Results for 'Marie-Luce Honeste'

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  1.  19
    La place du public dans les comités d’éthique de la recherche : perspectives européennes.Marie-Luce Delfosse - 2000 - Éthique Publique 2 (2).
    L’obligation faite aux comités d’éthique de la recherche canadiens de compter un représentant du public parmi leurs membres est à la fois précise et indéterminée. Précise, car elle conduit à ouvrir les comités sur l’extérieur de l’hôpital ou du monde de la santé. Indéterminée, car cette ouverture peut s’opérer de multiples façons et se lester ainsi de significations fort différenciées. Cette perplexité invite à scruter la manière dont des pays étrangers ont conçu et réalisé une participation du public aux comités. (...)
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  2. Montaigne à sa plume: quatre variantes autographes d'une correction de date dans l'avis' Au lecteur'des Essais de 1588.Marie-Luce Demonet & Alain Legros - 2013 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 75 (1):113 - 118.
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  3. Ignoranti che compongono versi: a proposito della poesia spontanea ('Les ignorants qui font des vers').Marie-Luce Demonet - 1997 - Studi di Estetica 16:87-110.
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  4. Que reste-t-il du langage mental dans les textes philosophiques français, à la fin de la Renaissance?Marie-Luce Demonet - 2009 - In Joël Biard, Le langage mental du Moyen Âge à l'Âge Classique. Peeters Publishers. pp. 241--264.
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    Montaigne et la question de l'homme.Marie-Luce Demonet (ed.) - 1999 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
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    Les signes probables (Eikota) au temps de Montaigne.Marie-Luce Demonet - 2001 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 63 (1):7-29.
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    Les comités de la recherche biomédicale: exigences éthiques et réalités institutionnelles: Belgique, France, Canada et Québec.Marie-Luce Delfosse (ed.) - 1997 - Namur [Belgique]: Presses universitaires de Namur.
    Le développement de la recherche et de l'expérimentation médicales à imposé l'idée d'un contrôle éthique de ces activités, confié aux soins de comités indépendants.De professions et d'origines diverses (médecin, infirmier, juriste, philosophe), les auteurs proposent ici leur réflexion et leurs témoignages sur ces comités : leur rôle, leurs règles de fonctionnement et leur composition.
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    Les voix du signe: nature et origine du langage à la Renaissance, 1480-1580.Marie-Luce Demonet - 1992 - Paris: H. Champion.
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    Ensuring the drawability of extended Euler diagrams for up to 8 sets.Anne Verroust & Marie-Luce Viaud - 2004 - In A. Blackwell, K. Marriott & A. Shimojima, Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Springer. pp. 128--141.
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    Comptes rendus.Jean-Pierre Cléro, Bertrand Vergely, Marie-Jeanne Königson-Montain, Robert Theis, Henri Olivier, Jean Bernhardt, Étienne François, Jean-Christophe Goddard, Michel Espagne, Anne Lagny, Peter Schöttler, Patrie Sicard, Edmond Oritgues, Barbara de Negroni, Thierry Wanegffelen, Marie-Luce Demonet-Launay, Mireille Harbert, François Laplanche, Antony McKenna, Carl Aderhold, Geneviève Hasenohr, Patrick Gautier Dalché, Joël Cornette, Jean-François Baillon, Monique Cotiret, Jacques Le Brun, Chantal Grell, Vincent Milliot, Perrine Simon-Nahum & Éric Brian - 1992 - Revue de Synthèse 113 (1-2):189-269.
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  11. Luce Irigaray: Teaching.Luce Irigaray & Mary Green (eds.) - 2008 - Continuum.
  12.  53
    Correlations of trait and state emotions with utilitarian moral judgements.Jonathan Baron, Burcu Gürçay & Mary Frances Luce - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):116-129.
    In four experiments, we asked subjects for judgements about scenarios that pit utilitarian outcomes against deontological moral rules, for example, saving more lives vs. a rule against active killing. We measured trait emotions of anger, disgust, sympathy and empathy, asked about the same emotions after each scenario. We found that utilitarian responding to the scenarios, and higher scores on a utilitarianism scale, were correlated negatively with disgust, positively with anger, positively with specific sympathy and state sympathy, and less so with (...)
