Results for 'Mercè Prats'

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  1. Marguerite Teillard-Chambon et le "combat teihardien".Mercè Prats - 2020 - In Marie-Josèphe Conchon, Le féminin, avenir du monde: deux vies en conversation: Marguerite Teillard-Chambon et son cousin Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger éditions.
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    Une parole attendue: la circulation des polycopiés de Teilhard de Chardin.Mercè Prats - 2022 - Paris: Salvator. Edited by Étienne Fouilloux.
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  3. Le Rayonnement posthume de Teilhard, Publication de Genèse d'une Pensée, Lettres 1914-1919.Mercè Prats - 2018 - In Guillermo Agudelo, La guerre en face, voir au-delà: de la Grande Guerre aux turbulences actuelles de la mondialisation. [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Les Acteurs du Savoir.
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    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: biographie.Mercè Prats - 2023 - Paris: Salvator.
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    Exemplar similarity and rule application.Ulrike Hahn, Mercè Prat-Sala, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Duncan P. Brumby - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):1-18.
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    Le Père Congar au Saint-Office (1939-1955).Étienne Fouilloux & Mercè Prats - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 105 (4):705-732.
    Désormais accessible du fait de l’ouverture des archives vaticanes pour le pontificat de Pie XII, le dossier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office sur le Père Congar fait toute la lumière sur les trois passages du théologien devant elle. Le premier, en janvier 1939, concerne Chrétiens désunis qui s’en tire avec un avertissement bénin, mais suffisant pour que la seconde version du livre ne soit jamais publiée. Le second, en 1951-1952, concerne Vraie et fausse réforme dans l’Église qui est interdit de (...)
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    Contingent necessity versus logical necessity in categorisation.Emmanuel M. Pothos, Ulrike Hahn & Mercè Prat-Sala - 2010 - Thinking and Reasoning 16 (1):45 – 65.
    Critical (necessary or sufficient) features in categorisation have a long history, but the empirical evidence makes their existence questionable. Nevertheless, there are some cases that suggest critical feature effects. The purpose of the present work is to offer some insight into why classification decisions might misleadingly appear as if they involve critical features. Utilising Tversky's (1977) contrast model of similarity, we suggest that when an object has a sparser representation, changing any of its features is more likely to lead to (...)
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    The evolution of mutually exclusive alternatives.Yosef Prat & Ehud Lamm - manuscript
    Decision making is a fundamental aspect of cognition that lies at the heart of theories about behaviour, learning, and mental processing. It spans multiple levels of complexity, from high-level planning to low-level movement control and perceptual recognition. Tracking the evolutionary trajectory of this elementary cognitive process can illuminate the foundations of behaviour and brain functions. This paper highlights a previously understudied defining feature of decision mechanisms: the ways in which mutual exclusion between alternatives is achieved. We argue that any decision (...)
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    Assumptions and moral understanding of the wish to hasten death: a philosophical review of qualitative studies.Andrea Rodríguez-Prat & Evert van Leeuwen - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):63-75.
    It is not uncommon for patients with advanced disease to express a wish to hasten death. Qualitative studies of the WTHD have found that such a wish may have different meanings, none of which can be understood outside of the patient’s personal and sociocultural background, or which necessarily imply taking concrete steps to ending one’s life. The starting point for the present study was a previous systematic review of qualitative studies of the WTHD in advanced patients. Here we analyse in (...)
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    A Philosophical View on the Experience of Dignity and Autonomy through the Phenomenology of Illness.Andrea Rodríguez-Prat & Xavier Escribano - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (3):279-298.
    In the context of the end of life, many authors point out how the experience of identity is crucial for the well-being of patients with advanced disease. They define this identity in terms of autonomy, control, or dependence, associating these concepts with the sense of personal dignity. From the perspective of the phenomenology of embodiment, Kay Toombs and other authors have investigated the ways disease can impact on the subjective world of patients and have stressed that a consideration of this (...)
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    Movimiento, operación, acción y producción. Explicitación poliana de la teoría aristotélica de la acción.Miquel Bastons Prat - 2004 - Studia Poliana:121-139.
