Results for 'Luc Monnin'

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  1. (1 other version)Toward a Philosophy of The Web.Alexandre Monnin & Harry Halpin - 2012 - Metaphilosophy 43 (4):361-379.
    The advent of the Web is one of the defining technological events of the twentieth century, yet its impact on the fundamental questions of philosophy has not yet been explored, much less systematized. The Web, as today implemented on the foundations of the Internet, is broadly construed as the space of all items of interest identified by URIs. Originally a space of linked hypertext documents, today the Web is rapidly evolving as a universal platform for data and computation. Even swifter (...)
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    Tags and Folksonomies as Artifacts of Meaning.Alexandre Monnin - unknown
    The advent of the so-called Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, for all their seemingly apparent (Floridi, 2009) differences, was instrumental in a renewed interest in questions that used to be addressed solely by the philosophy of language. Amongst these, the problem of meaning is paramount to many a Webservice. The fact that philosophical problematiques of such a magnitude as this one are brought up both in the design process and effective use of technical devices, forces us to realize that (...)
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    Les communs négatifs planétaires.Alexandre Monnin - 2021 - Multitudes 4:117-125.
    Cet article examine la place qu’occupent les réflexions sur la Planétarité en les situant par rapport à deux autres attracteurs, le Terrestre et le Global. Un certain nombre de positions idéologiques contemporaines sont ainsi comparées en fonction de leur situation vis-à-vis de ces trois opérateurs. L’élément central permettant de les distinguer n’est autre que leur rapport aux techniques. Nous proposons de dépasser la difficulté à politiser les enjeux techniques et planétaires en ayant recours au concept de communs négatifs.
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    Toward a Philosophy of the Web: Foundations and Open Problems.Alexandre Monnin & Harry Halpin - 2013-12-13 - In Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin, Philosophical Engineering. Wiley. pp. 1–20.
    The advent of the Web is one of the defining technological events of the twentieth century, yet its impact on the fundamental questions of philosophy has not yet been explored, much less systematized. The Web, as today implemented on the foundations of the Internet, is broadly construed as the space of all items of interest identified by URIs. Originally a space of linked hypertext documents, today the Web is rapidly evolving as a universal platform for data and computation. Even swifter (...)
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    The artifactualization of reference and "substances" on the Web.Alexandre Monnin - unknown
    In this paper we show that URIs, sometimes dubbed "philosophical proper names, in fact do not always refer as proper names does. We provide an account explaining why, centered around the notion of "resource", central to webarch, and that we qualify ontologically.
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    L’ingénierie philosophique de Rudolf Carnap.Alexandre Monnin - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 141 (2):27-53.
    Cette étude entend souligner l’influence méconnue de la pensée de Rudolf Carnap sur le développement de disciplines ou de dispositifs participant de la révolution numérique et qui, à des titres divers, poursuivent un projet apparenté à la philosophie. Nous retraçons le parcours de Carnap, marqué par deux idées majeures sur lesquelles les interprètes ont récemment attiré l’attention : le principe de tolérance et la notion d’explication ( explication ). Les développements de l’intelligence artificielle, de l’ingénierie des connaissances (ou knowledge representation (...)
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  7. Proceedings of the WWW2012 conference workshop PhiloWeb 2012: "Web and Philosophy, Why and What For?".Alexandre Monnin, Harry Halpin & Carr Leslie - unknown
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    Sartre.Nathalie Monnin - 2008 - Paris: Belles lettres.
    Jean-Paul Sartre, philosophe, écrivain, dramaturge et grande figure de l'intellectuel politique, aura profondément marqué le XX siècle. Penseur de la liberté et de son envers, l'aliénation, de l'engagement et de la responsabilité, du pour-soi et de l'en-soi, de la conscience et du monde, du sujet et d'autrui, de la morale et de la mauvaise foi, du groupe en fusion et de la série, de la totalité et de l'Histoire, il est une voix originale de la Phénoménologie. Pour Sartre, l'homme est (...)
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    The Web as Ontology.Alexandre Monnin - unknown
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    The Web as Ontology: Web Architecture Between Rest, Resources, and Rules.Alexandre Monnin - 2013-12-13 - In Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin, Philosophical Engineering. Wiley. pp. 31–51.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A Tale of Two Philosophies: URIs between Proper Names and REST; From References to Referentialization; and Toward Ontological Politics.
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    Web and Philosophy, Why and What For?Alexandre Monnin, Harry Halpin & Leslie Carr - unknown
    Proceedings of PhiloWeb 2012, workshop at WWW 2012, on the philosophy of the Web.
