Results for 'Mari Berglund'

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    Ephesians 3:1–12.Mary Catherine Berglund - 2004 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 58 (1):65-67.
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  2. Illocution, silencing and the act of refusal.Mari Mikkola - 2011 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92 (3):415-437.
    Rae Langton and Jennifer Hornsby argue that there may be a free-speech argument against pornography, if pornographic speech has the power to illocutionarily silence women: women's locution ‘No!’ that aims to refuse unwanted sex may misfire because pornography creates communicative conditions where the locution does not count as a refusal. Central to this is the view that women's speech lacks uptake, which is necessary for illocutionary acts like that of refusal. Alexander Bird has critiqued this view by arguing that uptake (...)
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    Claros del bosque.María Zambrano - 2011 - Madrid: Cátedra. Edited by Mercedes Gómez Blesa.
    «Claros del bosque» es uno de los libros esenciales de la trayectoria filosófica de María Zambrano en el que vemos, por primera vez, en marcha su «razón poética». Nadie mejor que la propia autora para presentarnos el significado de esta obra: “«Claros del bosque» dentro de mi pensamiento vertido en lo impreso, salvo alguna excepción, aparece como algo inédito salido de ese escribir irreprimible que brota por sí mismo y que ha ido a parar a cuadernos y hojas que nadie (...)
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    Moral traditions: an introduction to world religious ethics.Mari Rapela Heidt - 2010 - Winona, Minn.: Anselm Academic.
    Ethics, morality, and the study of religious ethics -- Ethics in the Hindu tradition -- Ethics and the Buddha -- The Jewish moral tradition -- Ethics in the Christian tradition -- Islam and Muslim moral ethics -- The Chinese moral tradition -- Additional moral traditions.
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    A relational theory of measurement: Traceability as a solution to the non-transitivity of measurement results.Luca Mari & Sergio Sartori - 2007 - Measurement 40 (2):233-242.
    This paper discusses a relational modeling of measurement which is complementary to the standard representational point of view: by focusing on the experimental character of the measurand-related comparison between objects, this modeling emphasizes the role of the measuring systems as the devices which operatively perform such a comparison. The non-idealities of the operation are formalized in terms of non-transitivity of the substitutability relation between measured objects, due to the uncertainty on the measurand value remaining after the measurement. The metrological structure (...)
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    Dynamic attending and responses to time.Mari Riess Jones & Marilyn Boltz - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (3):459-491.
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  7. Grounding and anchoring: on the structure of Epstein’s social ontology.Mari Mikkola - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (2):198-216.
    ABSTRACTBrian Epstein’s The Ant Trap is a praiseworthy addition to literature on social ontology and the philosophy of social sciences. Its central aim is to challenge received views about the social world – views with which social scientists and philosophers have aimed to answer questions about the nature of social science and about those things that social sciences aim to model and explain, like social facts, objects and phenomena. The received views that Epstein critiques deal with these issues in an (...)
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    Time, our lost dimension: Toward a new theory of perception, attention, and memory.Mari R. Jones - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (5):323-355.
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    Stil und Abgeschiedenheit.Mari Hvattum - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (6):831-844.
    In his famous essay “Der moderne Denkmalkultus. Sein Wesen und seine Entstehung” from 1903, the Austrian historian and art theorist Alois Riegl pondered why it is that the modern observer is able to appreciate the monuments of the past. It seems an odd question. The nineteenth century was obsessed with history; its artists and architects were often accused of appreciating nothing but the past. Yet, Riegl’s question is prescient. If, as the historicists had long professed, there are no absolute or (...)
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    Il privilegio del futuro.Giovanni Mari - 1997 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 10 (2):311-321.
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    Per un nuovo senso della storia. Nietzsche e Braudel.Giovanni Mari - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (1):87-106.
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  12. Encuentros, pasiones y responsabilidad.María Luisa Murga Meler - 2015 - In Luis Pérez Álvarez, Anzaldúa Arce & Raúl Enrique (eds.), Creaciones del imaginario social: el deseo, la ley y la ética. México, D.F.: Juan Pablos Editor.
