Results for 'Matth Lechner'

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  1. Adverse consequences of article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for persons with mental disabilities and an alternative way forward.Matthé Scholten & Jakov Gather - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (4):226-233.
    It is widely accepted among medical ethicists that competence is a necessary condition for informed consent. In this view, if a patient is incompetent to make a particular treatment decision, the decision must be based on an advance directive or made by a substitute decision-maker on behalf of the patient. We call this the competence model. According to a recent report of the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of (...)
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    .Erich Hatala Matthes - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Equality in the Informed Consent Process: Competence to Consent, Substitute Decision-Making, and Discrimination of Persons with Mental Disorders.Matthé Scholten, Jakov Gather & Jochen Vollmann - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (1):108-136.
    According to what we propose to call “the competence model,” competence is a necessary condition for valid informed consent. If a person is not competent to make a treatment decision, the decision must be made by a substitute decision-maker on her behalf. Recent reports of various United Nations human rights bodies claim that article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities involves a wholesale rejection of this model, regardless of whether the model is based on a (...)
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  4. History, Value, and Irreplaceability.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2013 - Ethics 124 (1):35-64.
    It is often assumed that there is a necessary relationship between historical value and irreplaceability, and that this is an essential feature of historical value’s distinctive character. Contrary to this assumption, I argue that it is a merely contingent fact that some historically valuable things are irreplaceable, and that irreplaceability is not a distinctive feature of historical value at all. Rather, historically significant objects, from heirlooms to artifacts, offer us an otherwise impossible connection with the past, a value that persists (...)
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  5. Cultural appropriation and oppression.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):1003-1013.
    In this paper, I present an outline of the oppression account of cultural appropriation and argue that it offers the best explanation for the wrongfulness of the varied and complex cases of appropriation to which people often object. I then compare the oppression account with the intimacy account defended by C. Thi Nguyen and Matt Strohl. Though I believe that Nguyen and Strohl’s account offers important insight into an essential dimension of the cultural appropriation debate, I argue that justified objections (...)
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  6. Drawing the Line: What to Do with the Work of Immoral Artists from Museums to the Movies.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Can we still watch Woody Allen's movies? Can we still laugh at Bill Cosby's jokes? Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Dave Chappelle, Louis C. K., J.K. Rowling, Michael Jackson, Roseanne Barr. Recent years have proven rife with revelations about the misdeeds, objectional views, and, in some instances, crimes of popular artists.
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  7. Impersonal Value, Universal Value, and the Scope of Cultural Heritage.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):999-1027.
    Philosophers have used the terms 'impersonal' and 'personal value' to refer to, among others things, whether something's value is universal or particular to an individual. In this paper, I propose an account of impersonal value that, I argue, better captures the intuitive distinction than potential alternatives, while providing conceptual resources for moving beyond the traditional stark dichotomy. I illustrate the practical importance of my theoretical account with reference to debate over the evaluative scope of cultural heritage.
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  8. Repatriation and the radical redistribution of art.Erich Matthes - 2017 - Ergo 4:931–53.
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    Practice Theory and International Relations.Silviya Lechner & Mervyn Frost - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Are social practices actions, or institutional frameworks of interaction structured by common rules? How do social practices such as signing a cheque differ from international practices such as signing a peace treaty? Traversing the fields of international relations and philosophy, this book defends an institutionalist conception of practices as part of a general practice theory indebted to Oakeshott, Wittgenstein and Hegel. The proposed practice theory has two core aspects: practice internalism and normative descriptivism. In developing a philosophical analysis of social (...)
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    A Kantian Quality of Will Account of Excuses.Matthé Scholten - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-27.
    It is a common picture that Kant is committed to an uncompromising account of moral responsibility that leaves no room for excuses. I argue that this picture is mistaken. More specifically, I reconstruct a Kantian quality of will account of excuses according to which an agent is excused for performing a morally wrong (or omitting a morally obligatory) action if and only if the action (or omission) does not manifest a lack of good will on the part of the agent. (...)
