Results for 'María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández'

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  1.  24
    Music as an Element of Tourism Innovation: Types of Nightlife Premises in Ibiza.José Ramón-Cardona, María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández, Amador Durán-Sánchez & José Álvarez-García - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The island of Ibiza is a western Mediterranean destination known internationally for its nightlife. The aim of this paper is to make a proposal to classify the different types of premises in the Ibiza nightlife offer. This involves making a first definition that allows to delimit which businesses are parts of the sector. The methodology used is based on the case study and specifically, on the review of the promotional actions and activities carried out, completed with the visit to the (...)
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  2. Generation Z Within the Workforce and in the Workplace: A Bibliometric Analysis.María Dolores Benítez-Márquez, Eva María Sánchez-Teba, Guillermo Bermúdez-González & Emma Sofía Núñez-Rydman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article aims to improve the knowledge on Generation Z as employees within workforce and in the workplace, as well as on the main thematic trends that drive the research on the topic. To this end, and using bibliometric techniques, a sample of 102 publications on this subject from Web of Science between 2009 and 2020 is analyzed. Research discusses the most published and most cited authors and journals to have a broad view of the context of the subject. Later, (...)
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  3.  39
    La ley española de medidas de protección integral contra la violencia de género.María Dolores Santos Fernández - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (30):105-119.
    This article presents an analysis of the answer given by the Spanish State to violence against women through the “Integral Law for Protection from Gender Violence”. There is recognition of violence as a crime against an - other person in unfavorable conditions which can seriously affect their emoti..
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    Exequias por la muerte de un ángel regio. El túmulo funerario de la reina María de las Mercedes en el templo de la Profesa de la Ciudad de México: un alegato a la monarquía española.Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas & Rubén Sánchez Guzmán - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (2):1-17.
    Tras el inesperado fallecimiento de la reina María de las Mercedes de Orleans el 26 de junio de 1878, las muestras de dolor y respeto se vivieron tanto dentro como fuera del Reino. De especial importancia fueron las exequias y el aparataje simbólico que la Colonia Española de Ciudad de México ofreció por el descanso de la reina en el templo de la Profesa de la capital mexicana. El objetivo de este trabajo, es analizar los valores artísticos e iconográficos (...)
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  5. La vocación imperialista de la Roma republicana.María Dolores Ballesteros Sánchez-Tirado - 2003 - Aposta 2:1.
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    Medios de comunicación impresos y realidad aumentada, una asociación con futuro.María Dolores Meneses Fernández & Jorge Martín Gutiérrez - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a292.
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  7.  19
    Adaptation and validation of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale into Spanish.María Dolores Onieva-Zafra, Juan José Fernández-Muñoz, María Laura Parra-Fernandez, Cristina Romero-Blanco & Elia Fernández-Martínez - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1201-1212.
    Background Considering the extensive debate that is currently taking place in Spain regarding euthanasia, it is important to examine the attitude of professionals who perform most of their duties at the bedside of these patients and their families. Objectives The aim of the present study was to present an adaptation and validation of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale and to evaluate its psychometric properties among a sample of nursing students in Spain. Research design A cross-sectional study design was conducted. Participants and (...)
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  8.  14
    The Emotional Impact of Journalistic Images Depicting Natural Disasters on Affected Populations.María Dolores Meneses-Fernández & Juan Martínez Torvisco - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (4):279-294.
    This study analyses journalistic images of the volcanic eruption of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) in 2021. We prioritized the perspective of image reception to find out the audience”s feelings and level of satisfaction. We also investigated the application of ethical recommendations and the presence of new trends in journalism in the coverage of this natural disaster. We surveyed a sample of individuals who were asked about their feelings, emotions, and level of satisfaction with the journalistic images of the event. (...)
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  9.  7
    The Emotional Impact of Journalistic Images Depicting Natural Disasters on Affected Populations.María Dolores Meneses-Fernández & Juan Martínez Torvisco - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (4):279-294.
    This study analyses journalistic images of the volcanic eruption of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) in 2021. We prioritized the perspective of image reception to find out the audience”s feelings and level of satisfaction. We also investigated the application of ethical recommendations and the presence of new trends in journalism in the coverage of this natural disaster. We surveyed a sample of individuals who were asked about their feelings, emotions, and level of satisfaction with the journalistic images of the event. (...)
