Mikhail Belousov [7]M. Belousov [1]Mikhail A. Belousov [1]
  1.  47
    On the Problem of the World in Husserl's Phenomenology.Mikhail A. Belousov - 2016 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 54 (1):20-34.
    Already in his Logical Investigations Husserl is opposing consciousness and the world and raising the question of an objective, “true” existence of the world beyond phenomenological research. This opposition becomes increasingly radical in Husserl's subsequent works, especially in his early and mature periods. For Husserl, phenomenology is not simply about “bracketing” any conditions concerning the existence or nonexistence of the world; it is also designed to carry out a kind of “deworlding” of consciousness, which allows for revealing it not as (...)
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    Transcendentalism, Naturalism and Ontology.Mikhail Belousov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (1):115-128.
    The opposition between transcendentalism and naturalism plays a key role in discussions about consciousness at the confluence of phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Associated with it is a whole range of research programs. However, the opposition between transcendentalism and naturalism in these programs is, as a rule, operational and not thematic in nature and presupposes that 1) Transcendentalism and naturalism as traditions are initially alien to each other; 2) The domain of their opposition is ontology. The article attempts to problematize these (...)
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    Duty and Moral World-View in “the Phenmenology of Spirit” and Phenomenological Critique of Ding an Sich.Mikhail Belousov - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):502-530.
    The question of the world in itself — the world beyond its correlation with experience in the broadest sense — is one of the sore points of phenomenology and becomes especially acute in the light of modern discussions around correlationism. These discussions, in one way or another, make phenomenology come around to the classical distinction between the phenomenon and the thing-in-itself, with the help of which Kant outlines the field of ethics as a special world lying on the other side (...)
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    Crisis of sciences and phenomenology: Overcoming or radicalization?Mikhail Belousov - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):40-72.
    In his late works Husserl interprets the crisis of European sciences as the loss of their meaning for life. The diagnosis seems to suggest therapeutic strategy: to overcome the crisis, phenomenology must return to the evidences of the life-world. The article argues that the husserlian strategy of overcoming the crisis consists not in the elimination of the break with the prescientific evidences of the natural attitude, but, on the contrary, in the radicalization of the breach. Thus, I want to show (...)
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    Givenness as problem of phenomenology.Mikhail Belousov - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (2):536-572.
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    Hermeneutic Circle and “Voraussetzungslosigkeit” Principle in Husserl and Heidegger.M. Belousov - 2012 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 1 (2):100-116.
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    Infinity and Transcendence: Husserl, Heidegger and Tengelyi.Mikhail Belousov - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2-3).
    Laszlo Tengelyi’s phenomenological project, as presented in his book “World and infinity. To the problem of the phenomenological metaphysics”, published posthumously, is founded on the idea of the infinity of the world. In rehabilitating the husserlian thesis of the infinity as constitutive feature of the worldly experience, Tengelyi departs from the phenomenology of the finitude, which goes back to Heidegger. The article analyzes the origins of the infinity/finitude dilemma in transcendental phenomenology of the world in Husserl, Heidegger and Tengelyi. It (...)
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    To the Concept of “Alienation” in Husserl and Hegel.Mikhail Belousov - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):99-120.
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    GEORGY CHERNAVIN PHILOSOPHY OF THE TROLL.THE PHENOMENON OF PAID BOTS Moscow: RIPOL klassik, 2021. ISBN 978-5-386-13894-3. [REVIEW]Mikhail Belousov - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (2):743-750.
    The review is devoted to Georgy Chernavin’s book Philosophy of the Troll. The Phenomenon of Paid Bots. The central concept of the book–default opinion as an opinion that nobody is behind – is outlined. In the light of the idea of the default opinion Georgy Chernavin seeks to lay bare the anonymous character of the natural attitude and the general positing which belongs to it–“the” world is always there as an actuality. The natural attitude turns out to be the attitude (...)
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