Results for 'Marx, Hegel, dialectics, materialism, process'

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  1.  57
    La dialectique matérialiste dans Le Capital.Ludovic Hetzel - 2012 - Actuel Marx 51 (1):118-133.
    The question of the Hegelian heritage within the Marxian dialectic is a classic one that is still an open one, after more than a century of fruitful and various inquiry. In order to tackle the issue from a new perspective, we must first distinguish between, on the one hand, the subjective dialectic, or logic of Marxian thought, which is clearly inherited from Hegel, and, on the other hand, the objective dialectic, or logic of reality itself, which Marx arrived at by (...)
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  2. Marx's Critique of Economic Categories: Reflections on the Problem of Validity in the Dialectical Method of Presentation in Capital.Helmut Reichelt - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (4):3-52.
    It has often been pointed out that the Marxian theory of value contains some inconsistencies, usually in relation to the concept of abstract labour. However, the contradiction between the concept of labour and the concept of validity with which Marx operates in Capital has never been discussed. A detailed analysis shows that this concept of validity refers to the process of abstraction which is carried out by the participants of the exchange process. Only the rigorous comprehension of this (...)
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    Marx on the Dialectics of Elliptical Motion.Thomas Weston - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (4):3-38.
    It is a widespread view that Marx did not apply dialectics to nature, and that Engels’s writings on this subject are a distortion of his outlook. This paper examines Marx’s discussion of elliptical motion and some other physical phenomena, and shows that he did indeed find contradictions and oppositions in nature, and thus recognised a dialectics of nature. In addition to analysing relevant passages in Marx’s texts, his study of the physics and mathematics of elliptical motion is reviewed and compared (...)
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  4. The Nature of Dialectical Materialism in Hegel and Marx.Andrew Cole - 2020 - In Russell Sbriglia & Slavoj Zizek, Subject lessons: Hegel, Lacan, and the future of materialism. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Between Schelling and Marx: The Hegel of Slavoj Žižek.Giorgio Cesarale - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):205-227.
    InLess Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism, Slavoj Žižek presents the results of his long meditation on the meaning and ultimate implications of Hegelian philosophy. In this review-article, I will first examine the stages of Žižek’s transformation of Hegelianism, and then analyse the main themes brought up inLess than Nothing. The development of a ‘polemological’ interpretation of the Hegelian concepts of ‘reconciliation’ and ‘absolute’ leads Žižek to emphasise the role of negativity and antagonism in the process (...)
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    Whence Culture and Epistemology? Dialectical Materialism and Music Education.Joseph Michael Abramo - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (2):155.
    Abstract:In this essay, I explore the recent cultural and epistemological turns in sociological music education research. Changes in the economy—and most specifically in the modes of production aided by changes in technology—provide a frame for understanding the cultural and epistemological turns within music education research in sociology. The economy has gone through a process of “dematerialization,” privileging non-material aspects—like mental conceptions of the world, symbols, culture, and social processes—over material considerations. Similarly, sociological research in music education, in its epistemological (...)
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    Simulating Marx: Herbert A. Simon's cognitivist approach to dialectical materialism.Enrico Petracca - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (2):101-125.
    Starting in the 1950s, computer programs for simulating cognitive processes and intelligent behaviour were the hallmark of Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence and ‘cognitivist’ cognitive science. This article examines a somewhat neglected case of simulation pursued by one of the founding fathers of simulation methodology, Herbert A. Simon. In the 1970s and 1980s, Simon had repeated contacts with Marxist countries and scientists, in the context of which he advanced the idea that cognitivism could be used as a framework for simulating dialectical (...)
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    Idealism and Materialism In Marx’s Dialectic.Louis Dupré - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):649 - 685.
    No aspect of Marx’s theory has received more attention in recent decades than the dialectical method. Yet, Western interpreters have mainly restricted the discussion to those early writings in which Marx explicitly confronts Hegel’s philosophy, while socialist commentators often hesitate to subject Marx’s mature writings to fundamental questioning. In the present contribution I propose to raise a number of questions concerning the dialectical method as used in Marx’s later works and as interpreted in those of his principal followers. I realize (...)
