización política y despertar de la Idea en A. Badiou.B. Jean-Paul Grasset - 2018 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 9 (2):13-38.
    In the context of Badiou's philosophical mobilization from Platonism of the multiple towards the question of the Idea, in this article I will analyze the equivalence that Badiou proposes between an ‘awakening of History’ and the reactivation of the Idea of communism, through his historical diagnosis of the present as a time of revolts in the midst of a regressive capitalism towards nineteenth-century forms. However, the affirmation of such ‘awakening’ is problematic, since Badiou indicates that ‘History does not exist’ as (...)
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    Bernard Bosanquet on the Psychical and the Logical Idea.Everett W. Hall - 1931 - The Monist 41 (1):91-116.
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    Abolition is a Kite-Idea.Perry Zurn - 2021 - In Chloe Taylor & Kelly Struthers Montford, Building Abolition: Decarceration and Social Justice. Routledge.
    What is abolition? What is the logic of its movement, the character of its kinesthetic signature? By exploring abolition’s debts to Foucauldian genealogy, the messianism in Derridean deconstruction, and the affective resistance among queer/trans communities, this essay argues that abolition is a kite-idea. It moves by flying overhead, shimmering in the sun, and tugging at the hand. Abolition is a practice of history, a dream of the future, and an affective struggle lived today. This is its fragile promise.
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    Ideas Pertaining to A Pure Phenomenology and to A Phenomenological Philosophy. First Book. [REVIEW]Robert Sokolowski - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (3):640-642.
    The first volume of Husserl's Ideen was published in 1913. Until then Husserl was known as the author of Logical Investigations, which had been published in 1900-1901 and which had generated a philosophical movement after its own image: one marked by anti-psychologism, by a detailed analysis of the phenomena of consciousness, by an interest in logic, by a kind of common-sense realism. The developments in Goettingen and Munich were examples of the influence of Husserl's early work. But the appearance (...)
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    Ancient Verses on New Ideas: Legal Tradition and the French Historical School.Donald R. Kelley - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):319-338.
    Romantic, po st- Revolutionary French historiography can be described as "ancient verses on new ideas." The "new history" of this period, with its antiquarian nature, shared more with its predecessors than its practitioners acknowledged. Historical and legal scholars of the Restoration belonged to a long intellectual tradition of a shared hermeneutical "community of interpretation," based on common origins, though not necessarily goals. A belief in the historical grounding of knowledge and judgment united Restoration historians and legal scholars to their (...)
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  29. Leibniz and Malebranche on innate ideas.Nicholas Jolley - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (1):71-91.
    This paper seeks to reconstruct an important controversy between leibniz and malebranche over innate ideas. It is argued that this controversy is in some ways more illuminating than the better-Known debate between leibniz and locke, For malebranche's objections to innate ideas raise fundamental questions concerning the status of dispositions and the relationship between logic and psychology. The paper shows that in order to meet malebranche's objections, Leibniz adopts a strategy which is doubly reductionist: ideas are reduced (...)
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  30. Program verification: the very idea.James H. Fetzer - 1988 - Communications of the Acm 31 (9):1048--1063.
    The notion of program verification appears to trade upon an equivocation. Algorithms, as logical structures, are appropriate subjects for deductive verification. Programs, as causal models of those structures, are not. The success of program verification as a generally applicable and completely reliable method for guaranteeing program performance is not even a theoretical possibility.
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    The Strict/Tolerant Idea and Bilattices.Melvin Fitting - 2021 - In Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky, Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics. Springer Verlag. pp. 167-191.
    Strict/tolerant logic is a formally defined logic that has the same consequence relation as classical logic, though it differs from classical logic at the metaconsequence level. Specifically, it does not satisfy a cut rule. It has been proposed for use in work on theories of truth because it avoids some objectionable features arising from the use of classical logic. Here we are not interested in applications, but in the formal details themselves. We show that a (...)
