Results for 'Methodist Church'

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  1. Mission schools as seedbed for social transformation: Lessons drawn from the Methodist Church.Peter Masvotore - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):6.
    In Africa, and in Zimbabwe in particular, education has played a critical role in transforming society through missionaries who brought education as inseparable from Christianity. This article argues that mission school education was a pillar of transformation and that mission schools functioned as centres of integration facilitation where learners discovered how to contribute in the change of their biosphere. It further argues that Zimbabwean mission schools are still bearing fruit in various contexts as seedbeds of social transformation. For Zimbabwe, education (...)
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  2. The Early Methodist Peopie.Leslie F. Church - 1949
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  3. The Organization of the Methodist Church.Nolan B. Harmon - 1948
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    Rising against all odds: An analysis of the leadership experiences of three female clergy in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe.Martin Mujinga - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    The Methodist Church in Zimbabwe was established in 1891. In 1977, it was granted autonomy by the British Methodist Church. From 1891, top church leadership has been dominated by male clergy. This article explores three instances of a challenge to this trend. The first occurred in 1994 when there was a leadership crisis in one of the districts, and for the first time, a woman was appointed district chairperson. The second followed the election in August (...)
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    Street homelessness in South Africa: A perspective from the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.Noah K. Tenai & Gloria N. Mbewu - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-10.
    Homelessness and its various forms of manifestation are a complex phenomenon. Street homelessness, which is the subject of this study, continues to be a challenge for the South African people and government. Different research studies have been undertaken on street homelessness. Various frameworks have been used in an attempt to understand and respond to street homelessness. Churches continue as key role-players in responses to street homelessness. There is a need, however, for churches to continually evaluate the various approaches to street (...)
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    A case study of the Methodist Church in the light of Luke 18:1–8 to address the plight of women.Peter Masvotore - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):6.
    As much as Zimbabwe is considered one of the highly literate countries in the Global South, with well documented succession and inheritance laws, womenfolk continue to be stripped of their assets after the death of their husbands. This trend became even worse during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when movement was restricted, making it difficult to access the courts of law. Using a mixed methodological approach of a desk research and qualitative interviews conducted in the Methodist Church (...)
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    Revd Seth Mokitimi, the first black president of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa: A missiological assessment of his ministry.Fanie Mkhwanazi - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
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  8. Genuinely Ghanaian: A History of the Methodist Church Ghana, 1961–2000.Casely B. Essamuah - 2010
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    Towards liberationist engagement with ethnicity: A case study of the politics of ethnicity in a Methodist church.Elina Hankela - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
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    Methodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church’s Witness.Wonchul Shin - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):205-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Methodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church's Witness by Darryl W. StephensWonchul ShinMethodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church's Witness Darryl W. Stephens knoxville: university of tennessee press, 2016. 320 pp. $48.00Darryl W. Stephens's Methodist Morals presents a historical, theological, and ethical analysis of a particular form of social witness in the United Methodist Church (UMC): the Social Principles. Stephens (...)
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    The influence of Borden Parker Bowne upon theological thought in the Methodist Episcopal Church.William Henry Bernhardt - 1928 - [n. p.]:
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  12. The Methodist Diaconate: Profiling a Distinctive Order of Ministry.Lewis Burton - 2013 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (2):15-32.
    There are now two orders of ministry in the Methodist Church, the Order of Presbyters and the Order of Deacons. The latter developed out of the previously existing Deaconess Order but now enjoys the same status and privileges as the former. A study of the Order of Presbyters was completed in 2007, but it was thought that a similar study of the Order of Deacons would be of value in shedding light on the present task they are asked (...)
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    A United Methodist Approach to End-of-Life Decisions: Intentional Ambiguity or Ambiguous Intentions.J. R. Thobaben - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (3):222-248.
    The position of the United Methodist Church on end-of-life decisions is best described as intentional ambiguity or ambiguous intentions or both. The paper analyzes the official position of the denomination and then considers the actions of a U.M.C. bishop who served as a foreman for a trial of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. In an effort to find some common ground within an increasingly divided denomination, the work concludes with a consideration of the work of John Wesley and his approach (...)
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  14. Pastor and church.William K. Anderson (ed.) - 1943 - Nashville, New York [etc.]: The Methodist publishing house.
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  15. ‘A pool of Bethesda’: Manchester‘s First Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall.Angela Connelly - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):105-125.
