Results for 'Mādhyamika (Buddhism) Philosophy.'

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  1. Mādhyamika Buddhism and Quantum Mechanics.Victor Mansfield - 1989 - International Philosophical Quarterly 29 (4):371-391.
  2.  7
    (1 other version)Buddhist philosophy from 100 to 350 A.D.Karl H. Potter (ed.) - 1999 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    This is an endeavour by an international team of scholars to present the contents of Indian Philosophical texts to a wider public than has hitherto been possible. It will provide a definitive summary of current knowledge about each of the systems of classical Indian Philosophy. Each volume will consist of an extended analytical essay together with summaries of every extant work of the system.Volume I. Bibliography (2Pts.) (3rd rev. Ed.): This volume indicates the scope of the project and provides a (...)
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  3. How Far Can a Mādhyamika Buddhist Reform Conventional Truth? Dismal Relativism, Fictionalism, Easy-Easy Truth, and the Alternatives.T. J. F. Tillemans - 2011 - In Georges Dreyfus, Bronwyn Finnigan, Jay Garfield, Guy Newland, Graham Priest, Mark Siderits, Koji Tanaka, Sonam Thakchoe, Tom Tillemans & Jan Westerhoff, Moonshadows. Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford University Press. pp. 151--165.
  4.  49
    Empty Logic: Madhyamika Buddhism from Chinese sources.Hsueh-li Cheng - 1984 - Philosophical Library.
    In this book Prof. Cheng deals with its principle doctrines, its philosophy and its influence on.
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    Advaita Vedanta and Madhyamika Buddhism: Eastern religions in Western thought.M. A. Cherian - 1988 - Broadstairs: M.A. Cherian.
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    Derrida and Mādhyamika Buddhism.Cai Zong-qi - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):183-195.
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  7. Parallels in the Philosophies of Madhyamika Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta Hinduism, and Kabbalah.Ira Israel & Barbara Holdrege - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
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    Parallels in the Philosophies of Advaita Vedanta, Madhyamika Buddhism, and Kabbalah.Ira Israel - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
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    Relativity in mādhyamika buddhism and modern physics.Victor Mansfield - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (1):59-72.
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    Buddhist thought in India: three phases of Buddhist philosophy.Edward Conze - 1983 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
    Originally published in 1962. This book discusses and interprets the main themes of Buddhist thought in India and is divided into three parts: Archaic Buddhism: Tacit assumptions, the problem of "original Buddhism", the three marks and the perverted views, the five cardinal virtues, the cultivation of the social emotions, Dharma and dharmas, Skandhas, sense-fields and elements. The Sthaviras: the eighteen schools, doctrinal disputes, the unconditioned and the process of salvation, some Abhidharma problems. The Mahayana: doctrines common to all (...)
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    Truth and Logic in San-lun Mādhyamika Buddhism.Hsueh-li Cheng - 1981 - International Philosophical Quarterly 21 (3):260-275.
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    Relativism in Buddhist Philosophy.Elena Walsh - 2015 - In Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield & Graham Priest, The Moon Points Back. Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter considers the Madhyamīka claim that knowledge is merely conventional or relative. In his Prasannapadā, Candrakīrti and an unnamed interlocutor debate the nature of the knowledge provided by perception. The importance of the dialogue is that it illustrates the mutual dependence of the means to knowledge and the objects of knowledge. The chapter develops an interpretation of the dialogue which explains how Candrakīrti can see knowledge as relative to convention, whilst also taking knowledge to function as a norm governing (...)
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    How do Mādhyamikas think?: and other essays on the Buddhist philosophy of the middle.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2016 - Somerville, MA: Wisdom.
    Intro -- Title -- Contents -- Publisher's Acknowledgment -- Introduction -- Madhyamaka's Promise as Philosophy -- 1. Trying to Be Fair -- 2. How Far Can a Mādhyamika Reform Customary Truth? Dismal Relativism, Fictionalism, Easy-Easy Truth, and the Alternatives -- Logic and Semantics -- 3. How Do Mādhyamikas Think? Notes on Jay Garfield, Graham Priest, and Paraconsistency -- 4. "How Do Mādhyamikas Think?" Revisited -- 5. Prasaṅga and Proof by Contradiction in Bhāviveka, Candrakīrti, and Dharmakīrti -- 6. Apoha Semantics: What (...)