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    John Haugeland. Artificial intelligence: the very idea. Bradford books. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1985, ix + 289 pp. [REVIEW]Ira Pohl - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):659-660.
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  33. Some Libertarian Ideas about Human Social Life.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2012 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 10 (2):07-19.
    The central thesis of my article is that people live a life worthy of a human being only as self-ruling members of some autarchic (or self-governing) communities. On the one hand, nobody is born as a self-ruling individual, and on the other hand, everybody can become such a person by observing progressively the non-aggression principle and, ipso facto, by behaving as a moral being. A self-ruling person has no interest in controlling her neighbors, but in mastering his own impulses, needs, (...)
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    Ideas, Evidence, and Method: Hume's Skepticism and Naturalism Concerning Knowledge and Causation.Graciela Teresa De Pierris - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Graciela De Pierris presents a novel interpretation of the relationship between skepticism and naturalism in Hume's epistemology, and a new appraisal of Hume's place within early modern thought. Contrary to dominant readings, she argues that Hume does offer skeptical arguments concerning causation and induction in Book I, Part III of the Treatise, and presents a detailed reading of the skeptical argument she finds there and how this argument initiates a train of skeptical reasoning that begins in Part III and culminates (...)
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    On Accelerations in Science Driven by Daring Ideas: Good Messages from Fallibilistic Rationalism.Witold Marciszewski - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1):19-41.
    The first good message is to the effect that people possess reason as a source of intellectual insights, not available to the senses, as e.g. axioms of arithmetic. The awareness of this fact is called rationalism. Another good message is that reason can daringly quest for and gain new plausible insights. Those, if suitably checked and confirmed, can entail a revision of former results, also in mathematics, and - due to the greater efficiency of new ideas - accelerate science’s (...)
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    Tribal science: brains, beliefs, and bad ideas.Mike McRae - 2012 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    The storytelling monkey why do we see faces in clouds? -- The creative serpent where did science come from? -- The pitiful monster why do doctors wear white coats? -- The logical alien why are we so unreasonable? -- The clever horse -- The science graveyard why do we hold onto bad ideas? -- The tangled web who is in control of what we know? -- The progressive human what will intelligence mean in the future?
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    A little knowledge: what Archimedes really meant and 80 other key ideas explained.Michael Macrone - 1995 - London: Ebury Press.
    "Why did Archimedes jump from his bath and run naked through the streets shouting 'Eureka!'? What is a quantum and where does it leap? Do you know your id from your ego? Does God play dice? his books answers all those questions and more, taking the revolutionary and perplexing ideas of Western thought and extracting their essence. From Greek philosophy to contemporary economics, physics and architecture, A Little Knowledge covers some of the most often heard but least understood theories (...)
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    Confucian thinking in traditional moral education: key ideas and fundamental features.Wang Fengyan - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (4):429-447.
    Ancient Chinese ideas of moral education could be said to have five main dimensions – philosophical foundations, content, principles, methods and evaluation – which are described in this paper. An analysis of the fundamental features of Confucian thinking on moral education shows that it took the idea that human beings have a good and kind nature as its logical starting point. It built a system of ethical norms, based on the idea that an individual's feelings come from the inner (...)
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  39. Thoughts and ideas[REVIEW]Robin Jeshion - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (3):409 - 415.
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    Using Transition Systems to Formalize Ideas from Vedānta.Padmanabhan Krishnan - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (3):1-14.
    Vedānta is one of the oldest philosophical systems. While there are many detailed commentaries on Vedānta, there are very few mathematical descriptions of the different concepts developed there. This article shows how ideas from theoretical computer science can be used to explain Vedānta. The standard ideas of transition systems and modal logic are used to develop a formal description for the different ideas in Vedānta. The generality of the formalism is illustrated via a number of examples (...)
