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Maureen Kelley [13]Maureen C. Kelley [2]Maureen Catherine Kelley [1]
  1.  57
    Patient Perspectives on the Learning Health System: The Importance of Trust and Shared Decision Making.Maureen Kelley, Cyan James, Stephanie Alessi Kraft, Diane Korngiebel, Isabelle Wijangco, Emily Rosenthal, Steven Joffe, Mildred K. Cho, Benjamin Wilfond & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):4-17.
    We conducted focus groups to assess patient attitudes toward research on medical practices in the context of usual care. We found that patients focus on the implications of this research for their relationship with and trust in their physicians. Patients view research on medical practices as separate from usual care, demanding dissemination of information and in most cases, individual consent. Patients expect information about this research to come through their physician, whom they rely on to identify and filter associated risks. (...)
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  2.  38
    Respecting relational agency in the context of vulnerability: What can research ethics learn from the social sciences?Jennifer Roest, Busisiwe Nkosi, Janet Seeley, Sassy Molyneux & Maureen Kelley - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):379-388.
    Despite advances in theory, often driven by feminist ethicists, research ethics struggles in practice to adequately account for and respond to the agency and autonomy of people considered vulnerable in the research context. We argue that shifts within feminist research ethics scholarship to better characterise and respond to autonomy and agency can be bolstered by further grounding in discourses from the social sciences, in work that confirms the complex nature of human agency in contexts of structural and other sources of (...)
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  3.  98
    Limits on patient responsibility.Maureen Kelley - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (2):189 – 206.
    The medical profession and medical ethics currently place a greater emphasis on physician responsibility than patient responsibility. This imbalance is not due to accident or a mistake but, rather is motivated by strong moral reasons. As we debate the nature and extent of patient responsibility it is important to keep in mind the reasons for giving a relatively minimal role to patient responsibility in medical ethics. It is argued that the medical profession ought to be characterized by two moral asymmetries: (...)
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  4.  46
    Biodefence and the production of knowledge: rethinking the problem.Allen Buchanan & Maureen C. Kelley - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):195-204.
    Next SectionBiodefence, broadly understood as efforts to prevent or mitigate the damage of a bioterrorist attack, raises a number of ethical issues, from the allocation of scarce biomedical research and public health funds, to the use of coercion in quarantine and other containment measures in the event of an outbreak. In response to the US bioterrorist attacks following September 11, significant US policy decisions were made to spur scientific enquiry in the name of biodefence. These decisions led to a number (...)
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  5.  55
    Adrift in the gray zone: IRB perspectives on research in the learning health system.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Maureen Kelley, Mildred K. Cho, Stephanie Alessi Kraft, Cyan James, Melissa Constantine, Adrienne N. Meyer, Douglas Diekema, Alexander M. Capron, Benjamin S. Wilfond & David Magnus - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (2):125-134.
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  6.  49
    Layered vulnerability and researchers’ responsibilities: learning from research involving Kenyan adolescents living with perinatal HIV infection.Vicki Marsh, Amina Abubakar, Maureen Kelley, Alun Davies, Rita Njeru, Gladys Sanga, Scholastica M. Zakayo, Anderson Charo, Sassy Molyneux & Mary Kimani - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-20.
    BackgroundCarefully planned research is critical to developing policies and interventions that counter physical, psychological and social challenges faced by young people living with HIV/aids, without increasing burdens. Such studies, however, must navigate a ‘vulnerability paradox’, since including potentially vulnerable groups also risks unintentionally worsening their situation. Through embedded social science research, linked to a cohort study involving Adolescents Living with HIV/aids (ALH) in Kenya, we develop an account of researchers’ responsibilities towards young people, incorporating concepts of vulnerability, resilience, and agency (...)
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  7. Stillbirth should be given greater priority on the global health agenda.Zeshan U. Qureshi, Joseph Millum, Hannah Blencowe, Maureen Kelley, Joy E. Lawn, Anthony Costello & Tim Colbourn - 2015 - British Medical Journal 351:h4620.
