Results for 'Luigi Antonello Armando'

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  1.  8
    Un principe "al tutto nuovo": Il principe di Machiavelli e il suo segreto: un commento.Luigi Antonello Armando (ed.) - 2022 - Roma: Armando editore.
    Più studiosi hanno ritenuto che Il principe sia un’opera priva di unità composta da più tronconi redatti in momenti diversi. Altri a tutt’oggi sostengono che il suo significato resta segreto, sfuggente ed enigmatico. Questo commento al testo di Machiavelli mostra invece come Il principe sia animato da una logica che dà vita a un discorso coerente e lo compone in unità. Ne svela altresì il segreto mostrando che quel discorso approda a delineare un nuovo tipo umano non identificabile con alcuna (...)
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    The Political Legacy of the German Classical Philosophy.Luigi Filieri, Armando Manchisi & Sabina Tortorella (eds.) - 2021 - EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.
    The political legacy of classical German philosophy can contribute in a crucial way to the most recent developments of contemporary political thought, thereby also making sense of the contradictions underlying the social practices and institutional values of our societies. What justifies this perspective is, in the first place, the complexity of contemporaneity, which holds within itself a doubleness that can be understood in the light of the conceptual tools of classical German philosophy. On the one hand, contemporary societies seem to (...)
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    Il Principe di Machiavelli. Una proposta di lettura.Valerio Meattini - 2024 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 15 (3):207-212.
    _Riassunto_: La riflessione su Machiavelli di Luigi Antonello Armando presenta tratti di novità e originalità. Dell’opera più nota, _Il principe_, Armando sostiene che se ne è fatta una lettura che ignora la rilevanza dell’espressione “al tutto nuovo” riferito a un principe “senza padre” e che dalla fortuna (occasione) ha avuto soltanto la possibilità non ostacolata di imprimere la forma agli eventi, divenendo così artefice per virtù propria dell’inizio “di una storia possibile”. Della “mente” di un tal (...)
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    Filosofia e psicologia nel primo Dewey: storia di una vocazione.Antonello Armando - 1984 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  5. Per ricordo di Luigi Scaravelli.Armando Carlini - 1958 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 12:261.
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    (1 other version)G.W.F. Hegel, Introduzione alla storia della fllosofia. Translation by Armando Plebe, introduction by Luigi Pareyson. Rome/Bari, Editoria Laterza, 1982, pp. 150, lire 6000. [REVIEW]W. H. Walsh - 1982 - Hegel Bulletin 3 (1):29-30.
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    Antropologia pragmatista. Padova Lectures.Michael Quante & Armando Manchisi (eds.) - 2020 - Padova PD, Italia: Padova University Press.
    What does it mean to be a person? And in what way is this connected to our finitude, i.e. to the properly human aspect of our existence? By analyzing some of the core features of our form of life (personal identity, self-consciousness, freedom, autonomy, responsibility), Michael Quante answers these questions arguing that it is possible to be a person and lead an authentically human life only within social relationships of recognition: only in these relationships, it is possible to know oneself (...)
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  8. Il problema della conoscenza giuridica.Pier Luigi Zampetti - 1953 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    The explanatory role of abstraction processes in models: The case of aggregations.Sergio Armando Gallegos Ordorica - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56:161-167.
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    The Theological Epistemology of Augustine's de Trinitate.Luigi Gioia Osb - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Luigi Gioia provides a fresh description and analysis of Augustine's monumental treatise, De Trinitate, working on a supposition of its unity and its coherence from structural, rhetorical, and theological points of view. The main arguments of the treatise are reviewed first: Scripture and the mystery of the Trinity; discussion of 'Arian' logical and ontological categories; a comparison between the process of knowledge and formal aspects of the confession of the mystery of the Trinity; an account of the so called (...)
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    Plato's conception of love..Armando Correia Pacheco - 1942 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: Notre Dame, Ind..
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  12. Resenha: A experiência da arte.Luiz Armando Bagolin - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (2).
    Foi o filósofo Friedrich Schleiermacher quem primeiro intentou transformar a hermenêutica, técnica interpretativa do XVII dirigida exclusivamente à exegese de textos bíblicos e jurídicos, numa ciência da compreensão dos discursos em geral. Elevada a princípio interpretativo universal, a hermenêutica schleiermacheriana aspirava para os discursos escritos àquilo que a retórica aristotélica e a de Quintiliano (II, XVII, 37-38), entre outras que lhes são posteriores, propuseram para todo hábito discursivo, não somente para os escritos, muitos séculos antes. Mais restrita, contudo, porquanto re" (...)
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    La construcción del objeto de estudio. Lecciones epistemológicas a partir de la obra de Pierre Bourdieu.Armando Ulises Cerón-Martínez - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 67:75-84.
    Resumen: Pierre Bourdieu es uno de esos autores que siempre es posible “redescubrir” dependiendo de los intereses científicos que el lector tenga, y eso por la maestría con la que practicó la ciencia de forma crítica. Para él la epistemología, más que una metaciencia discursiva, es una práctica para todo sociólogo que ejerce el oficio de la investigación científica, y su mismo legado científico lo evidencia. De ahí que su “sociología reflexiva” no sea sino una epistemología práctica que permite a (...)
