Results for 'Magic, Jewish'

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  1.  15
    Studies on Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought.Dov Schwartz - 2004 - Brill Academic.
    Astral magic is shown to be a major influence in Jewish medieval thought. The book traces its winding course in the work of such figures as Judah Halevi, Nahmanides and others, and provides a new perspective on medieval Jewish rationalism.
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    From Jewish magic to Gnosticism.Attilio Mastrocinque - 2005 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    The author examines the intriguing link between magic and Gnosticism.
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    Reasonable magic and the nature of alchemy: Jewish reflections on human embryonic stem cell research.Laurie Zoloth - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):65-93.
    : The controversy about research on human embryonic stem cells both divides and defines us, raising fundamental ethical and religious questions about the nature of the self and the limits of science. This article uses Jewish sources to articulate fundamental concerns about the forbiddenness of knowledge in general and of knowledge thought of as magical creation. Alchemy, and the turning of elements into gold and into substances for longevity, and magic used for the creation of living beings was at (...)
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    Scholastic Magic: Ritual and Revelation in Early Jewish Mysticism.David J. Halperin & Michael D. Swartz - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):148.
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    Jewish Magic and Superstition, a Study in Folk Religion. Joshua Trachtenberg.Jacob Minkin - 1940 - Isis 32 (1):182-183.
  6.  21
    Kabbalah, Magic, and Science: The Cultural Universe of a Sixteenth-Century Jewish PhysicianDavid B. Ruderman.Ronald Sawyer - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):343-344.
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    Fiction of a Jewish Hellenistic Magical-Medical Paideia.M. J. Geller - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (2).
    The idea of Greek influences on Hellenistic Judaism appears to be so deeply engrained within modern scholarship that nothing could upset this apple cart, at least as reflected in two recent books on various aspects of magic, astronomy, and medicine in Jewish sources from the Hellenistic and Roman periods. The usual frame of reference relies upon paradigms clearly outlined by Saul Lieberman and Martin Hengel, that Greek culture and science had penetrated Jewish thinking to such an extent, that (...)
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  8. Ficino's Orphic Magic or Jewish Astrology and Oriental Philosophy? A Note on spiritus, the Three Books on Life, Ibn Tufayl and Ibn Zarza.Stéphane Toussaint - 2000 - Accademia 2:19-31.
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    David B. Ruderman. Kabbalah, Magic and Science: The Cultural Universe of a Sixteenthcentury Jewish Physician. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1988. Pp. xii + 232. ISBN 0-674-49660-4. No price given. [REVIEW]David Katz - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (3):347-348.
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    David B. Ruderman, "Kabbalah, Magic and Science: The Cultural Universe of a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Physician". [REVIEW]Richard H. Popkin - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (3):488.
  11.  35
    Jewish thought and scientific discovery in early modern Europe.Noah J. Efron - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):719-732.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jewish Thought and Scientific Discovery in Early Modern EuropeNoah J. EfronAlmost a quarter-century ago Benjamin Nelson published his famous plea for what he called a “differential” and “comparative historical sociology of ‘science’ in civilizational perspective.” 1 Like Max Weber, Robert Merton, and Joseph Needham, Nelson believed that the growth of western science could be better understood when compared to the ways “science” fared in other cultures with other (...)
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    Book Review: Jews in the Hellenistic World: Josephus, Aristeas, The Sibylline Oracles, Eupolemus, by John R. Bartlett, Cambridgecommentarieson Writings of the Jewish & Christian World 200 bc to ad 200, Vol. II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985. 209 pp. $12.95 (paper); Jews & Christians: Graeco-Roman Views, by Molly Whittaker. Cambridge Commentaries on Writings of The Jewish and Christian World 200 bc to ad 200, Vol. 6. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984. 286 pp. $18.95 (paper); Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus, by Richard A. Horsley and John S. Hanson. Winston Press, Minneapolis, 1986, 271 pp. $19.95; A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba, by Henk Jagersma. Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1986. 224 pp. n.p. (paper); From the Maccabees to the Mishnah, by Shaye J. D. Cohen. Library of Early Christianity. The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1987. 251 pp. n.p.; Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times,. [REVIEW]Jack Dean Kingsbury - 1988 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 42 (1):105-106.