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  10.  27
    Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease.María Dolores Peláez-Aguilera, Macarena Espinilla, María Rosa Fernández Olmo & Javier Medina - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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  11. Cupido diabólico: la flecha del destino y la parva real en Abel Sánchez de Unamuno.María Dolores Dobón Antón - 1999 - El Basilisco 25:73-82.
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  12.  5
    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical (...)
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  13.  25
    Understanding the concept of compassion from the perspectives of nurses.Ángela María Ortega-Galán, Esteban Pérez-García, Gonzalo Brito-Pons, Juan Diego Ramos-Pichardo, María Inés Carmona-Rega & María Dolores Ruiz-Fernández - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):996-1009.
    Background: The high level of satisfaction of users of a health service is largely due to the fact that they receive excellent care from healthcare professionals. Compassionate care is an essential component of excellent care. But what do nurses understand compassion to be? Research objectives: To analyse the concept of compassion from the perspective of nurses in the Andalusian Public Health System, Spain. Research design: This is a qualitative study following the grounded theory model. Four focus groups and 25 in-depth (...)
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  14.  18
    Relations Between Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, Specific Aspects of Empathy, and Non-verbal Sensitivity.Enrique G. Fernández-Abascal & María Dolores Martín-Díaz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436477.
    In this work, on the one hand, we examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and empathy and, on the other, the relationship between emotional intelligence and nonverbal sensitivity, through two independent studies. The first study analyzed the relationship between dimensions of emotional intelligence and aspects of empathy, in a sample of 856 participants who completed two measures of EI, the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) and the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), and a measure of empathy, The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (...)
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  15. Estrés positivo y afecto positivo.Enrique García Fernández-Abascal & María Dolores Martín Díaz - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (968):22-25.
    El término estrés es una aportación de un médico húngaro llamado Has Selye (1907-1982). Su primera intuición sobre la existencia de este proceso psicológico se produjo mientras realizaba su rotatorio hospitalario al final de sus estudios de medicina. Observó que todos los pacientes, independientemente de la enfermedad que padecieran, presentaban unos síntomas comunes que denominó el síndrome de "simplemente estar enfermo", y que posteriormente en su tesis doctoral fue renombrado como "síndrome general de adaptación". Esto dio lugar a que el (...)
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    Anthropometric, body composition and health determinants of active ageing: A gender approach.Pilar Montero López, Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, María Dolores Zamarrón & Santiago Rodríguez López - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (5):597-610.
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  17.  13
    Experiencia docente basada en la metodología flipped classroom en el ámbito universitario.Maria Teresa Fernandez-Alles & Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Jiménez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-13.
    Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de la percepción del alumnado universitario acerca de la utilización de la metodología Flipped Classroom. Se analizarán los resultados obtenidos de una experiencia docente basada en su uso, centrándose entre otros aspectos, en la satisfacción del alumnado, la comprensión de conocimientos y adquisición de competencias, el grado de implicación de profesores/as y alumnos/as, así como las ventajas e inconvenientes percibidos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran, entre otros beneficios, la percepción de una mejora en el (...)
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  18.  15
    Strategic changes of the Center of Immunology and Biological Products towards professional training, research and technical scientific services.Elizabeth Nicolau Pestana, José Betancourt Bethencourt, Cira León Ramentol, María del Carmen Galdós Sánchez, Sandra Fernández Torrez, Gerardo Brunet Bernal & Zaddys Ruiz Hunt - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):532-546.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo describe los cambios estratégicos del Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey que contribuyen a la formación profesional, la investigación y los servicios científico técnicos. Recoge los resultados obtenidos desde el 2015 hasta el 2017. Los referentes teóricos permiten un acercamiento epistémico que facilita la relación con el conocimiento y la creación de concepciones para abordar los problemas de salud. El centro tiene cuatro proyectos asociados a programas y 11 (...)
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  19.  20
    Semiótica e iconografía mariana en imágenes de vestir: análisis de casos.Belén Fernández De Alarcón Roca & María F. Sánchez Hernández - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-12.
    El objetivo de esta investigación es poner de manifiesto la importancia de las imágenes de vestir marianas y, también, las joyas y accesorios que presentan. Se plantearán las bases y claves de un lenguaje no verbal que actúa como testimonio de la devoción además de las relaciones sociales y económicas del momento que las marcan. Merced a los casos analizados, se comprobará cómo, con gran frecuencia, se une a la piedad popular de pueblos y de las culturas de determinados acontecimientos (...)
