Results for 'Mechanics History.'

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  1.  20
    Quantum-mechanical histories and the uncertainty principle.J. J. Halliwell - 1995 - In M. Ferrero & Alwyn van der Merwe (eds.), Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics. Springer. pp. 73--113.
  2.  27
    The rising of galilean mechanics: history and historiography.Fernando Tula Molina - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (3):357-394.
  3.  37
    Manual Labor and ‘Mean Mechanicks’: Bacon’s Mechanical History and the Deprecation of Craft Skills in Early Modern Science.Mark Thomas Young - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (4):521-550.
    This paper aims to assess the credibility of the legitimation thesis; the claim that the development of experimental science involved a legitimation of certain aspects of artisanal practice or craft knowledge. My goal will be to provide a critique of this idea by examining Francis Bacon’s notion of ‘mechanical history’ and the influence it exerted on attempts by later generations of scholars to appropriate the knowledge of craft traditions. Specifically, I aim to show how such projects were often premised upon (...)
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    Mechanisms as miracle makers? The rise and inconsistencies of the "mechanismic approach" in social science and history.Zenonas Norkus - 2005 - History and Theory 44 (3):348–372.
    In the increasing body of metatheoretical literature on "causal mechanisms," definitions of "mechanism" proliferate, and these increasingly divergent definitions reproduce older theoretical and methodological oppositions. The reason for this proliferation is the incompatibility of the various metatheoretical expectations directed to them: (1) to serve as an alternative to the scientific theory of individual behavior (for some social theorists, most notably Jon Elster); (2) to provide solutions for causal inference problems in the quantitative social sciences, in social history, and in the (...)
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  5. Putting History Back into Mechanisms.Justin Garson - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (4):921-940.
    Mechanisms, in the prominent biological sense of the term, are historical entities. That is, whether or not something is a mechanism for something depends on its history. Put differently, while your spontaneously-generated molecule-for-molecule double has a heart, and its heart pumps blood around its body, its heart does not have a mechanism for pumping, since it does not have the right history. My argument for this claim is that mechanisms have proper functions; proper functions are historical entities; so, mechanisms are (...)
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    The Early History of David Bohm’s Quantum Mechanics Through the Perspective of Ludwik Fleck’s Thought-Collectives.Christian Forstner - 2008 - Minerva 46 (2):215-229.
    This paper analyses the early history of David Bohm’s mechanics from the perspective of Ludwik Fleck’s thought-collectives and shows how the thought-style of the scientific community limits the possible modes of thinking and what new possibilities for the construction of a new theory arise if these limits are removed.
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  7. The history of quantum mechanics as a decisive argument favoring Einstein over lorentz.R. M. Nugayev - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):44-63.
    PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, vol. 52, number 1, pp.44-63. R.M. Nugayev, Kazan State |University, USSR. -/- THE HISTORY OF QUANTUM THEORY AS A DECISIVE ARGUMENT FAVORING EINSTEIN OVER LJRENTZ. -/- Abstract. Einstein’s papers on relativity, quantum theory and statistical mechanics were all part of a single research programme ; the aim was to unify mechanics and electrodynamics. It was this broader program – which eventually split into relativistic physics and quantummmechanics – that superseded Lorentz’s theory. The argument of this (...)
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  8.  50
    Histories in quantum mechanics: distinguishing between formalism and interpretation.Marcelo Losada & Olimpia Lombardi - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):367-394.
    In spite of being a well articulated proposal, the theory of quantum histories, in its different versions, suffers from certain difficulties that have been pointed out in the literature. Nevertheless, two facets of the proposal have not been sufficiently stressed. On the one hand, it is a non-collapse formalism that should be technically appropriate to supply descriptions based on quantum properties at different times. On the other hand, it intends to provide an interpretation of quantum mechanics that solves the (...)
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  9. The Manipulated History of Manipulations of Spines and Joints? Rethinking Orthopaedic Medicine Through the 19th Century Discourse of European Mechanical Medicine.Anders Ottosson - 2011 - Medicine Studies 3 (2):83-116.
    More than one single professional group deals with therapeutic manipulations of the spine and the joints. Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Naprapaths, Physical Therapists (and a contingent Physicians) all share this interest. Each profession is also very clear about where its bulk of knowledge stems from. The disciplines that are reckoned as the oldest are from the USA. A number of “inventors” are to be found, all without a formal university degree in Medicine. Andrew Taylor Still (1828–1917) came up with his system of (...)
