Results for 'Manuscripts, Persian '

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  1. Ancient Persian Empire: Through Arsitotle Notions of Topos and Logos.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    With regard to the importance of interrelations and interplays of topos and logos in ancient theory and practices, here I will appropriate Aristotle philosophizing of topos and logos and apply it for the ancient persian Empire as reflected in related inscriptions.
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  2. “Sparta in Greek political thought: Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch,”.Thornton C. Lockwood - manuscript
    Classical Sparta is an enigma in many ways, but for ancient and contemporary political theorists it is especially intriguing insofar as its politeia (or its educational/political/social system or “constitution”) produced a city-state that was both the hegemon of all other Greek city-states, for instance during the 5th century Persians wars, but was also ignobly defeated by Thebes at the battle of Leuctra in 371, slightly more than a century later, after which its hegemony collapsed and its subject population of helots (...)
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  3. Co-Reading Aristotle’s Practical Reasoning.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    In Islamic Arabic /Persian thought speculations about ethics may be divided into textual / scriptural; theological; religious; and philosophical too. The “philosophical ethics” has within itself Socratic, Platonic, Aristotelian and neo-Platonic trends and versions with such main thinkers such as Farabi; Avicenna; and Averroes. Here we will concentrate on Farabi and those aspects of his speculations that are Aristotelian and can be reordered and arranged around “practical reasoning”.
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    The Manuscript of the Andarz Nāme in New PersianThe Manuscript of the Andarz Name in New Persian.Richard N. Frye - 1955 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 75 (1):24.
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    A Manuscript of Gul ū Naurūz, a Seventeenth Century Persian Romance, in the Library of Columbia UniversityA Manuscript of Gul u Nauruz, a Seventeenth Century Persian Romance, in the Library of Columbia University.Abraham Yohannan - 1902 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 23:102.
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  6. Hinduism in Aligarh manuscripts: descriptive catalogue of Persian mss. of Maulana Azad Library, A.M.U., Aligarh: on Hindu legends, philosophy & faith.Śaileśa Zaidī (ed.) - 1994 - Patna: Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library.
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    Astronomical Events from a Persian Astrological Manuscript.E. S. Kennedy* - 1980 - Centaurus 24 (1):162-177.
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    Descriptive Catalogue of the Persian, Urdu and Arabic Manuscripts in the Dacca University Library. Vol. I: Persian Manuscripts.Aziz Ahmad & A. B. M. Habibullah - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):307.
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    Descriptive Catalogue of the Persian, Urdu and Arabic Manuscripts in the Dacca University Library, Vol. II: Urdu and Arabic Manuscripts.Aziz Ahmad & A. B. M. Habibullah - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):535.
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    Appendix to E. S. Kennedy "Astronomical Events from a Persian Astrological Manuscript".Owen Gingerich* - 1980 - Centaurus 24 (1):178-180.
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    A New Source on the Saljūqs of Rūm and their Persian Chancery: Manuscript 11136 of the Marʿashī Library.David Durand-Guédy - 2022 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 99 (1):113-141.
    At the end of the twentieth century, the Ayatollah Marʿashī Najafī Library acquired a fourteenth-century manuscript of munshaʾāt previously held in a private collection. This composite multitext manuscript contains about two hundred letters sent by or to officials of the Rūm Saljūq sultanate in the thirteenth century. The letters include official and private correspondence as well as decrees of nomination. They are all in Persian. This article is a first study of the codicological features, structure, and contents of this (...)
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    Brief notes on some of the rarer or unique Arabic and Persian-Arabic manuscripts in the John Rylands Library.A. Mingana - 1922 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 6 (4):522-530.
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    Union Catalogue of Arabic and Persian Medical Manuscripts in the Libraries of Hyderabad.Samira Jadon & M. Azeez Pasha - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):132.
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    The Chester Beatty Library. A Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts and Miniatures.M. J. Dresden, A. J. Arberry, M. Minovi, E. Blochet & J. V. S. Wilkinson - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):151.
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    The Chester Beatty Library. A Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts and Miniatures.M. J. D., M. Minovi, B. W. Robinson, J. V. S. Wilkinson, E. Blochet & A. J. Arberry - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):139.
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    Rock Faces, Opium and Wine: Speculations on the Original Viewing Context of Persianate Manuscripts.Nina Ergin - 2013 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 90 (1):65-105.