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  13.  91
    The Concept of Voluntary Consent.Robert M. Nelson, Tom Beauchamp, Victoria A. Miller, William Reynolds, Richard F. Ittenbach & Mary Frances Luce - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8):6-16.
    Our primary focus is on analysis of the concept of voluntariness, with a secondary focus on the implications of our analysis for the concept and the requirements of voluntary informed consent. We propose that two necessary and jointly sufficient conditions must be satisfied for an action to be voluntary: intentionality, and substantial freedom from controlling influences. We reject authenticity as a necessary condition of voluntary action, and we note that constraining situations may or may not undermine voluntariness, depending on the (...)
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  14.  17
    The Forgetting of Feeding: Luce Irigaray's Critique of Martin Heidegger.Mary Beth Mader - 2002 - In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin, Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  15. Luce Irigaray and anthropological thought.Mary Beth Mader - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson, Engaging the World: Thinking after Irigaray. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  16. Contract cheating: a new challenge for academic honesty?Mary Walker & Cynthia Townley - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (1):27-44.
    ‘Contract cheating’ has recently emerged as a form of academic dishonesty. It involves students contracting out their coursework to writers in order to submit the purchased assignments as their own work, usually via the internet. This form of cheating involves epistemic and ethical problems that are continuous with older forms of cheating, but which it also casts in a new form. It is a concern to educators because it is very difficult to detect, because it is arguably more fraudulent than (...)
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    French Feminism.Mary Beth Mader & Kelly Oliver - 2003 - In Robert Solomon & David Sherman, The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 309–337.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Simone de Beauvoir Luce Irigaray Colette Guillaumin Hélène Cixous Julia Kristeva Monique Wittig Sarah Kofman Michèle Le Doeuff Christine Delphy Conclusion.
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  18. The Forgetting of Air in Martin Heidegger: A Translation of and Commentary on Luce Irigaray's "L'oubli de L'Air".Mary Beth Mader - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
    The dissertation is composed of two parts. Part II is the first English translation of philosopher Luce Irigaray's 1983 book L'oubli de l'air chez Martin Heidegger, a lyrical meditation on the later work of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Part I is a general introduction to Part II and to the work of Luce Irigaray.
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  19. Prólogo. La doble cara de las Luces.María José Villaverde - 2018 - In Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Ma José Villaverde & Concha Roldán, Poéticas del sujeto, cartografías de lo humano: la contribución de la Ilustración europea a la historia cultural de las emociones. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense.
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    “Never Again the Everyday”: On Cinema, Colportage and the Pedagogical Possibilities of Escapism.Marie Hållander - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):493-505.
    This article is a philosophical analysis of escapism as a pedagogical possibility, with a particular focus on TV series. Taking my own, as well as students, experience of escapism into TV series as a starting point, that is, their ability take us somewhere far away, something which has become more acute during the pandemic time since we remain more or less self-isolated because of the corona virus Covid-19, the article discusses escapism in relation to distraction and attention in life as (...)
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  21. Antigone and the ethics of kinship.Mary Beth Mader - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou, Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
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    Worldviews and Ecology.Mary Evelyn Tucker & John A. Grim (eds.) - 1993 - Orbis Books.
    Amidst the many voices clamoring to interpret the environmental crisis, some of the most important are the voices of religious traditions. Long before modernity's industrialism began the rape of Earth, premodern religious and philosophical traditions mediated to untold generations the wisdom of living as a part of nature. These traditions can illuminate and empower wiser ways of postmodern living. The original writings of Worldviews and Ecology creatively present and interpret worldviews of major religious and philosophical traditions on how humans can (...)
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    All too familiar: Luce Irigaray's recent thought on sexuation and generation. [REVIEW]Mary Beth Mader - 2003 - Continental Philosophy Review 36 (4):367-390.
    In recent works, Luce Irigaray offers arguments for the establishment of sexed rights that rely upon certain presuppositional accounts of the development of relational sexuate identity and difference. The paper advances a series of objections to these accounts, in addition to examining some of Irigaray's proposals concerning women's indefinition, the category of the neuter, and female genealogy. Supplementing Luce Irigaray's argument that mother-daughter genealogy is under-symbolized in present Occidental cultures, it suggests, for reasons consonant with Irigaray's general project, (...)
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    The non-Boolean logic of natural language negation.Marie la Palme Reyes, John Macnamara, Gonzalo E. Reyes & And Houman Zolfaghari - 1994 - Philosophia Mathematica 2 (1):45-68.
