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Mark Stephen Jendrysik [3]Mark Jendrysik [2]Mark S. Jendrysik [1]
  1.  57
    Back to the Garden: New Visions of Posthuman Futures.Mark S. Jendrysik - 2011 - Utopian Studies 22 (1):34-51.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the contemporary phenomenon of imagining a world from which people have been removed. Such a trend speaks to a utopian impulse, but one that is not comparable to traditional utopian ideas. What does the popularity of books like The World without Us or documentaries such as The Future is Wild, Aftermath: Population Zero, and Life after People say about the current status of utopian ideals, environmental thought, and our cultural understanding of humanity's place in the nature (...)
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  2.  38
    Hope at Sea: Possible Ecologies in Oceanic Literature by Teresa Shewry.Mark Stephen Jendrysik - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (1):191-194.
    It might seem strange to connect the word hope with the world's oceans. No honest person can deny that the oceans face multiple crises: overfishing, dying coral reefs, acidification, industrial and agricultural pollution, vast rafts of garbage. The oceans bear witness to humanity's worst tendencies. It is therefore a bold effort that seeks to find hope in this litany of despair.In Hope at Sea Teresa Shewry seeks signs of hope in various literary works from around the Pacific region. This book (...)
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  3.  34
    Political Utopias: Contemporary Debates ed. by Michael Weber, Kevin Vallier.Mark Stephen Jendrysik - 2018 - Utopian Studies 29 (3):429-433.
    The question of the true nature of justice, whether as a conventional product of human action and human limitations or as a universal ideal, is one that has inspired philosophical debate since Plato. In this volume a number of scholars wrestle with this question. They ask whether justice should be utopian, focused solely on the ideal, or whether just must be realist, taking into account the constraints of contemporary human existence. As the editors note in their introduction, it should come (...)
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  4.  15
    The English Radical Imagination: Culture, Religion, and Revolution, 1630-1660.Mark Stephen Jendrysik - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (2):303-307.
  5.  10
    Utopian Enterprises: Growing Up with Star Trek.Mark Jendrysik - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):359-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Utopian Enterprises: Growing Up with Star TrekMark Jendrysik (bio)It might be hard to imagine today, when new Star Trek entertainment product seems to be everywhere, that there was once a time when Star Trek meant the seventy-nine episodes of the original series and nothing else. And it might be hard to imagine a time when episodes of a television series had to be watched at one particular time, with (...)
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