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    Lectures on the Philosophy of World History: Volume I: Manuscripts of the Introduction and the Lectures of 1822-1823.Peter Hodgson & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This edition makes available an entirely new version of Hegel's lectures on the development and scope of world history. Volume I presents Hegel's surviving manuscripts of his introduction to the lectures and the full transcription of the first series of lectures. These works treat the core of human history as the inexorable advance towards the establishment of a political state with just institutions-a state that consists of individuals with a free and fully-developed self-consciousness. Hegel interweaves major themes of spirit and (...)
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    A Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Urdu Manuscripts in the Library of the University of BombayKitāb al-AwrāqTa'rīkh. Vol. IX, pt. 1The Royal Archives of Egypt and the Origins of the Egyptian Expedition to Syria 1831-1841Ansāb al-Ashrāf. Vol. VHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem. Vol. II. Monarchie franque et monarchie musulmane, l'equilibreKitab al-AwraqTa'rikh. Vol. IX, pt. 1Ansab al-Ashraf. Vol. VHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jerusalem. Vol. II. Monarchie franque et monarchie musulmane, l'equilibre. [REVIEW]Philip K. Hitti, Khān Bahādur Professor Shaikh 'Abdu'L.-Ḳādir-E.-Sarfarāz, Al-Ṣūli, J. H. Dunne, Ibn-al-Furāt, Costi K. Zurayq, Asad J. Rustum, Al-Balādhuri, S. D. F. Goitein, René Grousset, Khan Bahadur Professor Shaikh 'Abdu'L.-Kadir-E.-Sarfaraz, Al-Suli, Ibn-al-Furat, Al-Baladhuri & Rene Grousset - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (3):322.
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    Frédéric Bauden, Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts in Belgium, Vol. 1, Handlist Part 1, Université de Liège, Leiden/boston: Brill 2016, ISBN 9789004326453 / Efraim Wust, Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Manuscripts of the Yahuda Collection of the National Library of Israel, Vol.1, Leiden/boston: Brill 2016, ISBN 9789004262621.Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts in BelgiumCatalogue of the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Manuscripts of the Yahuda Collection of the National Library of Israel. [REVIEW]Florian Sobieroj - 2019 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 96 (2):497-502.
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    Introducing Bayani Kermani and the Manuscripts of His Monsha'at.Asraossadat Ahmadi, Hossein Aghahosseini & Seyyed Aliasghar Mirbagherifard - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (2):p158.
    Reviving the works of Persian Empire’s writers and grandees, both in terms of the newly discovered points in books and discourses and also including indications of their era’s social, political and cultural state, is highly essential and valuable; so much so that if no efforts are made on their correction and restoration, a vast part of this extremely rich cultural heritage will be buried among the manuscripts. It is incumbent on the scientific community to take steps, however brief, in (...)
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  21.  32
    Scientific interactions in colonial, multilinguistic, and interreligious contexts: V enetian C rete and the manuscript Marcianus latinus VIII.31 (2614). A preliminary study.Alberto Bardi - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):339-352.
    This paper is a preliminary study focused on the astronomical manuscript Marcianus latinus VIII.31 (2614) and its socio-historical context of use and production, the Venetian colony of Crete in the 15th century. It is a relevant source for the study of scientific interactions in colonial, multilinguistic, and interreligious contexts in the Eastern Mediterranean for at least two reasons: (a) it contains an unpublished translation into Latin of a popular Byzantine handbook on how to use a set of astronomical tables stemming (...)
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    The Prophet Shaving: Persians and the Origin of the Malay Hikayat Nabi Bercukur.Majid Daneshgar - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (2):394-424.
    This article is about a well-known anonymous folk story in the Malay-Indonesian world, called Hikayat Nabi Bercukur, found in various different languages across the region. The only scholarly conjecture about its origin is based on the copy of a Malay manuscript held in Leiden which has been deliberately blackened and struck through by a reader who stated in the margin that the story is written by a Rāfiḍī and should not be believed. Although earlier scholars mentioned the title or the (...)
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  23.  8
    Oriental Mysticism: A Treatise on Sufiistic and Unitarian Theosophy of the Persians.E. H. Palmer - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published 1867. This volume describes not only the basic tenets of the Sufis but also the _Ahl i wahdat_ which was a branch of Sufism. The author’s use of a Persian manuscript treatise by ‘Aziz bin Mohammed Nafasi’ is an indispensable tool, particularly because the author did not merely translate it but gave a clearer and more succinct account of the system. The volume contains an Appendix containing a glossary of allegorical and technical terms in use among Sufiistic (...)
