Results for 'Maddalena Moroni'

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  1.  8
    Timée le Sophiste: Lexique Platonicien: Texte, Traduction Et Commentaire Par Maddalena Bonelli.Maddalena Bonelli - 2007 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Maddalena Bonelli.
    Ce volume présente une nouvelle édition et la première traduction dans une langue moderne du Lexique platonicien de Timée le Sophiste. Il présente également une histoire, riche de nouveaux matériaux, de la lexicographie platonicienne ancienne. Le texte est préfacé d’une longue introduction de Jonathan Barnes. This book contains a new edition of the Greek text of the Lexicon to Plato by Timaeus the Sophist. There is a rich commentary, and a French translation―the first translation of the work into a modern (...)
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    The Philosophy of Gesture: Completing Pragmatists' Incomplete Revolution.Giovanni Maddalena - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    In everyday reasoning - just as in science and art - knowledge is acquired more by "doing" than with long analyses. What do we "do" when we discover something new? How can we define and explore the pattern of this reasoning, traditionally called "synthetic"? Following in the steps of classic pragmatists, especially C.S. Pierce, Giovanni Maddalena's Philosophy of Gesture revolutionizes the pattern of synthesis through the ideas of change and continuity and proposes "gesture" as a new tool for synthesis. (...)
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    Coupling Robot-Aided Assessment and Surface Electromyography (sEMG) to Evaluate the Effect of Muscle Fatigue on Wrist Position Sense in the Flexion-Extension Plane.Maddalena Mugnosso, Jacopo Zenzeri, Charmayne M. L. Hughes & Francesca Marini - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:485865.
    Proprioception is a crucial sensory modality involved in the control and regulation of coordinated movements and in motor learning. However, the extent to which proprioceptive acuity is influenced by local muscle fatigue is obscured by methodological differences in proprioceptive and fatiguing protocols. In this study, we used high resolution kinematic measurements provided by a robotic device, as well as both frequency and time domain analysis of signals captured via surface electromyography (sEMG) to examine the effects of local muscle fatigue on (...)
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    On the Epistemic Status of Prenatal Ultrasound: Are Ultrasound Scans Photographic Pictures?Maddalena Favaretto, Danya F. Vears & Pascal Borry - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (2):231-250.
    Medical imaging is predominantly a visual field. In this context, prenatal ultrasound images assume intense social, ethical, and psychological significance by virtue of the subject they represent: the fetus. This feature, along with the sophistication introduced by three-dimensional ultrasound imaging that allows improved visualization of the fetus, has contributed to the common impression that prenatal ultrasound scans are like photographs of the fetus. In this article we discuss the consistency of such a comparison. First, we investigate the epistemic role of (...)
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    Vailati, Papini, and the Synthetic Drive of Italian Pragmatism.Giovanni Maddalena - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (1).
    According to the standard interpretation, Italian pragmatism is split into two groups. On the one hand is the mathematician Giovanni Vailati, Peano’s former collaborator, and his disciple, the economist Mario Calderoni. On the other hand, there are the two “brats,” Giovanni Papini and Giuseppe Prezzolini, naïve philosophers with eccentric ideas. While Vailati and Calderoni followed Peirce’s mathematical and logical pragmatism, the other two articulated a “magical” pragmatism, a kind of relativist, post-modern version of the original American movement. The paper shows (...)
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    The Zhou Ordinal of Labelled Markov Processes Over Separable Spaces.Martín Santiago Moroni & Pedro Sánchez Terraf - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1011-1032.
    There exist two notions of equivalence of behavior between states of a Labelled Markov Process (LMP): state bisimilarity and event bisimilarity. The first one can be considered as an appropriate generalization to continuous spaces of Larsen and Skou’s probabilistic bisimilarity, whereas the second one is characterized by a natural logic. C. Zhou expressed state bisimilarity as the greatest fixed point of an operator that there is such a process with an uncountable Zhou ordinal.
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  7. (1 other version)La lessicografia filosofica nell'antichità: il lessico platonico di Timeo sofista.Maddalena Bonelli - 1997 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 18 (1):29-56.
