Results for 'Lucas Leitão Silveira'

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  1. O princípio da moralidade na administração pública E a matização da distinção entre direito E moral.Lucas Cabral da Silveira & Manoel Nicolau da Silva Júnior - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (1):129-146.
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  2. The Future: An Essay on God, Temporality, and Truth.John R. Lucas - 1989 - Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
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    Kierkegaard’s Indirect Politics: Interludes with Lukács, Schmitt, Benjamin and Adorno.Lucas Piccinin Lazzaretti - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (39):905.
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    Noncontractive Classical Logic.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (4):559-585.
    One of the most fruitful applications of substructural logics stems from their capacity to deal with self-referential paradoxes, especially truth-theoretic paradoxes. Both the structural rules of contraction and the rule of cut play a crucial role in typical paradoxical arguments. In this paper I address a number of difficulties affecting noncontractive approaches to paradox that have been discussed in the recent literature. The situation was roughly this: if you decide to go substructural, the nontransitive approach to truth offers a lot (...)
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  5. Física I & II (Preliminar, 2002).Lucas Angioni - 2002 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
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    Proclus: Neo-Platonic Philosophy and Science.Lucas Siorvanes - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    Proclus, head of the Philosophy School at Athens for fifty years, was one of the leading philosophical figures in Late Antiquity. Lucas Siorvanes here introduces Proclus to English-language readers, discussing his metaphysics and theory of knowledge and focusing in particular on his Neo-Platonism. Proclus lived in the turbulent fifth century A.D., a time of struggles among Christians, Jews, and pagans, the invasion of Attila the Hun, the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the rise of the Eastern Roman (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Aristóteles, As Partes dos Animais, Livro I.Lucas Angioni - 1999 - Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciência.
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    When Aspirational Talk Backfires: The Role of Moral Judgements in Employees’ Hypocrisy Interpretation.Lucas Amaral Lauriano, Juliane Reinecke & Michael Etter - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):827-845.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) aspirations by companies have been identified as a motivating factor for active employee participation in CSR implementation. However, a failure to practise what one preaches can backfire and lead to attribution of hypocrisy. Drawing on a qualitative study of an award-winning sustainability pioneer in the cosmetics sector, we explore the role of moral judgement in how and when employees interpret word–deed misalignment in CSR implementation as hypocritical. First, our case reveals that high CSR aspirations by companies (...)
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  9. Ontologia e Predicação em Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 2000 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de Campinas.
    Este livro é um 'ancestral' em pré-print do meu livro de 2006, Introdução à Teoria da Predicação em Aristóteles (ISBN 978-85-268-0716-1), publicado pela Editora da Unicamp (ver %C3%B3teles). O ancestral foi felizmente muito citado, mesmo depois da aparição do livro definitivo em 2006. -/- This is an ancestor (in pré-print) of my 2006 Book, 'Introdução à Teoria da Predicação em Aristóteles' (ISBN 978-85-268-0716-1), published by Editora da Unicamp (see %C3%B3teles). The ancestor was cited by many, even after the definitive book (...)
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  10. Explanation and Method in Eudemian Ethics I.6.Lucas Angioni - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 20:191-229.
    I discuss the methodological passage in the begin- ning of Ethica Eudemia I.6 (1216b26-35), which has received attention in connection with Aristotle’s notion of dialectic and his methodology in Ethics. My central focus is not to discuss whether Aristotle is prescribing and using what has been called the method of endoxa. I will focus on how this passage coheres with the remaining parts of the same chapter, which also are advancing methodological remarks. My claim is that the meth- od of (...)
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  11. Aristóteles, Metafísica Livros IX e X.Lucas Angioni - 2004 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
    Translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics IX and X (Theta & Iota) into Portuguese, with a few notes, experimental glossary and introduction. The translation, which was made at 2004, is preliminary and its publication was intended to provide a didactic tool for courses as well as a provisional resource in research seminars. It needs some revision. I am currently working (slowly...) on the revision of the translation and a new revised one will surely appear at some point.
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    Across the great divide: pluralism and the hunt for missing heritability.Lucas J. Matthews & Eric Turkheimer - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2297-2311.
    Genetic explanation of complex human behavior presents an excellent test case for pluralism. Although philosophers agree that successful scientific investigation of behavior is pluralistic, there remains disagreement regarding integration and elimination—is the plurality of approaches here to stay, or merely a waystation on the road to monism? In this paper we introduce an issue taken very seriously by scientists yet mostly ignored by philosophers—the missing heritability problem—and assess its implications for disagreement among pluralists. We argue that the missing heritability problem, (...)
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    Should the Non‐Classical Logician be Embarrassed?Lucas Rosenblatt - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):388-407.
