Results for 'Lubarda, Vojislav'

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  1. Beyond Ecofascism? Far-Right Ecologism (FRE) as a Framework for Future Inquiries.BalŠa Lubarda - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (6):713-732.
    The enduring and consistent rise of the far right has enabled its representatives to affect environmental debates on a larger scale. Although such incursions are often labeled ‘eco-fascist’, the term itself term may be insufficient to account for the complexity of this intersection. Building upon existing attempts to organise such discourses in a coherent sub-ideological set, ‘far-right ecologism’ (FRE) is suggested as an overarching term, deriving its morphology from fascism, conservatism, as well as national-populism. Therefore, values emanating from these strands, (...)
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  2. Belief Retention: A Fregean Account.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (3):477-486.
    Concerning cases involving temporal indexicals Kaplan has argued that Fregean thoughts cannot be the bearers of cognitive significance due to the alleged fact that one can think the same thought from one occasion to the next without realizing this—thus linking the issue of cognitive significance to that of belief retention. Kaplan comes up with his own version of the Fregean strategy for accounting for belief retention that does not face this kind of a problem; but he finds it deficient because (...)
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    The Indexical Point of View: On Cognitive Significance and Cognitive Dynamics.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2020 - New York and London: Routledge.
    This book argues that there is a common cognitive mechanism underlying all indexical thoughts, in spite of their seeming diversity. Indexical thoughts are mental representations, such as beliefs and desires. They represent items from a thinker's point of view or her cognitive perspective. We typically express them by means of sentences containing linguistic expressions such as 'this ' or 'that ', adverbs like 'here', 'now', and 'today', and the personal pronoun 'I'. While generally agreeing that representing the world from a (...)
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  4. Schopenhaur on Kant and Objectivity.Vojislav Bosickovic - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):35-42.
    In this paper I argue in favour of Schopenhauer's criticism of Kant's account of objectivity as advocated in the celebrated Second Analogy in Kant's first Critique. The criticism that I am looking at is presented as the first of Schopenhauer's four objections against the Second Analogy deployed in section 23 of his On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
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  5. Anti-individualism and transparency.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2020 - Synthese 197 (6):2551-2564.
    Anti-individualists hold that having a thought with a certain intentional content is a relational rather than an intrinsic property of the subject. Some anti-individualists also hold that thought-content serves to explain the subject’s cognitive perspective. Since there seems to be a tension between these two views, much discussed in the philosophical literature, attempts have been made to resolve it. In an attempt to reconcile these views, and in relation to perception-based demonstrative thoughts, Stalnaker (Our knowledge of the internal world, Oxford (...)
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  6. Slicing Thoughts.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):3-13.
    According to a criterion of difference for thoughts derived from Frege, two thoughts are different if it is at the same time possible for a rational subject to take conflicting epistemic attitudes toward them. But applying this criterion to perception-based demonstrative thoughts seems to slice thoughts too finely and lead to their proliferation which makes the criterion implausible. I argue that such a proliferation of thoughts is blocked by transforming this criterion into a related one that is shown to be (...)
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  7. Demonstrative sense and rigidity.Vojislav Bozickovic - 1993 - Philosophical Papers 22 (2):123-133.
    It is often thought that endowing a demonstrative with a Fregean sense leaves no room for maintaining that it is also a rigid designator. In addition, some philosophers claim that indexicals - surely the paradigms of singular reference - pose a serious threat to the Fregean sense/ reference approach as they do not comply with the view that singular terms have Fregean senses. In this paper I argue that neither of these is true.
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  8. The semantic insignificance of referential intentions.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 62 (1):125-135.
    It is argued that none of the speaker's referential intentions accompanying his utterance of a demonstrative are semantically significant but rather the associated demonstration (or some other source of salience). It is constitutive of the speaker's having the specifically referential intention - held by Kent Bach to be semantically significant - that the speaker is taking, and relying upon, his accompanying gesture (or some other source of salience) as semantically significant, making it the case that this intention is not even (...)
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    Reply to Ludovic Soutif and Carlos Marquez.Vojislav Božičković - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (3):53-59.
    The author's response to Ludovic Soutif & Carlos Márquez's contribution to the special issue on The Indexical Point of View.
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  10. Do characters play a cognitive role?Vojislav Bozickovic - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (2):219 – 229.
    Focusing on the 'today'/'yesterday' case, I argue that Perry is wrong in accounting for and explaining indexical belief states in terms of Kaplanian characters and in taking these states to be internal (narrow) mental states inside the subject's mind. It is shown that this view is at odds with Perry's own reliance on remembering a past day as a necessary condition for retaining a belief about it. As a better tool for explaining appropriate indexical beliefs, I offer an alternative which (...)
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    Demonstratives and Frege's paradox of identity.Vojislav Božičković - 1991 - Theoria 34 (1):29-40.
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    Frege and de re beliefs.Vojislav Božičković - 1998 - Theoria 41 (4):55-68.
