Results for 'Merethe Skårås'

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  1.  31
    The Ethnic/Local, the National and the Global: Global Citizenship Education in South Sudan.Merethe Skårås, Tami Carsillo & Anders Breidlid - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (2):219-239.
    This article explores local, national and global aspects of the new national curriculum in South Sudan as reflected in the lived experiences of secondary school teachers. We draw on analyses of the curriculum, semi-structured interviews with 21 secondary school teachers, and classroom observations. We emphasize the need for critical global citizenship education addressing inequity and oppression at national and global levels. We argue that the curriculum rhetoric fostering global citizens is strongly disconnected from the lived experiences of the teachers, where (...)
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    Arthasaṁgrahaḥ of Laugākṣi Bhāskara: text with English translation and notes = Laugākshibhāskaraviracitam Arthasaṅgrahaḥ.Laugākṣi Bhāskara - 2017 - Delhi, India: Bhartiya Kala Prakashan. Edited by A. B. Gajendragadkar, R. D. Karmarkar, Nr̥siṃhacaraṇa Paṇḍā & Laugākṣi Bhāskara.
    Compendium of the Mimamsa school in Indic philosophy.
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    The Arthasaṁgraha of Laugākṣī Bhāskara.Laugākṣī Bhāskara - 1984 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by A. B. Gajendragadkar & R. D. Karmarkar.
    Compendium of the Mimamsa school in Indic philosophy.
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    Arthasamgraha of Shri Laugākṣhi Bhāskara: with the Kaumudî of Shri Rāmeśhvara Bhikṣhu.Laugākṣi Bhāskara - 1931 - Delhi: Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan. Edited by S. S. Suthankar & Rāmeśvara.
    Compendium of the basic tenets of the Mīmāṃsā philosophy.
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    The mind is a brittle object.Merethe Flatseth & Ole Jacob Madsen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (1):111-127.
    This article takes a historical look at abortion in Norway, especially the parliamentary debates and the legislation on selective abortion. By using metaphor theory and discourse analysis we disclose that mental health issues came into practice as a legitimate cause for selective abortion for women in Norway from the 1960s and recur in more recent debates about important amendments in 1996 and 2003. In order to abort, women must simultaneously adopt a psychological means of self-representation. The history of the discourse (...)
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    Corrigendum: Patients with schizophrenia fail to up-regulate task-positive and down-regulate task-negative brain networks: an fMRI study using an ICA analysis approach.Merethe Nygård, Tom Eichele, Else-Marie Løberg, Hugo A. Jørgensen, Erik Johnsen, Rune A. Kroken, Jan Ø Berle & Kenneth Hugdahl - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Leibnizova kontingencia nie je náhoda ani nahodilost.Martin Škára - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (4):599-618.
  8. Tarkakaumudī.Laugākṣi Bhāskara - 1982 - Vārāṇasī, Bhārata: Caukhambā Amarabhāratī Prakāśana. Edited by Krishna Nath Chatterjee.
    On Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika schools in Hindu philosophy.
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  9. (3 other versions)Arthasaṅgrahaḥ.Laugākṣi Bhāskara - 1942 - Mumbayyāṃ: Nirṇayasāgaramudraṇayantrālaya. Edited by Narayan Ram Acharya & Rāmeśvara.
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  10. Brahmasūtrabhāṣyaṃ =. Bhāskara - 1915 - Benares: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Book-Depot. Edited by Vindhyeśvarīprasāda Dvivedi.
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  11. Artha-saṅgrahaḥ: Śrīmatparamahaṃsa-Rāmeśvaraśivayogibhikṣu-viracita-Mīmāṃsārthasaṅgrahakaumudī-Saṃskr̥t a-vyākhyayā tathaiva ca Prakāśikā-Hindīvyākhyayopetaḥ.Laugākṣī Bhāskara - 1979 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Surabhāratī Prakāśana. Edited by Rāmeśvara & Kāmesvaranātha Miśra.
