Results for 'M. StÖ'

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  1. Dogmy i poisk: sto let diskussiĭ o dialektike v angliĭskoĭ filosofii.M. A. Abramov - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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  2. Kritika na estestvenoto pravo, istorizŭm v pravoto i praven pozitivizūm: prinos kŭm uchenieto za tŭlkuvanieto na provniti︠e︡ normi i popŭlvane na prazniniti︠e︡ v zakonodatelstvoto.Khrīsto N. Boi︠a︡dzhīey - 1929 - Sofii︠a︡,: Pechatnitsa na Armeĭskii︠a︡ voenno-izdatelski fond.
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    Cultural aspects of the current Scandinavian identity crisis: The case of Denmark-purity under attack.Tine Møller - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):238-250.
    U ovom tekstu pokusavam da pokazem primere ispoljavanja krize identiteta u kulturi, koja se upravo odvija u Skandinaviji. Posebnost ove krize je u tome sto je ona pogodila vecinu drustva u vreme kada se?skandinavski model? drzave blagostanja polako rusi sa nastankom globalnih finansijskih problema. U centru ove krize je ideja Homo Scandinavicusa cije je postojanje istovremeno ugrozeno i ciji je sadrzaj doveden u pitanje. U svim skandinavskim zemljama takozvane?kulturne bitke? bile su koriscene kao?teska artiljerija? pri artikulisanju stavova obe sukobljene strane. (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics.John Z. Sadler, Werdie Van Staden & K. W. M. Fulford (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics is the most comprehensive treatment of the field in history. The volume is organized into ten sections which survey the scope of the text: Introduction, People Come First, Specific Populations, Philosophy and Psychiatric Ethics, Religious Contexts of Psychiatric Ethics, Social Contexts of Psychiatric Ethics, Ethics in Psychiatric Citizenship and the Law, Ethics of Psychiatric Research, Ethics and Values in Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis, Ethics and Values in Psychiatric Treatment. Written and edited by an international (...)
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  5. Cattolici nella Resistenza: un obbligo morale.A. Canavero - 1998 - Civitas 2 (2):31-38.
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    Physics, 1996-2000.Gösta Ekspong (ed.) - 2002 - [River Edge] New Jersey: World Scientific.
    1996 : David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson -- 1997 : Steven Chu, Claude N. Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips -- 1998 : Robert D. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer and Daniel C. Tsui -- 1999 : Gerardus 't Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman -- 2000 : Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer and Jack S. Kilby.
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    Biopolitics and/or biopower.Alpar Losonc - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (1):153-189.
    Ovaj clanak se bavi znacenjem zivota, i mogucnostima ukljucivanja zivota u okvire politicke filozofije. Postoje dva odgovora na ovo pitanje. Prvi odgovor se vezuje za H. Arent, a drugi za M. Fukoa koji je skicirao genezu biopolitike, to jest, razlicitih mehanizama optimalizacije kapaciteta zivota pocev od "klasicne epohe". Autor clanka posredstvom kriticke interpretacije H. Arent i Fukoa tvrdi da postoji opravdanost istovremenog tretiranja biomoci i suvereniteta. Time on namerava da zadobije perspektivu u odnosu na suverenitet koji tretira kao neizostavan u (...)
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    Análisis semánticos.Josefina García Fajardo (ed.) - 1996 - México, D.F.: Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios.
    Con este volumen se da inicio a la Serie Estudios del Lenguaje de la C tedra Jaime Torres Bodet. Son nueve los art culos que integran esta obra. Cuatro de ellos abordan alg n aspecto del sistema de una lengua en particular; dos se dirigen al sentido de un texto; en uno se perfila un modelo de an lisis de textos jur dicos; otro presenta un panorama de los estudios sobre cuantificaci n, y uno m s expone los problemas con (...)
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    Of “reversal,” on revolutional: Violence and the institution.Petar Bojanic & Vladan Djokic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (2):157-171.
    Interesuje nas, prednost koju Delez daje sintagmi?revolucionarna institucija? u odnosu na manje originalnu sintagmu?institucionalna revolucija?. Delez nekoliko puta upotrebljava u svojim tekstovima?revolucionarna institucija?, sigurno sasvim svestan da ova sintagma ima jednu prilicno haoticnu i nejasnu istoriju tokom post-revolucionarnog perioda, ali i da je ona savrseno u duhu Sanzistovih namera. Treba da proverimo da li ova sintagma najbolje opisuje jednu Delezovu imaginarnu teoriju institucije, ali i njegov angazman u teoriji uopste. Preeliminarna teskoca, koja automatski dovodi u pitanje i devalvira nasu intervenciju, (...)