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  20.  30
    Managing Teachers' Job Attitudes: The Potential Benefits of Being a Happy and Emotional Intelligent Teacher.María Angeles Peláez-Fernández, Sergio Mérida-López, Nicolás Sánchez-Álvarez & Natalio Extremera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    According to the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, the frequency of positive emotions is associated with the development of positive attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors in organizational contexts. However, positive and negative attitudes at work might also be influenced by different personal and job resources. While emotional intelligence has been significantly associated with positive job attitudes and personal well-being, no studies have yet examined the joint role of teacher happiness and emotional intelligence in key teacher job attitudes. The present study assesses (...)
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  21.  27
    Encountering Suffering at Work in Health Religious Organizations: A Partial Least Squares Path Modeling Case-Study.Maria Isabel Sánchez-Hernández, Eduardo Gismera-Tierno, Jesus Labrador-Fernández & José Luis Fernández-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22. Evidence on the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Risk Behavior: A Systematic and Meta-Analytic Review.María T. Sánchez-López, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, Raquel Gómez-Leal & Alberto Megías-Robles - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study was to carry out a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of the existing literature studying the relationship between emotional intelligence and risk behavior. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific evidence available relating both constructs. Particular attention was paid to identifying possible differences in this relationship as a function of the different conceptualizations of EI and the risk domain. The study was conducted following the Cochrane and PRISMA guidelines. Our results revealed a (...)
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  23.  22
    Explaining Job Search Behavior in Unemployed Youngsters Beyond Perceived Employability: The Role of Psychological Capital.Maria Magdalena Fernández-Valera, Mariano Meseguer de Pedro, Nele De Cuyper, Mariano García-Izquierdo & Maria Isabel Soler Sanchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24.  42
    New regulation of the right to a dignified dying in Spain: Repercussions for nursing.Cayetano Fernández-Sola, José Granero-Molina, Gabriel Aguilera Manrique, Adelaida María Castro-Sánchez, José Manuel Hernández-Padilla & Josefa Márquez-Membrive - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):619-628.
    Preserving dignity during the dying process requires reviewing the roles of those involved in the treatment, care methods and decision-making. This article examines the participation and responsibility assigned to nurses regarding decision-making in the final stages of life, as laid out in the Rights to and Guarantee of Dignity for the Individual During the Process of Death Act. This text has been analysed on the levels of socio-cultural practice and discourse practice, using the critical discourse analysis methodology. The results show (...)
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  25.  46
    Students’ Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Perceptions of their Teaching and Learning Process within ECTS Experience.Jesús De la Fuente, María Cardelle-Elawar, F. Javier Peralta, M. Dolores Sánchez, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente & Lucía Zapata - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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  26.  4
    Learning, internalisation and integration of the COVID‐19 pandemic in healthcare workers: A qualitative document analysis.Eva Abad-Corpa, Manuel Rich-Ruiz, Dolores Sánchez-López, Carmen Solano Ruiz, Elvira Casado-Ramírez, Beatriz Arregui-Gallego, María Teresa Moreno-Casbas, Daniel Muñoz-Jiménez, M. Clara Vidal-Thomàs, M. Consuelo Company-Sancho & María Isabel Orts-Cortés - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12673.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented health crisis that impacted healthcare systems worldwide. This study explores how Spanish healthcare workers learned, internalised and integrated values and work behaviours during the COVID‐19 pandemic and their impact on the personal sphere. This documentary research, using images, narratives and audiovisual content, was framed within the interpretative hermeneutic paradigm. Categories and subcategories emerged after a final theoretical sampling that focused on the analysis. Data triangulation between researchers favoured theoretical saturation. A total of 117 images (...)
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  27.  20
    Stress, Emotional Intelligence and the Intention to Use Cannabis in Spanish Adolescents: Influence of COVID-19 Confinement.Cristina Liébana-Presa, María Cristina Martínez-Fernández, José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Elena Fernández-Martínez, Pilar Marqués-Sánchez & Isaías García-Rodríguez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The disease brought about by the SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 coronavirus has had an unprecedented global impact. Confinement to control the outbreak may have mental health consequences for the most vulnerable in the population, including adolescents. This study aims to describe and analyze the relationships between the stress variables, Emotional Intelligence and the intention to use cannabis in healthy adolescents, before and after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic containment stage. A comparative correlational study was carried out with validated self-completed questionnaires through (...)