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    The divine and artistic ideal: Ideas and insights for cross-cultural aesthetic education.Ming Dong Gu - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 88-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Divine and Artistic Ideal:Ideas and Insights for Cross-Cultural Aesthetic EducationMing Dong Gu (bio)IntroductionPeople in different cultural traditions would praise an excellent work of art as a masterpiece that has attained the status of the divine. This is a practice inherited from the ancient past. In high antiquity, when people did not have sufficient knowledge of artistic creation, they attributed creative inspirations and superb art to gods. In (...)
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  42. Is “meme” a new “idea”? Reflections on Aunger. [REVIEW]John S. Wilkins - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):585-598.
    Memes are an idea whose time has come, again, and again, and again, but which has never really made it beyond metaphor. Anthropologist Robert Aunger’s book 'The Electric Meme' is a new attempt to take it to the next stage, setting up a research program with proper models and theoretical entities. He succeeds partially, with some contributions to the logic of replication, but in the end, his proposal for the substrate of memes is a non-solution to a central problem (...)
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    Actuar bajo la idea de la libertad: Kant y la tesis de la incorporación.Edgar Maraguat - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:217-242.
    This paper examines a fundamental supposition of Kant’s moral philosophy, namely, that, without transcendental freedom, understood as the quality of the will by which it determines itself to act without being affected by sensible motives, we could not impute to any putative agent immoral acts. I argue theoretically against the logical sense of the supposition (showing its aporetic consequence), and I also demonstrate how superfluous it is from a practical point of view. Nevertheless I acknowledge to Kant, in spite of (...)
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  44. How to Live With an Embodied Mind: When Causation, Mathematics, Morality, the Soul, and God Are.Metaphorical Ideas - 2003 - In A. J. Sanford & P. N. Johnson-Laird, The nature and limits of human understanding. New York: T & T Clark. pp. 75.
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    Is Argument for Conservatives? or Where Do Sparkling New Ideas Come From?Sharon Bailin - 2003 - Informal Logic 23 (1).
    Rorty claims argument is inherently conservative and philosophical progress comes from "sparkling new ideas," not argument. This assumes an untenable opposition between the generation and the evaluation of ideas, with argument relegated to evaluation. New ideas that contribute to progress arise from critical reflection on problems posed by the tradition, and constrained by the criteria governing evaluation. Thinking directed toward the criticism and evaluation of ideas or products is not algorithmic; it has a generative, creative component. (...)
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  46. Arnauld's Verbal Distinction between Ideas and Perceptions.Kenneth L. Pearce - 2016 - History and Philosophy of Logic 37 (4):375-390.
    In his dispute with Malebranche about the nature of ideas, Arnauld endorses a form of direct realism. This appears to conflict with views put forward by Arnauld and his collaborators in the Port-Royal Grammar and Logic where ideas are treated as objects in the mind. This tension can be resolved by a careful examination of Arnauld's remarks on the semantics of ‘perception’ and ‘idea’ in light of the Port-Royal theory of language. This examination leads to the conclusion (...)
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    An Interview with Jan Narveson.Libertarian Idea & Moral Matters - 1998 - Cogito 12 (2):93-102.
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    Is penalty enhancement a sound idea?Claudia Card - 2001 - Law and Philosophy 20 (2):195-214.
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    Anglo-American Idealism: Thinkers and Ideas.James Connelly & Stamatoula Panagakou (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This volume is devoted to a critical discussion and re-appraisal of the work of Anglo-American Idealists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Idealism was the dominant philosophy in Britain and the entire English-speaking world during the last decades of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. The British Idealists made important contributions to logic, metaphysics, aesthetics, ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of history, philosophy of religion and philosophy of mind. Their legacy awaits further exploration and reassessment, (...)
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    Connexive logic: new old challenges.Fernando Cano-Jorge & Luis Estrada-González - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    After the intense attention the relevance logic community and its friends gave to McCall’s ideas on connexive implication during the late 1960s and nearly.
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