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    The Myth of Dialectics: Reinterpreting the Marx-Hegel Relation.John Rosenthal - 1998 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    For a century now Marxists have been searching for a 'rational kernel' of Hegelian 'dialectics' inside the 'mystical shell' of the Hegelian system. As against this entire tradition, Rosenthal insists that Hegelian philosophy is mysticism all the way through. He argues that Marx's supposed 'dialectic method' is simply a myth and proposes the provocative thesis that it is not, after all, Hegel's 'method' of which Marx made use in Capital but rather precisely Hegel's mysticism.
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  10.  24
    Hegel, Marx and Dialectic. [REVIEW]G. M. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):892-893.
    The authors, who are lecturers at the University of Kent and conduct a seminar there on dialectical materialism, have two main aims in this book: to clarify the meaning of dialectic in Hegel and Marxism, and to urge consideration of the materialist dialectic as a living philosophy. The treatment, however, is not merely expository but also critical and exploratory. The book is a debate in five essays, two by Sayers and three by Norman, the format thereby allowing each writer to (...)
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  11. Reading Capital's materialist dialectic: Marx, Spinoza, and the Althusserians.Nick Nesbitt - 2024 - Leiden: Brill.
    While the explicit Althusserian engagement with Marx's Capital remained largely limited to Reading Capital, after 1968, Nick Nesbitt argues, this theoretical intervention remained insistent, adopting the form of a general theory of materialist dialectic. The book thus analyzes the Althusserianist theory of a materialist dialectic across diverse sites including Althusser's unpublished archive, Macherey's exposition of Spinoza's Ethics, and Badiou's Logics of Worlds, while simultaneously bringing this fully-developed theory of materialist dialectic to bear anew on the reading of Capital itself, to (...)
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  12.  79
    Marx and the origin of dialectical materialism1.Stanley Moore - 1971 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 14 (1-4):420-429.
    Dialectical materialism was born in 1857, when Marx returned to studying Hegel. In opposition to Hegel, Marx adopted a realist epistemology. Abandoning the pragmatist ambiguities of his Economic?Philosophical Manuscripts, he became a materialist in the traditional sense of that word. Influenced by Hegel, Marx simultaneously attempted a dialectical proof for the labor theory of value. Abandoning his positivist critique in The Holy Family, he started using dialectic to discover beneath appearances an otherwise inaccessible reality. But his dialectic was incompatible with (...)
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  13.  13
    Praxiology: philosophy of inter-human subjectivity: a contribution to the study of Marx's dialectics as the logic of topos-process.Hirokazu Kuroda - 1998 - Tokyo, Japan: Kobushi Shobo.
  14. Dialectical Abnormality? Jewish Alienation and Jewish Emancipation between Hegel and Marx.Emir Yigit - 2022 - Naharaim 16 (1):79-100.
    Karl Marx’s “On the Jewish Question” has fueled discussions around his early intellectual development as a Young-Hegelian thinker as well as debates about an allegedly distinct form of anti-Semitism native to Left-Hegelian and later to left-thinkers in general, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. In this article, I argue that Marx’s assessment of contemporary Judaism is motivated by an underappreciated criticism of Hegelian historiography. Surveying the genesis of the Hegelian treatments of Judaism between Hegel and Marx, I distinguish Marx’s intervention as a (...)
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  15.  22
    Transfer of Foreign Ideas to the Philosophical Culture of Belarus in the 19th and 20th Centuries.Anatoly A. Liahchylin & Andrey Y. Dudchik - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):88-102.
    The article gives an overview of works on philosophy published in the 19 th and 20 th centuries in Belarus, widely influenced by the reception of philosophical views and trends of leading Western European thinkers. The main philosophical ideas of German philosophers (I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, K. Marx, F. Nietzsche and others) found creative reflections among the intellectuals of the Northwestern Krai (Region) of the Russian Empire, which included Belarus in the 19 th century. The authors analyze the role of (...)
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  16.  6
    Beyond Idealism and Materialism: Hegel’s Concept of Dialectic and Marx’s Critique of Hegel’s ‘Mystifications’.Andreas Arndt - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):109-119.
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  17.  37
    Adorno, Marx, dialectic.Aidin Keikhaee - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (7):829-857.
    This essay revisits Adorno’s relation to Marx through a reading of his recently translated seminar on Marx (1962) within the broader context of the two thinkers’ views on the dialectic. While Adorno’s critical comments in the seminar seem to be applicable to some of Marx’s bold assertions about Hegel’s dialectic, taken in isolation, they fail to challenge Marx’s more rigorous analysis of the dialectic, as presented in his introduction to the Grundrisse. Nevertheless, read alongside Adorno’s mature critique of identity, the (...)