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  14.  35
    Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief: Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion.Daniel Anderson Arnold - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
    In _Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief_, Dan Arnold examines how the Brahmanical tradition of Purva Mimamsa and the writings of the seventh-century Buddhist Madhyamika philosopher Candrakirti challenged dominant Indian Buddhist views of epistemology. Arnold retrieves these two very different but equally important voices of philosophical dissent, showing them to have developed highly sophisticated and cogent critiques of influential Buddhist epistemologists such as Dignaga and Dharmakirti. His analysis--developed in conversation with modern Western philosophers like William Alston and J. L. Austin--offers an innovative (...)
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  15.  65
    Nagarjuna and Chi-Tsang on the Value of “This World”: A Reply to Kuang-Ming Wu’s Critique of Indian and Chinese Madhyamika Buddhism.Robert Magliola - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (4):505–516.
  16. Signs of liberation?—A semiotic approach to wisdom in chinese madhyamika buddhism.Brian Bocking & Youxuan Wang - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (3):375–392.
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    Response to Robert Magliola’s Review Article on My View of Madhyamika Buddhism.Kuang-Ming Wu - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (2):299-301.
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    The central philosophy of Buddhism.T. R. V. Murti - 1955 - London,: George Allen and Unwin.
    Originally published in 1955. The Madhyamika philosophy is, in the author's view, the philosophy which created a revolution in Buddhism and through that in the whole range of Indian philosophy. This volume is a study of the Madhyamika philosophy in all its important aspects and is divided into three parts: Historical: this traces the origin and development of the Madhyamika philosophy. The second part concentrates on a full and critical exposition of the Madhyamika philosophy, the structure of its dialectic, (...)
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  19.  12
    The Central Philosophy of Buddhism and Subject Education: Focused on Mādhyamika-śāstra by Nāgārjuna.Mi-Jong Lee - 2015 - The Journal of Moral Education 27 (3):37.
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    The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Madhyamika System.Clarence H. Hamilton - 1955 - Philosophy East and West 5 (3):264-269.
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    The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Madhyamika System.P. S. Sastri - 1956 - Philosophy East and West 6 (3):269-270.
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    The Buddhist Roots of Watsuji Tetsurô's Ethics of Emptiness.Anton Luis Sevilla - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (4):606-635.
    Watsuji Tetsurô is famous for having constructed a systematic socio-political ethics on the basis of the idea of emptiness. This essay examines his 1938 essay “The Concept of ‘Dharma’ and the Dialectics of Emptiness in Buddhist Philosophy” and the posthumously published The History of Buddhist Ethical Thought, in order to clarify the Buddhist roots of his ethics. It aims to answer two main questions which are fundamentally linked: “Which way does Watsuji's legacy turn: toward totalitarianism or toward a balanced theory (...)
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    Mādhyamikas on the Moral Benefits of a Self: Buddhist Ethics and Personhood.Leah McGarrity - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (4):1082-1118.
    Given the centrality of the Buddhist doctrine of ‘no-self’, those instances in which the Buddha does indeed seem to advocate a self have always provided significant sites of hermeneutic inquiry within the Buddhist tradition. They have necessitated a range of sophisticated exegetical tools such as the division of the Buddha’s pronouncements into those of provisional meaning and those of ultimate meaning ; the centrality of discerning the Buddha’s real, as opposed to apparent, intention ; and of course the notion of (...)
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    Indian Buddhism’s Cause and Effect and Interdependent Arising, and apekṣā paraspara: On Nāgārjuna’s Mādhyamika.Jonggab Yun - 2017 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 50:385-420.