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  10.  19
    Feedback Mechanisms in the Historical Collections of the National Museum of History and Technology. Otto Mayr.Carroll Pursell - 1972 - Isis 63 (3):433-433.
  11.  53
    Evolution of neuroendocrine mechanisms linking attachment and life history: The social neuroendocrinology of middle childhood.Mark V. Flinn, Michael P. Muehlenbein & Davide Ponzi - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):27-28.
    An extended period of childhood and juvenility is a distinctive aspect of human life history. This stage appears to be important for learning cultural, social, and ecological skills that help prepare the child for the adult socio-competitive environment. The unusual pattern of adrenarche in humans (and chimpanzees) may facilitate adaptive modification of the neurobiological mechanisms that underpin reproductive strategies. Longitudinal monitoring of DHEA/S in naturalistic context could provide important new insights into these aspects of child development.
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    Troubles with mechanisms: Problems of the 'mechanistic turn' in historical sociology and social history.Zenonas Norkus - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):160-200.
    This paper discusses the prospect of the "new social history" guided by the recent work of Charles Tilly on the methodology of social and historical explanation. Tilly advocates explanation by mechanisms as the alternative to the covering law explanation. Tilly's proposals are considered to be the attempt to reshape the practices of social and historical explanation following the example set by the explanatory practices of molecular biology, neurobiology, and other recent "success stories" in the life sciences. Recent work in the (...)
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  13.  40
    Mechanics and natural philosophy before the scientific revolution.Walter Roy Laird & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2008 - London: Springer.
    This volume deals with a variety of moments in the history of mechanics when conflicts arose within one textual tradition, between different traditions, or ...
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  14.  25
    History for ScientistsEssays in the History of Mechanics. C. Truesdell.Stephen G. Brush - 1970 - Isis 61 (1):115-118.
  15.  36
    The mechanical philosophy, mechanisms, and values: Marcus P. Adams, Zvi Biener, Uljana Feest and Jacqueline A. Sullivan : Eppur si muove: Doing history and philosophy of science with Peter Machamer: A collection of essays in honor of Peter Machamer. The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science 81. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, 2017, xiv+208pp, €112.49 HB, €74.96 eBook.Lindley Darden - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):55-58.
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  16.  79
    History, Causation, and the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Bruce S. Bennett & Moletlanyi Tshipa - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of History:1-22.
    The Many-Worlds Interpretation is a theory in physics which proposes that, rather than quantum-level events being resolved randomly as according to the Copenhagen Interpretation, the universe constantly divides into different versions or worlds. All physically possible worlds occur, though some outcomes are more likely than others, and therefore all possible histories exist. This paper explores some implications of this for history, especially concerning causation. Unlike counterfactuals, which concern different starting conditions, MWI concerns different outcomes of the same starting conditions. It (...)
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  17.  16
    A History of Mechanical InventionsAbbott Payson Usher.Lynn White Jr - 1955 - Isis 46 (3):290-293.
  18. The quantum mechanics and conceptuality: matter, histories, semantics, and space-time.Diederik Aerts - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (1):75-99.
    Elaboramos aquí una nueva interpretación propuesta recientemente de la teoría cuántica, según la cual las partículas cuánticas son consideradas como entidades conceptuales que median entre los pedazos de materia ordinaria los cuales son considerados como estructuras de memoria para ellos. Nuestro objetivo es identificar qué es lo equivalente para el ámbito cognitivo humano de lo que el espacio-tiempo físico es para el ámbito de las partículas cuánticas y de la materia ordinaria. Para ello, se identifica la noción de "historia" como (...)
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  19.  28
    History of Natural History Timothy Lenoir, The strategy of life: teleology and mechanics in nineteenth century German biology. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1982. Pp. xii + 314. ISBN 90-277-1363-4. DFL 135.00, $59.00. [REVIEW]David Knight - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (3):318-319.
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  20.  43
    Socioecological pressures, proximal psychological mechanisms and moral normativity. Situating Tomasello’s Natural History of Human Morality.Neil Roughley - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (5):639-660.
