Results for 'Mannes Beissel'

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  1.  19
    Thomas Mann und Alfred Baeumler: eine Dokumentation.Thomas Mann, Marianne Baeumler, Alfred Baeumler, Hubert Brunträger & Hermann Kurzke - 1989
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    The Modality of Being.Robert C. Beissel - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):49-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MODALITY OF BEING ROBERT c. BEISSEL Phoenix, Arizona " It must be of itself that the divine thought thinks." Aristotle, Metaphysics, Bk. 12, c. 9. ST. THOMAS IS AS Neoplatonic as Plotinus in his awareness that Being is not being and that being is not Being.1 Yet, like St. Augustine, St. Thomas knew that being is closer to Being than to itself; he knew that beyond the (...)
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    186. Ansprache zu Heinrich Manns siebzigstem Geburtstag.Thomas Mann - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 273-274.
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    Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny.Kate Manne - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Down Girl is a broad, original, and far ranging analysis of what misogyny really is, how it works, its purpose, and how to fight it. The philosopher Kate Manne argues that modern society's failure to recognize women's full humanity and autonomy is not actually the problem. She argues instead that it is women's manifestations of human capacities -- autonomy, agency, political engagement -- is what engenders misogynist hostility.
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    AUTOGEN: A Personalized Large Language Model for Academic Enhancement—Ethics and Proof of Principle.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp, Nikolaj Møller, Suren Vynn & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):28-41.
    Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT or Google’s Bard have shown significant performance on a variety of text-based tasks, such as summarization, translation, and even the generation of new...
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  6. Descartes and Augustine.William E. Mann - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (3):438-441.
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    Sources of Opacity in Computer Systems: Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy.Sara Mann, Barnaby Crook, Lena Kästner, Astrid Schomäcker & Timo Speith - 2023 - 2023 Ieee 31St International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (Rew):337-342.
    Modern computer systems are ubiquitous in contemporary life yet many of them remain opaque. This poses significant challenges in domains where desiderata such as fairness or accountability are crucial. We suggest that the best strategy for achieving system transparency varies depending on the specific source of opacity prevalent in a given context. Synthesizing and extending existing discussions, we propose a taxonomy consisting of eight sources of opacity that fall into three main categories: architectural, analytical, and socio-technical. For each source, we (...)
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    The Discovery of Things: Aristotle's Categories and Their Context.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    Aristotle's Categories can easily seem to be a statement of a naïve, pre-philosophical ontology, centered around ordinary items. Wolfgang-Rainer Mann argues that the treatise, in fact, presents a revolutionary metaphysical picture, one Aristotle arrives at by (implicitly) criticizing Plato and Plato's strange counterparts, the "Late-Learners" of the Sophist. As Mann shows, the Categories reflects Aristotle's discovery that ordinary items are things (objects with properties). Put most starkly, Mann contends that there were no things before Aristotle. The author's argument consists of (...)
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    Blockchain, consent and prosent for medical research.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Julian Savulescu, Philippe Ravaud & Mehdi Benchoufi - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):244-250.
    Recent advances in medical and information technologies, the availability of new types of medical data, the requirement of increasing numbers of study participants, as well as difficulties in recruitment and retention, all present serious problems for traditional models of specific and informed consent to medical research. However, these advances also enable novel ways to securely share and analyse data. This paper introduces one of these advances—blockchain technologies—and argues that they can be used to share medical data in a secure and (...)
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    Why a Feminist Volume on Pluralism? Bonnie Mann and Jean Keller.Bonnie Mann & Jean Keller - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (2):1-11.
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  11. Attribution of Information in Animal Interaction.Stephen Francis Mann - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (3):164–179.
    This article establishes grounds on which attributions of information and encoding in animal signals are warranted. As common interest increases between evolutionary agents, the theoretical approach best suited to describing their interaction shifts from evolutionary game theory to communication theory, which warrants informational language. The take-home positive message is that in cooperative settings, signals can appropriately be described as transmitting encoded information, regardless of the cognitive powers of signalers. The canonical example is the honeybee waggle dance, which is discussed extensively (...)
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  12. Internalism about reasons: sad but true?Kate Manne - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (1):89-117.
    Internalists about reasons following Bernard Williams claim that an agent’s normative reasons for action are constrained in some interesting way by her desires or motivations. In this paper, I offer a new argument for such a position—although one that resonates, I believe, with certain key elements of Williams’ original view. I initially draw on P.F. Strawson’s famous distinction between the interpersonal and the objective stances that we can take to other people, from the second-person point of view. I suggest that (...)