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    Mechanisms of unconscious priming: Response competition, not spreading activation.M. R. Klinger, P. Burton & G. Pitts - 2000 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 26 (2):441-455.
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    Pironizam i relativizam.Filip Grgić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):823-841.
    U ovom se radu pokušava pokazati da postoji određena vrsta relativizma koja je spojiva sa skepticizmom Seksta Empirika. Tvrdi se da se u PH I.217–219 Protagora ne shvaća kao aletički ili epistemički relativist, nego kao relativist u minimalnom smislu riječi, te da takvo stajalište nije protivno pironizmu kako ga Sekst karakterizira u PH I. Potom se pokazuje da nam prihvaćanje toga aspekta pironizma može pomoći da objasnimo neke inače problematične relativističke zaključke što ih nalazimo u Sekstovim spisima, naročito u M (...)
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  12. Esztétika és műértés: filozófiai és művészetelméleti írások.Béla Bacsó - 2023 - Budapest: Kijárat Kiadó.
    Ezek az írások a megértés és az értelmezés egymástól el nem választható lehetőségeit vizsgálják. Az elmélet próbája az alkalmazás, ennek során válik láthatóvá, hogy a művészetelméleti elgondolások mire és mennyire használhatók. A művekhez fűződő viszonyunk - akarjuk vagy sem -, nem állandó, ezért azok a műalkotások is, amelyeknek látszólag jó ismerői vagyunk, hirtelen meglepetéssel szolgálhatnak. Ám éppen az élteti a műértést, amikor a korábbi olvasatok repedései mentén valami olyasmi tör a felszínre, ami teljességgel váratlan.
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  13. [Book Chapter].M. Ito, Y. Miyashita & Edmund T. Rolls (eds.) - 1997 - Oxford University Press.
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    The historical dimensions of a rational faith.Frederick P. Van de Pitte - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (4):482-483.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:482 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY G. E. Michalson, Jr. TheHistoricalDimensions ofaRattonalFaith. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1977. Pp. 222. $8.65. The primary intentionof this work is to argue that historical or ecclesiastical religion plays a vital role in Kant's religious thought, because it is necessary to provide a sensible content for the purely formal doctrine of Kant's "moral" religion. But Michalson resists that this strategy cannot succeed, because of (...)
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    Of “reversal,” on revolutional: Violence and the institution.Vladan Đokić & Petar Bojanić - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (2):157-171.
    Interesuje nas, prednost koju Delez daje sintagmi?revolucionarna institucija? u odnosu na manje originalnu sintagmu?institucionalna revolucija?. Delez nekoliko puta upotrebljava u svojim tekstovima?revolucionarna institucija?, sigurno sasvim svestan da ova sintagma ima jednu prilicno haoticnu i nejasnu istoriju tokom post-revolucionarnog perioda, ali i da je ona savrseno u duhu Sanzistovih namera. Treba da proverimo da li ova sintagma najbolje opisuje jednu Delezovu imaginarnu teoriju institucije, ali i njegov angazman u teoriji uopste. Preeliminarna teskoca, koja automatski dovodi u pitanje i devalvira nasu intervenciju, (...)
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  16. (1 other version)I'm a mother, I worry.Louise M. Antony - 1995 - Content 6:160-166.
  17. Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡.Vasiliĭ Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinskiĭ - 1979 - Kiev: Rad. shkola.
    t. 1. Problemy vospitanii︠a︡ vsestoronne razvitoĭ lichnosti. Dukhovnyĭ mir shkolʹnika. Metodika vospitanii︠a︡ kollektiva.--t. 2. Formirovanie Kommunisticheskikh ubezhdeniĭ molodogo pokolenii︠a︡. Kak vospitat nastoi︠a︡shchego cheloveka. Sto sovetov uchiteli︠u︡.--t. 3. Serdt︠s︡e otdai︠u︡ deti︠a︡m. Rozhdenie grazhdanina. Pisʹma k synu.--t. 4. Pavlyshskai︠a︡ sredni︠a︡i︠a︡ shkola. Razgovor s molodym direktorom shkoly.--t. 5. Statʹi.