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    Frege-život i delo.Vojislav Božičković - 1998 - Theoria 41 (4):7-18.
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    Kant, Schopenhauer and objectivity.Vojislav Božičković - 1994 - Theoria 37 (1):41-50.
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    Alternative ideas of socialism in Yugoslavia 1945-1947.Vojislav J. Koštunica - 1989 - Filozofija I Društvo 1989 (2):93-160.
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    Post-communism and the problem of democracy.Vojislav J. Koštunica - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):253-263.
  17. Deformation of form.Vojislav Likar - 1991 - Filozofski Vestnik 12 (1):225-232.
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    Modeli zgodovine znanosti.Vojislav Likar - 1990 - Filozofski Vestnik 11 (1).
    Avtor obravnava Serresovo kritiko koncepta globalne zgodovine na eni strani in njegovo relati-viziranje koncepta rekurentne zgodovine znanosti na drugi strani. Iz dejstva, da je mogoče v realni zgodovini znanosti odkriti vsaj dva osnovna tipa temporalnosti: sekano, diskontinuirano temporalnost invencije in kontinuiteto tradicije, izpelje Serres trditev, da lahko kompleksnost zgodovinskega razvoja znanosti pojasnimo le s kombinacijo zveznih in nezveznih modelov zgodovine znanosti.
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    Religija i društvo: zbornik tekstova.Vojislav Mitiâc & Zavod Za Udézbenike I. Nastavna Sredstva (eds.) - 1988 - Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.
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    Archelaus and the throne.Vojislav Sarakinski - 2020 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 73:149-156.
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  21. Sredstva i djela.Vojislav Đurović - 1972 - Beograd : Petar Kočić,:
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    Reply to Peter Ludlow.Vojislav Božičković - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (3):74-83.
    The author's response to Peter Ludlow´s contribution to the special issue on The Indexical Point of View.
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  23. Cognitive significance and reflexive content.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (5):545-554.
    John Perry has urged that a semantic theory for natural languages ought to be concerned with the issue of cognitive significance—of how true identity statements containing different (utterances of) indexicals and proper names can be informative, held to be unaccountable by the referentialist view. The informativeness that he has in mind—one that has puzzled Frege, Kaplan and Wettstein—concerns knowledge about the world. In trying to solve this puzzle on referentialist terms, he comes up with the notion of cognitive significance as (...)
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    Reply to Eduarda Calado Barbosa.Vojislav Božičković - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (3):20-22.
    The author's response to Eduarda Calado´s contribution to the special issue on The Indexical Point of View.
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    Schopenhauer on Scientific knowledge.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2011 - In Bart Vandenabeele (ed.), A Companion to Schopenhauer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 9–24.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Principle of Sufficient Reason and Knowledge Some Epistemological Distinctions Non‐Conceptual Knowledge of Objects Non‐Conceptual Knowledge of Causal Relations Causal Regularity and Its Cognitive Status Induction and Scientific Method Empirical Knowledge and Its Experiential Basis Two Related Issues Scientific and Philosophical Knowledge Concluding Remarks References Further Reading.
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    Pointing and saying.Vojislav Božičković - 1997 - Theoria 40 (3):95-104.
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    Smislenost i poverljivost (CJ Misak, Verificationism: Its History and Prospects, London: Routledge, 1995).Vojislav Božičković - 1998 - Theoria 41 (2):107-109.
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    Demonstrative sense: An essay on the semantics of perceptual demonstratives.Vojislav Bozickovic - 1995 - Aldershot: Avebury Series in Philosophy.
    Examines semantic features of perpetual demonstratives.
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    Far-Right Ecologism: environmental politics and the far right in Hungary and Poland.Balša Lubarda - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    Far-Right Ecologism explains how the ongoing mainstreaming of the far right has prompted greater engagement with a range of topics, including the environment. Behind the façade of vote-winning strategies, the far right has provided a substantive ideological engagement with the natural environment. Building on the nationalist bent of early green thought and the perceived nexus of pristine nature and cultural purity, Far-Right Ecologism has ideologically adopted the green elements of other ideologies, such as conservatism and fascism, but also of those (...)
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    Ideološka svest i estetski kriterijumi.Vojislav D. Nikčević - 1990 - Niksić: NIO "Univerzitetska riječ".
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    Vojislav Stanovčić: život posvećen idejama: zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa "Naučno i društveno delovanje prof. dr Vojislava Stanovčića, akademika SANU".Ilija Vujačić, Vojislav Stanovčić & Dušan Marković (eds.) - 2019 - Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet političkih nauka.
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  32. Schopenhauer on Scientific Knowledge.Vojislav Bozickovic - 2011 - In Bart Vandenabeele (ed.), A Companion to Schopenhauer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Philosophy is for Schopenhauer not a sort of scientific pursuit nor is science a sort of philosophical pursuit, and it is in this context that he propounds his view of scientific knowledge and of knowledge in general. Those few philosophers who have given it proper consideration, notably Gardiner (1967) and Hamlyn (1980, 1999), and more recently Young (2005), have pointed out that Schopenhauer's view presents some serious, seemingly insurmountable, difficulties. In this chapter I try to redress the balance by arguing (...)