    Since antiquity two different negations in natural languages have been noted: predicate negation (not honest) and predicate term negation (dishonest). The extensive literature offers no models. We propose category-theoretic models with two distinct negation operators, neither of them in general Boolean. We study combinations of the two (not dishonest) and sentential counterparts of each. We emphasize the relevance of our work for the theory of cognition.
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    What I Know and Don't Know: A Christian Reflects on Buddhist Practice.Mary Frohlich - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):37-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 37-41 [Access article in PDF] What I Know and Don't Know: A Christian Reflects on Buddhist Practice Mary Frohlich Catholic Theological Union To reflect and write on spiritual practice for publication in an academic journal requires a delicate balancing act. It is not appropriate simply to recount one's experience; nor is it appropriate merely to theorize. I am assisted in this balancing act by a (...)
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    The Question of Language: Men of Maxims and "The Mill on the Floss".Mary Jacobus - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (2):207-222.
    A politics of women's writing, then, if it is not to fall back on a biologically based theory of sexual difference, must address itself, as Luce Irigary has done in "Pouvoir du discours, subordination du feminin," to the position of mastery held not only by scientific discourse , not only by philosophy, "the discourse of discourses," but by the logic of discourse itself. Rather than attempting to identify a specific practice, in other words, such a feminist politics would attempt (...)
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  27.  25
    Principle and Pragmatism in the Death Penalty Debate.Mary Sigler - 2018 - Criminal Justice Ethics 37 (1):72-86.
    Siblings Carol and Jordan Steiker come by their opposition to capital punishment honestly. As law clerks to Justice Thurgood Marshall, an inveterate abolitionist, they observed and participated in...
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  28.  44
    Engaging the World: Thinking after Irigaray.Mary C. Rawlinson (ed.) - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Engaging the World explores Luce Irigaray’s writings on sexual difference, deploying the resources of her work to rethink philosophical concepts and commitments and expose new possibilities of vitality in relationship to nature, others, and to one’s self. The contributors present a range of perspectives from multiple disciplines such as philosophy, literature, education, evolutionary theory, sound technology, science and technology, anthropology, and psychoanalysis. They place Irigaray in conversation with thinkers as diverse as Charles Darwin, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Gilles Deleuze, René Decartes, (...)
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  29.  34
    What Is Sexual Difference?: Thinking with Irigaray.Mary C. Rawlinson & James Sares (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Luce Irigaray has written that “sexual difference is one of the major philosophical issues, if not the issue, of our age.” Spanning metaphysics, phenomenology, and psychoanalysis, her work examines how sexual difference structures being and subjectivity, organizes our experience of the world, and affects the images and discourses involved in knowledge production and practical action. No other philosopher has paid such careful attention to the consequences of the elision of sexual difference in philosophical thought. However, at a time when (...)
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  30.  38
    Beauvoir, Irigaray, and #Me Too.Mary Townsend - 2023 - Social Philosophy Today 39:35-50.
    Simone de Beauvoir remarks that women have trouble articulating a “we” together; this foible of language is connected to our unwillingness to claim our subjectivity, and to our ability to say “I” in ordinary conversation. The corresponding political difficulty is that the “we” of a non-exclusionary women’s solidarity and revolution seems almost impossible to imagine. Luce Irigaray’s paradigm of between-women-talk, best designated as talk amongst women and non-cis-men, offers a way of reforming the language required: a Platonic participation where (...)
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  31.  7
    Suffering into Truth: Constructing the Patriarchal Sacred.Mary Condren - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (3):356-391.
    Western practices and theories of the sacred have been ritually performed and culturally elaborated mostly by male theorists who ignored the historical exclusion of women from sacral arenas. Shaped by male morphologies, their practices and descriptions quickly became prescriptions for theological rectitude and/or healthy social functioning. Women's exclusion appears to have been essential rather than epiphenomenal to the political and ecclesiastical structures established. Through the lens of Sigmund Freud, in this article I will attempt to analyse why the question as (...)
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  32. Cristocentrismo e vita spirituale alla luce della teologia dei santi.Francois-Marie Lethel - 2002 - Alpha Omega 5 (3):415-442.