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  13. The Wrong of Injustice: Dehumanization and its Role in Feminist Philosophy.Mari Mikkola - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book examines contemporary structural social injustices from a feminist perspective. It asks: what makes oppression, discrimination, and domination wrongful? Is there a single wrongness-making feature of various social injustices that are due to social kind membership? Why is sexist oppression of women wrongful? What does the wrongfulness of patriarchal damage done to women consist in? In thinking about what normatively grounds social injustice, the book puts forward two related views. First, it argues for a paradigm shift in focus away (...)
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    Pr dukt nd vi on: Raffinierter Überleben--Strategien in Kunst und Wirtschaft = Sophisticated survival techniques--strategies in art and economy.Mari Brellochs & Henrik Schrat (eds.) - 2005 - Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
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    La interculturalidad en al-Andalus.María José Cano, García Arévalo & Tania Ma (eds.) - 2010 - Granada: Universidad de Granada.
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    The Rhetoric of Narrating Communal History in the Nineteenth-Century Finnish Historical Novel.Mari Hatavara - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):21-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Rhetoric of Narrating Communal History in the Nineteenth-Century Finnish Historical NovelMari Hatavara (bio)Det var en mulen och dyster afton om våren 1718. Klockan knäppte fem minuter till sex i salen på den ståtliga herrgård, som tillhört den stolte Baronen Göran Boije, och som nu ägdes af hans enka, fru Catharina Boije. I detsamma hördes en klocka ringa gårdsfolket tillsamman för aftonbönen. I nedra ändan af salen samlades med (...)
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    THIS chapter presents perspectives on perception of metre and rhythm, with a focus on dynamic attending theory (DAT). Three major sections address, respectively, metre perception, rhythm perception, and the role of time markers.Mari Riess Jones - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  18. Nuevos ensayos de filosofía.Julián Marías - 1968 - Madrid,: Ediciones de la Revista de Occidente.
  19.  45
    Pornography and the justifiability of restricting freedom of expression.Mari Orser - 1994 - Journal of Social Philosophy 25 (3):40-64.
  20.  13
    Нова хвиля прагматизму в комунікаційних дослідженнях.Mariіa-Kateryna Pavchuk - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):187-198.
    У статті подається короткий огляд прагматичного емпіризму Джеймса, емпіризму Дьюї, неопрагматистських ідей Рорті, огляд метамоделей Крейга щодо теорії комунікації. На основі даного огляду авторка обґрунтовує необхідність радикалізації прагматизму та аналізує його вплив на комунікаційні дослідження. Досліджується теорія комунікації Роберта Крейга, яку він розглядає як практичну дисципліну. Доводиться, що всі теорії комунікації є взаєморелевантними, якщо їх адресують у практичний життєвий світ, в якому «комунікація» вже є багатозначним терміном. Кожна традиція теорії комунікації походить з риторичних посилань на певні загальноприйняті уявлення про комунікації, (...)
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  21. Kant on Moral Agency and Women's Nature.Mari Mikkola - 2011 - Kantian Review 16 (1):89-111.
    Some commentators have condemned Kant’s moral project from a feminist perspective based on Kant’s apparently dim view of women as being innately morally deficient. Here I will argue that although his remarks concerning women are unsettling at first glance, a more detailed and closer examination shows that Kant’s view of women is actually far more complex and less unsettling than that attributed to him by various feminist critics. My argument, then, undercuts the justification for the severe feminist critique of Kant’s (...)
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    “It is Very Difficult for us to Separate Ourselves from this System”: Views of European Researchers, Research Managers, Administrators and Governance Advisors on Structural and Institutional Influences on Research Integrity.Mari-Rose Kennedy, Zuzana Deans, Ilaria Ampollini, Eric Breit, Massimiano Bucchi, Külliki Seppel, Knut Jørgen Vie & Ruud ter Meulen - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (3):471-495.
    Research integrity is fundamental to the validity and reliability of scientific findings, and for ethical conduct of research. As part of PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research), this study explores the views of researchers, research managers, administrators, and governance advisors in Estonia, Italy, Norway and UK, focusing specifically on their understanding of institutional and organisational influences on research integrity.A total of 16 focus groups were conducted. Thematic analysis of the data revealed that competition is pervasive (...)
