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Marco Hausmann [10]Markus Hausmann [2]M. Hausmann [2]Marc Hausmann [1]
M. F. Hausmann [1]
  1. The actual challenge for the ontological argument.Marco Hausmann - 2022 - Analysis 82 (2):222-230.
    Many versions of the ontological argument have two shortcomings: First, despite the arguments put forward, for example, by Hugh Chandler and Nathan Salmon, they assume that S5 is the correct modal logic for metaphysical modality. Second, despite the classical arguments put forward, for example, by David Hume and Immanuel Kant or the more recent arguments put forward, for example, by John Findlay and Richard Swinburne, they assume that necessary existence is possible. The aim of the paper is to develop an (...)
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    The Consequence of the Consequence Argument.Marco Hausmann - 2020 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):45-70.
    The aim of my paper is to compare three alternative formal reconstructions of van Inwagen’s famous argument for incompatibilism. In the first part of my paper, I examine van Inwagen’s own reconstruction within a propositional modal logic. I point out that, due to the expressive limitations of his propositional modal logic, van Inwagen is unable to argue directly (that is, within his formal framework) for incompatibilism. In the second part of my paper, I suggest to reconstruct van Inwagen’s argument within (...)
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  3. The consequence argument ungrounded.Marco Hausmann - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):4931-4950.
    Peter van Inwagen’s original formulation of the Consequence Argument employed an inference rule that was shown to be invalid given van Inwagen’s interpretation of the modal operators in the Consequence Argument. In response, van Inwagen recently suggested a revised interpretation of his modal operators. Following up on a debate between Blum and Schnieder, I analyze van Inwagen’s revised interpretation in terms of explanatory notions and I argue that van Inwagen faces a dilemma: he either has to admit that beta entails (...)
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  4. Against Kripke’s solution to the problem of negative existentials.Marco Hausmann - 2019 - Analysis 79 (3):411-415.
    In this paper, I try to show that Kripke’s proposed solution to the problem of negative existentials fails. I try to show that Kripke’s proposal fails because it entails that anybody who has good reasons to believe that there are no propositions has also good reasons to believe that he or she does not exist. However, there were philosophers who had good reasons to believe that there are no propositions even though they didn’t have good reasons to believe that they (...)
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    Emotional prosody modulates attention in schizophrenia patients with hallucinations.L. Alba-Ferrara, G. A. de Erausquin, M. Hirnstein, S. Weis & M. Hausmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  6.  41
    Free Will: Historical and Analytic Perspectives.Marco Hausmann & Jörg Noller (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This novel contributed volume advances the current debate on free will by bridging the divide between analytic and historically oriented approaches to the problem. With thirteen chapters by leading academics in the field, the volume is divided into three parts: free will and determinism, free will and indeterminism, and free will and moral responsibility. The contributors aim to initiate a philosophical discourse that profits from a combination of the two approaches. On the one hand, the analytic tools familiar from the (...)
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    The Uniqueness of Necessary Truth and the Status of S4 and S5.Marco Hausmann - 2021 - Theoria 87 (6):1635-1650.
    The aim of this paper is to relate the debate about the status of S4 and S5 as modal logics for metaphysical modality to the debate about the identity of propositions. The necessary truth of the characteristic axioms of S4 and S5 (when interpreted in terms of metaphysical modality) is derived from a view about the identity of propositions, the view that necessarily equivalent propositions are identical.
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    Lateralized cognition: Asymmetrical and complementary strategies of pigeons during discrimination of the “human concept”.Y. Yamazaki, U. Aust, L. Huber, M. Hausmann & O. Güntürkün - 2007 - Cognition 104 (2):315-344.
  9.  54
    Some Free Thinking About ‘Thinking About Free Will’.Marco Hausmann - 2021 - In Marco Hausmann & Jörg Noller, Free Will: Historical and Analytic Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 91-110.
    According to Peter van Inwagen’s arguments for the incompatibility of free will and determinism, nobody is able to do anything about the truth of a complete description of a past state of the world. In my chapter, I do not argue directly against this assumption. Instead, I develop four arguments to the conclusion that van Inwagen’s attempt to justify this assumption fails. I argue that many philosophical views as well as independent arguments all speak against van Inwagen’s attempt to justify (...)
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    Erratum: How brain asymmetry relates to performance – a large-scale dichotic listening study.Marco Hirnstein, Kenneth Hugdahl & Markus Hausmann - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Emotional Prosody Processing in Epilepsy: Some Insights on Brain Reorganization.Lucy Alba-Ferrara, Silvia Kochen & Markus Hausmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:335228.
    Drug resistant epilepsy is one of the most complex, multifactorial and polygenic neurological syndrome. Besides its dynamicity and variability, it still provides us with a model to study brain-behavior relationship, giving cues on the anatomy and functional representation of brain function. Given that onset zone of focal epileptic seizures often affects different anatomical areas, cortical but limited to one hemisphere, this condition also let us study the functional differences of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. One lateralized function in the (...)
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    A new apparatus for measuring choice and decision.M. F. Hausmann - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (2):218.
  13.  8
    Die Rolle der Materie in der Definition der Substanz: Thomas' Kommentar zu Z 10 von Aristoteles' Metaphysik.Marc Hausmann - 2013 - Kleinhain: Verlag St. Josef.
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    Filosofia transalpina. Interazioni italo-tedesche nella filosofia moderna.Marco Hausmann - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (1):183-184.
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    Introduction.Marco Hausmann & Jörg Noller - 2021 - In Marco Hausmann & Jörg Noller, Free Will: Historical and Analytic Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-14.
    The aim of the present volume is to advance the debate about free will by combining historical and analytic perspectives. In the discussion throughout the centuries, many problems have emerged that cast doubt on the assumption that we have free will. The aim of this introduction is, first, to present these problems as well as to present several strategies that have been proposed in order to solve these problems; second, to give an overview of the content of the present volume. (...)
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    Unerklärliche Wahrheiten.Marco Hausmann - 2021 - In Oliver Passon & Christoph Benzmüller, Wider den Reduktionismus -- Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Kurt Gödel Preis 2019. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 119-144.
    Manche Menschen haben hohe Erwartungen an die Wissenschaft. Manche Menschen erwarten von der Wissenschaft, dass sie die Welt vollständig beschreiben wird. Die Wissenschaft wird diese Erwartung aber sicher nie erfüllen – zumindest dann nicht, wenn sie versucht, alle Wahrheiten über die Welt einzeln aufzuzählen. Aber auch der Versuch aus einer endlichen Anzahl von Annahmen eine vollständige Beschreibung zu reduzieren ist zum Scheitern verurteilt.
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