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    Philosophical Engineering: Toward a Philosophy of the Web.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (eds.) - 2014 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This is the first interdisciplinary exploration of the philosophical foundations of the Web, a new area of inquiry that has important implications across a range of domains. -/- Contains twelve essays that bridge the fields of philosophy, cognitive science, and phenomenology Tackles questions such as the impact of Google on intelligence and epistemology, the philosophical status of digital objects, ethics on the Web, semantic and ontological changes caused by the Web, and the potential of the Web to serve as a (...)
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  13. Social construction and the concept of race.Edouard Machery & Luc Faucher - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1208-1219.
    There has been little serious work to integrate the constructionist approach and the cognitive approach in the domain of race, although many researchers have paid lip service to this project. We believe that any satisfactory account of human beings’ racialist cognition has to integrate both approaches. In this paper, we propose a step toward this integration. We present an evolutionary theory that rests on a distinction between various kinds of groups (kin-based groups, small-scale coalitions and ethnies). Following Gil-White (1999, 2001a, (...)
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    The man who lived one hundred and fifty years. [REVIEW]Victor Monnin - 2023 - Metascience 32 (3):363-366.
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    Est-il trop tard pour l’effondrement?Laurence Allard, Alexandre Monnin & Cyprien Tasset - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):53-67.
    Cette introduction invite à décadrer et à recadrer la thématique de l’effondrement, popularisée et médiatisée par la théorie dite « collapsologie », vers le plan des acteurs, des terrains, des temporalités, et des régimes d’énonciation. Nous appelons à documenter empiriquement ce que fait l’effondrement, et ce qu’en font celles et ceux à qui cette idée « fait » quelque chose. En effet, l’effondrisme pose la question des façons de se positionner non pas uniquement par rapport à une théorie, mais également (...)
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  16.  29
    Interview with Tim Berners‐Lee.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin - 2013-12-13 - In Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin, Philosophical Engineering. Wiley. pp. 181–186.
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    The ground of the image.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    If anything marks the image, it is a deep ambivalence. Denounced as superficial, illusory, and groundless, images are at the same time attributed with exorbitant power and assigned a privileged relation to truth. In this collection of writings on images and visual art, the author explores this through an extraordinary range of references.
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  18.  40
    The Decentralization of Knowledge.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin - unknown
    Does the centralization of the Web change both the diffusion of knowledge and the philosophical definition of knowledge itself? By exploring the origins of the Semantic Web in the philosophy of Carnap and of Google’s machine learning approach in Heidegger, we demonstrate that competing philosophical schools are deeply embedded in artificial intelligence and its evolution in the Web. Finally, we conclude that a decentralized approach to knowledge is necessary in order to bring the Web to its full potential as project (...)
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  19. Philosophical Engineering.Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (eds.) - 2013-12-13 - Wiley.
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    Unconscious odor detection could not be due to odor itself.Laurence Jacquot, Julie Monnin & Gérard Brand - 2004 - Brain Research 1002 (1):51-54.
  21.  55
    The Two-Triangle Universe of Plato’s Timaeus and the In(de)finite Diversity of the Universe.Salomon Ofman & Luc Brisson - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (4):493-518.
    In the present article, we consider the question of the primary elements in Plato’s Timaeus, the components of the whole universe reduced, by an extraordinarily elegant construction, to two right triangles. But how does he reconcile such a model with the infinite diversity of the universe? A large part of this study is devoted to Cornford’s explanation in his commentary of the Timaeus and its shortcomings, in order to finally propose a revised one, which we think to be entirely consistent (...)
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  22. Constitution by movement: Husserl in light of recent neurobiological findings.Jean-Luc Petit - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press.
  23. Cartesian metaphysics and the role of the simple natures.Jean-Luc Marion - 1992 - In John Cottingham, The Cambridge companion to Descartes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 115--139.
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    The European politics of animal experimentation: From Victorian Britain to ‘Stop Vivisection’.Pierre-Luc Germain, Luca Chiapperino & Giuseppe Testa - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 64:75-87.
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    Rives, bords, limites.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (2):41 – 53.
  26.  44
    Ricœur et la théorie de l’action.Jean-Luc Petit - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (1):142-152.
    Ricoeur’s Philosophy of the Will is reexamined here both as a source of motivation for his project of dialoguing with the analytic theory of action and as an explanation for the lack of response on the part of his Anglo-American interlocutors. Keywords: Actions, Language, Body, Idealism. Résumé La Philosophie de la volonté de Ricœur est revisitée ici comme source de motivation de son entreprise de dialogue avec la théorie analytique de l’action et comme explication du défaut de réponse de ses (...)
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    L'imagination poético-pratique dans l'identité narrative.Jean-Luc Amalric - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):110-127.
    Starting from a genesis of the concept of narrative identity, this article attemps to interpret the constitution process of our narrative identities through a systematic and synthetic review of the main contributions of the Ricœurian theory of imagination, from Freedom and Nature to Oneself as Another. In its complex imaginative constitution, narrative identity can then be characterized as a poetico-practical mix that mediates and puts in a dialectical relation two distinct functions of the imagination: a poetic and a practical one, (...)