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  11. Der theosophische Einfluss auf Rudolf Steiners fünftes Evangelium.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Dieser Beitrag erörtert die „übersinnlichen Erkenntnisse“ von Rudolf Steiner zum Thema der Beziehungen von Jesus zu den Essenern. Steiner beschäftigte sich in seinem Vortragszyklus „Das fünfte Evangelium“ mit dieser Frage und präsentierte Erkenntnisse seiner Forschungen aus der Akasha-Chronik. Um die Unabhängigkeit der Akasha-Forschungen von Steiner herauszufiltern, stellt der Autor die Forschungen der Theosophin Blavatsky den Erkenntnissen von Steiner gegenüber. Die Gegenüberstellung verfolgt das Ziel, die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Akasha-Forschungen Steiners zu erkunden. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass das fünfte Evangelium von (...)
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  12. Agrippa von Nettesheim: Die Datierung des Corpus Hermeticum.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Dieser Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit der These von Frances Yates, dass Denker wie Giordano Bruno und Agrippa von Nettesheim angenommen haben, dass die Schriften des Hermes Trismegistos von dem Ägypter Thoth (Hermes) stammten. Es soll in diesem Aufsatz demonstriert werden, dass die Annahme von Yates sehr spekulativ war und zumindest nicht auf Agrippa zutrifft, da aus keiner seiner Schriften hervorgeht, dass er das Corpus Hermeticum für Texte des Ägypters Hermes selbst hielt. Er glaubte zwar an die Legende des Hermes, aber (...)
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  13. Why anarchy still matters for International Relations: On theories and things.Silviya Lechner - 2017 - Journal of International Political Theory 13 (3):341-359.
    The category of anarchy is conventionally associated with the emergence of an autonomous discipline of International Relations. Recently, Donnelly has argued that anarchy has never been central to IR. His criticism targets not just concepts of anarchy but theories of anarchy and thereby expresses an anti-theory ethos tacitly accepted in the discipline. As a form of conceptual atomism, this ethos is hostile to structuralist and normative theories. This article aims to reinstate theoretical holism against conceptual atomism and to defend the (...)
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  14. Kantian constructivism and the Reinhold–Sidgwick objection.Matthé Scholten - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):364-379.
    In this paper, I give a reconstruction of the so‐called Reinhold–Sidgwick objection and show that Korsgaard‐style Kantian constructivists are committed to two key premises of the underlying argument. According to the Reinhold–Sidgwick objection, the Kantian conception of autonomy entails the absurd conclusion that no one is ever morally responsible for a morally wrong action. My reconstruction of the underlying argument reveals that the objection depends on a third premise, which says that freedom is a necessary condition for moral responsibility. After (...)
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  15. The Ethics of Cultural Heritage.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Do members of cultural groups have special claims to own or control the products of the cultures to which they belong? Is there something morally wrong with employing artistic styles that are distinctive of a culture to which you do not belong? What is the relationship between cultural heritage and group identity? Is there a coherent and morally acceptable sense of cultural group membership in the first place? Is there a universal human heritage to which everyone has a claim? Questions (...)
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  16. Advance Research Directives in Germany: A Proposal for a Disclosure Standard.Matthé Scholten - 2018 - GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry 31 (2):77-86.
    The fourth amendment to the German Medicinal Products Act (Arzneimittelgesetz) states that nontherapeutic research in incompetent populations is permissible under the condition that potential research participants expressly declare their wish to participate in scientific research in an advance research directive. This article explores the implementation of advance research directives in Germany against the background of the international legal and ethical framework for biomedical research. In particular, it addresses a practical problem that arises from the disclosure requirement for advance research directives. (...)
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    Non-strictly positive fixed points for classical natural deduction.Ralph Matthes - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1):205-230.
    Termination for classical natural deduction is difficult in the presence of commuting/permutative conversions for disjunction. An approach based on reducibility candidates is presented that uses non-strictly positive inductive definitions.It covers second-order universal quantification and also the extension of the logic with fixed points of non-strictly positive operators, which appears to be a new result.Finally, the relation to Parigot’s strictly positive inductive definition of his set of reducibility candidates and to his notion of generalized reducibility candidates is explained.