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  21. Towards a Social History of Newtonian Mechanics. Boris Hessen and Henryk Grossmann Revisited in Scientific Knowledge Socialized.Gideon Freudenthal - 1988 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 108:193-212.
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  22.  17
    Nomograms in the History and Education of Machine Mechanics.Giovanni Mottola & Marco Cocconcelli - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):125-155.
    Computing formulae and solving equations are essential elements of scientific analysis. While today digital tools are almost always applied, analog computing is a rich part of the larger history of science and technology. Graphical methods are an integral element of computing history and still find some use today. This paper presents the history of nomograms, a historically-relevant tool for solving mathematical problems in various branches of science and engineering; in particular, we consider their role in mechanical engineering, especially for education, (...)
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  23.  39
    History of Technology Mechanical Universe. The Astrarium of Giovanni de' Dondi. By Silvio A. Bedini and Francis R. Maddison. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series, vol. lvi, part 5—October 1966; Pp. 69, 53 figs. $2.50. [REVIEW]A. G. Keller - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (2):176-178.
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  24.  32
    In search of mechanisms: discoveries across the life sciences.Carl F. Craver - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Lindley Darden.
    With In Search of Mechanisms, Carl F. Craver and Lindley Darden offer both a descriptive and an instructional account of how biologists discover mechanisms. Drawing on examples from across the life sciences and through the centuries, Craver and Darden compile an impressive toolbox of strategies that biologists have used and will use again to reveal the mechanisms that produce, underlie, or maintain the phenomena characteristic of living things. They discuss the questions that figure in the search for mechanisms, characterizing the (...)
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  25.  27
    Quantum Mechanics Based on an Extended Least Action Principle and Information Metrics of Vacuum Fluctuations.Jianhao M. Yang - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-31.
    We show that the formulations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics can be derived from an extended least action principle. The principle can be considered as an extension of the least action principle from classical mechanics by factoring in two assumptions. First, the Planck constant defines the minimal amount of action a physical system needs to exhibit during its dynamics in order to be observable. Second, there is constant vacuum fluctuation along a classical trajectory. A novel method is introduced to (...)
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  26. The consistent histories interpretation of quantum mechanics.Edward MacKinnon - unknown
    The consistent histories reformulation of quantum mechanics was developed by Robert Griffiths, given a formal logical systematization by Roland Omn\`{e}s, and under the label `decoherent histories', was independently developed by Murray Gell-Mann and James Hartle and extended to quantum cosmology. Criticisms of CH involve issues of meaning, truth, objectivity, and coherence, a mixture of philosophy and physics. We will briefly consider the original formulation of CH and some basic objections. The reply to these objections, like the objections themselves, involves (...)
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  27.  72
    Quantum Mechanics and Cognitive Science: The Probe and Probed.R. B. Varanasi Varanasi Varanasi Ramabrahmam, Ramabrahmam Varanasi, V. Ramabrahmam - 2018 - Cosmos and History, The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 14 (No. 1):123-141..
    Quantum mechanics is currently being tried to be used as a probe to unravel the mysteries of consciousness. Present paper deals with this probe, quantum mechanics and its usefulness in getting an insight of working of human consciousness. The formation of quantum mechanics based on certain axioms, its development to study the dynamical behavior and motions of fundamental particles and quantum energy particles moving with the velocity of light, its insistence on wave functions, its probability approach, its (...)
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  28. Epistemological aspects of history of classical mechanics.L. Kvasz - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (10):679-702.
    The aim of the paper is to examine the changes, which occurred in the epistemological structure of classical mechanics during its development from Newton to Poincaré. The analysis is based on the reconstruction of the language form. Attention is paid to such aspects of the language of classical mechanics as the notion of pace or the description of action . Even though these notions do not have direct denotation, they, nevertheless, constitute the general framework, on which the relation (...)
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  29.  34
    A History of Mechanical InventionsAbbott Payson Usher.Robert Merton - 1935 - Isis 24 (1):177-180.
  30. Ephemeral Mechanisms and Historical Explanation.Stuart Glennan - 2010 - Erkenntnis 72 (2):251-266.
    While much of the recent literature on mechanisms has emphasized the superiority of mechanisms and mechanistic explanation over laws and nomological explanation, paradigmatic mechanisms—e.g., clocks or synapses—actually exhibit a great deal of stability in their behavior. And while mechanisms of this kind are certainly of great importance, there are many events that do not occur as a consequence of the operation of stable mechanisms. Events of natural and human history are often the consequence of causal processes that are ephemeral and (...)