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  18. Vybrani tvory.Vasiliĭ Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinskiĭ - 1976 - Kyïv: Rad. Shkola.
    t. 1. Problemy vykhovanni︠a︡ vsebichno rozvynenoï osobystosti. Dukhovnyĭ svit shkoli︠a︡ra. Metodika vykhovanni︠a︡ kolektyvu -- t. 2. Formuvanni︠a︡ komunistychnykh perekonanʹ molodoho pokolinni︠a︡. I︠A︡k vykhovaty spravz︠h︡ni︠u︡ li︠u︡dynu. Sto porad uchytelevi -- t. 3. Sert︠s︡e viddai︠u︡ diti︠a︡m. Narodz︠h︡enni︠a︡ hromadi︠a︡nyna. Lysty do syna -- t. 4. Pavlysʹka seredni︠a︡ shkola. Rozmova z molodym dyrektorom -- t. 5. Statti.
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    Teología en la Universidad.Andrés Arteaga M. - 2002 - Teología y Vida 43 (1).
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    Rhetoric in Education.M. L. Clarke - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (02):164-.
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    Loi de Dieu, Lois des Hommes.M. B. Crowe - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:349-349.
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    Lvnae deltqvivm.M. Melchioris Iöstelii - 1972 - Centaurus 16 (3):207-230.
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    An Analysis of Ecological Coexistence in Upaniṣads.M. Ajay Mohan - 2020 - Tattva Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):1-12.
    The paper intends to objectively review the ecological understanding of Upaniṣhadic ṛṣis. Since ecology is a modern notion, it is required to precisely place it within the Upaniṣhadic thought. For that purpose, a possible ontological structure of Upaniṣhadic philosophy is sorted in which the discussion of ecology becomes meaningful. Upaniṣhadic ṛṣis conceived ecology as a part of their metaphysics, that is, one which is assisted by the devatas. There is a dependent coexistence between Devatas, Humans and the world. This feature (...)
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    Teorías sustantivas de la responsabilidad extracontractual Y la relevancia de la metodología.Diego M. Papayannis - 2012 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 37:61-97.
    Tradicionalmente se ha entendido que la mejor teoría de la responsabilidad extracontractual es aquella que mejor explica los rasgos centrales de la práctica. En este sentido, los defensores de las teorías deontológicas, basadas en principios de justicia, han rechazado el poder explicativo del análisis económico del derecho. Han sostenido que no logra reconstruir la práctica dando sentido a sus conceptos centrales, ni al modo en que están relacionados. Por lo tanto, no puede explicar la pauta de inferencias que llevan a (...)
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    Task-dependent qualitative domain abstraction.M. Sachenbacher & P. Struss - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 162 (1-2):121-143.
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  26. Catholic Education on Palliative Care: Lessons Learned and Observations Made from the Field.M. Sullivan - 2019 - In Dan O’Brien & Peter Cataldo (eds.), Palliative Care and Catholic Health Care : Two Millennia of Caring for the Whole Person. Springer Verlag.
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    About the Unity of Power, Knowledge, Communication in M. Fuco’s “Archeological Search”.L. M. Demchenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:37-44.
    Mishel Fuco not only influenced the consciousness of modern West, but changed the modus of thinking, the way of perception of many traditional notions, transformed the opinions about the reality, history, person. Philosopher’s principle research programme which attaches the entirety to his works is “archeology of knowledge” programme, the search of human knowledge’s original layers. Let us mark that all Fuco’s works in 1960s are devoted to main aim: to clear up the conditions of historical origin of different mental aims (...)
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  28. Misconduct and departmental context-evidence from the acadia institute's graduate education project.M. S. Anderson - 1996 - Journal of Information Ethics 5 (1):15-33.
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    Exploring the ethics and psychological impact of deception in psychological research.M. H. Boynton, D. B. Portnoy & B. T. Johnson - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (2):7-13.
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    Belief revision as propositional update.Jeff Pelletier - unknown
    In this study, we examine the problem of belief revision, defined as deciding whic h of several initially-accepted sentences to disbelieve, when new information presents a l ogical inconsistency with the initial set. In the first three experiments, the initial sentence set included a conditional sentence, a non-conditional sentence, and an inferred conclusi on drawn from the first two. The new information contradicted the inferred conclusion. Results indicated that the conditional sentences were more readily abandoned than non-c onditional sentences, even (...)
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  31. Ethics committees and ethics consultation.M. P. Aulisio - 2003 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3:841-847.
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  32. Time course studies of reality monitoring and recognition.M. K. Johnson, J. Kounios & J. A. Reeder - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):487-487.
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    The shifting existence of western man: An introduction to jh Van den Berg's work on metabletics with a summary of his investigations of the metabletics of the human body.M. Jacobs - forthcoming - Humanitas.