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    (1 other version)A philosophical critique of Ignocentric search for political Messiah in Nigeria.Cyril-Mary Pius Olatunji - 2015 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 4 (2):46-67.
    Many of the philosophers of African politics who have argued that the political challenges of Nigeria, and of Africa as a whole are as a result of the impunity and corruption of post-independence Nigeria leaders also give the impression that the people of Nigeria are mere innocent victims because in their arguments all the ills of the Nigerian state exist only because the country have not experienced or discovered an honest and capable political leader. The scholars argue to the effect (...)
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    Breath of Awakening: Nonduality, Breathing and Sexual Difference.Iean Marie Byrne - 2013 - In Lenart Škof, Breathing with Luce Irigaray. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Book Review: All I Want Is a Job! Unemployed Women Navigating the Public Workforce System by Mary Gatta. [REVIEW]Stephanie Luce - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):1021-1023.
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    Ethical Issues Associated With the Introduction of New Surgical Devices, or Just Because We Can, Doesn't Mean We Should.Sue Ross, Magali Robert, Marie-Andrée Harvey, Scott Farrell, Jane Schulz, David Wilkie, Danny Lovatsis, Annette Epp, Bill Easton, Barry McMillan, Joyce Schachter, Chander Gupta & Charles Weijer - unknown
    Surgical devices are often marketed before there is good evidence of their safety and effectiveness. Our paper discusses the ethical issues associated with the early marketing and use of new surgical devices from the perspectives of the six groups most concerned. Health Canada, which is responsible for licensing new surgical devices, should amend their requirements to include rigorous clinical trials that provide data on effectiveness and safety for each new product before it is marketed. Industry should comply with all Health (...)
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    Shared responsibility for decision-making in NICU: A scoping review.Hanna-Kaisa Pellikka, Anna Axelin, Ulla Sankilampi & Mari Kangasniemi - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):462-476.
    Background Shared responsibility is an essential part of family-centred care and it characterizes the relationship between parents and healthcare professionals. Despite this, little is known about their shared responsibility for decision-making in neonatal intensive care units. Aim The aim of this scoping review was to identify previous studies on the subject and to summarize the knowledge that has been published so far. Method The review was conducted using electronic searches in the CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and PsycINFO databases and manual searches (...)
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    Nature, Obligation, and Transcendence: Reading Luce Irigaray with Mary Graham.Michelle Boulous Walker - 2022 - Sophia 61 (1):187-201.
    This paper addresses the relation between Luce Irigaray’s work and politics by asking what it means to read her work locally, in place. The philosophical work of Indigenous scholar, Mary Graham, on the law of obligation, serves to ground such a local reading presenting, simultaneously, a case for a uniquely Australian philosophy. By way of suggesting possible connections between the work of Irigaray and Graham, the paper places Graham’s work on obligation alongside Irigaray’s work on the importance of a (...)
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  39. Mary Astell’s critique of Pierre Bayle: atheism and intellectual integrity in the Pensées.Jacqueline Broad - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (4):806-823.
    This paper focuses on the English philosopher Mary Astell’s marginalia in Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s personal copy of the 1704 edition of Pierre Bayle’s Pensées diverses sur le comète (first published in 1682). I argue that Astell’s annotations provide good reasons for thinking that Bayle is biased toward atheism in this work. Recent scholars maintain that Bayle can be interpreted as an Academic Sceptic: as someone who honestly and impartially follows a dialectical method of argument in order to obtain the (...)
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  40.  80
    Sharing the World. By Luce Irigaray and Teaching. Edited by Luce Irigaray with Mary Green and Conversations by Luce Irigaray with Stephen Pluháček and Heidi Bostic, Judith Still, Michael Stone, Andrea Wheeler, Gillian Howie, Margaret R. Miles and Laine M. Harrington, Helen A. Fielding, Elizabeth Grosz, Michael Worton, and Birgitte H. Hidttun. [REVIEW]Gail Schwab - 2011 - Metaphilosophy 42 (3):328-340.
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  41. Her blood and his mirror: Mary Coleridge, Luce Irigaray, and the female self.Christine Battersby - 1996 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge, Beyond Representation: Philosophy and Poetic Imagination. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 249--272.
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    ‘From stone to cloud’: Mary Kelly’s Love Songs and feminist intergenerationality.Susan Richmond - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (1):57-78.