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    Porphyre et la catégorie de la relation.Maddalena Bonelli - 2020 - Chôra 18:387-406.
    Porphyry’s Expositio per interrogationem et responsionem can help us to understand some obscure passages of chapter seven of Aristotle’s Categories, focused on the relative. The Porphyrian analysis of πρός τι presents indeed developments which are both useful for the understanding of the Aristotelian text and very innovative too. First, we can mention the general Porphyrian thesis according to which categories are predicates. This theory fits very well with πρός τι, which are predicates corresponding to properties that subjects only possess because (...)
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    La filosofia pratica di Michel Foucault: una critica dei processi di soggettivazione.Maddalena Cerrato - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Pierce’s Incomplete Synthetic Turn.Giovanni Maddalena - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (3):613-640.
    Peirce did not achieve a final systematization of his work. Beyond the difficulties in explaining so many philosophical tools that he introduced—suffice it to mention semiotic, abductive logic, a heuristic based on continuity, scholastic realism—, there is a theoretical reason for this incompletion. All those new philosophical tools indicated a conception of synthesis very different from the one he received from Kant. Peirce did not realize the profound direction of his enquiry so that he did not directly question neither Kant’s (...)
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    Rational Instinct and Doubts on Pragmatism.Giovanni Maddalena - 2004 - The Commens Encyclopedia: The Digital Encyclopedia of Peirce Studies.
    In this paper I shall try to give you a good reason for sharing with Peirce his doubts on Pragmatism. What I am going to maintain is that Peirce found in his Semeiotic, through which he was looking for a real “proof” for pragmatism, hints, vanishing points that made him think that pragmatism was just a part of a richer logical realm and of a far richer reality. What he doubted was not pragmatism in itself but that it could comprehend (...)
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    Die Prophetengenossen in der frühislamischen GeschichteDie Prophetengenossen in der fruhislamischen Geschichte.Michael G. Morony & Miklos Muranyi - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):195.
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  13. From dominion over nature to environmental ethics: Scientific and philosophical foundations.A. Moroni, M. Mamiani & G. Zurlini - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics. Man’s Relationship with Nature. Interactions with Science. Sixth Economic Summit Conference on Bioethics, Val Duchesse, Brussels.
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    Isolating AndalusThe Rise and Fall of the Party Kings. Politics and Society in Islamic Spain, 1002-1086.Michael G. Morony & David Wasserstein - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):445.
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    Self e conteúdo não conceitual da percepção: a perspectiva anti-representacionista acerca da experiência perceptiva do reconhecimento de lugar.Juliana Moroni - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):285-302.
    O presente trabalho está voltado à investigação epistemológica acerca da relação entre Self não conceitual, conteúdo não conceitual da percepção, prontidão para ação e reconhecimento de lugar, no contexto da perspectiva ecológica gibsoniana. Tendo em vista este propósito investigativo, nossos objetivos são: 1- caracterizar o conteúdo não conceitual da percepção no contexto anti-representacionista e 2 - questionar se é necessário a consciência para os organismos agirem no ambiente e adquirirem experiências perceptivas como o reconhecimento de lugar. Argumentaremos em defesa da (...)
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  16. Uomo e ambiente: storia di un rapporto difficile.A. Moroni - 1987 - Studium 83 (4-5):651-673.
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  17. Le renard symbole de l'hérésie dans les polémiques patristiques contre les Gnostiques.Maddalena Scopello - 1991 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 71 (1):73-88.
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    Barn-Owl Painters in St Peter's in the Vatican, 1604: Three Mocking Poems for Roncalli, Vanni and Passignano (And a Note on the Breeches-Maker).Maddalena Spagnolo - 2010 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 73 (1):257-296.
  19.  12
    Nothing: The Gift of Anxiety. Derrida, Heidegger, Lacan.Maddalena Cerrato - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (3):253-270.