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    (1 other version)The Rank Function and Hilbert'S Second ϵ‐Theorem.Pier Luigi Ferrari - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (4):367-373.
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    A Finite Axiomatization For Fork Algebras.Marcelo Frias, Armando Haeberer & Paulo S. Veloso - 1997 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 5 (3):1-10.
    Proper fork algebras are algebras of binary relations over a structured set. The underlying set has changed from a set of pairs to a set closed under an injective function. In this paper we present a representation theorem for their abstract counterpart, that entails that proper fork algebras — whose underlying set is closed under an injective function — constitute a finitely based variety.1.
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    (1 other version)Shakespeare, dramaturgo-filósofo.Armando Pego Puigbó - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (277):961.
    En este artículo se propone un acercamiento al universo dramático de William Shakespeare en un sentido filosófico más allá de las interpretaciones históricas, sociales y estéticas habituales en las teorías críticas más recientes. No se trata de resaltar sólo las intuiciones filosóficas contenidas en la obra shakesperiana, sino de intentar mostrar la irreductible condición filosófica de su imaginación literaria. Aun evitando los excesos bardólatras, se hace preciso revisar las relaciones paradójicas que mantiene el modelo trágico de Shakespeare con las categorías (...)
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    Reflections on Brutality, Culture and Personhood.Sergio Armando Gallegos-Ordorica - 2021 - Radical Philosophy Review 24 (2):231-237.
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    Bottom-up processes dominate early word recognition in toddlers.Janette Chow, Armando Q. Angulo-Chavira, Marlene Spangenberg, Leonie Hentrup & Kim Plunkett - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105214.
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    Correction to: Constituent assemblies.Luigi Lonardo - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (4):703-703.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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    David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's 'Measure of Value'.Pier Luigi Porta (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a companion volume to the Royal Economic Society edition of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, edited by Piero Sraffa with the collaboration of Maurice Dobb. It completes the record on Ricardian value theory by showing Ricardo's reaction to Malthus's pamphlet The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated of 1823. Ricardo's Notes are, in Sraffa's words, 'the only considerable item' not appearing in the Royal Economic Society edition of his works. In addition, the recent publication by (...)
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    Testi, documenti e materiali. Una difesa del determinismo dell'ultimo Wyclif attribuita a Peter Payne.Luigi Campi - 2015 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 70 (4):829-871.
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    Filosofia della libertà.Luigi Pareyson - 1991
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    Khan Academy Platform for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.Flaviano Armando Zenteno Ruiz, Raúl Malpartida Lovatón, Wilfredo Florencio Rojas Rivera, Juan Antonio Carbajal Mayhua & Víctor Luis Albornoz Dávila - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:573-585.
    Objective: To assess the impact of Khan Academy on the Mathematics educational process for UNDAC students and determine the relevance and efficacy of its content and strategies within the Mathematics-Physics program. Methodology: This research is framed within the positivist paradigm and takes on a quantitative approach. An experimental pre-experimental design was used with pretest and posttest in a single group. The study is applied in nature and is grounded in the contributions of expert researchers and methodologists on the subject. Analytical (...)
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  24. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz on self‐control.Sergio Armando Gallegos-Ordorica - 2020 - Philosophy Compass (10):1-10.
    The Novohispanic nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz has not been traditionally considered as a philosopher within the Anglophone philosophical sphere because her writings are primarily poems and plays. In the last three decades, only a few philosophers have engaged with Sor Juana's works. However, their scholarship has focused only on a narrow range of issues, such as Sor Juana's defense of the right of women to be educated, and has neglected other dimensions of her thought, such as her (...)
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  25. Sciacca el'eredità dello spiritualismo cristiano.Giuseppe Nicolaci, Armando Rigobello, Giuseppe Riconda, Manlio Corselli, Luciano Malusa, Ersilia Caramuta, Alessandro Musco, Giuseppe Roccaro & Grazia Tagliavia - 2005 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (3):565-753.
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    Don Miguel de Unamuno, lector del P. Faber.Armando Zubizarreta G. - 1960 - Salmanticensis 7 (3):667-701.
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    Prime saliency in semantic priming with 18-month-olds.Nicola Gillen, Armando Quetzalcóatl Angulo-Chavira & Kim Plunkett - 2024 - Cognition 246 (C):105764.
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  28. I pensieri di Mattia.Luigi Mattia Azzarelli - 1970 - Treviso,: Tip. Longo & Zoppelli.
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    A note on the Vita Aesopi, recension G, 69–70.Luigi Battezzato - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (2):647-648.
    The recension G of the Vita Aesopi has received a fair amount of attention after the editio princeps by Perry. In recent years, Papathomopoulos and Ferrari have emended scores of corrupt passages in their fine editions. I will offer only one note, dealing with a section that has been left unclear.
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    Sofocle. Filottete/Sophokles. Philoktetes.Luigi Battezzato - 2005 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 125:161-163.