    Stillbirths are largely excluded from international measures of mortality and morbidity. Zeshan Qureshi and colleagues argue that stillbirth should be higher on the global health agenda.
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  8.  33
    Sharing data and experience: Using the clinical and translational science award (CTSA) “moral community” to improve research ethics consultation.Maureen Kelley, Kelly Fryer-Edwards, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Thomas H. Gallagher & Benjamin Wilfond - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):37 – 39.
    We face significant challenges in the translation of basic biomedical research into meaningful improvements in patients' health, moving research from “bench to bedside.” The federal government's ne...
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  9.  47
    The Role of Patient Perspectives in Clinical Research Ethics and Policy: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Patient Perspectives on the Learning Health System”.Maureen Kelley, Cyan James, Stephanie Alessi Kraft, Diane Korngiebel, Isabelle Wijangco, Steven Joffe, Mildred K. Cho, Benjamin Wilfond & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):7-9.
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  10.  24
    The challenges and potential solutions of achieving meaningful consent amongst research participants in northern Thailand: a qualitative study.Rachel C. Greer, Nipaphan Kanthawang, Jennifer Roest, Carlo Perrone, Tri Wangrangsimakul, Michael Parker, Maureen Kelley & Phaik Yeong Cheah - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Achieving meaningful consent can be challenging, particularly in contexts of diminished literacy, yet is a vital part of participant protection in global health research. Method We explored the challenges and potential solutions of achieving meaningful consent through a qualitative study in a predominantly hill tribe ethnic minority population in northern Thailand, a culturally distinctive population with low literacy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 37 respondents who had participated in scrub typhus clinical research, their family members, researchers and other key (...)
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  11.  84
    Infant feeding and hiv in sub-Saharan Africa: What lies beneath the dilemma?Faith E. Fletcher, Paul Ndebele & Maureen C. Kelley - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (5):307-330.
    The debate over how to best guide HIV-infected mothers in resource-poor settings on infant feeding is more than two decades old. Globally, breastfeeding is responsible for approximately 300,000 HIV infections per year, while at the same time, UNICEF estimates that not breastfeeding (formula feeding with contaminated water) is responsible for 1.5 million child deaths per year. The largest burden of these infections and deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa. Using this region as an example of the burden faced more generally in (...)
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  12.  50
    Should international adoption be part of humanitarian aid efforts? Lessons from haiti.Maureen Kelley - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (7):373-380.
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  13.  36
    The Invisible Children.Maureen Kelley - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):4-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Invisible ChildrenMaureen KelleyИсчезаю в весне,в толпе,в лужах,в синеве.И не ищите.Мне так хорошо...I fade into spring,or into a crowd,or into a puddle,sometimes into the blue.There's no sense in looking for me.I feel fine...—¾"Absentee" by Arvo Mets"You have to go through Lesha to get to Danil," Alexandra told me. Lesha was a small but unmoving dog with matted hair and a fierce growl. The dog was pressed against the little (...)
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  14.  45
    The meanings of professional life: Teaching across the health professions.Maureen Kelley - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (4):475 – 491.
    Most of professional ethics is grounded on the assumption that we can speak meaningfully about particular, insulated professions with aims and goals, that conceptually there exists a clear "inside and outside" to any given profession. Professional ethics has also inherited the two-part assumption from mainstream moral philosophy that we can speak meaningfully about agent-relative versus agent-neutral moral perspectives, and further, that it is only from the agent-neutral perspective that we can truly evaluate our professional moral aims, rules, and practices. Several (...)
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  15.  34
    Challenges in the Use of Direct-to-Consumer Personal Genome Testing in Children.Holly K. Tabor & Maureen Kelley - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):32-34.
    In the target article, McGuire and colleagues (2009) found that 54% of social networkers would consider using direct-to-consumer personal genome testing (DTC PGT) for their child and that 63% agree...
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