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    Science et connaissance testimoniale chez Gonzalve d’Espagne.Pierre-Luc Desjardins - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (1):3.
    Cet article propose une approche de la pensée du franciscain Gonzalve d’Espagne qui vise, d’une part, à renouveler l’intérêt des études médiévales pour ce penseur longtemps oublié et, d’autre part, à permettre la compréhension de sa doctrine de la foi et des rapports qu’elle entretient avec sa compréhension de la scientificité de la théologie. Nous cherchons ici à comprendre de quelle manière la réponse de Gonzalve à la question de la compossibilité des habitus de foi, opinion et science se présente (...)
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    Does the Lay Concept of Mental Disorder Necessitate a Dysfunction?Gaetan Beghin & Luc Faucher - 2023 - In Kristien Hens & Andreas De Block, Advances in experimental philosophy of medicine. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 71-96.
    Philosophers have been particularly interested in providing an analysis of the concept of mental disorder that could accommodate and guide psychiatric practices (for example diagnostics, therapy, epidemiology, etc.). One of the most discussed propositions is Jerome Wakefield’s “Harmful Dysfunction Analysis” (henceforth HDA). Inspired by Wakefield’s own foray into experimental philosophy, we propose in this paper to test folk people’s intuitions on a wider number of mental disorders than he did as well as in different condition in which the symptoms could (...)
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    Apories et origines de la théorie spinoziste de l’idée adéquate.Jean-Luc Marion - 1998 - Philosophique 1:207-239.
    La raison pour laquelle il y a inadéquation de notre connaissance à la nature des corps extérieurs, mais aussi à celle de notre corps propre ainsi qu'à celle notre esprit, et donc à la nature de notre ego, c'est que nous sommes des êtres finis. Pour Descartes comme pour Spinoza la finitude de notre entendement rend impossible l'adéquation de la connaissance. À la connaissance adéquate, Descartes substitue la connaissance complète : certaine, mais non-absolue, vérifiée, mais seulement provisoire. La mise au (...)
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  31. From "Does it work?" to "What is 'it'?": Implications for Voodoo, Psychotherapy, Pop-Psychology, Regular, and Alternative Medicine.Jean-Luc Mommaerts & Dirk Devroey - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (2):274-288.
    Historically, "Healing Methods" (HMS) have not been based on rational theories. Of the thousands of HMs that have arisen over the ages, only a small number survive today, drawing their power and longevity mostly from their superior ability to act as a placebo within the context of modern-day culture, rather than through any other mode of action.When it comes to HMs, Western scientific culture has not yet evolved beyond a pre-scientific stage (Fancher 1995). A scientific analysis of the part played (...)
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    On the relation between recent neurobiological data on perception (and action) and the Husserlian theory of constitution.Jean-Luc Petit - 2003 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2 (4):281-298.
    The phenomenological theory of constitution promises a solution for the problem of consciousness insofar as it changes the traditional terms of this problem by systematically correlating subject and object in the unifying context of intentional acts. I argue that embodied constitution must depend upon the role of kinesthesia as a constitutive operator. In pursuing the path of intentionality in its descent from an idealistic level of pure constitution to this fully embodied kinesthetic constitution, we are able to gain access to (...)
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    The emergence of embodied communication in artificial.Bruno Galantucci & Luc Steels - 2008 - In Ipke Wachsmuth, Manuela Lenzen & Günther Knoblich, Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines. Oxford University Press. pp. 229.
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    From Animal to Environment: The Narrative of a Research on Nature from the 18th Century to the Present Day.Jean-Luc Guichet - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4):363-374.
    This paper is the text of a lecture given at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski on 2 November 2023 at the invitation of Professor Irena Kristeva. Its purpose is to retrace the path of my research, from the question of the Animal in the eighteenth century to the theme, at the same time, of the environment associated with the construction of the modern Ego and which gave rise to my latest book published in 2020: Figures of the Self and the (...)
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  35. On the Foundation of the Distinction Between Theology and Philosophy.Jean-Luc Marion - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    L'efficacia Della Volontà Nel Xvi E Xvii Secolo.Francesco Paolo Adorno & Luc Foisneau (eds.) - 2002 - Rome, Italie: Edizioni di Storia E Letteratura.