    En este artículo se parte de la distinción aristotélica de cuatro formas fundamentales de acción: enérgeia-kínesis (de la Metafísica) y praxis—poiesis (de la Ética) y de las aportaciones de L. Polo en sus obras de Teoría del Conocimiento y de Ética, especialmente, de sus conceptos de operación inmanente y movimiento transitivo, para establecer una tipología con las cuatro formas fundamentales de un dinamismo: proceso (kinesis), operación (enérgeia), acción (praxis) y producción (poiesis).
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    Introduction au colloque « Avancées biomédicales et protection des libertés ».Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2011 - Médecine et Droit 2011 (106):3-4.
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    La comunidad imposible: atisbos sartreanos.Mercè Rius - 2016 - Isegoría 54:101-117.
    En este artículo se aborda la ontología sartreana a modo de precedente de la actual filosofía política que constata la imposibilidad del ser-en-común. Para ambas son Hegel y Heidegger los referentes de que distanciarse. Solo que los pensadores de la imposible comunidad no se abstienen de especular sobre la muerte, aunque nieguen su sentido. En cambio, para Sartre es esencial la incompatibilidad entre la muerte y la libertad del existir, así como la defensa del realismo. Se sigue aquí la pista (...)
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  14. De "La ciudad de las damas" al "Agravio de las damas".Mercè Otero Vidal - 1992 - In Fina Birulés & Celia Amorós, Filosofía y género: identidades femeninas. Pamplona: Pamiela.
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    Feeling like a burden to others and the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced illness: A systematic review.Andrea Rodríguez‐Prat, Albert Balaguer, Iris Crespo & Cristina Monforte‐Royo - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (4):411-420.
    Studies that have explored the wish to hasten death (WTHD) in patients with advanced illness have found that the feeling of being a burden may trigger WTHD. Research suggests that both the feeling and the wish are indicators of multidimensional suffering whose meaning may depend on the patient's biographical background. Therefore, we carried out a systematic review and meta‐ethnography. Fourteen qualitative studies, reported in 16 articles, met the inclusion criteria. The analysis identified two themes: the personal and social dimensions that (...)
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    La actitud metódica de Samuel Pufendorf y la configuración de la "disciplina juris naturalis.".Jaime Brufau Prats - 1968 - Madrid,: Instituto de Estudios Políticos.
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  17. Worldwide virtual network of practitioners working on science and society issues.Merce Aguera Cabo & Angela Guimaraes Pereira - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti, Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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  18. Volume12 No. 1 January 2003.Mercè Izquierdo - 2003 - Science & Education 12:803-806.
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  19. Turismo cultural responsable, una responsabilidad compartida.Ana Goytia Prat - 2008 - Critica 58 (952):62-68.
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    De filosofia.Mercè Rius & Xavier Rubert de Ventós - 1992 - Barcelona: Barcanova. Edited by Xavier Rubert de Ventós.
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  21. The hard problem of meta-learning is what-to-learn.Yosef Prat & Ehud Lamm - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e161.
    Binz et al. highlight the potential of meta-learning to greatly enhance the flexibility of AI algorithms, as well as to approximate human behavior more accurately than traditional learning methods. We wish to emphasize a basic problem that lies underneath these two objectives, and in turn suggest another perspective of the required notion of “meta” in meta-learning: knowing what to learn.
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    Empresa y su responsabilidad social para un desarrollo económico sostenible.Germán Martínez Prats - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (3):1-7.
    La empresa es una organización donde se desarrolla una actividad económica de producción o de servicio, para satisfacer las necesidades de la sociedad. Representando una parte importante para el desarrollo económico, gracias a al impacto que causa atrayendo nuevas empresas y consumidores para sustentar sus operaciones, para obtener un crecimiento sostenible conforme a su actividad económica realizada. El objetivo de este documento es describir la importancia que las empresas tienen en su aplicación de la responsabilidad social entre los actores de (...)
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    Ética de la responsabilidad y racionalidad de la praxis. Schopenhauer en perspectiva.Belisario Prats-Palma, José Vicente Villalobos-Antúnez, Pedro Severino-González & Flavia Sepúlveda De la Jara - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (5):1-11.