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  18.  34
    Marx and Whitehead: Process, Dialectics, and the Critique of Capitalism.Anne Fairchild Pomeroy - 2004 - State University of New York Press.
    A reading of Marx's critique of capitalism through the lens of process philosophy.
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    Marx and Laozi: A Dialectical Synthesis by James Chambers (review).Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2025 - Philosophy East and West 75 (1):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Marx and Laozi: A Dialectical Synthesis by James ChambersReza Adeputra Tohis (bio)Marx and Laozi: A Dialectical Synthesis. By James Chambers. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Pp. xvii + 449, Hardcover €129.99, ISBN 978-3-031-40980-6.James Chambers’s Marx and Laozi: A Dialectical Synthesis (hereafter Marx and Laozi) attempts to connect the thoughts of Karl Marx, the philosopher and socialist revolutionary, with Laozi, the legendary founding figure of Daoism. Although they come from (...)
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  20. Adorno’s critical materialism.Deborah Cook - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (6):719-737.
    The article explores the character of Adorno’s materialism while fleshing out his Marxist-inspired idea of natural history. Adorno offers a non-reductionist and non-dualistic account of the relationship between matter and mind, human history and natural history. Emerging from nature and remaining tied to it, the human mind is nonetheless qualitatively distinct from nature owing to its limited independence from it. Yet, just as human history is always also natural history, because human beings can never completely dissociate themselves from the natural (...)
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  21.  17
    K metodě kritické teorie a jejímu rozvíjení v „novém čtení Marxe“.Martin Nový - 2016 - Filosofie Dnes 7 (2):20-47.
    Tato studie se zabývá problémem metody v kritické teorii. Nejprve zkoumá ustavující texty, v nichž založili Horkheimer a Marcuse kritickou teorii jako dialektický a materialistický přístup k analýze kapitalistické společnosti adekvátní její objektivně-abstraktní povaze. Stať diskutuje též Hegela a Marxe, nejdůležitější předchůdce frankfurtské školy, a způsob, jímž kritická teorie čerpá z jejich děl. Dále příspěvek obrací svou pozornost k Adornovým metodologickým postulátům, jež vyústily v analytické kategorie „reálné abstrakce“ a „objektivní konceptuality“. Reichelt a Backhaus vyšli z Adorna, jehož byli žáky, (...)
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  22.  31
    Valences of the dialectic.Fredric Jameson - 2009 - Brooklyn, NY: Verso.
    After half a century exploring dialectical thought, renowned cultural critic Fredric Jameson presents a comprehensive study of a misrepresented, vital strain in Western philosophy. The dialectic, the concept of the evolution of an idea through internal contradiction and conflict, transformed two centuries of Western philosophy. To Hegel, who dominated nineteenth-century thought, it was a metaphysical system. In the works of Marx, the dialectic became a tool for materialist historical analysis, a theoretical maneuver that his critics derided and his descendants on (...)
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  23. Marxism and materialism: a study in Marxist theory of knowledge.David-Hillel Ruben - 1979 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Argument that Marx has a realist ontology and a correspondence theory of truth. His views are compared to both Hegel's and Kant's. This interpretation departs from more Hegelian, 'idealist' interpretations that often rely on misunderstanding some of the work of the early Marx. There is also a discussion and partial defence of Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.
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  24.  30
    Activity in Marx's Philosophy. [REVIEW]H. B. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):756-756.
    This fifty-page essay treats Marx's concept of action as the principle underlying his whole system. Activity for Marx is described as both a philosophical concept and an element of human experience demanded by his system. The principle of activity is present as early as in Marx's doctoral dissertation and its influence is traced on his materialism, epistemology, and conception of philosophy. In the process, some strong similarities are shown with Dewey's concept of action, despite the difference in goals of (...)
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  25.  75
    Feuerbach.Marx W. Wartofsky - 1977 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Feuerbach is now recognized as a central figure in the history of nineteenth-century thought. He was one of Hegel's most influential pupils: he dominated German radical philosophy in the 1840s and was the leader of the Young Hegelians; his 'anthropological' critique of Hegel's idealism decisively influences the materialism and humanism of Marx and Engels; his critique of religion pointed the way for the philosophers of religion; and his psychological analyses found a place in Freudian thought and the existential and phenomenological (...)
