Results for 'Mauss Mauss'

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  1. Mauss.Marcel Mauss - 1968 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Cazeneuve, Jean & [From Old Catalog].
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    Measures of emotion: A review.Iris B. Mauss & Michael D. Robinson - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (2):209-237.
  3. La nazione E lʼinternazionalismo.Marcel Mauss - 2017 - Post-Filosofie 2:09--17.
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    Lévy-Bruhl sociologue.Marcel Mauss - 1939 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 127 (5/6):251 - 253.
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  5. Sociologie et Anthropologie.Marcel Mauss & Cl Lévi-Strauss - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:576-577.
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    Poorer sleep quality is associated with lower emotion-regulation ability in a laboratory paradigm.Iris B. Mauss, Allison S. Troy & Monique K. LeBourgeois - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):567-576.
  7. A category of the human mind.Marcel Mauss - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--25.
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  8. Manuel d'ethnographie.Marcel Mauss - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:563-563.
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  9. Is there less to social anxiety than meets the eye? Emotion experience, expression, and bodily responding.Iris Mauss, Frank Wilhelm & James Gross - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (5):631-642.
  10. Civilizational Forms.Marcel Mauss - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.), Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 22--29.
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  11. Sociologie et anthropologie, 3ème édition augmentée.M. Mauss - 1966 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 28 (4):738-738.
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    Primitive Classification.Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss - 1963 - Routledge.
    In this influential work, first published in English in 1963, Durkheim and Mauss claim that the individual mind is capable of classification and they seek the origin of the ‘classificatory function’ in society. On the basis of an intensive examination of forms and principles of symbolic classification reported from the Australian aborigines, the Zuñi and traditional China, they try to establish a formal correspondence between social and symbolic classification. From this they argue that the mode of classification is determined (...)
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    In memoriam of Emily Butler, 1963–2023.Iris Mauss, Dave Sbarra, Melissa Curran, James J. Gross & Kobus Barnard - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1464-1466.
    Emily Butler, a psychologist and Professor of Family Studies and Human Development (FSHD) at the University of Arizona, passed away on January 31, 2023. Dr. Butler was born on October 3, 1963 in Wi...
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    A General Theory of Magic.Marcel Mauss - 2001 - Routledge.
    Offers a fascinating snapshot of magic throughout various cultures as well as deep sociological and religious insights still very much relevant today.
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  15. A Category of the Mind.Marcel Mauss - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    L'art et le mythe d'après M. wundt.Marcel Mauss - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 66:48 - 78.
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    Le socialisme.M. Mauss, Hugh Miller & Emile Durkheim - 1931 - Philosophical Review 40 (3):285.
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    Appréciation sociologique du bolchevisme.Marcel Mauss - 1924 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 31 (1):103 - 132.
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    Introduction à la morale.Marcel Mauss & Émile Durkheim - 1920 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 89:79 - 97.
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    Emotion control values and responding to an anger provocation in Asian-American and European-American individuals.Iris B. Mauss, Emily A. Butler, Nicole A. Roberts & Ann Chu - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):1026-1043.
    The present research examined whether Asian-American (AA) versus European-American (EA) women differed in experiential, expressive, or autonomic physiological responding to a laboratory anger provocation and assessed the mediating role of values about emotional control. Results indicate that AA participants reported and behaviourally displayed less anger than EA participants, while there were no group differences in physiological responses. Observed differences in emotional responses were partially mediated by emotion control values, suggesting a potential mechanism for effects of cultural background on anger responding.
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    Assaig sobre la naturalesa i la funció del sacrifici.Marcel Mauss - 1995 - Barcelona: Icaria. Edited by Henri Hubert & Manuel Delgado Ruiz.
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    (2 other versions)Primitive Classification.Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):449-449.
    In this influential work, first published in English in 1963, Durkheim and Mauss claim that the individual mind is capable of classification and they seek the origin of the ‘classificatory function’ in society. On the basis of an intensive examination of forms and principles of symbolic classification reported from the Australian aborigines, the Zuñi and traditional China, they try to establish a formal correspondence between social and symbolic classification. From this they argue that the mode of classification is determined (...)
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  23. Le socialisme. Sa définition. Ses débuis. La doctrine saintsimonienne, « Bibl. de Sociologie contemporaine ».Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss & Pierre Birnbaum - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:65-65.
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    Yes I can: Expected success promotes actual success in emotion regulation.Yochanan E. Bigman, Iris B. Mauss, James J. Gross & Maya Tamir - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (7).
    People who expect to be successful in regulating their emotions tend to experience less frequent negative emotions and are less likely to suffer from depression. It is not clear, however, whether beliefs about the likelihood of success in emotion regulation can shape actual emotion regulation success. To test this possibility, we manipulated participants' beliefs about the likelihood of success in emotion regulation and assessed their subsequent ability to regulate their emotions during a negative emotion induction. We found that participants who (...)