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    Does the Ethical Culture of Organisations Promote Managers' Occupational Well-Being? Investigating Indirect Links via Ethical Strain.Mari Huhtala, Taru Feldt, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Saija Mauno & Ulla Kinnunen - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (2):231-247.
    The present study had two major aims: first, to examine the construct validity of the Finnish 58-item Corporate Ethical Virtues scale (CEV; Kaptein in J Org Behav 29:923–947, 2008) and second, to examine whether the associations between managers’ perceptions of ethical organisational culture and their occupational well-being (emotional exhaustion and work engagement) are indirectly linked by ethical strain, i.e. the tension which arises from the difference in the ethical values of the individual and the organisation he or she works for. (...)
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  24. Feminist perspectives on sex and gender.Mari Mikkola - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Feminism is the movement to end women’s oppression. One possible way to understand ‘woman’ in this claim is to take it as a sex term: ‘woman’ picks out human females and being a human female depends on various anatomical features (like genitalia). Historically many feminists have understood ‘woman’ differently: not as a sex term, but as a gender term that depends on social and cultural factors (like social position). In so doing, they distinguished sex (being female or male) from gender (...)
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  25. Closure of Normative Competence in Legal Systems.María Beatriz Arriagada & Jorge L. Rodríguez - 2025 - In Stefano Bertea & Jorge Silva Sampaio (eds.), Metaethical issues in contemporary legal philosophy: a constitutivist approach. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Cuestiones de bioética en y desde Latinoamérica.María Casado & Florencia Luna (eds.) - 2012 - Cizur Menor: Civitas.
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    (1 other version)Belleza y racionalidad: Kant y Hegel.María Antonia Labrada - 1990 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Arqueologia do officium: eichmann, o funcionário e a banalidade da catástrofe: intersecções de G. Agamben e H. Arendt.Castor Mari Martín Bartolomé Ruiz - 2018 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 23 (1):197-242.
    Este ensaio desenvolve um estudo, a partir da obra de G. Agamben, sobre a arqueologia do ofício e as implicações ético-políticas do modo de subjetivação do funcionário. O funcionário age a partir do dever de oficio, separando, nessa ação, a responsabilidade pessoal da eficiência da ação. Ao agir como funcionário não atua em nome próprio, mas age em nome de outro, para o qual se transfere toda responsabilidade ética da ação funcional. Eichmann apresenta-se como o modelo de funcionário que cumpriu (...)
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    A new manuscript of consentius’ de barbarismis et metaplasmis.Tommaso Mari - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (1):370-375.
    Modern knowledge of the grammarian Consentius’ De barbarismis et metaplasmis, a work valuable for the study of the Latin language, dates back to a relatively recent past: it was only in 1817 that its editio princeps was published by Ph.C. Buttmann, just a few years after the legal scholar A.W. Cramer came across a mention of the then unknown treatise in a ninth-century MS in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek of Munich, numbered Clm 14666. Based on this solitary manuscript, H. Keil published (...)
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    Introducción a la filosofía.Julián Marías - 1947 - Madrid:
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    Pensar la Comunicación para el Cambio Social en español aquí y ahora.Víctor Manuel Marí Sáez - 2021 - Arbor 197 (801):a615.
    En la actualidad asistimos a un renacer del pensamiento comunicacional latinoamericano en el seno de las ciencias de la comunicación, que propone una mirada reflexiva y alternativa a las lógicas comunicativas del capitalismo global. El texto de Reyes Mate, Pensar en español aquí y ahora, se utiliza en este artículo como piedra angular del análisis de este renacer, por su capacidad para estimular el estudio de las aportaciones específicas de la Comunicación para el Cambio Social en español al conjunto del (...)
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    Reason and life: the introduction to philosophy.Julián Marías - 1956 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Sex and Relationship Education for the Autonomy and Emotional Well-Being of Young People.Rosa Marí-Ytarte, Roberto Moreno-López & Rut Barranco-Barroso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    From sounds to music towards understanding the neurocognition of musical sound perception.Mari Tervaniemi & Elvira Brattico - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (3-4):3-4.