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  26.  17
    Marx and Laozi: A Dialectical Synthesis.James Chambers - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    In this work the theories of Marx and Laozi are dialectically combined. The resulting synthesis is a positive materialist negation of Hegel’s idealist dialectics. Syntheses are presented for Marx and Laozi in ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, scientific method, ethics and politics: the full spectrum of their foundational principles. The book is an attempt to reconstruct a materialist interpretation of Laozi, which can be put to work for Marxist theory.
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    The dialectical self: Kierkegaard, Marx, and the making of the modern subject.Jamie Aroosi - 2019 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Although Karl Marx and Søren Kierkegaard are both major figures in nineteenth-century Western thought, they are rarely considered in the same conversation. Marx is the great radical economic theorist, the prophet of communist revolution who famously claimed religion was the "opiate of the masses." Kierkegaard is the renowned defender of Christian piety, a forerunner of existentialism, and a critic of mass politics who challenged us to become "the single individual." But by drawing out important themes bequeathed them by their shared (...)
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  28. The Logical Structure of Dialectic.Graham Priest - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):200-208.
    1. Dialectic, in the sense of Hegel and Marx, is a dynamic process in which contradictions arise and are aufgehoben—an impossible word to translate into English, since it means both removed and pre...
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  29.  14
    Prolegomena to any future materialism.Adrian Johnston - 2020 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    In this the second volume of his trilogy, Adrian Johnston delineates the philosophy of nature requisite for a properly materialist theory of irreducible autonomous subjectivity. Bringing to light a hitherto invisible undercurrent linking together Hegelian "Naturphilosophie," Marxian-Engelsian-Leninist dialectical materialism, Freudian-Lacanian psychoanalytic metapsychology, and today's approaches to metaphysics and the philosophy of science on both sides of the analytic-continental divide, he assembles an ontology that dramatically transfors our understandings of figures like Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Lukács, Freud, Lacan, Althusser, and McDowell. (...)
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    Is it the Disappearance of Philosophical Reason? - Materialist Appropriation of Hegel’s Encyclopedia from Marx’s German Ideology -. 김경수 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 109:51-75.
    마르크스에게서 철학의 위치는 애매모호해 많은 논쟁을 낳아 왔다. 마르크스는 청년 시절부터 헤겔을 적극 수용하면서도 강력히 비판해 왔다. 그는 포이어바하의 헤겔비판을 수용하여 헤겔의 절대적 반성개념을 비판하고, 이로부터 헤겔의 철학체계가 지닌 현실에 대한 사변적 기술의 난점을 지적한다. 그는 헤겔에 대립해 현실에 대한 비사변적 기술을 시도한다. 이 현실을 포착하는 과학은 비판적으로 수용된 포이어바흐의 철학과 프랑스 유물론, 사회주의, 그리고 영국 공산주의, 그리고 정치경제학 등의 당대의 진보적 학문들의 결합이었다. 이것이 인간과학과 자연과학의 통합으로서의 역사과학이었다. 이런 그의 학문적 기획은 현대적 관점에서 보면 인문사회과학과 자연과학/공학의 융복합연구 프로그램이었다. 그의 (...)
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  31. Marxism and the Dialectical Method: A Critique of G.A. Cohen.Sean Sayers - 1984 - Radical Philosophy 36 (36):4-13.
    The dialectical method, Marx Insisted, was at the basis of his account of society. In 1858, in a letter to Engels, he wrote: In the method of treatment the fact that by mere accident I again glanced through Hegel's Logic has been of great service to me... If there should ever be the time for such work again, I would greatly like to make accessible to the ordinary human intelligence, in two or three printer's sheets, what is rational in the (...)
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  32. Marx's Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature.John L. Stanley - 1997 - Science and Society 61 (4):449 - 473.
    Despite the general acceptance of Hegel's importance for Marx, virtually no one has paid sufficient attention to Marx's youthful critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature. Even Alfred Schmidt, whose work refers to the Naturphilosophie most frequently, underestimates its importance in the formulation of Marx's own materialist philosophy of nature and comes close to replicating the very Hegelian views that Marx is attacking. Yet the critique of the Naturphilosophie in Marx's Dissertation and the 1844 Manuscripts foreshadows Marx's later stated intention in (...)
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  33.  59
    Methodology and Development in Marx and Hegel.David A. Duquette - 1988 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (2):131-148.