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    ‘Where Men and Gods Command’: the monument, the crypt, and the magic word.Thomas Houlton - 2019 - Derrida Today 12 (1):80-98.
    This paper examines the relationships between monumental commemoration and memory, placing Rachel Whiteread's Memorial to the Austrian Jewish Victims of the Shoah (2000) as the physical manifestation of Derrida's archive as a place where memory, power, writing and representation intersect. I consider the context and characteristics of Whiteread's memorial alongside the concept of the crypt, formulated by Derrida in his ‘Fors’ to Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok's The Wolf Man's Magic Word (1976). I propose that the archive, formed as (...)
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  14.  10
    Aramaic Bowl Spells: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Bowls, vol. 1. By Shaul Shaked; James Nathan Ford; and Siam Bhayro.Christian Stadel - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3).
    Aramaic Bowl Spells: Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Bowls, vol. 1. By Shaul Shaked; James Nathan Ford; and Siam Bhayro. Magical and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity, vol. 1. Leiden: BrILL, 2013. Pp. xxvii + 368, illus. $144.
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  15.  36
    On Talismanic Language in Jewish Mysticism.Moshe Idel - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (170):23-41.
    Linguistic magic can be divided into three major categories: the fiatic, the Orphic and the talismanic. The first category includes the creation of the signified by its signifier, the best example being the creation of the world by divine words. The Orphic category assumes the possibility of enchanting an already existing entity by means of vocal material. Last but not least is the talismanic, based on the drawing of energy by means of language, in order to use this energy for (...)
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  16.  93
    Touching God: Vertigo, Exactitude, and Degrees of Devekut in the Contemporary Nondual Jewish Mysticism of R. Yitzhaq Maier Morgenstern.Aubrey L. Glazer - 2011 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 19 (2):147-192.
    Whether extrovertive, introvertive, or some further hybrid, the process of the soul touching the fullness of its divine origins is itself undergoing transformation in the twenty-first-century cultural matrices of Israel. A remarkable exemplar of devotional Hebrew cultures can be found within the hybrid networks of haredi worlds in Israel today. R. Yitzhaq Maier Morgenstern, author of Yam ha-okhmah, Netiv ayyim, and De'i okhmah le-nafshekha, is arguably the most innovative mystical voice in Israel. Why are his works resonating so strongly both (...)
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  17.  37
    Visions of Suffering and Death in Jewish Societies of the Muslim West.Haïm Zafrani - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):83-104.
    The author encountered evocations of suffering and death in all the studies and research he devoted, over 40 or so years, to the intellectual, social and religious life of western Muslim Judaism, and indeed the whole of traditional Jewish thought and its varied modes of expression: rabbinical law, Hebrew poetry, the literature of homily and preaching, mystical writings and the kabbala, dialect and popular literatures in Judeo-Arabic and Judeo-Berber. Some passages are taken from the Zohar (‘The town the angel (...)
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  18.  27
    The Polemic of an Unknown Jewish Convert to Islam (14th century): Ta’yīd al-millah.Yasin Meral - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):857-877.
    In the polemical literature against Judaism, it is stated that Islam is the last religion, Prophet Muhammad was foretold in the Bible, and the Bible is distorted. Among the authors of such works, there are many who embraced Islam from Jews and Christians. Through their works, these converts show Muslims how serious they are in embracing Islam. In this article, the treatise under the evaluation was first brought to the agenda in 1867 by Gustav Flügel (d. 1870). Flügel claimed that (...)
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  19.  18
    Book and Tradition in Hekhalot and Magical Literatures.Michael Swartz - 1994 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 3 (2):189-229.
  20.  4
    Qme'ot, segulot ve-sikhletanut.Dov Schwartz - 2004
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  21. Asòtrologyah U-Magyah Ba-Hagut Ha-Yehudit Bi-Yeme Ha-Benayim.Dov Schwartz - 1999
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  22.  33
    Mitzvot, lumi, comunitate în gândirea hasidicã moderna/ Mitzvot, Worlds, and Community in Modern Hasidic Thinking.Petru Moldovan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):158-167.
    Moshe Idel considers that the emergence of Hasidism is not the result of the confrontation between ancient and modern orientations. In M. Idel’s interpretation of the Hasidic phenomenon, a central point is ascribed to the inevitable encounter of the Hasidim masters with a variety of mystic literature. I have chosen to analyze three extremely complex and very important concepts regarding Jewish mystic phenomenon: mitzvoth, worlds, and community. In discussing these concepts I have tried to emphasize their practical and very (...)