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  18. Cultural Appropriation Without Cultural Essentialism?Erich Hatala Matthes - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (2):343-366.
    Is there something morally wrong with cultural appropriation in the arts? I argue that the little philosophical work on this topic has been overly dismissive of moral objections to cultural appropriation. Nevertheless, I argue that philosophers working on epistemic injustice have developed powerful conceptual tools that can aid in our understanding of objections that have been levied by other scholars and artists. I then consider the relationship between these objections and the harms of cultural essentialism. I argue that focusing on (...)
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  19. Immoral Artists.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2023 - In James Harold (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter offers an overview of issues posed by the problem of immoral artists, artists who in word or deed violate commonly held moral principles. I briefly consider the question of whether the immorality of an artist can render their work aesthetically worse (making connections to chapters in the Theory section of the handbook), and then turn to questions about what the audience should do and feel in response to knowledge of these moral failings. I discuss questions such as whether (...)
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    Kant’s Reply to the Consequence Argument.Matthé Scholten - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (2):135-158.
    In this paper, I show that Kant’s solution to the third antinomy is a reply sui generis to the consequence argument. If sound, the consequence argument yields that we are not morally responsible for our actions because our actions are not up to us. After expounding the modal version of the consequence argument advanced by Peter van Inwagen, I show that Kant accepts a key inference rule of the argument as well as a requirement of alternate possibilities for moral blame. (...)
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  21. Die Christengemeinschaft und die ökumenische Dogmatik.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Diese Arbeit behandelt die Frage, ob die Christengemeinschaft aus dogmatischer Perspektive Teil der Ökumene sein könnte. Es wurden dazu mehrere Hypothese überprüft und die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Christengemeinschaft inhaltlich zu weit von der Dogmatik der Ökumene abweicht. Eine Hypothese ist, dass die Christengemeinschaft zum gnostischen Strang innerhalb des Christentums gezählt werden kann. Die Hypothese wurde bejaht. Die größten Differenzen finden sich in der Christologie und beim Thema Reinkarnation. Die Christengemeinschaft ist eng an die Philosophie Rudolf Steiners orientiert und 90 (...)
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    Anthropologie der Mystik: >Mystik mystisches Erleben< im Kontext einer philosophischen Anthropologie.Jörg-Johannes Lechner - 2020 - Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac.
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    Debates sobre modernidad y postmodernidad.Norbert Lechner (ed.) - 1991 - Quito: Editores Unidos Nariz del Diablo.
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    E. E. Cummings and Mother Nature.Sister Joan Marie Lechner - 1960 - Renascence 12 (4):182-191.
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    For Gabriel Marcel from Philosophy Today.Robert Lechner - 1975 - Philosophy Today 19 (1):2-3.
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    Idee und Zeit un der Metaphysik Augustins.Odilo Lechner - 1964 - München,: A. Pustet.
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    Martin Heidegger -- "ein Denker in dürftiger Zeit": philosophisch-anthropologische Studien zu Heideggers Fundamentalontologie.Jörg-Johannes Lechner - 2015 - Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač.
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Robert F. Lechner - 1973 - Philosophy Today 17 (4):271-271.
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    National Identity and Globalization.Frank J. Lechner - 2004 - ProtoSociology 20:239-257.
    World culture legitimates the particularity of national identities yet globalization calls their viability into question. What are nations to do? This paper argues that identities undergo embattled redefinition by means of path-dependent renegotiation. The reproduction of national difference and the viability of national culture thus depend on “glocal” forms of identity work, fine-grained understanding of which is important to any analysis of culture in the world system. Proposing that processes of policy formation serve as useful markers of identity transformations, the (...)
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    Beberapa etika dalam sastra Makasar.B. F. Matthes - 1985 - Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Penerbitan Buku Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah.
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    Frühe bildende Kunst in Europa.Walther Matthes - 1963 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 15 (2):164-179.
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    Pathways to political (dis-)engagement: motivations behind social media use and the role of incidental and intentional exposure modes in adolescents’ political engagement.Jörg Matthes, Johannes Knoll & Raffael Heiss - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):671-693.