    Non‐classical logicians do not typically reject classically valid logical principles across the board. In fact, they sometimes suggest that their preferred logic recovers classical reasoning in most circumstances. This idea has come to be known in the literature as ‘classical recapture’. Recently, classical logicians have raised various doubts about it. The main problem is said to be that no rigorous explanation has been given of how is it exactly that classical logic can be recovered. The goal of the paper is (...)
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  14. Geometrical premisses in Aristotle’s Incessu animalium and kind-crossing.Lucas Angioni - 2018 - Anais de Filosofia Clássica 24 (12):53-71.
    At some point in the Incessu Animalium, Aristotle appeals to some geometrical claims in order to explain why animal progression necessarily involves the bending (of the limbs), and this appeal to geometrical claims might be taking as violating the recommendation to avoid “kind-crossing” (as found in the Posterior Analytic). But a very unclear notion of kind-crossing has been assumed in most debates. I will argue that kind-crossing in the Posterior Analytics does not mean any employment of premises from a discipline (...)
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    Phenomenological Approaches to Ethics and Information Technology.Lucas Introna - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Information and communication technology is changing many aspects ofhuman endeavour and existence. This is beyond dispute for most. Whatare contested are the social and ethical implications of thesechanges. Possible sources of these disputes are the multiple ways inwhich one can conceptualize and interpret the informationtechnology/society interrelationship. Each of these ways ofconceptualization and interpretation enables one to see theinformation technology/society relationship differently and thereforeconstrue its social and ethical implications in a different manner. Atthe center of this technology/society interrelationship we find manycomplex (...)
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  16. Editorial: The Hobbesian Revolution.Gustavo Castel de Lucas & Diego A. Fernández Peychaux - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):9-29.
    Proponemos una lectura de la obra de Hobbes como revolución, como ruptura radical con el pensamiento de la tradición dominante: ruptura, que lo es en casi todos los ámbitos, pero sobre todo en el del pensamiento político, moral y jurídico. Sugerimos, además, que esa radical ruptura sigue manteniendo elementos vivos y útiles para pensar la política hoy.
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    Leibniz: Discourse on Metaphysics.Peter G. Lucas & Leslie Grint - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (3):441-444.
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  18. Responsibility.John Randolph Lucas - 1995 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Responsibility is a key concept in our moral, social, and political thinking, but it is not itself properly understood. J.R. Lucas here presents a lively, broad, and accessible discussion of responsibility in various areas of human life, from personal and sexual relations to politics.
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    Paradoxicality Without Paradox.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1347-1366.
    It is not uncommon among theorists favoring a deviant logic on account of the semantic paradoxes to subscribe to an idea that has come to be known as ‘classical recapture’. The main thought underpinning it is that non-classical logicians are justified in endorsing many instances of the classically valid principles that they reject. Classical recapture promises to yield an appealing pair of views: one can attain naivety for semantic concepts while retaining classicality in ordinary domains such as mathematics. However, Julien (...)
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    Contraction, Infinitary Quantifiers, and Omega Paradoxes.Lucas Rosenblatt & Bruno Ré - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (4):611-629.
    Our main goal is to investigate whether the infinitary rules for the quantifiers endorsed by Elia Zardini in a recent paper are plausible. First, we will argue that they are problematic in several ways, especially due to their infinitary features. Secondly, we will show that even if these worries are somehow dealt with, there is another serious issue with them. They produce a truth-theoretic paradox that does not involve the structural rules of contraction.
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    Naive Validity, Internalization, and Substructural Approaches to Paradox.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2017 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 4.
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    Move and accommodate: A solution to Haddock's puzzle.Lucas Champollion - unknown
    What licenses the use of a definite description? The formal and philosophical literature has approached this question in two ways. The uniqueness approach (Frege, 1892; Russell, 1905; Strawson, 1950) holds that we may use a definite determiner only if the property denoted by its complement holds of exactly one individual in some domain: Sentence (1) and (2) can only be true if there is exactly one king of France, and exactly one American governor, respectively. Since this is not the case (...)
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    Utopía y derecho: un argumento en favor del reconocimiento de su vínculo.Lucas Emmanuel Misseri - 2019 - Escritos 27 (58):119-139.
    The main idea of the article is that there is a complementary link between utopia and law. Thus, the purpose is to show, through a conceptual and historical analysis, that denying such a link, at least, means the existence of an unclear and biased view of the concept of utopia and its historical development. For this purpose, it presents a provisional definition of utopia along with two assumptions underlying such definition: an economical and an anthropological one. It also presents a (...)
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    Sur le déclic.Lucas Pun - 1968 - Dialectica 22 (3-4):260-271.
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  25. Notas sobre a definição de virtude moral em Aristóteles (EN 1106b 36- 1107a 2).Lucas Angioni - 2009 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 3 (1):1-17.
