About this topic
Summary Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) stands as a highly influential figure among German philosophers, leaving an indelible mark on the philosophical landscape of the late 19th century onwards. Known for his systematic approach, Schopenhauer sought to encapsulate the totality of intuitive understanding of the world and the human mind through the lens of abstract concepts. His philosophical framework revolves around two central concepts: (1) representation and (2) will. (1) The realm of representation, as explored by Schopenhauer, encompasses intuitive cognition, threading through the intricacies of time, space and causality. Simultaneously, he explores the realm of reason, which encompasses the realms of language (including logic and eristic dialectics), philosophy of science, and practical rationality. Schopenhauer's exploration also extends into aesthetics, culminating in an extensive theory of beauty and a comprehensive philosophy of individual art forms. (2) Schopenhauer approached the concept of will in order to examine nature, the physical world and metaphysics. Within this scope, he moved on to practical philosophy, distinguishing between (a) the affirmation and (b) negation of the will (to life). (a) The affirmation of the will includes ethical action, the philosophy of law, the theory of the state, and social theory. (b) The negation of the will, on the other hand, includes ascetic practices motivated by religion, contemplation, self-sacrifice, and related topics. -- Schopenhauer's philosophical contributions went beyond his systematic framework. For example, his intercultural perspective on philosophy with a particular focus on Asia, his ideas on compassion, his critique of uncritical faith in reason and optimism, his advocacy of intuition, and his thoughts on animal rights have had a profound impact to this day.  
Key works

Schopenhauer’s central work is The World as Will and Representation, Vol. I which was rewritten and expanded for an academic audience as the Berlin Lectures. These contain Schopenhauer’s philosophical system. As supplements to this system, Schopenhauer arranges further writings that deal with specific parts of his system: The Fourfold Root and On Vision and Colours deal with the perspective of representation. On the Will in Nature, On the Freedom of the Will and On the Basis of Morality are to be attributed to the perspective of the will and deal with additions to natural philosophy and ethics. The World as Will and Representation, Vol. II and the two volumes of Parerga and Paralipomena are later published writings and deal in many chapters each with certain thematic additions, extensions and changes to the original system.


A good and compact introduction is provided by Wicks 2008. A well-researched biography to date is offered by Cartwright 2010. A brief overview of Schopenhauer's system is given by Lemanski 2023. More comprehensive introductions to individual topics are offered by Schubbe & Koßler 2018. Current information on research is provided by the Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft e.V. (www.schopenhauer.de)


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  1. Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard: Philosophy and science.Sergio Prats - unknown - Existentia 6 (1-4):317-319.
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  2. Schopenhauer e il criterio patologico della morale. Prospettive di ricerca per un'etica orientata al paziente.Fabio Ciracì - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui:89-101.
    ABSTRACT: Beginning with the analysis of the Mitleid, understood as the metaphysical foundation of Arthur Schopenhauer’s ethics, this contribution aims to investigate the ‘pathological criterion’ as instituting a new direction in contemporary ethics, in order to develop and actualize it in the perspective of a patient-oriented ethics.
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  3. La compassione come orientamento affettivo Scheler critico dell'etica di Schopenhauer.Gemmo Iocco - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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  4. Rodríguez Aramayo, Roberto. Schopenhauer: la lucidez del pesimismo, Alianza editorial, Madrid, 2018.Víctor Manuel López Trujillo - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  5. Review of Thomas Stern (ed.), The New Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche, Cambridge. [REVIEW]Jonathan Mitchell - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  6. Mor Segev, The Value of the World and of Oneself: Philosophical Optimism and Pessimism from Aristotle to Modernity. New York: Oxford University Press 2022, xii + 272 pp. [REVIEW]Sean T. Murphy - forthcoming - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.
  7. Self-knowledge and reflection in Schopenhauer’s view of agency.Sean T. Murphy - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper examines the roles that self-knowledge and reflection play in Schopenhauer’s view of agency. Focusing in particular on the discussion of the acquired character, his cognitive theory of motivation, and the idea of intellectual freedom, I argue that we find two conceptions of rational agency in Schopenhauer. The ‘minimal’ conception sees rational agency primarily as a kind of reflective motivation, whereas the ‘maximal’ or ‘robust’ conception sees rational agency as involving a kind of reflective self-organization. Furthermore, I argue that (...)
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  8. Schopenhauer's Correspondence.Eric Payne - forthcoming - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:81-83.
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  9. A Note On Schopenhauer's Essay "die Vierfache Wurzel".Francis Payne - forthcoming - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:133-133.