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    Coercive treatment and autonomy in psychiatry.Manne Sjöstrand & Gert Helgesson - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (2):113–120.
    There are three lines of argument in defence of coercive treatment of patients with mental disorders: arguments regarding (1) societal interests to protect others, (2) the patients' own health interests, and (3) patient autonomy. In this paper, we analyse these arguments in relation to an idealized case, where a person with a mental disorder claims not to want medical treatment for religious reasons. We also discuss who should decide what in situations where patients with mental disorders deny treatment on seemingly (...)
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    Medicine and Public Health, Ethics and Human Rights.Jonathan M. Mann - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 27 (3):6-13.
    There is more to modern health than new scientific discoveries, the development of new technologies, or emerging or re‐emerging diseases. World events and experiences, such as the AIDS epidemic and the humanitarian emergencies in Bosnia and Rwanda, have made this evident by creating new relationships among medicine, public health, ethics, and human rights. Each domain has seeped into the other, making allies of public health and human rights, pressing the need for an ethics of public health, and revealing the rights‐related (...)
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    The Relevance View: Defended and Extended.Kirsten Mann - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (1):101-110.
    The Relevance View, exemplified by Alex Voorhoeve's Aggregate Relevant Claims, has considerable appeal. It accommodates our reluctance to aggregate weak claims in canonical cases like Life for Headaches, while permitting aggregation of claims in a range of other cases. But it has been the target of significant criticism. In an important recent paper, Patrick Tomlin argues that the view suffers from failures of internal logic, violating plausible consistency constraints and generating incoherent combinations of verdicts on cases. And in cases resembling (...)
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  16. Single-cue delay eyeblink conditioning is unrelated to awareness.Joseph R. Manns, Robert E. Clark & Larry R. Squire - 2001 - Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 1 (2):192-198.
  17. Information measures, effective complexity, and total information.Murray Gell-Mann & Seth Lloyd - 1996 - Complexity 2 (1):44-52.
  18.  49
    Sovereign Masculinity: Gender Lessons From the War on Terror.Bonnie Mann - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Through examining practices of torture, extra-judicial assassination, and first person accounts of soldiers on the ground, Bonnie Mann develops a new theory of gender.
  19. Free energy: a user’s guide.Stephen Francis Mann, Ross Pain & Michael D. Kirchhoff - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (4):1-35.
    Over the last fifteen years, an ambitious explanatory framework has been proposed to unify explanations across biology and cognitive science. Active inference, whose most famous tenet is the free energy principle, has inspired excitement and confusion in equal measure. Here, we lay the ground for proper critical analysis of active inference, in three ways. First, we give simplified versions of its core mathematical models. Second, we outline the historical development of active inference and its relationship to other theoretical approaches. Third, (...)
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  20. Prescribing Positivism: The Dawn of Nietzsche's Hippocratism.Joel E. Mann - 2014 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 45 (1):54-67.
    ABSTRACT As a classical philologist, Nietzsche was extremely familiar with the work of many ancient Greek writers. It is well known that Nietzsche made a practice of identifying with and praising ancient thinkers with whom he felt a kinship. It is worth investigating, then, whether Nietzsche's mention of Hippocrates in D signals a sustained interest in the so-called father of medicine. I argue that there is no evidence that Nietzsche paid special attention to Hippocrates or the Hippocratic corpus. Instead, Nietzsche's (...)
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    Ross on omnipotence.William E. Mann - 1977 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (2):142 - 147.
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    Augustine.William E. Mann - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (1):15-18.
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    A Logical Analysis of Monty Hall and Sleeping Beauty.Allen L. Mann & Ville Aarnio - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1123-1162.
    Hintikka and Sandu’s independence-friendly logic is a conservative extension of first-order logic that allows one to consider semantic games with imperfect information. In the present article, we first show how several variants of the Monty Hall problem can be modeled as semantic games for IF sentences. In the process, we extend IF logic to include semantic games with chance moves and dub this extension stochastic IF logic. Finally, we use stochastic IF logic to analyze the Sleeping Beauty problem, leading to (...)
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    Locating Morality: Moral Imperatives as Bodily Imperatives.Kate Manne - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 12.
    This chapter explores the possibility of identifying core moral claims with the states of mind which are called bodily imperatives—e.g. the ‘make it stop’ state of mind which is plausibly an aspect of, if not identical with, severe pain states and states such as severe thirst, hunger, sleeplessness, humiliation, terror, and torment. The chapter combines this idea with another, that the desire-like, conative, or ‘world-guiding’ states of mind which make normative claims on agents need not belong to the agent on (...)
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    A Dialogue Concerning Liberty and Community.Doug Mann & Malcolm Murray - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (2):255-.