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    (1 other version)Moshe Idel's Phenomenology and its Sources.Ron Margolin - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):41-51.
    This article opens with a brief phenomenological comparison between Gershom Scholem’s Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism and Moshe Idel’s Kabbalah: New Perspectives. Scholem’s book is diachronic or historical in approach while Idel’s is primarily synchronistic, focusing on devekut (devotion) in Jewish Mysticism, the concept of Unio Mystica, a variety of mystical techniques, Kabbalistic theosophy, theurgy, and Kabbalistic hermeneutics. The author concentrates on four characteristics of Idel’s studies in Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism: ecstatic Kabbalah, the definition of (...) mysticism, Hasidism as a spiritual movement and the study of Jewish magic. In addition he discusses key criticisms leveled at Idel’s treatment of these subjects. (shrink)
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  24.  16
    The Kabbalah of money: insights on livelihood, business, and all forms of economic behavior.Nilton Bonder - 1996 - Boston: Distributed in the United States by Random House.
    _____This book challenges us to take a broad and ethical view of economic behavior, which includes all forms of exchange and human interaction, from how we spend our money to how we fulfill our role as responsible human beings in a global ecological framework. Drawing on Jewish ethical teachings, mystical lore, and tales of the Hasidic masters, the author examines a wide range of subjects, including competition, partnerships, and contracts, loans and interest, the laws of fair exchange, and tips (...)
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  25.  9
    The two wrong halves of Ruby Taylor.Amanda Panitch - 2022 - New York, NY: Roaring Brook Press.
    Of her two granddaughters, Grandma Yvette clearly prefers Ruby Taylor's perfect--and perfectly Jewish--cousin, Sarah. They do everything together, including bake cookies and have secret sleep overs that Ruby isn't invited to. Twelve-year-old Ruby suspects Grandma Yvette doesn't think she's Jewish enough. The Jewish religion is matrilineal, which means it's passed down from mother to child, and unlike Sarah, Ruby's mother isn't Jewish. But when Sarah starts acting out--trading in her skirts and cardigans for ripped jeans and (...)
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  26. Sefer Ḥaye ʻolam: yeḳar ha-maʻalah, meʼod naʻalah: amarotaṿ ṭehorot, musarim neḥmadim..Dov Berish ben Yaʻaḳov Goṭlib - 1880 - Bruḳlin: Bet Hilel.
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  27.  24
    Influence of the Enochic tradition on Qumran: reception and adaptation of the Watchers and Giants as a case study.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2024 - Perseitas 12:34-71.
    The confluence of different Jewish traditions in the Qumran library is evident. The Enochic traditions are not only counted as the oldest influences in Qumran, they also give it a certain theological unity. This is even more true in the case of demonology. Belial’s figure brings together a rich lexicographic heritage in which different traditions are integrated under the characteristics of the Watchers and Giants of the Enochic tradition (1 En 6—8). This study analyzes the theological characterization of the (...)
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  28.  64
    Golems in the biotech century.Byron L. Sherwin - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):133-144.
    Abstract.The legend of the golem, the creation of life through mystical and magical means, is the most famous postbiblical Jewish legend. After noting recent references to the golem legend in fiction, film, art, and scientific literature, I outline three stages of the development of the legend, including its relationship to the story of Frankenstein. I apply teachings about the golem in classical Jewish religious literature to implications of the legend for ethical issues relating to bioengineering, reproductive biotechnology, robotics, (...)
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    Messianica ratio. Affinities and Differences in Cohen’s and Benjamin's Messianic Rationalism.Fabrizio Desideri - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):133-145.
    In my paper, I intend firmly to criticize Taubes' interpretation of Benjamin's Theology as a modern form of Gnosticism. In a positive way, I sustain rather the thesis that Benjamin's Messianism is in close connection with his conception of reason and, in particularly, with the paradoxical unity of Mysticism and Enlightenment, which, according to the famous definition of Adorno, distinguishes his thought. As a radically anti-magical and anti-mythical conception of the historical time, Benjamin's Messianism has to be considered as an (...)