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  10. The very possibility of contemplation: The dialectics of intellect and will in Schopenhauer's aesthetics.Alexander Sattar - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article, I explore how Schopenhauer's theory of aesthetic experience—independently of his theory of arts—accommodates the possibility of contemplation. The standard reading of his aesthetics is that contemplation becomes possible because of a certain “surplus” of intellect and facilitating external occasions. I argue, however, that the “essential imperfections” of intellect and Schopenhauer's overall metaphysics are inconsistent with the very idea of will‐less cognition and, hence, of a free intellect. An alternative explanation of contemplation better fits with Schopenhauer's philosophy overall (...)
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  11. Pessimism, Schopenhauer, and Schopenhauerianism in nineteenth century Romania. The case of the poet Mihai Eminescu.Ştefan Bolea & Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (2).
    This article discusses the influence that Schopenhauer’s thought had on Mihai Eminescu’s work with reference to the idea of “pessimism.” It also considers Schopenhauer’s influence on Romanian philosophy and literature at the end of the nineteenth century. We shall examine Eminescu’s alleged “Schopenhauerian pessimism,” considering firstly “pessimism” as a part of Eminescu’s “myth.” Secondly, we shall cover the critical reception of Eminescu’s “Schopenhauerian pessimism,” discussing the existing literary and philosophical scholarship. Finding that there are issues for debate regarding Schopenhauer’s alleged (...)
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  12. The History and Philosophy of Boredom.Andreas Elpidorou & Josefa Ros Velasco (eds.) - 2025 - Routledge.
    Explores boredom's intellectual history from its early origins to the modern day. Essential reading for students and researchers in the history of philosophy, emotion studies, phenomenology, and moral psychology. It will also interest scholars in religion, classics, sociology, and the history of psychology.
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  13. Schopenhauer on the Futility of Suicide.Colin Marshall - 2025 - Mind 134 (533):171-190.
    Schopenhauer repeatedly claims that suicide is both foolish and futile. But while many commentators have expressed sympathy for his charge of foolishness, most regard his charge of futility as indefensible even within his own system. In this paper, I offer a defense of Schopenhauer’s futility charge, based on metaphysical and psychological considerations. On the metaphysical front, Schopenhauer’s view implies that psychological connections extend beyond death. Drawing on Parfit’s discussion of personal identity, I argue that those connections have personal significance, such (...)
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  14. Schopenhauer's Politics.Jakob Norberg - 2025 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) lived through an era of great political turmoil, but previous assessments of his political thought have portrayed him as a pessimistic observer with no constructive solutions to offer. By assembling and contextualizing Schopenhauer's dispersed comments on political matters, this book reveals that he developed a distinct conception of politics. In opposition to rising ideological movements such as nationalism or socialism, Schopenhauer denied that politics can ever bring about universal emancipation or fraternal unity. Instead, he viewed politics as (...)
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  15. Schopenhauer's Soteriology: Beyond Pessimism and Optimism.Timothy Paul Birtles - 2024 - Dissertation, The University of Southampton
    This thesis is primarily an attempt at solving some issues in Schopenhauer’s theory of salvation. My aim is to provide ways in which Schopenhauer’s soteriology could work. It is a partially reconstructive project in that I will be bringing to the forefront some of Schopenhauer’s assertions at the expense of others. My aim is to show that we are able to provide a much more cohesive and satisfying reading of Schopenhauer’s philosophical project if we let go of some of the (...)
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  16. Reseña de Philipp Höfele & Lore Hühn (Hrsg.), Schopenhauer liest Schelling. Freiheits und Naturphilosophie im Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie. [REVIEW]Osman Choque - 2024 - Tópicos 46:1-4.
    Schopenhauer liest Schelling, en: Tópicos, Revista de filosofía de Santa Fe, 2024, 1-4.
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  17. Reseña de Schopenhauer–Lexikon, Paderborn: Brill, Fink, 2021. [REVIEW]Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (1):1-8.
    Reseña de Schopenhauer–Lexikon (Hg. Daniel Schubbe u . Jens Lemanski), Paderborn: Brill, Fink, 2021, en Voluntas, 14, 2023, 1-8.
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  18. Birnbacher, D. y Koßler, M. (2022). Das Hauptwerk. 200 Jahre Arthur Schopenhauers Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. Königshausen & Neumann. 476 pp. [REVIEW]Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 69 (1):497-506.
    Reseña de „Birnbacher, D. y Koßler, M. (eds.). (2022). Das Hauptwerk 200 Jahre Arthur Schopenhauers Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. Königshausen & Neumann“ in: Tópicos, 69, (2024), 497–506.