    This article analyses Mary Kelly’s Love Songs, 2005—07, which was exhibited in 2007 at Documenta 12. The series of artworks addresses the political and ideological legacies of early Anglo-US feminism through the perspectives of two generations of women. Drawing on oral and photographic archives, as well as historical re-enactments, Kelly indicates how her work does not simply record a feminist legacy but, rather, keenly intervenes in the process. I propose that this intervention is an ethical one. Drawing on Luce (...)
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    Methods in ethics: Introduction.Ben Colburn - 2015 - The Virtual Issue of the Aristotelian Society 3: Methods in Ethics.
    The Aristotelian Society’s Virtual Issue is a free, online publication, made publically available on the Aristotelian Society website. Each volume is theme-based, collecting together papers from the archives of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society and the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume that address the chosen theme. This year's Virtual Issue includes a selection of papers from across the Society’s fourteen decades, each accompanied by a specially commissioned present-day response. The aim of the volume is to aid reflection (...)
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    Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World.David W. Chappell - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):9-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (2005) 9-14 [Access article in PDF] Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World David W. Chappell Soka University Guiding Issues How do I understand my own identity as a religious person in light of the fact that I am open to the validity of the beliefs held by other traditions?Has my understanding of my own religious tradition been transformed, purified, and enriched by the ways (...)
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    Utopia as a Tool for Change: A Review of Publications on Utopia in France. [REVIEW]Fátima Vieira - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):624-636.
    "I prithee, honest friend, lend me thy hand / To help me up; as for my coming down, / Let me alone, I'll look to that myself," says Thomas More to his executioner while mounting the scaffold on July 6, 1535. We are reading from Sir Thomas More, that complicated text that testifies to the collaborative nature of Elizabethan drama. Supposedly written by Anthony Munday and Henry Chettle, and benefiting from the contribution of Thomas Heywood, Thomas Dekker, and William Shakespeare, (...)
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  46. On Ecofeminist Philosophy.Chris J. Cuomo - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (2):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 7.2 (2002) 1-11 [Access article in PDF] On Ecofeminist Philosophy Chris Cuomo In the heat of a historical moment when the interwoven nature of imperialism, ecological degradation, exploitation of workers, racism, and women's oppression is painfully obvious to many, ecofeminism appears to be gaining in popularity. As Karen Warren's book Ecofeminist Philosophy (2000) illustrates, a key insight of ecological feminism is captured by the phrase (...)
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    How to think like a woman: four women philosophers who taught me how to love the life of the mind.Regan Penaluna - 2023 - New York: Grove Press.
    An exhilarating account of the lives and works of influential seventeenth- and eighteenth-century feminist philosophers Mary Astell, Damaris Masham, Catharine Cockburn, and Mary Wollstonecraft, and a searing look at the author's experience of patriarchy and sexism in academia. Growing up in small-town Iowa, Regan Penaluna daydreamed about the big questions. In college she fell in love with philosophy and chose to pursue it as an academician, the first step, she believed, to living a life of the mind. What Penaluna didn't (...)
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    Quest for the Absolute: The Philosophical Vision of Joseph Maréchal by Anthony Matteo.Michael Kerlin - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):153-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 153 These objections to one side, one must compliment Anglin on the thoroughness with which he pursues his points. He almost always provides several arguments for the same point. So we get eight arguments for libertarianism, five for how natural evil comports with the existence of a benevolent, all-powerful God, and so on. These arguments carefully avoid the repetitiveness one might expect and rather skillfully succeed in (...)
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    Am I a good friend?: a book about trustworthiness.Robin Nelson - 2014 - Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company.
    Should I break my promise? -- Should I tell people his secret? -- Can I cancel my plans with my friend? -- Why won't he trust me with his toy? -- Why didn't they believe me? -- Is it okay if I keep Maddie's shirt? -- Is it honest to stuff everything under Mary's bed? -- Should I tell my teacher the truth? -- Should I look at his paper and copy him? -- Activity.
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    When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes's Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish Orientalism.E. C. Graf - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):68-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes’s Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish OrientalismE. C. Graf (bio)My purpose has been to place in the plaza of our republic a game table which everyone can approach to entertain themselves without fear of being harmed by the rods; by which I mean without harm to spirit or body, because honest and agreeable exercises are always more likely to do good than harm.—Miguel (...)
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