    Methodist Central Halls were built in most British towns and cities. They were designed not to look like churches in order to appeal to the working classes. Entirely multi-functional, they provided room for concerts, plays, film shows and social work alongside ordinary worship. Some contained shops in order to pay for the future upkeep of the building. The prototype for this programme was provided in Manchester and opened on Oldham Street in 1886. This article offers a first analysis of (...)
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    The emergence of the Black Methodist Consultation and its possible prophetic voice in post-apartheid South Africa.Ndikho Mtshiselwa - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Racism is an issue which the activism of the Black Methodist Consultation was set to address during the South African apartheid rule, a view which black theologians and church historians generally accept. This observation brought to mind, in turn, the influence that the Black Consciousness philosophy and the black theology of liberation had on the establishment of the BMC. Recounting such an influence, this article provides a reflection on the formation of the BMC in 1975. In such a (...)
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    Speak Up for Just War or Pacifism: A Critique of the United Methodist Bishops' Pastoral Letter "in Defense of Creation".Paul Ramsey - 1988 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This searching critique of the United Methodist Bishops' pastoral letter on war and peace in a nuclear age, by America's foremost Christian ethicist, exposes theological flaws from which flow gaps in moral argument and strangely utopian politics. Never before has In Defense of Creation been more thoroughly analyzed. At the same time Paul Ramsey gives a full-length and detailed comparison of the Methodist document with The Challenge of Peace by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Issues of nuclear ethics, as (...)
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    The Rhetoric of Homosexual Practice.John J. Anderson - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):601-625.
    Many Protestant denominations have or recently had policies that prohibit “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from being ordained. By only prohibiting “practicing” homosexuals, proponents of these policies claim that they do not discriminate against homosexuals as a group since, technically, a homosexual can still be ordained as long as she is “non-practicing.” In other words, a condemnation of homosexual practice is not the same as a condemnation of homosexual persons. I argue that this is not the case; the rhetoric of homosexual practice (...)
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    Approaching the End: Eschatological Reflections on Church, Politics, and Life by Stanley Hauerwas, and: Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s Church by Stanley Hauerwas.Laura M. Hartman - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):215-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Approaching the End: Eschatological Reflections on Church, Politics, and Life by Stanley Hauerwas, and: Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s Church by Stanley HauerwasLaura M. HartmanApproaching the End: Eschatological Reflections on Church, Politics, and Life Stanley Hauerwas grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2013. 251 pp. $24.00Without Apology: Sermons for Christ’s Church Stanley Hauerwas new york: seabury books, 2013. 169 pp. $18.00Stanley Hauerwas is prolific. By my (...)
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    Communicating the garífuna culture in contemporary church music.Francisca Norales - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (1):74-88.
    The manner in which a person views the universe originates from her/his culture. If someone were asked of the predominant element found in every culture that has for centuries given people their perspective of the universe, certainly, the answer would be, Religion! The responsibility of generating and preserving the elements of one’s perspective of the universe has rested with religious institutions such as Methodist, Protestant, or Roman Catholic churches or spiritual leaders such as the Buddha. Whether the element is (...)
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    Journal and diaries.John Wesley - 1989 - Nashville: Abingdon Press. Edited by Richard P. Heitzenrater & W. Reginald Ward.
    1. 1735-1738 -- 2. 1738-1743 -- 3. 1743-1754 -- 4. 1755-1765 -- 5. 1765-1775 -- 6. 1776-1786 -- 7. 1787-91.
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    Bishop Paul Verryn’s pastoral response towards unaccompanied refugee minors.Sinenhlanhla S. Chisale - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):8.
    Bishop Paul Verryn is a South African Methodist Church liberation theologian known for his concern for human rights and human dignity. In this article, I acknowledge his response to children and youth migrants in practical theology, general mission studies and pastoral care. I conceptualise Bishop Verryn’s response towards Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URMs) and explore how he weaves pastoral care into the mission of the church. The study from which this article draws followed an exploratory design. Data were (...)
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    God the Creator; on the transcendence and presence of God.Robert C. Neville - 1968 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
    "A brilliant young scholar, Robert Neville, an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church teaching philosophy and theology at Fordham University, offers a new challenging theory of creation that defends religion in the Platonic-Augustinian tradition for the contemporary world. In preparing his argument, Neville orients his position with regard to contemporary alternatives--the existential philosophy of Paul Tillich, the neo-classical or process metaphysics of Charles Hartshorne, and the speculative Aristotelian philosophy of Paul Weiss. Neville approaches his theme, the problem (...)