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  24.  14
    Kitābshināsī-i dastʹnivishtahʹhā-yi ās̲ār-i ʻAllāmah Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad Ṭūsī: dar kitābkhānah-ʼi Buzurg-i Ḥaz̤rat-i Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Marʻashī Najafī, Ganjīnah-ʼi Jahānī-i Makhṭūṭāt-i Islāmī.Maḥmūd Marʻashī (ed.) - 2009 - Qum: Kitābkhānah-i Buzurg-i Ḥaz̤rat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá Marʻashī Najafī, Ganjīnah-ʼi Jahānī-i Makhṭūṭāt-i Islāmī.
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    Rasāʼil va guzīdahʹhāyī bih khaṭṭ-i Ḥakīm Mullā Ṣadrā-yi Shīrāzī.Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm (eds.) - 2010 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Asnād va Kitābkhānah-i Millī-i Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Īrān.
    Facsimile of miscellaneous Persian and Arabic texts in Mullā Ṣadrā's handwriting.
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    Dânişnâme-i Alâî =.Gürbüz Deniz - 2013 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı. Edited by Murat Demirkol, Gürbüz Deniz & Avicenna.
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    The metaphysics of the Shifāʼ: facsimile edition of MS Malek Library (Tehran) 1085. Avicenna & Amos Bertolacci - 2019 - Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers. Edited by Amos Bertolacci & Gholamreza Dadkhah.
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    From the Greeks to the Arabs and beyond.Hans Daiber - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Helga Daiber.
    From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber's scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts and the history of oriental studies. The collection contains published (since 1967) and unpublished works in English, German, Arabic, Persian and Turkish, including editions of Arabic and Syriac texts. The publication mirrors the intercultural character of Islamic thought (...)
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  29. Makhzan-i ḥikmat o mauʻiẓat: makhṭūṭah-ʼi Fārsī.ʻAbd al-Qādir Bīdil - 1994 - Dihlī: Nāzish Buk Sinṭar. Edited by Ṣaulat ʻAlī Khān̲.
    On Islamic ethics; Persian manuscript edited and translated into Urdu.
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    Ganjīnah-ʼi bahāristān: majmūʻah-ʼi 18 risālah dar manṭiq, falsafah, kalām va ʻirfān.ʻAlī Awjabī (ed.) - 2000 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Chāp va Intishārāt-i Vizārat-i Farhang va Irshād-i Islāmī.
    Collections of edited Persian manuscripts dealing with philosophy, literature, Islam, and medicine.
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    A textual note on propertius 2.26.23.Alessio Mancini - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):847-849.
    non, si Cambysae redeant et flumina Croesi,dicat ‘De nostro surge, poeta, toro’. In these two lines Propertius is proud to say that his puella would not dismiss him for the fabulous treasures of some dives amator. The problem is caused by the interpretation of Cambysae as given in all the manuscripts; it is difficult to understand both as a genitive singular and as a nominative plural. This form of the genitive is not, in fact, recorded before Apul. Fl. 15.12, and (...)
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  32. From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond Volume I: Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica.Hans Daiber (ed.) - 2021 - Brill.
    From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond written by Hans Daiber, is a six volume collection of Daiber’s scattered writings, journal articles, essays and encyclopaedia entries on Greek-Syriac-Arabic translations, Islamic theology and Sufism, the history of science, Islam in Europe, manuscripts and the history of oriental studies. The collection contains published (since 1967) and unpublished works in English, German, Arabic, Persian and Turkish, including editions of Arabic and Syriac texts. The publication mirrors the intercultural character of Islamic thought (...)
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    Islamicate alchemy in Greek letters on the first page of Marcianus graecus 299.Alexandre Roberts - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (1):341-350.
    The famous middle Byzantine alchemical manuscript Marcianus graecus 299 contains annotations from the late Byzantine period, most prominently in its opening quire. This article examines a text on the very first page of the manuscript, a text written in a late Byzantine Greek script, but in a language other than Greek. A number of words in this undeciphered text can be correlated with Arabic technical vocabulary that would also have been used in other Islamicate languages such as Persian and (...)
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  34. Journal of Philosophical Investigations.M. Asgahri - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 9 (17):1-227.
    open journal of Philosophical Investigations (PI) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in philosophy. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of philosophy. -/- All manuscripts to be prepared in English or Persian and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online. The journal publishes papers including the (...)
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    Perictione in Colophon.Roger Scruton - 1996 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 41:287-307.
    The following extract comes from a recently discovered Xanthippic dialogue, which tells the story of Archeanassa's return to her native Colophon. Archeanassa travelled, it appears, as the emissary of Plato, who had instructed her to recover the manuscripts of the poet Antimachus, ostensibly for the library of the Academy, but in all probability to take revenge on the poet by burning his literary remains. The dialogue exists only in fragments: some concern Archeanassa's adventures on the journey, others describe the city (...)