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  19. (1 other version)Reseña de Schopenhauer-Lexikon (Hg. Daniel Schubbe u. Jens Lemanski).Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (1):e85274.
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  20. Philipp Höfele & Lore Hühn (Hrsg.), Schopenhauer liest Schelling. Freiheits- und Naturphilosophie im Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie.Osman Daniel Choque-Aliaga - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0067.
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  21. Hobbesian pessimism or Schopenhauerian mechanism: the construction of the individual in Thomas Hobbes and Arthur Schopenhauer.Patricia Costa da Silva Baehr - 2024 - Griot 24 (1):62-70.
    It is rare that we have Arthur Schopenhauer and Thomas Hobbes in the same publication, and when this occurs, it is usually aimed at exploring their dissenting political views. However, this study is based on the belief that both philosophers have significant similarities in their theories about the creation of the individual as a human being. Schopenhauer and Hobbes have, in their constructions, the pessimistic view of human nature and, furthermore, there are prominent similarities in the construction of the human (...)
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  22. Christina Kast (Hrsg.). Pessimistischer Liberalismus. Arthur Schopenhauers Staat. [REVIEW]Michał Dobrzański - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (2024/1):138-143.
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  23. The Worlds of Wang Guowei: A Philosophical Case Study of Coloniality.Michael Dufresne - 2024 - Dissertation, University of Hawaii at Manoa
    The Qing dynasty scholar Wang Guowei 王國維 (1877–1927) has received little recognition in the English-speaking world, and even less in the philosophical community. Raised to be a Ruist (or Confucian) scholar official, he gave up this path to pursue the study of the “new learning” (xīnxué 新學) from the West and became enamored with German aesthetic philosophy, especially the works of Kant, Schiller, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. However, by the start of the modern Republic period in China, Wang had denounced all (...)
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  24. Another Idealism: Berkeley, Kant and Schopenhauer. Kerkmann, J. (2024). Unendliches Bewusstsein. Berkeleys Idealismus und dessen kritische Weiterentwicklung bei Kant und Schopenhauer. Berlin & Boston: de Gruyter. [REVIEW]Ivan Ivashchenko - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):176-180.
    Review of Kerkmann, J. (2024). Unendliches Bewusstsein. Berkeleys Idealismus und dessen kritische Weiterentwicklung bei Kant und Schopenhauer. Berlin & Boston: de Gruyter.
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  25. A respeito da crítica de Schopenhauer à doutrina do direito de Kant.Antonio Alves P. Junior - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):109-122.
    No presente artigo tenho o intento de demonstrar o motivo de Schopenhauer ser um crítico ferrenho da doutrina do direito de Kant, e para tal empreendimento, além das investigações na Metafísica dos costumes, obra capital onde se encontram os conteúdos sobre a doutrina do direito de Kant, restrinjo minhas explicações em relação aos textos de Schopenhauer, principalmente em Sobre o fundamento da moral (para nesse caso, expor a crítica da ética na forma legislativa-imperativa), ao § 62 do primeiro tomo de (...)
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  26. The Buddhism of Wagner and Nietzsche and their indebtedness to Schopenhauer.Laura Langone - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (3):428-443.
    That Schopenhauer’s view of Buddhism influenced Wagner’s and Nietzsche’s Buddhism seems a commonplace among scholars. However, there seem to be no studies which actually demonstrated this, showing how Schopenhauer was their main source of Buddhism compared to the other Buddhist texts they read. In this article, I aim to fill this gap, analysing Wagner’s and Nietzsche’s Buddhism in the light of the sources of Buddhism they read. This will allow me to demonstrate how Schopenhauer was the main source of Buddhism (...)
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  27. Schopenhauer's Buddhism: a historical-philosophical inquiry.Laura Langone - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In a letter from May 10, 1852 Adam von Doss, Schopenhauer declared himself a Buddhist. This book is the first study to do justice to Schopenhauer's passion for Buddhism, reconstructing the notions of Buddhism he acquired through his Buddhist readings as well as their influence on his thought.
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  28. Transcendental Philosophy and Logic Diagrams.Jens Lemanski - 2024 - Philosophical Investigations 48 (1):91-117.
    Logic diagrams have seen a resurgence in their application in a range of fields, including logic, biology, media science, computer science and philosophy. Consequently, understanding the history and philosophy of these diagrams has become crucial. As many current diagrammatic systems in logic are based on ideas that originated in the 18th and 19th centuries, it is important to consider what motivated the use of logic diagrams in the past and whether these reasons are still valid today. This paper proposes that (...)