    Derrida’s reading of Heidegger’s 1962 lecture On Time and Being concludes the last session of the 1978–79 seminar published in Donner le temp II. There, Heidegger suggests that the task of thinking consists of thinking Being without regard to metaphysics, while ceasing all overcoming of metaphysics as such. What is given as the task for thought is that which onto-theology makes impossible to think, that is, the constitutive aporetic remainder of metaphysical thinking. This essay contends that for both Heidegger and (...)
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  20. Where do bright ideas occur in our brain? Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies of domain-specific creativity.Maddalena Boccia, Laura Piccardi, Liana Palermo, Raffaella Nori & Massimiliano Palmiero - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  21.  15
    Resurrecting the Crucified Fat Body.Julie A. Mavity Maddalena - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):101-118.
    The physical, psychological, and spiritual violence against fat bodies in the US, committed in service of a racist, sexist, classist, and ableist vision of an idealized body size, is death-dealing. This essay develops a theo-ethical vision of fat liberation that rejects the trappings of the “religion of thinness” and celebrates the inherent worth of fat bodies through an incarnational theology that recognizes the image of God in every body size, the presence of body size diversity in creation, and the full (...)
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  22. EMDR therapy for PTSD after motor vehicle accidents: meta-analytic evidence for specific treatment.Maddalena Boccia, Laura Piccardi, Pierluigi Cordellieri, Cecilia Guariglia & Anna Maria Giannini - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23.  33
    Uncertainty and Planning: Cities, Technologies and Public Decision-Making.Stefano Moroni & Daniele Chiffi - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (2):237-259.
    Decision-making under uncertainty is sometimes investigated as a homogeneous problem, independently of the type of decision-maker and the level and nature of the decision itself. However, when the decision-maker is a public authority, there immediately arise problems additional to those that concern any other (private) decision-maker. This is not always clearly recognised in orthodox discussions on decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This article investigates the methodological, strategic and procedural challenges of taking public decisions in such conditions. It focuses mainly on (...)
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  24.  3
    O Que É Filosofia Ecológica?Juliana Moroni, Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez & João Antonio de Moraes - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):349-355.
    Este breve texto esboça algumas ideias básicas da Filosofia Ecológica, enfatizando a importância e o valor de tais idéias para o estudo da mente e da consciência. Estas considerações levam à formação de uma abordagem ecológica, e o que, aqui, denomino Filosofia Ecológica. Em particular, a Filosofia Ecológica oferece uma saída às confusões e contradições que são comuns ao pensamento acadêmico dominante no que se refere à mente e à consciência.
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    Alexandre d’Aphrodise et les Présocratiques.Maddalena Bonelli - forthcoming - Journal of Ancient Philosophy:3-25.
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    Peirce's Account of Purposefulness: A Kantian Perspective by Gabriele Gava.Giovanni Maddalena - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (3):503-509.
    Gava's book is worth reading. It is one of the best accounts of the attempt to read Peirce within a transcendental model of philosophy. This position is now one of the most powerful in Peirce's scholarship, even though it is highly problematic from both an exegetical and a theoretical standpoint. I will try to explain these problems at the end of this review, but first I will sketch Gava's detour and some positive advancements in Peirce's scholarship that he accomplishes.Gava's way (...)
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  27. The Belief Story: Peirce's Anti-Kantian Open Perspectives: A História da Crença: As Perspectivas Abertas Pelo Antikantismo de Peirce.Giovanni Maddalena - 2010 - Cognitio 11 (2).
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    The Sign of the Four.Giovanni Maddalena & Giovanni Tuzet - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (1):147-162.
    This paper is a contribution to the study of the four classical Italian pragmatists: Papini, Prezzolini, Vailati and Calderoni. They are seen more as representatives of a pragmatist movement than as singular systematic thinkers. The center of Italian pragmatism was the periodical, Leonardo, where these authors discussed and presented an original and provocative understanding of pragmatist philosophy. Thier understanding of pragmatist philosophy has often been underestimated by the subsequent literature. They showed a good comprehension of the novelty brought by American (...)