    Based on the Social Media Political Participation Model (SMPPM), this study investigates the relationship between four key motivations behind the use of Social Network Sites (SNS) and political engagement among adolescents. We collected our data in a paper-pencil survey with 15- to 20-year-old adolescents (N=294), a highly underexplored group, which is most active on social media. We theorize that adolescents’ user motivations are related to political engagement via two modes of exposure: The intentional mode, which is related to active information (...)
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    Tarski's fixed-point theorem and lambda calculi with monotone inductive types.Ralph Matthes - 2002 - Synthese 133 (1-2):107 - 129.
    The new concept of lambda calculi with monotone inductive types is introduced byhelp of motivations drawn from Tarski's fixed-point theorem (in preorder theory) andinitial algebras and initial recursive algebras from category theory. They are intendedto serve as formalisms for studying iteration and primitive recursion ongeneral inductively given structures. Special accent is put on the behaviour ofthe rewrite rules motivated by the categorical approach, most notably on thequestion of strong normalization (i.e., the impossibility of an infinitesequence of successive rewrite steps). It (...)
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    Feelings and Desires Are Not the Same as Treatment Preferences: Why the Health Care Decision-Making Framework Applied to Adolescents Should Not Be Applied to Persons in the Minimally Conscious State.Matthé Scholten & Jochen Vollmann - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (1):69-71.
    According to what members of our research team (Scholten and Gather 2017) have proposed to call “the competence model,” competence is a necessary condition for informed consent. This model entails...
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  35. Who Owns Up to the Past? Heritage and Historical Injustice.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (1):87-104.
    ‘Heritage’ is a concept that often carries significant normative weight in moral and political argument. In this article, I present and critique a prevalent conception according to which heritage must have a positive valence. I argue that this view of heritage leads to two moral problems: Disowning Injustice and Embracing Injustice. In response, I argue for an alternative conception of heritage that promises superior moral and political consequences. In particular, this alternative jettisons the traditional focus on heritage as a primarily (...)
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    Double threshold in bi- and multilingual contexts: preconditions for higher academic attainment in English as an additional language.Simone Lechner & Peter Siemund - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  37. The Ethics of Historic Preservation.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (12):786-794.
    This article draws together research from various sub-disciplines of philosophy to offer an overview of recent philosophical work on the ethics of historic preservation. I discuss how philosophers writing about art, culture, and the environment have appealed to historical significance in crafting arguments about the preservation of objects, practices, and places. By demonstrating how it relates to core themes in moral and political philosophy, I argue that historic preservation is essentially concerned with ethical issues.
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    Transzendenz und Immanenz Gottes bei Giordano Bruno.Gerhard Lechner - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Vienna
    This book deals with the metaphysics of Giordano Bruno. It is very controversial until today, whether Giordano Bruno is a Pantheist or not. There are even authors who believe that Bruno was an Atheist. Other authors like Frances Yates believes that Bruno was a representative of the Hermetic Tradition, but not in the sense of Ficino. This work tries to find out whether Giordano Bruno had a concept of god or not. Finally, there is a concept of god in Giordano (...)
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  39. Ought implies can, asymmetrical freedom, and the practical irrelevance of transcendental freedom.Matthé Scholten - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):25-42.
    In this paper, I demonstrate that Kant's commitment to an asymmetry between the control conditions for praise and blame is explained by his endorsement of the principle Ought Implies Can (OIC). I argue that Kant accepts only a relatively weak version of OIC and that he is hence committed only to a relatively weak requirement of alternate possibilities for moral blame. This suggests that whether we are transcendentally free is irrelevant to questions about moral permissibility and moral blameworthiness.
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  40. Authenticity and the Aesthetic Experience of History.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):649-657.
    In this paper, I argue that norms of artistic and aesthetic authenticity that prioritize material origins foreclose on broader opportunities for aesthetic experience: particularly, for the aesthetic experience of history. I focus on Carolyn Korsmeyer’s recent articles in defense of the aesthetic value of genuineness and argue that her rejection of the aesthetic significance of historical value is mistaken. Rather, I argue that recognizing the aesthetic significance of historical value points the way towards rethinking the dominance of the very norms (...)