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  12. Brahmasūtrabhāṣyam. Bhāskarācārya - 1991 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Saṃskr̥ta Sīrīja Āphisa. Edited by Vindhyeśvarīprasāda Dvivedī & Bādarāyaṇa.
    Commentary on the Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, aphoristic work of the Vedanta school in Hindu philosophy.
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  13.  53
    Prevention of Unethical Actions in Nursing Homes.Eva Merethe Solum, Åshild Slettebø & Solveig Hauge - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):536-548.
    Ethical problems regularly arise during daily care in nursing homes. These include violation of patients' right to autonomy and to be treated with respect. The aim of this study was to investigate how caregivers emphasize daily dialogue and mutual reflection to reach moral alternatives in daily care. The data were collected by participant observation and interviews with seven caregivers in a Norwegian nursing home. A number of ethical problems linked to 10 patients were disclosed. Moral problems were revealed as the (...)
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  14.  27
    Ethical problems in practice as experienced by Malawian student nurses.Eva Merethe Solum, Veronica Mary Maluwa & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):128-138.
    Student nurses are confronted by many ethical challenges in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to explore Malawian students’ experiences of ethical problems during their clinical placement. A phenomenological hermeneutic design comprising interviews and qualitative content analysis was used. Ten students were interviewed. Three main themes emerged: 1) Conflict between patient rights and the guardians’ presence in the hospital; 2) Conflict between violation of professional values and patient rights caused by unethical behaviour; and 3) Conflict between moral awareness (...)
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  15.  24
    Enhancing students’ moral competence in practice.Eva Merethe Solum, Veronica Mary Maluwa, Bodil Tveit & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):685-697.
    Background: Nurses and student nurses in Malawi often encounter challenges in taking a moral course of action. Several studies have demonstrated a need for increased awareness of ethical issues in the nursing education. Objective: To explore the challenges experienced by nurse teachers in Malawi in their efforts to enhance students’ moral competence in clinical practice. Research design: A qualitative hermeneutic approach was employed to interpret the teachers’ experiences. Participants and research context: Individual interviews (N = 8) and a focus group (...)
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  16. Yajurveda meṃ naitika siddhānta.Rāmapāla Vidyābhāskara - 2009 - Jayapura: Alaṅkāra Prakāśana.
    Study of fundamentals of ethics in Yajurveda, Hindu canonical text.
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    The Priest, the Sex Worker, and the CEO: Measuring Motivation by Job Type.Jan Ketil Arnulf, Kim Nimon, Kai Rune Larsen, Christiane V. Hovland & Merethe Arnesen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Provoking thought: A predictive processing account of critical thinking and the effects of education.Christopher J. May, Ryan Wittingslow & Merethe Blandhol - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (14):2458-2468.
    In this paper, we propose that an increasingly regarded theoretical framework in neuroscience—the predictive processing framework—can help to advance an understanding of the foundations of critical thinking as well as provide a mechanistic hypothesis for how education may increase a learner’s subsequent use of critical thinking outside of an educational context. We begin by identifying a lacuna in the understanding of critical thinking: a causal account of the internal triggers to think critically. We then introduce the predictive processing framework to (...)
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    Bhāskarācārya: a study with special reference to his Brahmasūtrabhāṣya.A. B. Khanna & Båadaråayaòna - 1998 - Delhi: Amar Granth Publications. Edited by Bādarāyaṇa.
    On the life and philosophy of Bhāskarācārya, 8th cent., Vedanta philospher and commentator of Brahmasūtra.
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  20. Ajn̄ānatimira bhāskara: (khaṇḍa 1-2). Ātmānanda - 2021 - Dillī: Śrī Ātmavallabha Jainasmāraka Śikshaṇa Nidhi. Edited by Jitendra Śāha.
    Articles on Jainism doctrines and philosophy, refuting theories of other religions.