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  31. Light as a metaphor of science: A pre-established disharmony.Luigi Borzacchini - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
  32. Pasado y futuro del estado de derecho.Luigi Ferrajoli - 2001 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 17:31-46.
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    Autonomy, dignity and history in Caranti’s Kant’s political legacy.Luigi Filieri - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):586-597.
    In this paper I discuss some relevant theses of Caranti?s Kant?s Political Legacy, whose aim is to provide a consistent account of how we could develop Kant?s political thought and see to what extent Kant?s insights can help us to critically understand the 21st century?s political world. First, I will focus on autonomy as the ground of dignity and discuss Caranti?s arguments against the exclusiveness of the Categorical Imperative as the sole principle of true moral agency. Second, I will take (...)
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    Such stuff as psychoses are made on?Armando D'Agostino & Silvio Scarone - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):612-613.
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    Medio siglo de filosofía en México (1908-1958).José Armando Espinoza - 1991 - México: Editorial Trillas.
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    J. S. Beck’s Theory of the Original Representing as an Interpretation of Kant.Luigi Filieri - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (3):501-530.
    This paper explores Beck’s theory of original representing in order to discuss both its historical and theoretical relevance and its implications concerning Kant’s views on the capacity to judge. My first concern will be to highlight the main points of Beck’s Kant interpretation and to show at which points he misunderstands Kant. My analysis also contains a positive aspect, for I adopt Beck’s claim that there is only one possible standpoint from which critical philosophy ought to be judged. Unlike Beck, (...)
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    Sintesi e giudizio: studio su Kant e Jakob Sigismund Beck.Luigi Filieri - 2020 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Scienza e linguaggio.Luigi Foschini - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    « …Mais, au contraire, seulement une – arabesque ». Autour d’un motif d’Étienne Souriau.Luigi Azzariti Fumaroli - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):49-60.
    Taking the arabesque as referent, the article proposes to investigate its meaning in its various meanings, starting with the musical and then continuing with the artistic and literary, in order to highlight how, especially in the literary sphere, Souriau proposes, through this figure, to examine the conditions of possibility of the interweaving of phonetic, semantic and morphological inventions that sustantiate language, but that nevertheless can never reach the threshold of saying. And which indeed seems to testify to how there is (...)
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  40. Dissertatio de Opusculis de Differentia Verbi Divini Et Humani, de Sensu Respectu Singularium Et Intellectu Respectu Universalium, de Natura Luminis, de Intellectu Et Intelligibili, de Quo Est Et Quod Est, de Mixtione Elementorum Ad Magistrum Philippum.Luigi Galea & Thomas - 1880 - [S.N.].
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    Fondamenti e svolgimenti della scienza giuridica: nuovi saggi.Luigi Garofalo - 2015 - Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
    Principi e ordinamento romano : una riflessione sulle orme di Fritz Schulz -- Homo liber e homo sacer : due archetipi dell'appartenenza -- L'humanitas tra diritto romano e totalitarismo hitleriano -- Sull'eccezione di dolo generale -- L'arbitraggio sul prezzo -- Diritto romano e scienza del diritto -- Roma e i suoi giuristi nel pensiero di Nicolás Gómez Dávila -- Tradizione e misura umana del diritto: considerazioni sulla figura del giurista a partire da Giuseppe Grosso.
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  42. Dimensioni umane.Luigi Giancola - 1974 - Cagliari: Editrice sarda Fossataro.
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  43. La relación de la Dialéctica Hegel-Marx y su inversión.Numas Armando Gil - 1984 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 26 (76):41-53.
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    La lectura y la sospecha: ensayos sobre cratividad y vida intelectual.Armando González Torres - 2019 - Ciudad de México: Cal y Arena.
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  45. «Optima philosophia nullius praeter veritatem sollicita». Momenti dell'attività scientifica e filosofica di Antonio Cocchi.Luigi Guerrini - 2004 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 24 (1):53-81.
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  46. A Autonomia Do Aluno Nas Concepções Clássica E Iluminista De Educação.Samuel Mendonça & Armando Filho - 2012 - Educação E Filosofia 26 (51).
    Neste artigo, procuramos investigar e discutir a questão da autonomia do educando em dois diferentes momentos históricos: o período clássico e o moderno. O problema do artigo diz respeito à pergunta: Como a questão da autonomia discente foi discutida nos períodos clássico e moderno? Baseamo-nos, sobretudo, nas concepções platônicas acerca da Paidéia e, na concepção educacional pensada por Rousseau e por Kant, no período iluminista, orientada por um novo ideal de formação humana que priorizava o desenvolvimento da razão. Ambas as (...)
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    Sostenibilidad y gobernanza.Armando Menéndez Viso - 2005 - Arbor 181 (715):317-331.
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  48. La Economía Cubana en la Década de los 90.Armando Nova González - forthcoming - Enfoques.
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    Reportaje a la filosofía.Numas Armando Gil Olivera - 1999 - Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Gente Nueva Ltda., /.
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    Eduardo Nicol: Filosofía científica y autocomprensión histórica.Iver Armando Beltrán García - 2017 - Endoxa 40:247.
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