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  25. Le Socialisme, sa définition, ses débuts, la doctrine saint-simonienne.Émile Durkheim & M. Mauss - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (4):1-2.
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    De quelques formes primitives de classification. Contribution à l’étude des représentations collectives.Émile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss (eds.) - 1903 - Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Dans ce classique de la sociologie de la connaissance, Durkheim et Mauss ne s'attaquent à rien de moins qu'au projet de réécrire la table kantienne des catégories : la maîtrise des jugements logiques qu'ils rendent possibles ne sont pas le fruit des seules forces de l'individu, mais ont une origine sociale. Cette hypothèse, ils la testent sur les concepts de genres et d'espèces, et plus généralement sur l'activité scientifique de classes. Ils entendent ainsi établir qu'en Amérique du Nord et (...)
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    Morale professionnelle: Trois leçons extraites d'un cours d'émile Durkheim, de morale civique et professionnelle (1898-1900). [REVIEW]Marcel Mauss & Émile Durkheim - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (3):527 - 544.
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  28. Symposium: The Problem of Nationality.Elie Halévy, Marcel Mauss, Théodore Ruyssen, René Johannet, Gilbert Murray & Frederick Pollock - 1920 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 20:237 - 265.
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    Note on the Notion of Civilization.Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss & Benjamin Nelson - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Knowing when to seek anger: Psychological health and context-sensitive emotional preferences.Min Y. Kim, Brett Q. Ford, Iris Mauss & Maya Tamir - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1126-1136.
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    The unconscious pursuit of emotion regulation: Implications for psychological health.Henrik Hopp, Allison S. Troy & Iris B. Mauss - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):532-545.
    Because of the central involvement of emotion regulation in psychological health and the role that implicit (largely unconscious) processes appear to play in emotion regulation, implicit emotion-regulatory processes should play a vital role in psychological health. We hypothesised that implicitly valuing emotion regulation translates into better psychological health in individuals who use adaptive emotion-regulation strategies. A community sample of 222 individuals (56% women) who had recently experienced a stressful life event completed an implicit measure of emotion regulation valuing (ER-IAT) and (...)
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  32. Featured reports.Justin Stebbing, Rachaei Jones, Alan Winston, Mark Nelson, Stefan Mauss, Guenther Schmutz, Jonathan A. Winston, David M. Margolis, Alan D. Tice & Judith Feinberg - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (7).
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    Marcel Mauss retrouvé. Origines de l'anthropologie du rythme.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    P. Michon, Marcel Mauss retrouvé. Origines de l'anthropologie du rythme, Paris, Rhuthmos, coll. « Rythmologies », 2015, 130 p. Si vous désirez le livre SOUS SA FORME IMPRIMÉE, envoyez-nous un mail à [email protected]. Vous pouvez également le commander sur ou sur tout autre site plus accessible pour vous. Marcel Mauss est l'un de ceux qui ont le plus fait pour la théorie du rythme au XXe siècle. Pourtant, parmi ses héritiers directs, seul Gurvitch a prolongé sa - (...)
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    Marcel Mauss et l’épistémologie structuraliste.Guy Lafrance - 1977 - Philosophy Research Archives 3:680-695.
    The first intention of this article is to show, with some essays of Marcel Mauss, how his way of studying cultural facts anticipates the structural analysis method in anthropology.The concept of "fait social total" is confronted with the concept of structure as developed by Claude Lévi-Strauss, so that we could see the similarities and the distinctions.As well as reconstructing a decisive period of the history of structuralism within the French philosophical and sociological tradition, this article seeks to show the (...)
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    De Mauss à Claude Lévi-Strauss : cinquante ans après.Patrice Maniglier - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):37-56.
    Depuis le célèbre article de Merleau-Ponty, « De Mauss à Claude Lévi-Strauss », la manière dont on évalue le rapport entre ces deux auteurs détermine ou exprime autant d’interprétations historiques du structuralisme et de choix théoriques ou philosophiques quant aux sciences sociales. Cette filiation se voulait une critique: être fidèle à la découverte de Mauss, celle du caractère central de la réciprocité dans la vie sociale, imposait de dépasser la sociologie vers une sémiologie générale. Cet article s’efforce de (...)
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  36. Marcel mauss and the Quest for the person in greek biography and autobiography.A. Momigliano - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Walks of Life: Mauss on the Human Gymnasium.Ian Hunter & David Saunders - 1995 - Body and Society 1 (2):65-81.
    This paper discusses Marcel Mauss's paper on body techniques. It argues that Mauss's account of the acquisition of bodily capacities and deportments makes it unnecessary to think of the body as any kind of unity, for example, by opposing it to 'mind' or 'spirit', which have their own techniques.
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    The Enduring Relevance of Mauss’ Essai sur le don.Jacques Godbout - 2023 - Elementa 3 (1-2):43-57.