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  28.  38
    Rapid tomographic reconstruction through GPU-based adaptive optics.Carlos González Gutiérrez, María Luisa Sánchez Rodríguez, Ramón Ángel Fernández Díaz, José Luis Calvo Rolle, Nieves Roqueñí Gutiérrez & Francisco Javier de Cos Juez - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):214-226.
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  29.  29
    Desarrollo institucional de la bioética en Iberoamérica: resultados preliminares del Atlas Iberoamericano de bioética.Antonio Cabrera Cabrera, Alejandro Sánchez Guerrero, David Cerdio Domínguez & María Victoria Fernández Molina - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (2):484-536.
    Este trabajo presenta los resultados preliminares obtenidos en la conformación del Atlas Iberoamericano en Bioética que ha desarrollado el Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo Estratégico en Bioética (CADEBI) respecto a la identificación y análisis de las instituciones de Bioética existentes en la Región. Se realizó una revisión documental a través de motores de búsqueda, bases de datos, redes sociales y otras fuentes. La información obtenida se agrupó en seis diferentes categorías de acuerdo con la estructura, objetivos y actividades que desarrollan. De (...)
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  30.  17
    Syntactic and emotional interplay in second language: emotional resonance but not proficiency modulates affective influences on L2 syntactic processing.Beatriz Bermúdez-Margaretto, David Beltrán, Marta de Vega, Angel Fernandez & María Jesús Sánchez - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Previous research has demonstrated the influence of emotions during linguistic processing, indicating the interactivity of both processes in the brain. However, little is known regarding such interplay in a second language (L2). This study addressed this question by examining the reading effects of syntactic violations while processing L2 emotional and neutral statements. Forty-six Spanish-English bilinguals with various levels of L2 proficiency and emotional resonance (i.e. capability for emotional experience in L2) were presented with a self-paced sentence reading task. Sentences contained (...)
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  31.  5
    El Observatorio de la Red Iberoamericana de Bioética (ORIBI), bases para su operación.Antonio Cabrera Cabrera, Alejandro Sánchez Guerrero, David Cerdio Domínguez & María Victoria Fernández Molina - 2025 - Medicina y Ética 36 (1):132-204.
    El texto presenta una visión detallada sobre la importancia y operación del Observatorio de la Red Iberoamericana de Bioética (ORIBI), argumentando la relevancia de la bioética en la contemporaneidad. La bioética, definida como la ética aplicada a la vida, ha expandido su influencia más allá de la medicina para abarcar áreas como el medio ambiente, derechos humanos y lucha contra la pobreza, destacando el enfoque interdisciplinario esencial para abordar dilemas éticos complejos. El ORIBI, desarrollado por el Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo (...)
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  32. Developmental Dynamic Dysphasia: Are Bilateral Brain Abnormalities a Signature of Inefficient Neural Plasticity?Marcelo L. Berthier, Guadalupe Dávila, María José Torres-Prioris, Ignacio Moreno-Torres, Jordi Clarimón, Oriol Dols-Icardo, María J. Postigo, Victoria Fernández, Lisa Edelkraut, Lorena Moreno-Campos, Diana Molina-Sánchez, Paloma Solo de Zaldivar & Diana López-Barroso - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:478142.
    The acquisition and evolution of speech production, discourse and communication can be negatively impacted by brain malformations. We describe, for the first time, a case of developmental dynamic dysphasia (DDD) in a right-handed adolescent boy (subject D) with cortical malformations involving language-eloquent regions (inferior frontal gyrus) in both the left and the right hemispheres. Language evaluation revealed a markedly reduced verbal output affecting phonemic and semantic fluency, phrase and sentence generation and verbal communication in everyday life. Auditory comprehension, repetition, naming, (...)
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  33.  12
    Book review: ‘No country for solitary women’: María Antonia García de león and María Dolores Fernández-fígares antropólogas, politólogas Y sociólogas (género, biografía Y ciencias sociales) [anthropologists, political scientists and sociologists (gender, biography and social sciences)] madrid and mexico df: Plaza Y Valdés, 2009, 255 pp., isbn 978-84-96780-58-3. [REVIEW]Olivia Muñoz-Rojas Oscarsson - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (1):88-90.
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    Pensamento coreográfico: com um texto também se dança.Maria Dolores Sosin Rodriguez - 2023 - Odeere 8 (1):131-151.