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  29. Planning and meta-planning to cope with disruptive events: what can be learnt from the institutional response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy.Stefano Moroni, Anita De Franco, Carolina Pacchi, Daniele Chiffi & Francesco Curci - forthcoming - City, Territory and Architecture.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has been analysed and discussed from many disciplinary perspectives. An aspect that still needs critical exploration is the role—that is, the modes and forms—of regulatory interventions during the pan- demic. It is interesting to note in this regard that, in many studies, regulatory measures are labelled “non-pharma- ceutical interventions”, as if they do not have any specificity on their own and only represent a theoretically residual category. The main aim of this article is instead to focus on (...)
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  30. Responsabilità verso l'ambiente.A. Moroni - 1995 - Studium 91 (4-5):621-658.
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    A New Analytic/Synthetic/Horotic Paradigm.Giovanni Maddalena & Fernando Zalamea - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    We study a contemporary need to complement analytic philosophy with pendular, synthetic approaches. We provide new definitions of the dyad analytics/synthetics and complete it with a natural third, horotics. Some historical trends to support a synthetic/horotic paradigm are studied: (i) Peirce’s ideas around his logic of continuity – non Cantorian continuum and existential graphs – emphasizing the importance of mathematical gestures, (ii) Gödel’s understanding of intuitionism as a synthetic counterpart of classical logic, along with a new horotic approach to his (...)
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    A History of Islamic Societies.Michael G. Morony & Ira M. Lapidus - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):365.
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  33. A teoria dos dois sistemas de Kahneman.J. Moroni & Alfredo Pereira Junior - 2019 - Princípios 28:91-117.
    A Teoria dos Dois Sistemas, proposta por Kahneman (2011), pressupõe que a tomada de decisão no contexto econômico se baseia em dois sistemas, um que é automático, intuitivo e principalmente inconsciente e outro reflexivo, racional e totalmente consciente. Consideramos a abordagem kahnemaniana incompleta na medida em que a concepção dos sistemas 1 e 2 não é suficiente para explicar os processos de tomada de decisão. Neste artigo, nosso desafio é mostrar que, diferentemente dos sistemas de Kahneman, a tomada de decisão (...)
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    Deontic artifacts. Investigating the normativity of objects.Giuseppe Lorini, Stefano Moroni & Olimpia Giuliana Loddo - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (2):185-203.
    Since the middle of the last century, normative language has been much studied. In particular, the normative function performed by certain sentences and by certain speech acts has been investigated in depth. Still, the normative function performed by certain physical artifacts designed and built to regulate human behaviors has not yet been thoroughly investigated. We propose to call this specific type of artifacts with normative intent ‘deontic artifacts’. This article aims to investigate this normative phenomenon that is so widespread in (...)
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    Anti-fondazionalismo e “metafisica naturalizzata”.Giovanni Maddalena - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    Il percorso di Rosa Calcaterra all’interno della filosofia pragmatista è segnato da un’intuizione principale e originale: nonostante tutte le differenze, il progetto pragmatista è unitario. Gli articoli della raccolta Il progetto comune dei pragmatisti mostrano questa unitarietà, che Calcaterra persegue con tecnica sofisticata, facendo emergere non solo ciò che la parola dice, ma anche ciò che essa tradisce. Prima di immergersi nelle pagine del libro e rivolgere all’autrice alcune domande che...
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    Introduction.Giovanni Maddalena & Fernando Zalamea - 2013 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 5 (1).
    Perhaps due to the period of international crisis, appeals to creativity multiplied in any field. Sure enough, when the status quo cannot grant welfare conditions anymore, something new is needed. And the problem of novelty intertwines that kind of thought that goes by the name of creativity. Philosophically speaking, this request means to question what creativity really is, which are its cognitive processes, whether it is teachable, and where it comes from. A first methodological question is...
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  37.  13
    Peirce on the Uses of History by Tullio Viola.Giovanni Maddalena - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (2):288-291.