    In this chapter we present a new approach to research in music perception allowing one to investigate how musical sound representations are formed in the human brain. By studying subjects' brain responses to unattended stimuli we can determine, for instance, whether neural circuits are more readily activated by musical sounds implicitly learned than by unfamiliar sounds even in non-musicians. Indeed, neuronal populations seem to respond more efficiently to pitch deviations within sound patterns following the rules of Western scale structure, rather (...)
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  35. Literatura y filosofía: el lugar de los afectos en el pensamiento contemporáneo.María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar - 2020 - In Anxo Abuín González, Arturo Casas & Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza (eds.), Textualidades (inter)literarias: lugares de lectura y nuevas perspectivas teórico-críticas. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert.
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    Obras completas.María Zambrano - 1983 - Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores. Edited by Jesús Moreno Sanz.
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  37. Doing Ontology and Doing Justice: What Feminist Philosophy Can Teach Us About Meta-Metaphysics.Mari Mikkola - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (7-8):780-805.
    Feminist philosophy has recently become recognised as a self-standing philosophical sub-discipline. Still, metaphysics has remained largely dismissive of feminist insights. Here I make the case for the value of feminist insights in metaphysics: taking them seriously makes a difference to our ontological theory choice and feminist philosophy can provide helpful methodological tools to regiment ontological theories. My examination goes as follows. Contemporary ontology is not done via conceptual analysis, but via quasi-scientific means. This takes different ontological positions to be competing (...)
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  38. Reasons for action and defeasibility.María Cristina Redondo - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti (eds.), The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Managers' Personal Work Goals.Mari Huhtala, Taru Feldt, Katriina Hyvönen & Saija Mauno - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):265-282.
    The aims of this study were to investigate what kinds of personal work goals managers have and whether ethical organisational culture is related to these goals. The sample consisted of 811 Finnish managers from different organisations, in middle and upper management levels, aged 25–68 years. Eight work-related goal content categories were found based on the managers self-reported goals: (1) organisational goals (35.4 %), (2) competence goals (26.1 %), (3) well-being goals (12.1 %), (4) career-ending goals (7.3 %), (5) progression goals (...)
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    Itinerarios de teoría feminista y de género: algunas cuestiones histórico-conceptuales.María Luisa Femenias - 2019 - [Bernal?, Argentina]: Secretaría de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
  41. Musical time.Mari Riess Jones - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Distillations: theory, ethics, affect.Mari Ruti - 2018 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Author's note -- The posthumanist universal : between precarity and rebellion -- The bad habits of critical theory : on the rigid rituals of thought -- Why some things matter more than others : a lacanian explanation -- Rupture or resignation? : lacanian political theory vs. affect theory -- Socrates's mistake : lacanians on love, lacan on agálmata -- Is suffering an event? : badiou between nietzsche and freud -- Bibliography -- Index.
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  43. The Precision Makers. A History of the Instruments Industry in Britain and France, 1870-1939.Mari E. W. Williams & Mara Miniati - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (2):337.
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  44. Barro y divinidad".María Laura Bianciotto - 2017 - In José Garriga Zucal & Paul Hathazy (eds.), Sobre el sacrificio, el heroísmo y la violencia: aportes para comprender las lógicas de acción en las fuerzas de seguridad. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Octubre Editorial.
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    Iliaden som kinetisk skulptur.Mari Lending - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (3):03-18.
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  46. Ataraxía y Alcionismo.Julián Marías - 1957 - [Madrid]: Instituto Ibys.
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    Crisi del multiculturalismo e radici universali dell'Europa.Giovanni Mari - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (1):29-40.
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  48. Formación en buenas prácticas de investigación en Colombia.Arturo Herreño Marín - 2019 - In Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz (eds.), Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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    History of philosophy.Julián Marías - 1967 - New York,: Dover Publications.
    In philosophy, the problem is philosophy itself; moreover, in every instance this problem is stated according to the historical and personal situation in which the philosopher finds himself, and this situation is in turn determined in large measure ...
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  50. Los juegos de la memoria.Javier Marías - 2017 - In Miguel Angel Muñoz (ed.), La vida constante: conversaciones en el tránsito del milenio. México, DF: Editorial Praxis.
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