    The thesis of this study is that the methodology in Marx that is appropriate for viewing socio-historical development in a structured framework, and also for capturing the dynamic role of practice in history, is one which goes beyond the ordinary traditional methods of empirical science and which has its roots in Hegel’s system of philosophy. In my view, the mistake of the traditional Marxist handling of Hegel lies in the attempt to divorce his method from his system, with the aim (...)
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  34.  51
    Marxism and Hegel.Lucio Colletti - 1973 - [London]: Verso.
    The interpretation of Hegel has been a focal point of philosophical controversy ever since the beginning of the twentieth century, both among Marxists and in the major European philosophical schools. Yet despite wide differences of emphasis most interpretations of Hegel share important similarities. They link his idea of Reason to the revolutionary and rationalist tradition which led to the French Revolution, and they interpret his dialectic as implying a latently atheist and even materialist world outlook. Lucio Colletti directly challenges this (...)
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  35.  13
    The development of the Marxian dialectic.Dick Howard - 1972 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Beginning as a philosopher, Marx turned in the space of a few short years to the study of political economy and to revolutionary practice. Howard argues that this shift can be understood only in terms of an analysis of the theoretical development of the Marxian dialectic. In explicating the systematic aspects of Marx’s theory, Howard has gone anew to the primary sources, the writings of Marx himself and those of Hegel and the Young Hegelians. Howard thus provides a close textual (...)
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  36.  22
    The Ideas of Hegel and Engels in the Context of the Self-Organization Theory.Георгий Геннадьевич Малинецкий, Вячеслав Эмерикович Войцехович & Илья Николаевич Вольнов - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (1):98-119.
    The philosophy of nature, which encompasses the comprehensive study of the natural world, became intimately linked with the interdisciplinary approach of self-organization theory, or synergetics, as it was revealed in the latter third of the 20th century. This novel understanding of reality and its connection to synergetics becomes evident when comparing the panlogism of G.W.F. Hegel and the dialectical materialism of F. Engels, both based on 19th-century scientific achievements, with contemporary issues in natural science. This comparison is justified as the (...)
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    From Marx to Hegel.George Lichtheim - 1971 - [New York]: Herder & Herder.
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    Marx y los neo-hegelianos: de la dialéctica de Hegel al materialismo dialéctico.Armando Segura - 1976 - Barcelona: L. Miracle.
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    From Marx to Hegel, and other essays.George Lichtheim - 1971 - London: (44 Gray's Inn Rd., W.C.1), Orbach and Chambers.
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    Marx.Jaime Edwards & Brian Leiter - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge Philosophers. Edited by Brian Leiter.
    Karl Marx (1818-1883) was trained as a philosopher and steeped in the thought of Hegel and German idealism, but turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties towards politics, economics and history. It is for his these subjects Marx is best known and in which his work and ideas shaped the very nature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, Marx's engagement with philosophy runs through most of his work, especially in his philosophy of history and in moral and political philosophy. (...)
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  41. Dialectics and Catastrophe.Martin Zwick - 1978 - In F. Geyer & J. Van der Zouwen, Sociocybernetics. Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 129-154.
    The Catastrophe Theory of Rene Thom and E. C. Zeeman suggests a mathematical interpretation of certain aspects of Hegelian and Marxist dialectics. Specifically, the three 'classical' dialectical principles, (1) the transformation of quantity into quality, (2) the unity and struggle of opposites, and (3) the negation of negation, can be modeled with the seven 'elementary catastrophes' given by Thorn, especially the catastrophes known as the 'cusp' and the 'butterfly'. Far from being empty metaphysics or scholasticism, as critics have argued, the (...)
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  42. Negativity and dialectical materialism: Zhang shiying's reading of Hegel's dialectical logic.Peter Button - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (1):63-82.
    : Studies of Chinese dialectical materialism have long neglected the important philosophical dimension of Hegelian thought and its influence on Chinese Marxism. This essay examines the work of Zhang Shiying of Beijing University, whose studies of Hegel's works on dialectical logic in the 1950s sought to clarify the nature of Hegel's speculative dialectic and its relation to dialectical materialism. Like Lenin before him, Zhang believed that Hegel's works on logic offered a more profound reflection on materialism than had previously been (...)
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    Marx e la dialettica hegeliana.Mario Rossi - 1960 - [Roma]: Editori Riuniti.