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    Russelian thoughts.Vojislav Božičković - 1994 - Theoria 37 (3):33-39.
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    Umetnost i umetničko delo.Vojislav Vučković - 1962 - Beograd: Nolit.
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  35. O osnovi nauke o vaspitanju.Vojislav R. Mladenovīć - 1932
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    Politička teorija.Vojislav Stanovčić - 2008 - Belgrade: Službeni glasnik.
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    Vojislav Kostunica: Ugrozena sloboda - politicke i pravne rasprave, Filip Visnjic, Beograd, 2002.Kosta S. Čavoški - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):317-374.
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    Tania Velmans, Vojislav Korač et Marica Šuput, Rayonnement de Byzance. Saint-Léger-Vauban, Éditions du Zodiaque ; Paris, Desclée de Brouwer (coll. « Les grandes saisons de l'art chrétien », 2), 1999, 536 p.Tania Velmans, Vojislav Korač et Marica Šuput, Rayonnement de Byzance. Saint-Léger-Vauban, Éditions du Zodiaque ; Paris, Desclée de Brouwer (coll. « Les grandes saisons de l'art chrétien », 2), 1999, 536 p. [REVIEW]Yves Laberge - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (3):654-657.
  39. Cognitive Dynamics: Red Queen Semantics Versus the Story of O.Peter Ludlow - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35 (2):53-67.
    It appears that indexicals must have fine-grained senses for us to explain things involving human action and emotions, and we typically identify these different senses with different modes of expression. On the other hand, we also express the very same thought in very different ways. The first problem is the problem of cognitive significance. The second problem is what Branquinho (1999) has called the problem of cognitive dynamics. The question is how we can solve both of those problems at the (...)
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    Daoism, Practice, and Politics: From Nourishing Life to Ecological Praxis.Eric S. Nelson - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):792-801.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Daoism, Practice, and Politics:From Nourishing Life to Ecological PraxisEric S. Nelson (bio)I. Daoism's Multiple ModelsManhua Li, Yumi Suzuki, and Lisa Indraccola have offered evocative insights, questions, and alternatives in their contributions concerning the arguments of Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life (Nelson 2021). The present brief response and sketch of the book will not address every point in their essays, but I will strive to reply, directly and indirectly, (...)
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    Special Issue on The Indexical Point of View: INTRODUCTORY NOTES.Matheus Valente - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (3):1-5.
    This special issue is dedicated to Vojislav Božičković's The Indexical Point of View (Routledge, 2021) and contains five critical notices written by experts from all around the globe accompanied by the author's responses.
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    Belgrade 1968 protests and the post-evental fidelity: Intellectual and political legacy of the 1968 student protests in Serbia. [REVIEW]Aleksandar Pavlovic & Mark Losoncz - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):149-164.
    Even though Belgrade student protests emerged and ended abruptly after only seven days in June of 1968, they came as a cumulative point of a decade-long accumulated social dissatisfaction and antagonisms, as well as of philosophical investigations of the unorthodox Marxists of the Praxis school. It surprised the Yugoslav authorities as the first massive rebellion after WWII to explicitly criticize rising social inequality, bureaucratization and unemployment and demand free speech and abolishment of privileges. This article focuses on the intellectual destiny (...)
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    Belgrade 1968 Protests and the Post-Evental Fidelity: Intellectual and Political Legacy of the 1968 Student Protests in Serbia. [REVIEW]Mark Losoncz Aleksandar Pavlović - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):149-164.
    Even though Belgrade student protests emerged and ended abruptly after only seven days in June of 1968, they came as a cumulative point of a decade-long accumulated social dissatisfaction and antagonisms, as well as of philosophical investigations of the unorthodox Marxists of the Praxis school. It surprised the Yugoslav authorities as the first massive rebellion after WWII to explicitly criticize rising social inequality, bureaucratization and unemployment and demand free speech and abolishment of privileges. This article focuses on the intellectual destiny (...)
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    Marxism and sociopolitical engagement in Serbian musical periodicals between the two world wars.Aleksandar Vasic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3):212-235.
    Between the two World Wars, in Belgrade and Serbia, seven musical journals were published:?Musical Gazette?,?Music?,?Herald of the Musical Society Stankovic?,?Sound?,?Journal of The South Slav Choral Union?,?Slavic Music? and?Music Review?. The influence of marxism can be observed in?Musical Herald?,?Sound? and?Slavic Music?. A Marxist influence is obvious through indications of determinism. Namely, some writers observed elements of musical art and its history as consequences of sociopolitical and economic processes. Still, journals published articles of domestic and foreign authors who interpreted the relation between (...)
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