    This paper discusses some issues concerning the definition of moral virtue in Nicomachean Ethics 1106b 36- 1107a 2. It is reasonable to expect from a definition the complete enumeration of the relevant features of its definiendum, but the definition of moral virtue seems to fail in doing this task. One might be tempted to infer that this definition is intended by Aristotle as a mere preliminary account that should be replaced by a more precise one. The context of the argument (...)
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    Loneliness and appearance: Toward a concept of ontological agency.Sarah Drews Lucas - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):709-722.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    On structural contraction and why it fails.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2695-2720.
    The goal of the paper is to discuss whether substructural non-contractive accounts of the truth-theoretic paradoxes can be philosophically motivated. First, I consider a number of explanations that have been offered to justify the failure of contraction and I argue that they are not entirely compelling. I then present a non-contractive theory of truth that I’ve proposed elsewhere. After looking at some of its formal properties, I suggest an explanation of the failure of structural contraction that is compatible with it.
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    Preschoolers use pedagogical cues to guide radical reorganization of category knowledge.Lucas P. Butler & Ellen M. Markman - 2014 - Cognition 130 (1):116-127.
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    When children are better (or at least more open-minded) learners than adults: Developmental differences in learning the forms of causal relationships.Christopher G. Lucas, Sophie Bridgers, Thomas L. Griffiths & Alison Gopnik - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):284-299.
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  30. Design cp the california aqueduct for effects of subsidence.Clifford V. Lucas - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 1.
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  31. Faith in action: Hammondcare [Book Review].Brian Lucas - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (1):119.
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    (1 other version)Moore's Influence on Russell.B. J. Lucas - 1981 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1:9.
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    No Title available: REVIEWS.J. R. Lucas - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (3):286-288.
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    Pirates and PMCs.George R. Lucas - 2009 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (1):87-94.
    Originally presented at a forum sponsored by Concerned Philosophers for Peace at the Eastern Division annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association (Philadelphia, PA: 29 December 2008), this essay discusses two ethical challenges in foreign policy likely to be confronted by the new U.S. presidential administration. The increased reliance on private military contractors, including security contractors, poses a number of difficulties, the most troubling of which is the erosion of civil-military relations. Modern military campaigns cannot be waged without some degree (...)
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    Marxismo e Fenomenologia nos pensamentos de Paulo Freire.Lucas Boeira Michels & Gildo Volpato - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 122.
    Este artigo, procurou verificar a presença e a influência das correntes filosóficas Marxismo e Fenomenologia em pensamentos do educador Paulo Freire. Neste estudo pôde-se refletir e compreender melhor essas correntes filosóficas e identificar como elas influenciaram o autor na elaboração dos conceitos sobre humanismo e educação. Na Fenomenologia a influência maior está na relação entre mundo/sujeito/coisas, e a busca pela cientificidade da filosofia, afirmando que essa ciência seria capaz de dar as respostas e definitivas aos problemas do conhecimento. No Marxismo (...)
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  36. O ser humano cultivado (pepaideumenos) em Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (1):165-196.
    I discuss the notion of education or educatedness (paideia) involved in the ‘educated human being’ (pepaideumenos), which Aristotle presents at the beginning of his Parts of Animals and a few other passages. The competence of educated human beings makes them able to evaluate some aspects of the explanations in a given domain without having a determinate knowledge about the specific subject-matter in that domain. I examine how such a competence is possible and how it is related to other critical abilities (...)
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    Pensar e estar vivo: sobre o primado da aparência em Hannah Arendt.Lucas Barreto Dias - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 10 (2):205-215.
    O escopo deste artigo é apresentar algumas considerações que nos permitam aprofundar a discussão acerca do primado da aparência a partir do pensamento de Hannah Arendt. Não obstante a extensão dos argumentos que se poderia evocar acerca deste assunto, deter-nos-emos aqui àqueles que dizem respeito majoritariamente aos conceitos de pensar e de estar vivo, relacionando-os frequentemente às noções de mundo, realidade, compreensão e verdade. Partimos das reflexões presentes substancialmente em A vida do espírito afim de compor nossa proposta de evocar (...)
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    Military Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know.George R. Lucas - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    What significance does "ethics" have for the men and women serving in the military forces of nations around the world? What core values and moral principles collectively guide the members of this "military profession?" This book explains these essential moral foundations, along with "just war theory," international relations, and international law. The ethical foundations that define the "Profession of Arms" have developed over millennia from the shared moral values, unique role responsibilities, and occasional reflection by individual members the profession on (...)
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    Meaningful futility: requests for resuscitation against medical recommendation.Lucas Vivas & Travis Carpenter - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):654-656.
    ‘Futility’ is a contentious term that has eluded clear definition, with proposed descriptions either too strict or too vague to encompass the many facets of medical care. Requests for futile care are often surrogates for requests of a more existential character, covering the whole range of personal, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs. Physicians and other practitioners can use requests for futile care as a valuable opportunity to connect with their patients at a deeper level than the mere biomedical diagnosis. Current (...)