  37.  23
    The Art of Judicial Reasoning: Festschrift in Honour of Carl Baudenbacher.Knut Almestad, Jean-Luc Baechler, Benedikt Bogason, Henrik Bull, Francis Delaporte, Luis José Diez Canseco Núñez, Peter Freeman, Vladimir Golitsyn, Irmgard Griss, Marc Jaeger, Koen Lenaerts, Paul Mahoney, Andreas Mundt, Sven Norberg, Toril Marie Øie, Þorgeir Örlygsson, Anne-José Paulsen, Georges Ravarani, Hubertus Schumacher, Vassilios Skouris, Gian-Flurin Steinegger, Sven Erik Svedman, Antonio Tizzano, Marc van der Woude, Bo Vesterdorf & Jean-Claude Wiwinius - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book, formed as a series of essays in honour of Professor Carl Baudenbacher, addresses the very art of judicial reasoning, and features contributions from many of the foremost current or former national, supranational, or international judges. This unique volume is intended first and foremost for legal scholars, but its approachable style makes it readily accessible for students and for those with a general interest in the application of the law and justice in today's multi-layered world. The collection of essays (...)
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    Prix d’excellence de l’édition 2019 des Ateliers d’été du Fonds Ricœur.Jean-Luc Amalric - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 10 (2):88-89.
    Présentation du Prix d’excellence de l’édition 2019 des Ateliers d’été du Fonds Ricœur.
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    Paul Ricœur, l'imagination vive: une genèse de la philosophie ricoeurienne de l'imagination.Jean-Luc Amalric - 2013 - Paris: Hermann.
    Partant de l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'élaboration d'une théorie générale de l'imagination constitue l'une des visées centrales de la philosophie ricoeurienne et l'un de ses legs les plus prometteurs, ce livre se propose de travailler à une genèse rigoureuse de cette philosophie de l'imagination, en s'appuyant principalement sur les trois oeuvres qui composent la Philosophie de la volonté. A travers une analyse des dialogues de Ricoeur avec Sartre, Nabert, Bachelard, Merleau-Ponty, Jaspers, Cassirer, Husserl et Heidegger autour de la question de l'imagination, (...)
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    Out of Equilibrium.Mario Amendola & Jean-Luc Gaffard - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Standard equilibrium economic models focus on interdependencies. This text develops a theory which is based on disequilibria. The model proposed is a heuristic tool that makes it possible to explore these disequilibria in relation to Western economies.
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  41. Da Intellettuali Anarchici A Testimonio Di Dio.Jean-luc Barre, Jacques Maritain & Raisa Maritain - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42:902-904.
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    La plénitude de l'équilibre: physique et philosophie vers la cohérence?: essai.Jean-Luc Dubost - 2020 - Plombières Les Bains: Éditions Ex aequo.
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    Le capitalisme et l'oppression des femmes : pour un retour à Marx.Elsa Gimenez & Luc Benoit - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30:61.
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    Comparing Boolean and Piecewise Affine Differential Models for Genetic Networks.Jean-Luc Gouzé - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (2-3):217-232.
    Multi-level discrete models of genetic networks, or the more general piecewise affine differential models, provide qualitative information on the dynamics of the system, based on a small number of parameters (such as synthesis and degradation rates). Boolean models also provide qualitative information, but are based simply on the structure of interconnections. To explore the relationship between the two formalisms, a piecewise affine differential model and a Boolean model are compared, for the carbon starvation response network in E. coli . The (...)
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  45. Der Instinkt der Vernünftigkeit: de l'inaliénabilité de la rationalité.Jean-Luc Gouin - 2009 - Hegel-Studien 44:107-129.
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    De l'Architectonique de la Raison.Jean-Luc Gouin - 2009 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 107 (2):203-238.
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    La raison comme lemme philosophique ou « Der Instinkt der Vernünftigkeit » — pour accoster Hegel.Jean-Luc Gouin - 1996 - Philosophiques 23 (2):285-303.
    Bien que l'on associat traditionnellement pensée hégélienne et affirmation péremptoire de la rationalité de la réalité , il n'est pas inopportun de tenter de saisir le fil d'Ariane qui, progressivement, conduit le philosophe de l'Idéalisme absolu à littéralement arraisonner la Raison. On comprendra dès lors que cette Raison est peut-être moins un FIAT originel né de l'arbitraire - fût-il celui, génial, d'un puissant esprit pensant - qu'une simple CONSTANTE du réel : nous sommes de raison dans la Raison. Aussi, lutter (...)
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  48. Dilly.Jean-Luc Guichet - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau, The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes. pp. 1--10.
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    L'homme et la nature chez Rousseau.Jean-Luc Guichet - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1 (1):69-84.
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    Orthodox Christianity, Soviet Atheism and 'Animist' Practices in the Russianized World.Jean-Luc Lambert - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):21-31.
    In Russia a monotheism - Orthodox Christianity - and atheism in its Marxist version have succeeded each other as state systems of rites and representations. Rather than contrasting one with the other, term with term, this paper proposes to bring in a third term: the local religious systems of Russia’s animist minorities. We examine how Christianity and atheism tried one after the other to get established there and also consider the reactions they encountered. The analysis as planned is undertaken on (...)
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