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  31.  25
    Consistent Histories and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Roland Omnès - 1995 - In M. Ferrero & Alwyn van der Merwe (eds.), Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics. Springer. pp. 215--224.
  32. On the Consistency of the Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (1):19-33.
    The Consistent Histories (CH) formalism aims at a quantum mechanical framework which could be applied even to the universe as a whole. CH stresses the importance of histories for quantum mechanics, as opposed to measurements, and maintains that a satisfactory formulation of quantum mechanics allows one to assign probabilities to alternative histories of a quantum system. It further proposes that each realm, that is, each set of histories to which probabilities can be assigned, provides a valid quantum-mechanical account, (...)
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  33. Oxford Handbook of the History of Interpretations and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Massimiliano Badino (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford, Regno Unito:
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  34.  19
    Philadelphia's Philosopher Mechanics: A History of the Franklin Institute, 1824-1865Bruce Sinclair.Winton Solberg - 1977 - Isis 68 (1):162-163.
  35.  82
    Branch Dependence in the “Consistent Histories” Approach to Quantum Mechanics.Thomas Müller - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (2):253-276.
    In the consistent histories formalism one specifies a family of histories as an exhaustive set of pairwise exclusive descriptions of the dynamics of a quantum system. We define branching families of histories, which strike a middle ground between the two available mathematically precise definitions of families of histories, viz., product families and Isham’s history projector operator formalism. The former are too narrow for applications, and the latter’s generality comes at a certain cost, barring an intuitive reading of the “histories”. Branching (...)
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  36.  6
    Convergence to Bohmian Mechanics in a de Broglie-Like Pilot-Wave System.David Darrow - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-20.
    Bohmian mechanics supplements the quantum wavefunction with deterministic particle trajectories, offering an alternate, dynamical language for quantum theory. However, the Bohmian wavefunction evolves independently of these trajectories, and is thus unaffected by the observable properties of the system. While this property is widely assumed necessary to ensure agreement with quantum mechanics, much work has recently been dedicated to understanding classical pilot-wave systems, which feature a two-way coupling between particle and wave. These systems—including the “walking droplet” system of Couder (...)
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  37.  85
    Quantum Mechanics: Ontology Without Individuals.Newton da Costa & Olimpia Lombardi - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (12):1246-1257.
    The purpose of the present paper is to consider the traditional interpretive problems of quantum mechanics from the viewpoint of a modal ontology of properties. In particular, we will try to delineate a quantum ontology that (i) is modal, because describes the structure of the realm of possibility, and (ii) lacks the ontological category of individual. The final goal is to supply an adequate account of quantum non-individuality on the basis of this ontology.
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  38. Quantum mechanics and the concept of joint probability.Michael J. W. Hall - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (2):189-207.
    The concepts of joint probability as implied by the Copenhagen and realist interpretations of quantum mechanics are examined in relation to (a) the rules for manipulation of probabilistic quantities, and (b) the role of the Bell inequalities in assessing the completeness of standard quantum theory. Proponents of completeness of the Copenhagen interpretation are required to accept a modification of the classical laws of probability to provide a mechanism for complementarity. A new formulation of the locality postulate is given, not (...)
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  39.  59
    Essays in the history of mechanics.E. J. Aiton - 1970 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 1 (3):265-273.
  40. Broadening the scope of our understanding of mechanisms: lessons from the history of the morning-after pill.Christopher ChoGlueck - 2021 - Synthese 198 (3):2223-2252.
    Philosophers of science and medicine now aspire to provide useful, socially relevant accounts of mechanism. Existing accounts have forged the path by attending to mechanisms in historical context, scientific practice, the special sciences, and policy. Yet, their primary focus has been on more proximate issues related to therapeutic effectiveness. To take the next step toward social relevance, we must investigate the challenges facing researchers, clinicians, and policy makers involving values and social context. Accordingly, we learn valuable lessons about the connections (...)