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  30.  22
    The Golem Legend and the Enigma of Facebook.Gábor L. Ambrus - 2020 - Zygon 55 (4):875-897.
    We are easily misguided as to the true nature of Facebook, and tend to treat it simply as a powerful technological instrument in the service of human intentions. We can, however, gain a better picture of it through recourse to the Jewish tradition of the golem, an image of human beings, created by them in a re‐enactment of their own creation by God. It turns into a magic servant in modernity with an inherent dynamic running between its human and (...)
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  31.  12
    Simone Weil: mystic of passion and compassion.Maria Clara Bingemer - 2015 - Eugene, Oregon: Wipf&Stock. Edited by Karen M. Kraft & Tomeu Estelrich. Translated by Karen Kraft.
    The present book reflects on the life, work, and legacy of an exceptional and enigmatic woman: the philosopher and French Jewish mystic Simone Weil. It constitutes a testimony so unique that it is impossible to ignore. In a Europe where authoritarian regimes were dominant and heading, in a sinister manner, toward World War II, this woman of fragile health but indomitable spirit denounced the contradictions of the capitalist system, the brutality of Nazism, and the paradox of bourgeois thought. At (...)
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    Jesus and Buddhism: A Christian View.Marcus J. Borg - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):93-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jesus and Buddhism: A Christian ViewMarcus J. BorgLike several of the contributors to this collection of essays, I begin with my own vantage point. By profession a historian of Jesus and Christian origins, I am by confession a Christian of a nonliteralist and nonexclusivist kind (once Lutheran, now Episcopalian). As a Christian, I am interested in the theological implications of my work as a historian. As a student of (...)
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    Richard H. Popkin 1923-2005.Harry M. Bracken & Richard A. Watson - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):v-v.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Richard H. Popkin 1923-2005Harry M. Bracken and Richard A. WatsonRichard H. Popkin, founding editor of the journal of the History of Philosophy, died on April 14, 2005. He was 81 years old and had continued his research and writing to the last moment before he entered the hospital on march 21st with extreme respiratory difficulties.Popkin's The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes (1960) revolutionized the study and understanding (...)
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  34. Проект модерну: Біблійні витоки.Mariya Chikarkova - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):286-289.
    This paper deals with diachronic of rethink by the philosophy of modern times primordial existential problems of man, come down to European consciousness through their crystallization in the Bible, which was formed in the controversy with the pagan-magical desire to dominate man in the world. Bible ceases to be arch myth-poetical folk stories, it has mainly intellectualists nature and aims to organize reality of life on eradication of mythologist, strengthening a sense of the significance of their own real history of (...)
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  35.  38
    Beyond Pico della Mirandola: John Dee’s ‘formal numbers’ and ‘real cabala’.Jean-Marc Mandosio - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (3):489-497.
    It is well known that, in both the Monas hieroglyphica and the Mathematicall praeface, Dee drew a part of his inspiration from Pico della Mirandola’s works. However, the nature and extent of Dee’s borrowings has not yet been studied. In fact, the only work of Pico really read and used by Dee was the 900 conclusions, where he found the conception of ‘formal numbers’: that is, mystical numbers carrying magical and divinatory powers. This is very important, since Dee sees these (...)
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  36.  44
    The Womanist-Buddhist Consultation as a Reading Community.Carolyn M. Jones Medine - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:47-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Womanist-Buddhist Consultation as a Reading CommunityCarolyn M. Jones MedineIn Breaking the Fall, the late Robert Detweiler (1932-2008) imagines what a reading community, "a contemporary version of the old storytelling cultures,"1 might look like. He suggests that in such a community, "The accent on community itself would offer a balance to our excessively privatizing tendencies; the communal interaction could counter our relentless drive to interpret... with attitudes of play (...)
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  37.  15
    Nobility of Spirit: A Forgotten Ideal.Rob Riemen - 2008 - Yale University Press.
    Already translated into ten languages, this brief testament to the transformative power of ideas is resonating with readers—especially the rising generation—throughout the world. _Nobility of Spirit _is a spiritual journey to the source of those values—especially truth, freedom and dignity—that must be sustained in order for civilization to flourish. Riemen explores the tradition from Socrates and Spinoza, to Goethe, Whitman, and Thomas Mann—singular individuals who courageously refused to compromise their ideals, and he engages with them with great insight, intimacy and (...)