    Se aborda el concepto de ética de la responsabilidad desde una doble perspectiva: desde la racionalidad de la praxis que despliega el sujeto visto como individuo, pero también desde la idea de la solidaridad necesaria para conformar una trama filosófica que aborde la ética empresarial en un sentido abarcador. Bajo el concepto de filosofía de la praxis, se interpreta el concepto de conciencia moral para luego abordar el concepto de responsabilidad social como praxis necesarias de la acción. Se concluye desde (...)
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    Hommage à Jean Michaud.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (131):29.
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    Tests génétiques et emploi. propositions à l'occasion de la révision des lois de bioéthique.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (42):26-31.
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  26. Memoria.Mercè Ibarz - 2020 - In À. Lorena Fuster, Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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    Celebrificación del candidato. Cultura de la fama, marketing electoral y construcción de la imagen pública del político.Mercè Oliva, Óliver Pérez-Latorre & Reinald Besalú - 2015 - Arbor 191 (775):a270.
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    (1 other version)Controversies about reductionism in soviet philosophy of science.Naftali Prat - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (1):1-25.
  29. (1 other version)Particularity and Reflexivity in the Intentional Content of Perception.Olga Fernández Prat - 2006 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 21 (2):133-145.
    A significant part of perception, especially in visual perception, is characterized by particularity (roughly, the view that in such cases the perceiver is aware of particular objects in the environment). The intuition of particularity, however, can be made precise in at least two ways. One way (proposed by Searle) is consistent with the view that the content of perception is to be thought of as existentially quantified. Another way (the “demonstrative element” view championed by Evans, Campbell and others in diverse (...)
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    La actividad política de las mujeres republicanas en México (1940-1960).Pilar Domínguez Prats - 2009 - Arbor 185 (735):75-85.
    Durante el exilio en México, una parte significativa de la minoría femenina activa en política en el período republicano se dedicó a la reconstrucción de una de las organizaciones de mujeres que habían funcionado en España durante la guerra, la “Agrupación de Mujeres Antifascistas”. Así se creó en los años cuarenta la Unión de Mujeres Españolas, dedicada en especial a la solidaridad material con las mujeres y los hombres presos dentro de las cárceles franquistas. Su actividad política desarrollada a partir (...)
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    « Accès aux origines, anonymat et secret de la filiation ». Commentaire de l'avis no 90 du CCNE du 26 janvier 2006.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (78):88-90.
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    La réflexion du Comité consultatif national d’éthique sur la procréation médicalement assistée.Hélène Gaumont-Prat - 2014 - Médecine et Droit 2014 (125):29-33.
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    L’Église et la cité comme formes architecturées de communautisation dans l’Occident latin (500-1500).Dominique Iogna-Prat - 2019 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 56:75-83.
    Victor Hugo a soutenu : « Dieu, cela n’est pas tant que ce n’est pas en pierre / Il faut une maison pour mettre la prière. » L’histoire de l’incarnation christique suffit-elle à expliquer la place de la pierre dans l’imaginaire des sociétés culturellement issues du christianisme? En quoi l’Église – la communauté et l’institution nées de l’enseignement du Christ – poursuit-elle ce projet d’inscription de la chair dans la pierre? Dans quelle mesure la parole de Jésus à l’un de (...)
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  34. Educação integral e os espaços educativos: um diálogo necessário // Integral education and educational spaces: a necessary dialogue.Mercês Pietsch Cunha Mendonça, Iolene Mesquita Lobato & Cleonice Borges Ribeiro Faria - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):42-52.
    1024x768 Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE O presente estudo tem como objetivo discutir sobre o diálogo necessário entre comunidade e escola para o projeto da Educação Integral. Parte-se inicialmente da noção da jornada ampliada e a proposta da formação do sujeito, nas suas dimensões afetivas, social, política e cultural. Formação esta que transcende a sala de aula e ocupa o território, os saberes comunitários e as diversas instâncias sociais. E nas entrelinhas reflete-se de fato que ambas, (...)
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  35. Roman Isis and the pendulum of tolerance in the empire.D. Jasmine Merced - 2008 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 9.
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    The Welfare Effects of Tobacco Taxation: Estimates for 5 Countries/regions.Jordi Prat, Gonglu Lu, Hyongwon Kim & Deepak Lal - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (1).