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  41. Die Transmigration bei Agrippa von Nettesheim.Gerhard Lechner - 2020 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 67 (1):88-112.
    Agrippa von Nettesheim gilt in der Literatur als Philosoph, der versucht hat, viele verschiedene philosophische Richtungen zu synthetisieren. Sehr interessant ist dabei seine Position zur Transmigration, die bisher in der Literatur nicht intensiver untersucht worden ist. Dieser Aufsatz geht der Frage nach der Position von Agrippa in Bezug auf die Transmigration nach. Durch die sehr verstreuten und widersprüchlichen Zitate von Agrippa zu diesem Thema gibt es bisher keine eindeutigen Aussagen in der Sekundärliteratur dazu, ob Agrippa die Lehre der Transmigration vertreten (...)
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  42. Repatriation and the Radical Redistribution of Art.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2017 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 4:931-953.
    Museums are home to millions of artworks and cultural artifacts, some of which have made their way to these institutions through unjust means. Some argue that these objects should be repatriated (i.e. returned to their country or culture of origin). However, these arguments face a series of philosophical challenges. In particular, repatriation, even if justified, is often portrayed as contrary to the aims and values of museums. However, in this paper, I argue that some of the very considerations museums appeal (...)
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    The Narrative Coherence Standard Adds Either Too Much, or Nothing at All.Matthé Scholten, Jakov Gather & Jochen Vollmann - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (1):38-40.
    The concept of competence to consent (or mental capacity) plays a key role in decisions about whether treatment choices of patients should be respected. In both law and bioethics, competence is wid...
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  44. 大師失格:如何在人品與作品之間劃出界線?.Erich Hatala Matthes - 2025 - New Taipei City: Acropolis Publishing House. Translated by 家安 劉.
    (Traditional Chinese translation of _Drawing the Line: What to Do with the Work of Immoral Artists from Museums to the Movies_ (2021).) -/- 欣賞敗德創作者的作品,錯了嗎? -/- 近年來,國內外爆發許多知名創作者的道德爭議,他們可能是知名且受歡迎的導演、作家、演員、畫家、脫口秀主持人、歌手。隨著過往敗德的行徑被揭露,他們作品的價值也不可避免被重估。 面對這些「翻車」的大師,有人主張取消他們的作品,將他們從公眾視野移除,否則便是與創作者的惡行同謀;有人呼籲「藝術歸藝術,道德歸道德」,認為創作者的生活應該與作品分開,才能公允衡量作品價值;有人則深感背 叛與受傷,無法再支持心愛作品。為什麼會有這些分歧?我們對創作者的情感與對作品的評價能分開嗎?.
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    (1 other version)Bittersüße Pfeile. Protreptische Rhetorik und platonische Philosophie in Lukians Nigrinus.Thomas Lechner - 2015 - Millennium 12 (1):1-40.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 12 Heft: 1 Seiten: 1-40.
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    For Martin Heidegger: 1889 - 1976.Robert Lechner - 1976 - Philosophy Today 20 (4):258-258.
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  47. H. Brands, "Cogito ergo sum." Interpretationen von Kant bis Nietzsche.J. Lechner - 1985 - Kant Studien 76 (1):107.
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    Hobbesian Internationalism: Anarchy, Authority and the Fate of Political Philosophy.Silviya Lechner - 2019 - London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book sets out to re-examine the foundations of Thomas Hobbes’s political philosophy, and to develop a Hobbesian normative theory of international relations. Its central thesis is that two concepts – anarchy and authority – constitute the core of Hobbes's political philosophy whose aim is to justify the state. The Hobbesian state is a type of authority (juridical, public, coercive, and supreme) which emerges under conditions of anarchy ('state of nature'). A state-of-nature argument makes a difference because it justifies authority (...)
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    Neuroscience: On Practices, Truth, and Rationality.Silviya Lechner - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 1 (4):57-58.
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    Paul Ricoeur.Robert Lechner - 1973 - Philosophy Today 17 (2):87-87.
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