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    Dependent Arising and Emptiness: A Tibetan Buddhist interpretation of Madhyamika philosophy emphasising the compatability of emptiness and conventional phenomena. Elizabeth Napper.Paul Williams - 1993 - Buddhist Studies Review 10 (2):253-258.
    Dependent Arising and Emptiness: A Tibetan Buddhist interpretation of Madhyamika philosophy emphasising the compatability of emptiness and conventional phenomena. Elizabeth Napper. Wisdom Publications, Boston, London and Sydney 1989. xiv, 849 pp. Hbk. £34.95/$49.95.
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    The Central Philosophy of Buddhism[REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):708-708.
    A systematic presentation of Buddhist philosophy from the Madhyamika standpoint, combining careful documentation and technical precision with effective explications in terms of Western concepts. Often misunderstood as nihilism, the Madhyamika system is here presented as an absolutism which employs a negative dialectic to expose the incompetency of reason to grasp ultimate reality, yet affirms a supra-rational intuitional union with it. Conceptual construction is the source of bondage and pain; freedom is made possible by the critical renunciation of conceptualization but is (...)
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    The Central Philosophy of Buddhism; a Study of the Mādhyamika System. [REVIEW]Philip H. Ashby - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (6):159-163.
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  28. The mādhyamika philosophy: A new approach.R. C. Pandeya - 1964 - Philosophy East and West 14 (1):3-24.
  29. A general theory of worldviews based on madhyamika and process philosophies.Peter Kakol - 2002 - Philosophy East and West 52 (2):207-223.
    From the contention that no worldview can be both consistent and complete is derived the insight that a worldview is contextually dependent on past worldviews that it both transcends and includes. Mādhyamika Buddhism illustrates the deconstructive aspect of this thesis--namely, that worldviews claiming completeness or independence are inconsistent. Process philosophy, on the other hand, is a theory that describes reality as the ongoing process of asymmetrical transcendence and inclusion of worldviews as perspectival events. It is argued that both Mādhyamika (...)
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  30. The yogācārā and mādhyamika interpretations of the Buddha-nature concept in chinese buddhism.Ming-Wood Liu - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (2):171-193.
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    Madhyamika dialectic and the philosophy of Nagarjuna.Samdhong Rinpoche & C. Mani (eds.) - 1977 - Sarnath: [Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies].
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    Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative Semiotics (review). [REVIEW]Youru Wang - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (3):486-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative SemioticsYouru WangBuddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative Semiotics. By Youxuan Wang. London: Curzon Press, 2001. Pp. xiv + 242. Hardcover $65.00.Youxuan Wang's Buddhism and Deconstruction: Toward a Comparative Semiotics is a full-length study comparing Derridean and Buddhist discourse, especially their deconstruction of the notion of sign. Since Robert Magliola's 1984 publication Derrida on the Mend, which involved his pioneering comparison (...)
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  33.  20
    A Post-Reductionist Buddhism?Matthew MacKenzie - 2023 - In Christian Coseru, Reasons and Empty Persons: Mind, Metaphysics, and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Siderits. Springer. pp. 231-246.
    Perhaps more than any other contemporary scholar, Mark Siderits has illuminated the deep connections between ontology, explanation, epistemology, and philosophy of language in Indian Buddhist philosophy. His ground-breaking interpretations of Abhidharma and Madhyamaka—particularly concerning reductionism, emptiness, and the two truths—have largely set the terms of debate in Anglophone Buddhist philosophy. This chapter is very much in the spirit of Siderits’ work, though it will reach conclusions somewhat at odds with his own. The first part of the chapter will examine the (...)
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    Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self (review).Brian Karafin - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):227-232.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the SelfBrian KarafinMeeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self. By Anne Carolyn Klein. Boston: Beacon, 1995. 307 pp.“When the iron bird flies and carriages run on wheels, the dharma will come to the land of the red man”: this saying attributed to the semilegendary founder of Buddhism in Tibet, Padmasambhava, stands (...)
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    Mādhyamikas Playing Bad Hands: The Case of Customary Truth.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (4):635-644.