    This paper provides estimates of the economic welfare effects of tobacco taxation in India, S.Africa, S.Korea, Japan and the European Union. It argues that past studies of the cost-benefits of smoking are flawed as they fail to net out Paretoirrelevant pecuniary externalities. It estimates tobacco demand for both the myopic and rational addiction models and finds the latter invariably perform better. It finds that the net welfare losses associated with current tax levels an increase over current taxation of 10% and (...)
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    The Naturalization of Phenomenology.Olga Fernández Prat - 2007 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 38 (39):231.
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    Philosophy and cognitive science on spatial and temporal experience.Olga Fernández-Prat & Daniel Quesada - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9089-9108.
    The study of the contrast between fundamental aspects of spatial and temporal awareness offers a good opportunity to bring to light the relation between philosophical and scientific theories of consciousness. In this paper we critically examine important work by Rick Grush on spatial and temporal experience, and we show that while there is a valid claim for the relevant neuroscientific model to be one that supports Gareth Evans's stance on "behavioral space", there is not at present any scientific model that (...)
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    The Contribution of Philosophy of Mind to Empirical Theories in Cognitive Science.Olga Fernández-Prat - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 45:3-8.
    It has been argued that philosophical theories in the philosophy of mind necessarily require empirical theories in cognitive science or cognitive neuroscience to be validated. This is indeed an unexpected relation between philosophy and science, since it is widely assumed nowadays – quite apart from Quinean qualms – that philosophical claims are largely a priori just in that their justification proceeds along paths which are independent of empirical investigations. I will defend that the case of attention provides further confirmation of (...)
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    Constance et inconstance chez Montaigne.Sébastien Prat - 2011 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Alors que les discours de la constance se multiplient et dominent l'espace littéraire et philosophique de la fin de la Renaissance, les Essais insistent sur l'inconstance des hommes et de l'univers. Cette insistance à propos de l'inconstance ne vise pourtant pas à la condamner, mais à critiquer les idéaux de la philosophie et de la religion ainsi qu'à constituer l'arrière-plan de la réflexion éthique de Montaigne, orientée vers la variété, la souplesse et l'indirection.
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    L'art et la beauté.Louis Prat - 1903 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  42. Moral.Brufau Prats & Jaime[From Old Catalog] - 1967 - [Salamanca]: Universidad de Salamanca.
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  43. Promoción humana del indio. Perspectivas universalistas de la Escuela de Salamanca.Jaime Brufau Prats - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 75:351-359.
  44. Jaume Mensa i Valls.Mercè Rius - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 42:7-8.
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    The Long Shadow of Kodak: Internationalizing Industrial R&D and Photographic Science.Joris Mercelis - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):695-719.
    Through a case study on the Eastman Kodak Company, this article uncovers a long and multifaceted history of research and development (R&D) internationalization that began in the late nineteenth century. I examine Kodak’s reasons for forming photographic research laboratories in Britain, France, Australia, and Panama and explore its mechanisms for obtaining and transmitting proprietary knowledge and for shaping the internationalization of photographic science. My analysis demonstrates that, whereas Kodak’s R&D presence in Europe and Australasia was an almost natural corollary of (...)
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    Imprecise probabilistic inference from sequential data.Arthur Prat-Carrabin & Michael Woodford - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (5):1161-1207.
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    El pensamiento político de Domingo de Soto y su concepción del poder.Jaime Brufau Prats - 1960 - [Salamanca]: Universidad de Salamanca.
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  48. Dreaming: Physiological Sources, Biological Functions, Psychological Implications.Matthew Merced - 2012 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 33 (3-4).
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    The scientist and the advertisement: Reklamegutachten in imperial Germany.Joris Mercelis - 2020 - History of Science 58 (4):507-532.
    In late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany, the integration of product-evaluating certificates and reports ( Gutachten) into advertisements triggered repeated condemnations of “advertisement- Gutachten” ( Reklamegutachten), and scientists and science administrators introduced various restrictions to prevent the appearance of such documents. At the same time, the provision of Gutachten to private individuals and firms seemed crucial to the success of many private and public laboratories. Some chemical and other professionals, moreover, argued that the authoring and use of Reklamegutachten could represent (...)
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    Doctor Honris Causa.Mercè Rius - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 9:109.
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