    RésuméDans ce dialogue, deux personnages principaux, Philopolis et Éleuthérios, proposent la position communautarienne et la position contractualiste libérale comme fondements de la théorie politique. Le débat se déroule, comme tout bon débat devrait lefaire, autour d'une bouteille de Chardonnay.
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    Black Heretics, Black Prophets and the Black Feminist Intellectual.Anika Maaza Mann - 2006 - CLR James Journal 12 (1):165-170.
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    Does God Have a Nature?William E. Mann - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (4):625-630.
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  28. Paternalism in the Name of Autonomy.Manne Sjöstrand, Stefan Eriksson, Niklas Juth & Gert Helgesson - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (6):jht049.
    Different ideas of the normative relevance of autonomy can give rise to profoundly different action-guiding principles in healthcare. If autonomy is seen as a value rather than as a right, it can be argued that patients’ decisions should sometimes be overruled in order to protect or promote their own autonomy. We refer to this as paternalism in the name of autonomy. In this paper, we discuss different elements of autonomy (decision-making capacity, efficiency, and authenticity) and arguments in favor of paternalism (...)
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  29. Teleosemantics and the free energy principle.Stephen Francis Mann & Ross Pain - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (4):1-25.
    The free energy principle is notoriously difficult to understand. In this paper, we relate the principle to a framework that philosophers of biology are familiar with: Ruth Millikan’s teleosemantics. We argue that: systems that minimise free energy are systems with a proper function; and Karl Friston’s notion of implicit modelling can be understood in terms of Millikan’s notion of mapping relations. Our analysis reveals some surprising formal similarities between the two frameworks, and suggests interesting lines of future research. We hope (...)
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  30. Teleosemantics and the Hard Problem of Content.Stephen Francis Mann & Ross Pain - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):22-46.
    Hutto and Myin claim that teleosemantics cannot account for mental content. In their view, teleosemantics accounts for a poorer kind of relation between cognitive states and the world but lacks the theoretical tools to account for a richer kind. We show that their objection imposes two criteria on theories of content: a truth-evaluable criterion and an intensionality criterion. For the objection to go through, teleosemantics must be subject to both these criteria and must fail to satisfy them. We argue that (...)
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    Conceptions of decision-making capacity in psychiatry: interviews with Swedish psychiatrists.Manne Sjöstrand, Petter Karlsson, Lars Sandman, Gert Helgesson, Stefan Eriksson & Niklas Juth - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):34.
    Decision-making capacity is a key concept in contemporary healthcare ethics. Previous research has mainly focused on philosophical, conceptual issues or on evaluation of different tools for assessing patients’ capacity. The aim of the present study is to investigate how the concept and its normative role are understood in Swedish psychiatric care. Of special interest for present purposes are the relationships between decisional capacity and psychiatric disorders and between health law and practical ethics.
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  32. Moral Gaslighting.Kate Manne - 2023 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 97 (1):122-145.
    Philosophers have turned their attention to gaslighting only recently, and have made considerable progress in analysing its characteristic aims and harms. I am less convinced, however, that we have fully understood its nature. I will argue in this paper that philosophers and others interested in the phenomenon have largely overlooked a phenomenon I call moral gaslighting, in which someone is made to feel morally defective—for example, cruelly unforgiving or overly suspicious—for harbouring some mental state to which she is entitled. If (...)
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  33. Consequences of a Functional Account of Information.Stephen Francis Mann - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):1-19.
    This paper aims to establish several interconnected points. First, a particular interpretation of the mathematical definition of information, known as the causal interpretation, is supported largely by misunderstandings of the engineering context from which it was taken. A better interpretation, which makes the definition and quantification of information relative to the function of its user, is outlined. The first half of the paper is given over to introducing communication theory and its competing interpretations. The second half explores three consequences of (...)
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  34. Melancholy Whiteness.Kate Manne - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (1):233-242.
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    The Helicopter Pilot—Swedish Hot-Area Policing From Above.Manne Gerell, Johan Kardell & Kim Nilvall - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:601667.
    Hot spot policing is an established concept that is proven to reduce crime. It is mostly done through foot patrol or car patrols. In the present study it is tested whether helicopters can produce a deterrent policing effect to reduce the amount of vehicle arsons in Sweden on larger hot areas. Sweden tends to have elevated levels of vehicle arsons in August, with about 20% of police districts responsible for 50% of the cases. The risk narrative revolves around youth congregating (...)
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    Believing Where We Cannot Prove.William E. Mann - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:59-68.