    This article looks at the Indian canonical sources for Mādhyamika Buddhist refusals to personally endorse truth claims, even about customary matters. These sources, on a natural reading, seem to suggest that customary truth is only widespread error and that the Buddhist should do little more than duplicate, or acquiesce in, what the common man recognizes about it. The combination of those Indian canonical themes probably contributed to frequent Indo-Tibetan Madhyamaka positions on truth, i.e., that the customary is no more than (...)
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  36.  10
    Encounter with Buddhism: a study of the evolution of Buddhist thought.Moti Lal Pandit - 2005 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Description: The main purpose of writing this book is not only to explain, but also to interpret, the three phases of development of Buddhist thought in India, and how and in what manner it spread out to countries as far away from the land of its origin as Japan. Though the subject may be vast, a conscious effort has been made of explaining the complexity of Buddhist philosophical thought in as concise terms as possible. The first five hundred years, which (...)
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  37.  22
    Early Mädhyamika in India and China. [REVIEW]J. H. P. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):577-577.
    This is a fine exposition of the view of Mädhyamika Buddhism established by Indian pandit Nägärjuna and its subsequent transmission to China. The teaching of Emptiness, the central doctrine of the Mädhyamika, was first brought to China in detail by Kumärajiva. A number of documents written within fifteen years of Kumaräjiva's arrival in China are analyzed to determine the aspects that were and were not understood by those students. Writings of Hui-Yuan, Seng-jui, and Seng-chao serve as the basis of (...)
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  38.  60
    Self-reflection in the sanlun tradition: Madhyamika as the "deconstructive conscience" of buddhism.Alan Fox - 1992 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 19 (1):1-24.
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    Zen and San-Lun Mādhyamika Thought: Exploring the Theoretical Foundation of Zen Teachings and Practices: HSUEH-LI CHENG.Hsueh-Li Cheng - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (3):343-363.
    Zen Buddhism often appears to be ‘anti-intellectual’, ‘illogical’ and ‘trivial’. These apparent aspects of Zen have puzzled many students of Buddhism. Why is Zen so ‘irrational’? By what Buddhist doctrines, tenets or philosophies did Zen masters develop their unconventional and dramatic teachings and practices? The aim of this paper is to show that main San-lun Mādhyamika doctrines, such as Emptiness, the Middle Way, the Twofold Truth and the refutation of erroneous views as the illumination of right views, have (...)
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  40. Emptiness, Being and Non-being: Sengzhao’s Reinterpretation of the Laozi and Zhuangzi in a Buddhist Context.Tan Mingran - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):195-209.
    This essay argues two main points by analyzing Sengzhao’s contentions regarding several basic Buddhist concepts such as emptiness, being, and nonbeing. First, Sengzhao synthesizes Daoist methods of argumentation into his description of the middle path and other Buddhist concepts. Second, he revives Daoist concepts, giving them Buddhist meaning and expressing them in Buddhist terms. In the process, he consciously differentiates Madhyamika Buddhism from earlier Buddhism as understood from a Daoist perspective, such as the teachings of the School of (...)
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    Substantialism, Essentialism, Emptiness: Buddhist Critiques of Ontology.Rafal K. Stepien - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (5):871-893.
    This article seeks to introduce a greater degree of precision into our understanding of Madhyamaka Buddhist ontological non-foundationalism, focussing specifically on the Madhyamaka founder Nāgārjuna (c. 150–250 CE). It distinguishes four senses of what the ‘foundation’ whose existence Mādhyamikas deny means; that is, (1) as ‘something that stands under or grounds things’ (a position known as generic substantialism); (2) as ‘a particular kind of basic entity’ (specific substantialism); (3) as ‘an individual essence (a haecceity or thisness of that object) by (...)
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  42. Perceiving particulars: A buddhist defense.Mark Siderits - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (3):367-382.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Perceiving Particulars:A Buddhist DefenseMark SideritsIn a recent article in this journal, Monima Chadha claimed that the position of certain Buddhist philosophers concerning the perception of particulars is incoherent.1 Her defense of what she calls a "Nyāya-Kantian" position raises interesting questions concerning how we have knowledge of mind-independent reality. While the view that she subscribes to may well be right, I shall try to show that her arguments against the (...)