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    The Darvishes: Or Oriental Spiritualism.John P. Brown - 2007 - Routledge.
    The Darvishes is an invaluable contribution to the study of the Belief and spiritual principles of the Darvish Orders and is one of the most accurate reference works on the subject. Drawn exclusively from the original Oriental works, and from Turkish, Arabic and Persian manuscripts the originality and authenticity of the work is beyond doubt. As well as discussing Darvish doctrines and history, the volume also examines the spiritual and metaphysical significance of Sufism as a living tradition.
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    S̲h̲umnulu Ḥāfıż Ḥilmī Efendi’s Work of Turkish Tajwīd in Verse Ẓafar.Oğuz Yilmaz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):519-538.
    As in the Arab and Persian literatures, many works have been written on the education and teaching of tajwīd, which provides the correct reading of the Qurʼān in Islamic Turkish Literature. Works on this subject were written generally as prose. Besides, some of these works were written in verse style because of practical benefits in education. In this context, the work named Ẓafar written by S̲h̲umnulu Ḥilmī Efendi (d. 1200/1785-86), which is one of the poetical tajwīds that has not (...)
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    Fire and its asian worshippers: A note on firmicus maternus’ de errore profanarvm religionvm 5.1.Alessio Mancini & Tommaso Mari - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (2):662-665.
    Persae et Magi omnes qui Persicae regionis incolunt fines ignem praeferunt et omnibus elementis ignem putant debere praeponi. The Persians and all the Magi who dwell in the confines of the Persian land give their preference to fire and think it ought to be ranked above all the other elements.Iulius Firmicus Maternus was a Latin writer who lived in the fourth centurya.d. In the 340s, following his conversion to Christianity, he wrote theDe errore profanarum religionum, which has been preserved (...)
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    Ambiguities of the Prisca Sapientia in Late Renaissance Humanism.Martin Mulsow & Janita Hamalainen - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (1):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 65.1 (2004) 1-13 [Access article in PDF] Ambiguities of the Prisca Sapientia in Late Renaissance Humanism Martin Mulsow University of Munich The wisdom of the ancients, says Marsilio Ficino, was a pious philosophy.1 Born among the Egyptians with Hermes Trismegistus—and, according to Ficino's later writings, concurrently among the Persians with Zoroaster—it was raised by the Thracians under Orpheus and Aglaophemus. It later matured (...)
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    Enverî Erzincānī and Mawlūd al-Sharīf.Seydi Ki̇raz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):461-495.
    Many mawlids (mawlid al-nabī) have been written as a reflection of the love for the prophet Muhammad. Süleymān Çelebi’s (d. 825/1422) Wasila al-nacāt, has been seen as the founding work in Turkish literature in this category. The effect of Wasila al-nacāt has continued for centuries, and inspired many other mawlids. One of them is Enverī Erzincānī’s work named Mawlūd al-sharīf (Sumbul al-gulzār al-kalām al-kadīm). In literature tradition, mawlids are written in masnawī in ​​verse form, Mawlūd al-sharīf was written in style. (...)
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    Fażāyī’s Çihil-nām al-Manẓūm Entitled as Khawaṣṣ al-Asmā al-Ḥusnā Mathnawī.Seydi Ki̇raz - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):999-1034.
    Turkish-Islamic literature contains numerous religious literar writings. In the existing literature, it can be seen that many kinds such as tawhīd, munājāt, nʿat, mawlid, hilya, hijrah-nāma, shafāʿat-nāma, miʿrāj, qisas al-anbiya, ramaḍāniyya, and al-asmā al-ḥusnā were written. Al-Asmā al-ḥusnā, written in the form of poetry and prose, were mostly sharḥ or their khawaṣṣ were explained. Çihil-nām al-Manẓūm, which is mentioned in the study, was written as khawaṣṣ al-asmā al-ḥusnā. The work is a poet entitled as Fażāyī. Manuscript was written in the (...)
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  42.  28
    The Reception of Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise in the Islamic Republic of Iran.Sina Mirzaei - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):42.
    In the form of a case study and based upon novel material about the reception of Spinoza’s Theological–Political Treatise in Iran, this paper studies issues with the interactions among political, theological and philosophical ideas in the reception of Spinoza’s TTP. The paper starts with the first Iranian encounters with Spinoza’s philosophy in the Qajar era in the nineteenth century and then focuses on the reception of the TTP in the period after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The first translation of the (...)