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  29. Nietzsche contra Schopenhauer on Art and Truth.Jeremy Page - 2024 - The Monist 107 (4):378-392.
    Abstract below. The published version of this article is available open access at The Monist's website. Part of Plato’s complaint about the cognitive status of art cites the pollution of aesthetic cognition by the affective side of our natures. Schopenhauer, by contrast, takes aesthetic cognition to transcend (some of) the limitations of everyday cognition precisely because in it agents become the “pure, will-less subject of cognition” (WWR I 219). On the orthodox reading of his later philosophy, Nietzsche scorns Plato and (...)
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  30. Schopenhauer como educador.Enock da Silva Peixoto - 2024 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):162-189.
    Schopenhauer como educador é a terceira, das quatro Considerações Intempestivas e, nesta obra, o então mestre de Nietzsche figura como modelo de educador. Schopenhauer é visto por Nietzsche, neste momento, como um exemplo de gênio, pois figurou na sociedade como exceção, não como regra. A universidade da época e a estrutura estatal são reprovadas por Nietzsche, e, para as confrontar, ele as utiliza como chave de leitura crítica o pensamento do autor conterrâneo. Estudaremos, perpassando as análises que Nietzsche de que (...)
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  31. Nietzsche leitor de Schopenhauer.Flamarion Caldeira Ramos - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (1):e184476.
    This paper aims to offer an image of Nietzsche as a reader of Schopenhauer, putting aside some fundamental issues, such as the influence of Wagner and the critique of his former master in his late philosophy. Trying to isolate these aspects, I will take Nietzsche as one of the most important reader of Schopenhauer. His deep veneration does not exclude relentless criticism and his relentless criticism does not exclude his deep veneration of Schopenhauer.
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  32. A Convex Mirror: Schopenhauer's Philosophy and the Sciences.Marco Segala - 2024 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Schopenhauer is acknowledged as “the philosopher of pessimism” and author of a system that teaches how art and morality can help humans navigate life in “the worst of all possible worlds.” This dominant image has cut off an important branch of Schopenhauer’s tree of philosophy—metaphysics of nature and its constant dialogue with the sciences of the time. Beginning with a reappraisal of Schopenhauer’s system as a whole—which he defined as a “single thought”—this book interprets his metaphysics as a knowledge that (...)
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  33. Schopenhauer on the inconsistency between optimism and personal immortality.Mor Segev - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (4):453-468.
    For Schopenhauer, death, understood as the annihilation of an individual's existence, cannot be successfully accommodated by theories endorsing an optimistic assessment of both human life and the world at large. I argue that Schopenhauer also has reasons to think that optimism cannot adopt personal immortality as a solution to that problem, although he does not present them systematically. Thus, he argues, prolonging one's life would necessarily lead at some point to an unbearable state of exhaustion due to one's unchanging character. (...)
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  34. Tempo, espaço e causalidade na primeira e segunda fases do pensamento de Nietzsche a partir de um estudo comparativo com a epistemologia de Schopenhauer.Márcio Luiz Silva & Ricardo de Oliveira Toledo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):99-118.
    This article has two tasks: to investigate the notions of space, time and causality in Schopenhauer’s theory of knowledge and, subsequently, to carry out a comparative study of the results obtained with the epistemological considerations between the first and second phase of Nietzsche’s thought. It is understood that conclusions concerning the world as representation had an echo in the first digressions of the author of The Birth of Tragedy on the conceptions of space, time and causality. However, the departures begin (...)
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  35. Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860).Valtteri Viljanen - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg, The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 480-481.
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  36. Morte, Ideia e Indestrutibilidade Do Nosso Ser Em Schopenhauer.Camila Gomes Weber & José Fernandes Weber - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):89-109.
    O objetivo do artigo é explorar as conexões entre o problema da morte, o conceito de ideia e a tese da indestrutibilidade do nosso ser com a morte, em Schopenhauer. Como ponto de partida, é apresentada a crítica de Schopenhauer à compreensão empírica da morte como passagem ao não-ser. Passa-se, então às considerações do filósofo sobre a indestrutibilidade do nosso ser com a morte, por meio do destaque às suas considerações sobre o caráter de coisa, vinculado à sua intepretação das (...)
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  37. Una aproximación a la intuición estética en Schopenhauer y Bergson.Clara Zimmermann - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:185-199.