  34. al-Manhajīyah al-tarbawīyah ʻinda Amīr al-Muʼminīn ʻalayhi al-salām.Aḥmad Nūrī Ḥakīm - 2011 - Karbalāʼ: al-ʻAtabah al-ʻAbbāsīyah al-Muqaddasah, Qism al-Shuʼūn al-Fikrīyah wa-al-Thaqāfīyah, Shuʻbat al-Iʻlām, Waḥdat al-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nasharāt.
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  35. An Introduction to the Study of Philosophy, a Series of Lectures in Alexandra College, Dublin [Ed. By S.M.].Alice Oldham & M. S. - 1909
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  36. The First Three Years of Childhood, Ed. And Tr. By A.M. Christie.Bernard Perez & Alice M. Christie - 1885
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    Explorations Around the Edges of Consciousness': Report on an International Workshop on East-West Approaches to the Nature of Mind, Consciousness, and Self.M. Velmans - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (11-12):140-148.
    n April, 2014 I organized an International Workshop on East-West Approaches to the Nature of Mind, Consciousness and Self, in the beautiful grounds of Dartington Hall, in Devon, England to explore the edges of current understanding of ordinary and extra-ordinary conscious experience. Although Consciousness Studies is now a flourishing area of investigation, ordinary and extra-ordinary human experiences do not fit comfortably into the prevailing materialist-reductionist paradigm, suggesting the need to explore non-reductionist approaches in an open, but nevertheless rigorous way. Consciousness (...)
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  38. Mare Liberum vs.Mare Clausum: Grotius, Freitas, and Selden'sDebate on Dominion over the Seas.M. ó Vieira - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (3):361.
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  39. Warum Thomas von Aquin heute? Zur Kritik seiner Rechtslehre Pourquoi suivre Thomas d'Aquin aujourd'hui? A propos de la critique de sa doctrine du droit.M. Villey - 1988 - Rechtstheorie 19 (2):143-152.
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  40. Neo-Parmenidean philosophy in Italy. Reflections inspired by Gennaro Sasso's recent work, La'Verita, l'opinione'.M. Visentin - 2001 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 21 (2):326-359.
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  41. A la recherche d'une herméneutique du symbole.M. -M. ViTRe - 1989 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 111 (4):500-521.
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    Problemy nravstvennoĭ i ėticheskoĭ psikhologii v sovremennoĭ Rossii.M. Volovikova (ed.) - 2011 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Institut psikhologii RAN".
    Книгу характеризует широкий охват затронутых проблем, глубина анализа, оригинальность подхода, многоаспектность освещения материала. Для специалистов.
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  43. Politics of Idolatry or by Reason.M. Wahba - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture.
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  44. Albert Schweitzer über Indien.M. Waligora - 1991 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 25:47-55.
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    Candelabrvm Theodosianvm.M. L. W. Laistner - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (2):107.
    In a recent article1 mention was made of a MS. from which Goetz printed selections in Vol. V. of the . This MS. was not used by Goetz. On fol. 81 appears the following entry: ‘Moechus est adulter alterius t[h]orum furtim polluens; inde a m echo dicitur m[o]echanica ars, ingeniosa atque subtilissima et p ene quomodo facta uel administrata sit inuisibilis in tantum, ut etiam uisum conspicientium quodam modo furetur, dum non facile penetratur eius ingeniositas quali ingenio artis candelabrum illud (...)
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    Domestic Society in Medieval Europe: A Select Bibliography.M. Sheehan & J. Murray - 1990 - PIMS.
    A Select Bibliography Michael McMahon Sheehan Jacqueline Murray. 16 Ritual and Iconography 134 12-14c Studies in Medieval Domestic Architecture ed M.J. Swanton (London 1975). [English aristocratic housing] 135 11-12c WEDZKI,...
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  47. Unifying Themes in the Oeuvre of John M. Headley.James M. Weiss - 2013 - In Peter Iver Kaufman (ed.), From the Renaissance to the modern world: a tribute to John M. Headley. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI.
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  48. Tomograms and the quest for single particle nonlocality.M. A. Anisimov, M. Caponigro, S. Mancini & V. I. Man - unknown
    By using a tomographic approach to quantum states, we rise the problem of nonlocality within a single particle (single degree of freedom). We propose a possible way to look for such e®ects on a qubit. Although a conclusive answer is far from being reached, we provide some re°ections on the foundational ground.
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    The ethical philosophy of Miskawaih.M. Abdul Haq Ansari - 1964 - Aligarh,: Aligarh.
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    Experimental contributions to the problem of consciousness.M. Bernhaut, E. Gellhorn & A. T. Rasmussen - 1953 - Journal of Neurophysiology 16:21-35.
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