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  21. Triloka bhāskara.Āryika Jñānamatī - 1974
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  22.  44
    Gabriel, A. L., Skara House at the Mediaeval University of Paris. [REVIEW]A. Schenck - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):369-369.
  23. Śuddha-Śāṅkara-prakriyā-bhāskara: light on the Vedantic method according to Śaṅkara.Satchidanandendra Saraswati - 2001 - Holenarsipur: Adhyātma Prakāsha Kāryālaya.
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    The Relation between the Alaya Vijnana and Its Own “Bijas” in the Light of the Clarification of the Category of “Abhisam Skara”.王 静 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1078.
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    Aberg, Goran, ffogrr alimanna laroverket iJonkb'ping 1878-1968. Uppsala: Foreningen for svensk undervsiningshistoria, 1991. Ahlcn, Abraham. Mina ungdomsminnen jran Skara. Stockholm: P. Palmqvist, 1911. Alaimo, Kathleen." Childhood and Adolescence in Modern Euro. [REVIEW]James C. Albisetti, Ulla Johansson & Claes Annerstedt - 1997 - In Kate Rousmaniere, Kari Dehli & Ning De Coninck-Smith, Discipline, moral regulation, and schooling: a social history. New York: Garland. pp. 944--279.
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  26. Black Sun That Destroys Inner Darkness.Aleksandar Uskokov - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    There is a widespread belief in Hinduism that Vyāsa, the alleged editor of the Vedas and author of the Mahābhārata, is identical with Bādarāyaṇa, the author of the Brahma-sūtra. The identification of these two mythic characters, however, originated between 800–980 CE, after the likes of Śaṅkara, Padmapāda, and Bhāskara, but before Vācaspati Miśra, Prakāśātman, Sarvajñātman, and Yāmuna. The purpose of this paper is to understand how and why such identification took place. The argument developed here is that the Bādarāyaṇa-Vyāsa identity (...)
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  27. Gustaf Wingren som bibelteolog.Erik Aurelius (ed.) - 2021 - Skellefteå: Artos.
    Gustaf Wingren (1910-2000) var professor i systematisk teologi i Lund åren 1951-77 och är fortfarande en av Sveriges internationellt mest kända teologer. Han var inte bara en av världens främsta experter på kyrkofadern Irenaeus och reformatorn Martin Luther utan framför allt bibelteolog. Hans drivkraft var viljan att ge en bibliskt grundad och samtidigt verklighetsnära tolkning av den mänskliga tillvaron och klargöra hur evangeliet om Kristus talar rakt in i allas liv. Erik Aurelius bor i Lund, han har tidigare varit biskop (...)
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    A modern introduction to Mādhva philosophy.B. H. Kotabagi - 2012 - Manipal: Manipal University Press.
    The author has made this treatise on Madhva’s realistic school of Ved?nta philosophy convincing to the modern mind by employing western logical apparatus in substantiating Madhva’s ideas. Following the Indian classical tradition, the author has examined the validity of Advaitaved?nta, the Absolute Monism of ?a?kara and Bh?skara as P?rvapak?a, and logically proved its inconsistencies. He has then established the Dvaitasiddh?nta i.e., the Monotheistic Dualism of Madhva. He has successfully brought out the nuances of the realistic school of Indian philosophical thought (...)
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    Doctrines of Śāṁkarabhāṣya and Bhāskarabhāṣya on Brahmasūtras. Kumudini - 2001 - Delhi: Vidyanidhi Prakashan.
    Study of the commentaries of Śaṅkarācārya and Bhāskarācārya, 8th cent. on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyana, work on Vedanta philosophy.
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    Studien zur Frühgeschichte der Vedānta-Philosophie.Klaus Rüping - 1977 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
    T. 1. Philologische Untersuchungen zu den Brahmasūtra-Kommemtaren des Śaṅkara und des Bhāskara.
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