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  41.  20
    Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms: 8th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (HMM2024).Marco Ceccarelli & Irem Aslan Seyhan (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book gathers the latest advances in the field of history of science and technology, as presented by leading international researchers at the 8th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (HMM), held in Ankara, Turkey on April 18-20, 2024. The Symposium, which was promoted by the permanent commission for the History of Machine and Mechanism Science (MMS) of IFToMM, provided an international forum to present and discuss historical developments in the field of MMS. The contents cover all aspects (...)
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  42. Cartesian Mechanics.Sophie Roux - 2004 - In Palmerino and Thijssen (ed.), The Reception of the Galilean Science of Motion in Europe. pp. 25-66.
    In the history of the scientific revolution, Descartes is often considered as the mechanical philosopher par excellence, and opposed as such to the founder of mechanical science, that is to say, Galileo: this cliché is not without foundation, but it must not make us forget that Descartes was himself a practitioner of mechanical science. In the article "Cartesian Mechanics" I detail the meaning and reach of "mechanics" in the Cartesian corpus, and do so in three steps. 1. I (...)
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  43.  58
    Relational Quantum Mechanics is About Facts, Not States: A Reply to Pienaar and Brukner.Andrea Di Biagio & Carlo Rovelli - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-21.
    In recent works, Časlav Brukner and Jacques Pienaar have raised interesting objections to the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. We answer these objections in detail and show that, far from questioning the viability of the interpretation, they sharpen and clarify it.
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  44.  22
    Mechanisms of macromolecular reactions.Ross L. Stein - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-28.
    During the past two decades, philosophers of biology have increasingly turned their attention to mechanisms of biological phenomena. Through analyses of mechanistic proposals advanced by biologists, the goal of these philosophers is to understand what a mechanism is and how mechanisms explain. These analyses have generally focused on mechanistic proposals for phenomenon that occur at the cellular or sub-cellular level, such as synapse firing, protein synthesis, or metabolic pathway operation. Little is said about the mechanisms of the macromolecular reactions that (...)
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  45.  4
    Quantum mechanics.Kate Shoup - 2019 - New York, NY: Cavendish Square Publishing.
    A book for high school students about the history and key scientists related to the discipline of quantum mechanics.
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  46.  20
    Three-Space from Quantum Mechanics.László B. Szabados - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-34.
    The spin geometry theorem of Penrose is extended from SU to E invariant elementary quantum mechanical systems. Using the natural decomposition of the total angular momentum into its spin and orbital parts, the distance between the centre-of-mass lines of the elementary subsystems of a classical composite system can be recovered from their relative orbital angular momenta by E-invariant classical observables. Motivated by this observation, an expression for the ‘empirical distance’ between the elementary subsystems of a composite quantum mechanical system, given (...)
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  47.  30
    Developmental mechanisms.Alan Love - 2017 - In Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Mechanisms. Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems, and debates in this exciting subject and is the first collection of its kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of international contributors, the Handbook is divided into four Parts: Historical perspectives on mechanisms The nature of mechanisms Mechanisms and the philosophy of science Disciplinary perspectives on mechanisms. Within these Parts central topics and problems are examined, including the rise of mechanical (...)
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  48.  73
    Arabic mechanical engineering: Survey of the historical sources: Donald hill.Donald Hill - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (2):167-186.
    The first and more important section of this article lists all the known treatises in Arabic on Fine Technology – water-clocks, automata, pumps, trick vessels, fountains, etc. The ideas, techniques and components in these treatises are of great importance in the history of machine technology. For each treatise information is given on the provenance of MSS, editions in Arabic and translations, paraphrases or commentaries in modern European languages. In addition to treatises by Arabic writers, similar information is also given on (...)
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  49. Modeling mechanisms.Stuart Glennan - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (2):443-464.
    Philosophers of science increasingly believe that much of science is concerned with understanding the mechanisms responsible for the production of natural phenomena. An adequate understanding of scientific research requires an account of how scientists develop and test models of mechanisms. This paper offers a general account of the nature of mechanical models, discussing the representational relationship that holds between mechanisms and their models as well as the techniques that can be used to test and refine such models. The analysis is (...)
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  50.  46
    Mechanical Explanation in the “Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment”.Peter McLaughlin - 2014 - In Eric Watkins & Ina Goy (eds.), Kant's Theory of Biology. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 149-166.
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