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    Śūnyavāda, the Mādhyamika Thought.Kewal Krishan Mittal - 1993
    Contributed papers presented at all India seminar.
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    A Critical Examination of Nāgārjuna’s Argument on Motion.Mainak Pal - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (3):283-318.
    If an object changes its spatial position over time, or moves from one place to another, we say that the object is in motion. But in Mādhyamika Buddhist philosophy reality of motion has been questioned. Nāgārjuna, the renowned philosopher in Mādhyamika school, has argued that motion is an absurd concept—it is _empty_. In the second chapter of _Mūlamadhyamakakārikā_ (_Gatāgata-parikṣā_) Nāgārjuna examined the notion of motion and showed that motion exists neither in past, nor in present, and nor in future—the notion (...)
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  45. Stong thun chen mo of Mkhas-grub Dge-legs-dpal-bzang ; and other texts on Madhyamika Philosophy.Mkhas-Grub Dge-Legs-Dpal-Bzaṅ-Po - 1972 - New Delhi: [Publisher Not Identified]. Edited by Chos-Dbang-Grags-Pa, Smon-Lam-Dpal, Dkon-Mchog ʼjigs-Med-Dbang-Po & Bstan-Pa-Rgyal-Mtshan.
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  46. Dbu maʼi zab gnad sñiṅ por dril baʼi legs bśad klu sgrub dgoṅs rgyan: lectures on the profound import of Madhyamika philosophy. Dge-ʼdun-Chos-ʼphel - 1983 - Gangtok, Sikkim: Palace Monastery. Edited by Zla-ba-bzaṅ-po.
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  47. Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin paʼi man ngag gyi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs paʼi rgyan gyi ʼbru ʼgrel de nyid snang baʼi ʼod: a word to word commentary on Abhisamayālaṁkara ; and, Dbu ma ʼjug paʼi ʼbru ʼgrel zab don snan baʼi ʼod.: a work elucidating the fundamentals of Madhyamika philosophy. Bstan-ʾdzin-ʾphrin-Las-Kun-Mkhyen - 1986 - Dharamsala, H.P., India: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Edited by Bstan-ʾdzin-ʾphrin-Las-Kun-Mkhyen & Maitreyanātha.
    Commentaries on the Abhisamayālaṅkāra (ascribed to Maitreyanātha) and Madhyamakāvatara of Candrakīrti.
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    Changing Phases of Buddhist Thought. [REVIEW]J. H. P. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):748-749.
    A book of this title needs indeed to be written, but it should be done so after careful study of at least Bhävaviveka's Tarka-jvälä which is preserved in Tibetan. The historical and doctrinal relationships of the four major Buddhist schools, the Vaibhäsikas, the Sauträntikas, the Yogäcärins, and Mädhyamikas, are sufficiently complex that a book of this small size could only present a bare outline of their emergence. And even such an outline can be accurately made only after the pursuit of (...)
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    Zab don gdams paʾi mig ʾbyed Gser gyi thur am: a detailed exegesis of the ʾBras-spuṅs Blo-gsal-gliṅ tradition of commentatorial treatment of Madhyamika philosophy according to the yig-cha of Paṇ-chen Bsod-nams-grags-pa. Padma-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1984 - Mundgod, Karnataka: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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    Dual and non-dual ontology in Satre and Mahāyāna Buddhism.Derek K. Heyman - 1997 - Man and World 30 (4):431-443.
    This paper examines Sartre's dualistic ontology in the light of the non-duality asserted by Mahayana Buddhism. In the first section, I show, against the objection of Hazel E. Barnes, that Sartre and Buddhism have comparable theories of consciousness. The second section discusses Steven W. Laycock's use of Zen philosophy to solve the Sartrean metaphysical problem regarding the origin of being for-itself. This solution involves rejecting the ontological priority of being in-itself in favor of the Buddhist understanding of interdependent (...)
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