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  38.  35
    (1 other version)Structure, Innovation, and Diremptive Temporality: The Use of Models to Study Continuity and Discontinuity in Kabbalistic Tradition.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):143-167.
    This study consists of two parts. The first is an examination of the hermeneutical presuppositions underlying the theory of models that Moshe Idel has applied to the study of Jewish mysticism. Idel has opted for a typological approach based on multiple explanatory models, a methodology that purportedly proffers a polychromatic as opposed to a monochromatic orientation associated with Scholem and the so-called school based on his teachings. The three major models delineated by Idel are the theosophical-theurgical, the ecstatic, and (...)
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  39.  43
    Moshe Idel, Golem.Petru Moldovan - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):176-177.
    Moshe Idel, Golem Ed. Hasefer, Bucuresti, 2003. Traducere de Rola Mahler-Beilis.
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  40.  14
    Christmas Mythologies.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2010 - In Scott C. Lowe (ed.), Christmas: Philosophy For Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59–69.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Do Christmas Mythologies Even Exist? The Secular Christmas Mythology: The Santa Story A Sacred Christmas Mythology: The Virginal Conception The Problem of Literal Truth The Philosophical Case Against Literal Truth: Russell's Teapot The Religious Case Against Literal Truth: Tillich's Broken Myths.
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    Christmas Mythologies: Sacred and Secular.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2010 - In Scott C. Lowe (ed.), Christmas: Philosophy For Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59–69.
    On the 24th and 25th of December every year two very different stories are told: one in people’s homes, by the fireplace or Christmas tree, to pyjamaed but excited and sleepless children; the other to people of all ages in the more imposing setting of candlelit churches and cathedrals. I want to ask, in this essay: Does the telling of these two stories have anything in common? What can we learn by comparing them? The first one, the one I call (...)
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  42. ha-Ḥalomot u-fitronan: ʻal pi Ḥazal..Yedidyah Ben-Śarah - 2001 - [Yerushalayim: Yedidyah ben Śarah.
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  43. Hishtadlut ha-maʼamin: gidre ḥovat ha-hishtadlut be-farnasah, shidukhim ṿe-ʻod: koaḥ ha-tefilah u-segulot le-viṭul mazal raʻ u-gezerot raʻot.Z. Maʼor - 1999 - Yerushalayim: Maʼor. Edited by Z. Maʼor.
    ha-Maʼamin le-ʻumat ha-mishtadel -- Koḥah shel tefilah.
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    (1 other version)Between Sefer Yezirah and Wisdom Literature: Three Binitarian Approaches in Sefer Yezirah.Ronit Meroz - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):101-142.
    This paper presents three basic ideas which are interrelated with one another: 1) The assertion that a single subject unites all the discussions in Sefer Yezirah, from beginning to end: namely, the nature of Wisdom, upon which the world stands (or is suspended); 2) A stylistic-linguistic analysis leading to the division of Sefer Yezirah into three “accounts,” around which are crystallized the style and contents of the book as a whole. The Account of the “Sealing of the Ends” is the (...)
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  45. Ḳunṭres Tamim tihyeh: mi-dine mitsṿat tamim tihyeh: goralot, niḥush, simanim, metsiʼat pasuḳ, ḳesamim le-tsorekh ḥoleh, aḥizat ʻenayim.Avraham Elimelekh Ṿais - 2019 - Ḳiryat Yoʼel Nu Yorḳ: Hotsaʼat Tsorkhe setam.
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    Current periodical articles 195.Magical Antirealism - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (2).
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    Clever bookies and coherent beliefs, David Christensen.Could This Be Magic & Michael Jubien - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (256):897-898.
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  48. Bioetika u Srbiji kao perspektiva u međunarodnim okvirima: genetika i bioetika.Dragoslav Marinković & Zvonko Magić - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):80-86.
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  49. Bioetika kod nas i u svetu: zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa održanog u SANU 20. oktobra 2006.Dragoslav Marinković, Zvonko Magić & Kosana Konstantinov (eds.) - 2006 - Beograd: Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Društvo genetičara Srbije.
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  50. Emmanuel levinas (1906-1995).Being Jewish - 2007 - Continental Philosophy Review 40 (3):205-210.
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