  44.  42
    On the materialist interpretation of the ideal by Evald Ilyenkov.Keti Chukhrov - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (1):57-74.
    This paper explores the materialist and the object-based dimension of “the ideal” in Evald Ilyenkov’s thought and, consequently, his speculative technique of converging matter and idea. The philosophic figures that Ilyenkov relies on to legitimate such a convergence are Hegel, Spinoza, and Marx. The paper reveals the complexities in Ilyenkov’s task to reconcile his dialectics of the ideal with Spinoza’s studies of Substance, tracing the discrepancies in Ilyenkov’s attempt to conjoin Hegelian and Marxian dialectics and Spinoza’s nonidealist immanentism. The reference (...)
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    From Hegel to Lacan or from Ego to Agora.Roberto Ribeiro Baldino & Tânia C. B. Cabral - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (2).
    We comment on the last chapter of Henrich where the author offers a ‘key’ to Hegel’s Logic focusing on the problem of the passage from self-reference to determination in the beginning of the Logic. We argue that what he offers as a ‘key’ is actually a reduction of Hegel to the logic of understanding from the point of view of an autonomous Ego; consequently, he excludes dialectics. Contrarily, we present Hegel’s own solution, eliciting the remark where he shows that the (...)
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    Karl Marx and the intellectual origins of dialectical materialism.James D. White - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    The Book Provides A Genealogy Of `Dialectical Materialism` By Tracing The Development Of Marxist Ideas From Their Origins In German Philosophical Thought To The Ideology Of The Socio-Democratic Groups In Russia In The 1890S, From Which Lenin And The Revolutionary Generation Emerged. It Reconstructs Marx`S Original Conceptions And Examines The Modifications That Were Made To Them By Himself And By His Russian Followers, Which Eventually Gave Rise To The Doctrine Of `Dialectical Materialism`, Expounded By Plekhanov. Condition Good.
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    ‘It does not compare to the bright dialectical materialism propounded by Marx, Engels, and Lenin’: Revolutionary refractions and Marxist critique of Freudianism in pre-revolutionary Iran.Mir Mohammad Khademnabi - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    The critical stance adopted by Iran's prominent communist party, the Tudeh Party, toward psychoanalysis is illustrated through a polemical essay preceding the translation of A Primer of Freudian Psychology. Echoing the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, who vehemently criticized psychoanalysis as a ‘bourgeois science’, Hushang Tizabi, a translator affiliated with the Tudeh Party, delves into the shortcomings of Freudian thought in the preface to his rendition, contrasting it with the ‘bright dialectical materialism’ inherent in Marxian ideology. This article represents an (...)
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    Marx's rebellion against Lenin.Norman Levine - 2016 - New York, New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Marx's Rebellion Against Lenin is a representative of the contemporary revitalization of the thought of Marx. It fulfils this task in three ways. First, it overthrows the dialectical materialism of Engels and of Stalinist Bolshevism by exploring 18th century historical thought and illustrating how these Enlightenment historians and political theorists first explored method of historical explanation that were later adopted by Marx. It is shown that contrary to the theory of Stalinist Bolshevism, Hegel was a vital influence on Marx. Second, (...)
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    Who Is 'The Prince'?: Hegel and Marx in Jameson and Bhaskar.Alan Norrie - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (2):75-104.
    This article compares the dialectics of Fredric Jameson and Roy Bhaskar. From a dialectical critical-realist standpoint, it argues that Jameson’s approach in his recent collection Valences of the Dialectic sits uncomfortably between Hegelian and Marxist presuppositions. This is seen in the way he configures the relation between thinking and being, and it leads to an alliance with poststructuralist thinking in which real negativity is denied. In consequence, his thought is caught between a critique of the present and the impossibility of (...)
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    Hegel, The Reconceptualization of Science, and the Managerial Elite.C. Clark Carlton - 2017 - Christian Bioethics 23 (2):137-148.
    It is true that Hegelian historicism has indeed led to a dominant ethos of moral relativism bound up with the belief that individual self-actualization is the highest value, thus creating a society that is, in the phrase of H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. “after God.” Nevertheless, this egocentric and nihilistic relativism exists alongside a robust and militant moral totalitarianism enforced by the modern clerisy of the media, multi-national corporations, and government bureaucrats, that is, a “managerial elite.” This article argues that the (...)
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