    O movimento, aqui transcrito enquanto coreografia, atua como metodologia para refletir sobre o papel do corpo na produção do conhecimento em sentido amplo: teórico-artístico-científico. Levando-se em consideração as relações entre dança, palavra e literatura, assim como as relações com outras artes, realizam-se considerações variadas, a partir de críticas da literatura e da cultura, buscando interpretações para um pensamento coreográfico negro.
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  35.  41
    Freddy Téllez. En torno a Ciorán. Cuadernos Filosófico-Literarios 8, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales 1999.María Dolores Jaramillo - 2000 - Ideas Y Valores 49 (113).
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  36. Various things.Maria Dolores McVarish - 2019 - In Sarah S. Lochlann Jain, Things that art: a graphic menagerie of enchanting curiosity. London: University of Toronto Press.
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    Consumer Experience and Omnichannel Behavior in Various Sales Atmospheres.María Dolores Reina Paz & Fernando Jiménez Delgado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Intervenções Psicossociais na Comunidade de Canoas: Uma Proposta do Curso de Psicologia da ULBRA-Canoas.Maria Dolores Gobbi, Sheila Gonçalves Câmara, Mary Sandra Carlotto & Antonieta Pepe Nakamura - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 19:89-98.
    Um dos papéis mais importantes da Universidade, juntamente com o ensino e a produção de conhecimento, é sua inserção efetiva na comunidade mais ampla, especialmente, em sua comunidade de acolhida. A proposta da Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA, através do Curso de Psicologia é, justamente, de..
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    Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children.Elizabeth S. Spelke Maria Dolores de Hevia - 2009 - Cognition 110 (2):198.
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  40. Violencia sexual.Maria Dolors Molas Font Y. María José Guerra - 2020 - In À. Lorena Fuster, Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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  41. De la importancia de la atestiguación documental para el estudio de la toponimia: A propósito de la localización de Qal'at al-ragwal.María Dolores Gordón Peral - 1992 - Al-Qantara 13 (2):349-366.
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  42. Milagros Cuesta, Flor Tarriela, Rene Concepcion, Bayani & Marides Fernando: What They Taught Me.Maria Dolores Buenaflor - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):245-247.
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    (1 other version)Parallel Reasoning by Ratio Legis in Contemporary Jurisprudence. Elements for a Dialogical Approach.Maria Dolors Martinez Cazalla, Tania Menendez Martin & Shahid Rahman - unknown
    Nowadays, there is a quite considerable amount of literature on the use of analogy or more generally of inferences by parallel reasoning in contemporary legal reasoning, and particularly so within Common Law. These studies are often motivated by researches in artificial intelligence seeking to develop suitable software-support for legal reasoning. Recently; Rahman/Iqbal/Soufi (2020) developed a dialogical approach in the framework of Constructive Type Theory to what in Islamic Jurisprudence was called qiyās or correlational inferences. In their last chapter the authors (...)
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    Unamuno "agitador de espiritus" y Giner de los Ríos.María Dolores Gómez Molleda, Dolores Gómez Molleda, Miguel de Unamuno & Francisco Giner de los Ríos - 1976 - Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Aproximación al análisis retórico de textos bíblicos.María Dolores Ruiz Pérez - 2023 - Isidorianum 13 (25):201-210.
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    Panorama de la cultura científico-técnica en el renacimiento salmantino.María Dolores González & Ana Cuevas Badallo - 2002 - Arbor 173 (683-684):585-616.
    En este artículo se quiere analizar un período histórico de la ciudad de Salamanca desde el punto de vista del desarrollo de las «dos culturas». Se pretende salvar el tópico de que en Salamanca sólo ha habido espacio para la cultura humanística. Con este fin se estudia no sólo la ciencia que había en la Universidad, sino también la cultura técnica vinculada con ciertos gremios como los maestros arquitectos o los impresores, el otro aspecto de la cultura científico-tecnológica que suele (...)
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  47. Educación científica en la escuela: ¿Un área en peligro de extinción?María Dolores Morillas Gómez - 2007 - Critica 57 (948):42-44.
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  48. Transmitir la fe en familia.María Dolores Guzmán - 2005 - Critica 55 (921):26-29.
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    María, una viva historia de amor.María Dolores Ruiz Pérez - 2023 - Isidorianum 12 (24):389-406.
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    La Sagrada Escritura, alma de la Teología.María Dolores Ruiz Pérez - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (35):139-178.
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