    It is difficult to devise a new approach to any topic in Peirce scholarship, and it is also difficult to convincingly bring one to life. Tullio Viola's book, Peirce on the Uses of History, elegantly accomplishes this second trick, making it well worth reading. Viola is one of the many representatives of a new generation of Italian Peirce scholars who are connecting a solid philological and historical work about Peirce's writings with a vivid theoretical depth. Similar works by Chiara Ambrosio, (...)
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    The Italian Pragmatists: Between Allies and Enemies.Giovanni Maddalena & Giovanni Tuzet (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    The Italian Pragmatists were a group of philosophers in the early 20th century. They gathered around the journal _Leonardo_, which was published in Florence. This volume emphasizes what they all shared, as well as their value for philosophy and culture.
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    Abū Miḫnaf: Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie der Umaiyadischen ZeitAbu Mihnaf: Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie der Umaiyadischen Zeit.Michael G. Morony & Ursula Sezgin - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):300.
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  40. The Social Cost of Carbon: Valuing Inequality, Risk, and Population for Climate Policy.Marc Fleurbaey, Maddalena Ferranna, Mark Budolfson, Francis Dennig, Kian Mintz-Woo, Robert Socolow, Dean Spears & Stéphane Zuber - 2019 - The Monist 102 (1):84-109.
    We analyze the role of ethical values in the determination of the social cost of carbon, arguing that the familiar debate about discounting is too narrow. Other ethical issues are equally important to computing the social cost of carbon, and we highlight inequality, risk, and population ethics. Although the usual approach, in the economics of cost-benefit analysis for climate policy, is confined to a utilitarian axiology, the methodology of the social cost of carbon is rather flexible and can be expanded (...)
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    Topographical Disorientation: Clinical and Theoretical Significance of Long-Lasting Improvements Following Imagery-Based Training.Maddalena Boccia, Alessia Bonavita, Sofia Diana, Antonella Di Vita, Maria Paola Ciurli & Cecilia Guariglia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  42. Filone Alessandrino.Antonio Maddalena - 1970 - Milano: U. Mursia.
  43.  15
    Rorty as a Legitimate Member of the Pragmatist Family.Giovanni Maddalena - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    The paper will focus on Rorty’s project as it emerges in the compelling introductions to his books from Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature onwards. Even disagreeing with his conclusions, some interesting items suggest that Rorty was a legitimate member of the pragmatist family and that he shared with classic pragmatists much more than a reader can see at first glance. First, Rorty understood better than anyone else that the fight against Kant’s rationalism is crucial to pragmatism considered as a (...)
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  44. Vago/sintetico/analitico: Peirce contro Kant.Giovanni Maddalena - 2009 - Discipline Filosofiche 19 (2).
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    Artificial Abduction: A Cumulative Evolutionary Process.Artemis Moroni, Jônatas Manzolli & Fernando J. Von Zuben - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):343-362.
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    Corpus of Syriac Incantation Bowls. By Marco Moriggi.Michael Morony - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    A Corpus of Syriac Incantation Bowls. By Marco Moriggi. Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity, vol. 3. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. xvii + 257, illus. $163.
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  47. Dynamics of subjectivity in the historical avant-garde.Mario Moroni - 2000 - In Willem van Reijen & Willem G. Weststeijn (eds.), Subjectivity. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
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    I fondamenti scientifici dell'etica ambientale.A. Moroni - 1989 - Global Bioethics 2 (4):23-49.
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  49. Space and Pluralism.Stefano Moroni & David Weberman (eds.) - 2016 - Budapest: CEU Press.
    This book addresses the social, functional and symbolic dimensions of urban space in today’s world. The twelve essays range from a conceptual framing of the issues to case descriptions, rich with illustrations. Together they provide a thorough exploration of the nature and significance of social space and particular aspects of its distribution in today’s urban spaces and the various factors that are competing for it. -/- The book addresses a topic that is intrinsically interdisciplinary. Questions of space are examined from (...)
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    The Religious Influence of Chesterton's Writings.Elizabeth Morony - 1982 - The Chesterton Review 8 (1):94-94.
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