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    A Ḥāshiya of Mashāriq al-Anwār in the Ottoman Empire: Darwīsh ‘Ali b. Muhammad's Anwār al-Mashāriq.Gülsüm Korkmazer - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):121-152.
    Sagānî's Mashāriq al-Anwār is one of the most used sources about the science of hadith in the Ottoman Empire. This work reinforced its authority with the commentaries of Ibn Melek and Ekmeleddin Bāberti. Many studies have been done about Mashāriq and its commentaries in the Ottoman Empire. Most of them are in manuscript form, and some do not even have introductory information. One of these works, about which there is no study, is Darwīsh Ali's Anwār a'l-Mashāriq. The work is a (...)
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    The Translation Issue of Mutashābih Expressions in the Example of Kazakh Translations Prepared in the 20th Century.Daniyar Samet - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1181-1202.
    The Qurʾān is certainly the last of the divine teachings and the most perfect. While this holy book has a perfect miraculous feature, especially since its rules are valid until the Day of Judgment, it also contains many unique features in terms of style and content. The Qurʾān firstly asks people to understand it thoroughly and live it in their lives. In order for them to live, they must first correctly understand the messages that the Qurʾān gave to people. In (...)
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    A Literary Genre Unknown Sufficiently in the Turkish Literature: Rūznāme and An Example.Alim Yildiz - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):429-444.
    The word of rūznāme means diary in the Persian language. In the historical records it refers to special diaries written by the secret clerks of Ottoman sultans. Apart from that there are various different types of rūznāmes. In some rūznāmes were described repetitious behaviors that they are a suitable or an unsuitable for each day of the week or month. This article aims to investigate a manuscript named “The Book of Rūznāme” contains suitable and unsuitable behaviors for each day (...)
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    Between reason and revelation: twin wisdoms reconciled: an annotated English translation of Nasir-i Khusraw's Kitāb-i Jāmiʻ al-ḥikmatayn.Nāṣir-I. Khusraw - 2012 - London: I.B. Tauris Publishers. Edited by Eric L. Ormsby.
    This is the first complete English translation of the Jami al-hikmatayn, written in Persian, the final, and crowning, work of the great poet, philosopher, and Ismaili missionary Nasir-i Khusraw (1004-1077). Twin Wisdoms Reconciled was written at the request of the emir of Badakhshan 'Abu al-Ma'ali 'Ali ibn Asad' who was perplexed by the questions in a long philosophical ode written a century earlier by Abu al-Haytham Jurjani, an obscure Ismaili author. The ode consists of a series of some 90 (...)
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    Formal and Contextual Features of Nahrī Aḥmad’s Dīwānçe.Abdülmecit İslamoğlu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):435-466.
    Suyolcu-zāde Nahrī Aḥmad (d.1182/1768-1769) was an important sûfî poet being a member of Ismā‘īl Rūmī branch, the sect of Qādiriyya. He carried out the duty of spiritual and ethical guidance at Qādiriyya Lodge in Tekirdağ. Besides his sûfî character, he was a poet having an extensive knowledge about the theoretical and aesthetical bases of Dīwān literature. The only original copy of Nahrī’s Dīwānçe including his poems registered in the Vatican Library, Turkish Manuscripts, nr. 235. There are forty-five Turkish, twelve Arabic (...)
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    Science of the cosmos and the soul =.Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī - 2014 - Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers. Edited by Gholamreza Dadkhah.
    Acknowledgements -- List of illustrations -- Table of transliteration -- Introduction: Shams al-Din Samarqandi: his life and training -- Works and thought -- Science of the cosmos and the soul ('Ilm al-afaq wa al-anfus) -- Manuscripts used in preparing this edition -- Sources -- Persian and Arabic texts [1-287].
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    How to Organise the Orient: D'Herbelot and the Bibilothèque Orientale.Alexander Bevilacqua - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):213-261.
    When it appeared in Paris in 1697, the Bibliothèque Orientale of Barthélemy d'Herbelot de Molainville became the most complete reference work about Islamic history and letters in the West. Writing in French, d'Herbelot drew on an impressive variety of Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts that he had read in Florence and in Paris. This article examines the Bibliothèque Orientale's idiosyncratic organisation, which has elicited comment over the centuries, and investigates whether it restricted the book's reception, as has sometimes been (...)
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    Bibliography of the Major Works of Christopher Rowland.Hellenistic Persian - 2012 - In Zoë Bennett & David B. Gowler, Radical Christian Voices and Practice: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland. Oxford University Press. pp. 281.
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