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  40. Aristotle on “dunatos” as a label for imperfect syllogisms.Lucas Angioni - forthcoming - In Graziana Ciola & Milo Crimi (eds.), Validity Throughout History. Philosophia Verlag.
    This paper discusses the following question: why was the term “dunatos” (“possible”) employed by Aristotle as an alternative label for imperfect syllogisms in his discussion of assertoric syllogistic? My answer ascribes to Aristotle a bottom up perspective, in which he stresses what is necessary in the premise-pairs to attain target conclusions of a given form within a given figure. I argue that “dunatos” is employed by Aristotle to stress that an imperfect syllogism is always one of the possible options to (...)
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  41. Kant, Guyer, and Tomasello on the Capacity to Recognize the Humanity of Others.Lucas Thorpe - 2018 - In Kate A. Moran (ed.), Kant on Freedom and Spontaneity. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 107-136.
    On the surface Kant himself seems quite clear about who is deserving of respect: The morally relevant others are all “rational, free beings” or all “human beings.” It is clear, however, that Kant does not want to identify “human beings” in this sense with members of a particular biological species, for he is explicitly open to the idea that there might be non-biologically human rational beings. Thus, for example he is explicitly open to the possibility of extraterrestrial rational beings, who (...)
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  42. Aristóteles e o Uso da Matemática nas Ciências da Natureza.Lucas Angioni - 2003 - In M. Wrigley P. Smith (ed.), Coleção CLE (Universidade de Campinas, Brazil). CLE. pp. 207-237.
    I discuss the issue whether Aristotle's philosophy of science allows the use of mathematical premises or mathematical tools in general for explanaing phenomena in the natural sciences. I thereby discuss the concept of "metabasis eis allo genos" as it appears in Posterior Analytics I.7.
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  43. Defining topics in aristotle’s topics VI.Lucas Angioni - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):151-193.
    I argue that Topics VI does not contain any serious theory about definitions, but only a collection of advices for formulating definitions in a dialectical context, namely, definitions aiming to catch what the opponent means. Topics VI is full of inconsistencies that can be explained away by this approach: the inconsistencies reflect "acceptable opinions about definitions" that distinct groups of interlocutors accept. I also argue that the "topoi" need not be pieces of serious theory Aristotle is commited to. The "topoi" (...)
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  44. Shaping greed lines and measuring a multidimensional structural greed index.Lucas Andrianos - 2015 - In Athena Peralta & Rogate R. Mshana (eds.), The greed line: tool for a just economy. Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches.
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  45. A Noção Aristotélica de Ousia.Lucas Angioni - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil (Unicamp)
    This PhD thesis is a careful discussion of Aristotle's Metaphysics VII (Zeta) almost line by line (or at least argument by argument). It might be interesting to know that a revised and shortened version of it was published as a book in Portuguese, "As Noções Aristotélicas de Substância e Essência", Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2008. Actually, I believe the original version of the PhD thesis has been superseded by the book.
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    Immanuel Kant. Ontologie und Wissenschaftstheorie.P. G. Lucas - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (9):374.
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    Consciousness: A Philosophic Study of Minds and Machines.J. R. Lucas & Kenneth M. Sayre - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (2):241.
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    Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare.George R. Lucas - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    From North Korea's recent attacks on Sony to perpetual news reports of successful hackings and criminal theft, cyber conflict has emerged as a major topic of public concern. Yet even as attacks on military, civilian, and commercial targets have escalated, there is not yet a clear set of ethical guidelines that apply to cyber warfare. Indeed, like terrorism, cyber warfare is commonly believed to be a war without rules. Given the prevalence cyber warfare, developing a practical moral code for this (...)
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    Remorse and the Ledger Theory of Meaning.Lucas Scripter - 2023 - Philosophy 98 (1):81–102.
    A common idea about assessing meaning in life is that one draws up a list of those various positive values that one has achieved and subtracts from it one's negative deeds in life. The resulting balance is the meaningfulness of one's existence. I call this the ledger theory. Drawing on the work of Raimond Gaita and Julian Barnes's novel The Sense of an Ending, I argue for a phenomenology of remorse that gives us reason to reject the ledger theory. Even (...)
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    Euphemisms and Ethics: A Language-Centered Analysis of Penn State’s Sexual Abuse Scandal.Kristen Lucas & Jeremy P. Fyke - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):551-569.
    For 15 years, former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky used his Penn State University perquisites to lure young and fatherless boys by offering them special access to one of the most revered football programs in the country. He repeatedly used the football locker room as a space to groom, molest, and rape his victims. In February 2001, an eye-witness alerted Penn State’s top leaders that Sandusky was caught sexually assaulting a young boy in the showers. Instead of taking swift action (...)
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