    En este artículo buscamos mostrar que, tanto en la filosofía de Schopenhauer como también en la de Bergson, la experiencia estética se constituye como el paradigma del conocimiento intuitivo. A diferencia de lo que establece la teoría kantiana, para Schopenhauer y Bergson la intuición no sólo es la única forma de conocimiento inmediato, sino que no necesita de conceptos para aprehender aquello dado en la sensibilidad. Asimismo, puesto que actualmente no encontramos demasiada literatura sobre la influencia de Schopenhauer en la (...)
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  38. Individual Liberation in Modern Philosophy: Reflections on Santayana’s Affiliation to the Tradition Inaugurated by Spinoza and Followed by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.Lydia Amir - 2023 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (1):43-78.
    This article evaluates the significance of the personal liberation that Santayana offers in relation to previous proposals in Western modern philosophy. These include the ideas of liberation present in the philosophies of Spinoza, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. I argue that Santayana endorses Spinoza’s project, as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche did, of a philosophic redemption as an alternative to an established religion. Yet, he also follows Schopenhauer in rectifying Spinoza’s attempt of recapturing the philosophic truth of Christianity, a project undertaken in Medieval times (...)
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  39. Schopenhauer on stoicism as a way of life and on the wisdom of life.Keith AnsellPearson - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll, The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  40. The Schopenhauerian mind.David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) is now recognised as a figure of canonical importance to the history of philosophy. Schopenhauer founded his system on a highly original interpretation of Kant's philosophy, developing an entirely novel and controversial worldview guided centrally by his striking conception of the human will and of art and beauty. His influence extends to figures as diverse as Fredrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Iris Murdoch within philosophy, and Richard Wagner, Thomas Hardy, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Mann, Samuel Beckett and Jorge (...)
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  41. Arthur Schopenhauer, Cours exhaustif sur la philosophie – Première partie.Ugo Batini - 2023 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 54:249-250.
    En 1819, Arthur Schopenhauer fait paraître son grand ouvrage, Le Monde comme volonté et représentation, et s’attend à rencontrer un vif succès. Très vite, ses espoirs se dissipent devant l’indifférence qui entoure la réception de ce qui reste néanmoins à ses yeux un chef-d’œuvre. Il n’hésite pas d’ailleurs à voir derrière ce silence pesant le signe d’une cabale menée par les plus médiocres philosophes, c’est-à-dire ceux qui ne vivent pas, comme lui, pour la philosophie mais de la philosophie....
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  42. Wagner and Schopenhauer.Mark Berry - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll, The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  43. Thomas Mann on Schopenhauer : a philosopher of the future?Paul Bishop - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll, The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  44. When my heart says so..." hope as delusion in Schopenhauer's philosophy.Marie-Michèle Blondin - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  45. Praecepta, decreta and happiness in Schopenhauer and Seneca: a short comparative study.George Felipe Bernardes Barbosa Borges - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03328-03328.
    There is an important part in Schopenhauer's bibliography dedicated to reflections on a good life. Between 1826 and 1829, the German philosopher started to think about a eudemonology, an unfinished project, which relied on the rescue of the thought of ancient philosophers. In his discussions there is a great appreciation for Stoic thinking in order to produce a life as little unhappy as possible. Therefore, it seems relevant to revisit Schopenhauer's ideas and compare them with Seneca, who focused on the (...)
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  46. Schopenhauer in Latin America : Borges, and Funes, and the poetry of thought.Elizabeth Millán Brusslan - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll, The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  47. Resposta de Schopenhauer a Jacobi.Maria Lúcia Cacciola - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (2):23-31.
    O texto analisa como o problema da coisa em si em Kant, enquanto fundamento real ou não do fenômeno, foi reelaborado pelos filósofos pós-kantianos e como estes buscaram solucionar o possível dualismo da filosofia crítica. A investigação se concentra sobretudo na resposta de Schopenhauer ao problema, evidenciado pela primeira vez pelo filósofo Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, um dos grandes críticos da filosofia transcendental e do idealismo.
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  48. In Agon with Goethe : Parerga and Paralipomena 2.Adrian Del Caro - 2023 - In David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll, The Schopenhauerian mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  49. (4 other versions)Reseña de Robert Zimmer, Schopenhauer und die Folgen. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2018. [REVIEW]Osman Choque - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía de Costa Rica 164 (164):211-217.
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  50. Rezension zu Christina Kast (Hrsg.): Pessimistischer Liberalismus. Arthur Schopenhauers Staat, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2021, 277 S. [REVIEW]Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2023 - Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch. Frankfurt A. M 103:153-158.
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