    The author rereads Mauss’ “Essay on the Gift” to focus on the essential differences between the archaic gift and the modern gift, the first of which is the separation between people and things. In fact, if in so-called primitive societies the gift is a “total welfare” (religious, economic, social, political), in modern societies the circulation of things becomes autonomous and we find the gift in the sphere of primary ties and, only partially, in those of the market and the (...)
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    Religião e magia no senso religioso contempor'neo: estudo a partir de Marcel Mauss.Tatiane Aparecida de Almeida - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):1074-1075.
    Marcel Mauss claims in his work A General Theory of Magic that the best way to work with the concept of magic is discussing it in comparison to religion or comparing it to religion. Thus, first this paper aims at presenting a theoretical study with a primary nature, whose central focus consists in Marcel Mauss’s studies on the theme of magic, through the elements that constitute it, which are, according to the author: the magician, the acts, and the (...)
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    The ‘Hau’ of Research: Mauss Meets Kaupapa Māori.Georgina Stewart - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (1):1-11.
    ‘The Gift’ is the English title of a small book first published in French in 1925 by sociologist Marcel Mauss, which catalyzed an ongoing debate linked to a wide range of scholarship. Mauss’s gift theory included the Māori example of the ‘hau of the gift’ which Mauss explained as a spiritual force, seeking to return to its original owner or place of origin. This article brings a critical Māori perspective to Mauss’ notion of the hau of (...)
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    Marcel Mauss.Diane Barthel-Bouchier - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian (eds.), Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 52--21.
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  42. Mauss and the essai-sur-le-Don-an anthropological study of a non-market economy.J. Lojkine - 1989 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 86:141-158.
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  43. (1 other version)Marcel Mauss: Kvinder, høfligheder og talismaner. Gaven som fuldstændig social kendsgerning.Asger Sørensen - 2001 - In Hviid Jacobsen, Michael, Mikael Carleheden & Søren Kristiansen (eds.), Tradition Og Fornyelse. pp. 71--92.
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  44. Mauss et 1'«Essai sur le don» Portée contemporaine d'une étude anthropologique sur une économie non marchande.Jean Lojkine - forthcoming - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie.
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    Mauss, Buddhismus, Devianz: Festschrift für Heinz Mürmel zum 65. Geburtstag.Heinz Mürmel & Thomas Hase (eds.) - 2009 - Marburg: Diagonal-Verlag.
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    The (anti-)social gift? Mauss’s paradox and the triad of the gift.Seung Cheol Lee - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (4):631-648.
    Marcel Mauss’s discussion of the gift relies on a paradox: although gift-giving is the foundational act of building a society, in order for a gift to be circulated, society must be always-already presupposed so that the gift can reach and be recognized by its destination. This article focuses on how this paradox has been addressed in anthropological and philosophical studies of the gift, by reviewing work by Claude Lévi-Strauss, Maurice Godelier and Jacques Derrida. By illuminating each position through the (...)
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    When Marcel Mauss’s Essai sur le Don becomes The Gift: variations on the theme of solidarity.Simone Bateman - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (6):447-461.
    Since the early 1970s, Marcel Mauss’s Essai sur le Don, translated into English as The Gift in 1954, has been a standard reference in the social science and bioethical literature on the use of human body parts and substances for medical and research purposes. At that time, three social scientists—political scientist Richard Titmuss in the United Kingdom and sociologist Renée C. Fox working with historian Judith Swazey in the United States—had the idea of using this concept to highlight the (...)
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    Sartre and Mauss.Simeão Sass - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:117-127.
    The present study analyzes the relations between Mauss and Sartre. It investigates, primarily, the connections between the obligation of reciprocating a gift and the consequences of this symbolic act, to elaborate a morality deemed as a total fact. Freedom stands out, in this context, as a fundamental value.
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    Die Religionssoziologie von Marcel Mauss.Stephan Moebius - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 19 (1-2):86-147.
    Until today the importance of Marcel Mauss for the emergence andfurther development of Durkheimian sociology of religion has been neglectedboth in religious studies and the sociology of religion. Mauss’ works are, however,more than preliminary steps for Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of ReligiousLife. This can already be seen in his first major review from 1896 which developsthe concept of the sacred. In general, Mauss’ studies on the sacred and on magic,his analyses of the seasonal variation of religion and (...)
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    Should Philosophers Still Read Mauss? Thoughts on Contemporary American Politics.Alan D. Schrift - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (3):389-400.
    ABSTRACT Following the publication of Derrida's Given Time, a great deal of philosophical attention was devoted to gifts and gift exchange as well as Marcel Mauss's Essay on the Gift. But after a certain formalization of the possible/impossible aporia of the gift, interest in Mauss's Essay among philosophers has largely disappeared. I return to Mauss's Essay and in particular to its moral, economic, and political conclusions to argue that Mauss makes several observations that relate directly to (...)
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