    In the Prologue to his Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, John Duns Scotus considered five arguments for the claim that humans, equipped only with their native intellectual capacities, would be incapable of discovering the truths most important for their salvation. Scotus endorsed three of the arguments,regarding them as ‘more probable’ than the other two. I shall not attempt detailed analyses of the arguments. Rather, my purpose is to embed the arguments in a more general picture of the epistemology (...)
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    Immutability and Predication: What Aristotle Taught Philo and Augustine.William E. Mann - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 22 (1/2):21 - 39.
  38.  23
    Not by Word Alone: Food in the Hebrew Bible.Thomas W. Mann - 2013 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67 (4):351-362.
    In the Hebrew Bible, food assumes a sacramental dimension as the physical manifestation of God’s grace and blessing. YHWH requires Israel to eat responsibly according to the rules of YHWH’s fief, acknowledging YHWH’s provision with gratitude, abstaining from prohibited food, and distributing the bounty of the earth equitably.
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    The perception of the vertical: V. Adjustment to the postural vertical as a function of the magnitude of postural tilt and duration of exposure.Cecil W. Mann & George E. Passey - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (2):108.
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  40. Das Soziale als Grundkategorie des Marxismus-Leninismus.Kurt Teßmann - 1985 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 33 (9).
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  41. Quantifying information in structural representations.Stephen Francis Mann - 2024 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science:1-27.
    The goal of this paper is to show that the information carried by a structural representation can be decomposed into the information carried by its component parts. In particular, the relations between the components of a structural representation carry quantifiable information about the relations between components of their signifieds. It follows that the information carried by cognitive structural representations, including cognitive maps, can in principle be quantified and decomposed. This is perhaps surprising given that the formal tools of communication theory (...)
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    The Difference of Feminist Philosophy: The Case of Shame.Bonnie Mann - 2018 - Puncta 1 (1):41.
    This essay is written in two parts. The first is a commentary on the affective politics of philosophy as a discipline. The theme here is philosophy’s reverence problem, an affective bond to the teacher and the text, which is threatened or even injured by feminist philosophy. Feminist philosophy emerges as disruptive irreverence in the midst of the discipline, and injured reverence becomes a powerful prereflective motivation for resistance to feminist thought. The second part of the essay is an exploration of (...)
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  43. Generative AI entails a credit–blame asymmetry.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp, Sven Nyholm, John Danaher, Nikolaj Møller, Hilary Bowman-Smart, Joshua Hatherley, Julian Koplin, Monika Plozza, Daniel Rodger, Peter V. Treit, Gregory Renard, John McMillan & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (5):472-475.
    Generative AI programs can produce high-quality written and visual content that may be used for good or ill. We argue that a credit–blame asymmetry arises for assigning responsibility for these outputs and discuss urgent ethical and policy implications focused on large-scale language models.
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  44. What is complexity?Remarks on simplicity and complexity by the Nobel Prize-winning author ofThe Quark and the Jaguar.Murray Gell-Mann - 1995 - Complexity 1 (1):16-19.
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    Health Research Priority Setting: State Obligations and the Human Right to Science.Sebastian Porsdam Mann & Maximillian M. Schmid - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (11):33-35.
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  46. (1 other version)Elements, Causes, and Principles: A Context for Metaphysics Z 17.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40:29-61.
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    Independence-friendly logic: a game-theoretic approach.Allen L. Mann - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Gabriel Sandu & Merlijn Sevenster.
    A systematic introduction suitable for readers who have little familiarity with logic. Provides numerous examples and complete proofs.
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    Jephthah's plight: Moral dilemmas and theism.William E. Mann - 1991 - Philosophical Perspectives 5:617-647.
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    Meanings of Death.Patricia S. Mann - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:76-83.
    I examine the ways in which our cultural expectations with respect to death may be transformed by the legalization of assisted suicide. I suggest the inadequacy of the philosophical framework currently taken as the basis for discussing the advantages as well as the dangers of legalizing assisted suicide. I do not believe that individual autonomy is any sort of possibility for dying patients, regardless of the social policies that surround death in a society, insofar as our individual agency in this (...)
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  50. How America Justifies Its War: A Modern/Postmodern Aesthetics of Masculinity and Sovereignty.Bonnie Mann - 2001 - Hypatia 21 (4):147-163.
    The lies about the reasons for the U.S. war against Iraq provoked no mass public outcry in the United States against the war. What is the process of justification for this war, a process that seems to need no reasons? Mann argues that the process of justification is not a process of rational deliberation but one of aesthetic self-constitution, of rebuilding a masculine national identity. Included is a feminist reading of the National Defense University document Shock and Awe.
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