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    You can't put god in a box: thoughtful spirituality in a rational age.Kelly Besecke - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Kelly Besecke offers an examination of reflexive spirituality, a spirituality that draws equally on religions traditions and traditions of reason in the pursuit of transcendent meaning. People who practice reflexive spirituality prefer metaphor to literalism, spiritual experience to doctrinal belief, religious pluralism to religious exclusivism or inclusivism, and ongoing inquiry to ''final answers.'' Reflexive spirituality is aligned with liberal theologies in a variety of religious traditions and among the spiritual-but-not-religious. You Can't Put God in a Box draws on original qualitative (...)
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    Thinking Africa through Soga’s black spirituals: A theological reflection.Sandiswa L. Kobe - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    This article offers a critical reflection of Lizal’isidinga laKho (hymn 116) and Wazidala iinto zonke (hymn 16) written by Tiyo Soga and recorded in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA) hymnal book. From the perspective of black theology of liberation (BTL), I historicise and contextualise hymn 116 and hymn 16 to debunk the argument that Tiyo Soga was alien to the lives, experiences of suffering and pain of his people. The article posits that hymn 116 and hymn (...)
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    Capabilities expansion for marginalised migrant youths in Johannesburg: The case of Albert Street School.Wadzanai F. Mkwananzi & Merridy Wilson-Strydom - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):10.
    In this article, we used the capability approach as normative grounding to analyse a particular faith-based intervention targeting ‘youth at the margins’ – in this instance, marginalised migrant youths from Zimbabwe living in Johannesburg, South Africa. We used Albert Street School (AS School), run by Johannesburg’s Central Methodist Church, as our case study to show how this faith-based organisation, through its focus on education, created not only spaces for marginalised youths to aspire towards a better life but also (...)
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    A Study on the Salvation Army.Bayram Polat & Yasin Öner - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):373-396.
    William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, initially preached in Methodist Churches, later left this position and formed a social and religious formation called the "Christian Mission". This movement was named "Salvation Army" in 1878. The Salvation Army, organized in many countries, has established nursing homes for elderly, women and children and continues to attract attention and increase its reputation both locally and internationally with aid organizations, rehabilitation of prisoners, natural disasters, fight against human trafficking and aid to (...)
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    Reflections on Academic Reflection.John D. Copenhaver Jr - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:41-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Academic ReflectionJohn D. Copenhaver Jr.Contemplative pedagogy deserves both the careful scrutiny and the sustained exploration that the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies is uniquely well suited to provide. As higher education comes under increased pressure for accountability, we need to be able to explain clearly both the pedagogical value and academic integrity of these elements in our curriculum. Academics seeking to incorporate contemplative practices into their teaching need (...)
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  29. Secularism: They just don't get it!Meg Wallace - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 115:19.
    Wallace, Meg Once again, Fiji church leaders have raised objections to the establishment of a secular state based on erroneous representations of what secularism means - this time in Fiji. In what seems to be the first salvo in an election campaign leading up to the 2014 elections there, senior Catholic and Protestant clerics have come out against provisions in the recently adopted Constitution that declares Fiji a secular state, in which religion is deemed 'personal'. It was reported in (...)
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  30. Dispassionate hospitality as a Christian value: A pastoral narrative.Mwansa Claude Kimpinde - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    This article is a reflective narrative on dispassionate hospitality as a Christian value, referencing Mount View Methodist Church (MVMC) and its community as a practical, pastoral example. It aims to challenge bias hospitality in the Christian community, by outlining the implications of an impartial hospitality through the scriptural presentation of hospitality, placed in parallel with the belated Christmas dinner at the MVMC. In light of these insights, I propose a new holistic approach to hospitality as a Christian value (...)
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    African women, religion and COVID-19: The bedrock of Sipiwe Chisvo’s periphery-centre leadership ascendance.Martin Mujinga - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    Although women are the centre of African society, not much scholarly attention has been given to these conduits of human development in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe. The stories of individual women have never formed part of Methodist historiography, ecclesiology, or theology. Methodist scholars exercised this pigeonholing even though women contribute to the life and mission of the church in a formidable way. Moreover, the ministers’ wives who are the leaders of the women’s movement that (...)
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    Disruption.Traci C. West - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (2):281-287.
    To examine the institutional ethics of the church there must be a focus on how the mutually reinforcing interplay of cultural and political values of white supremacy and heteropatriarchy are so effectively perpetuated by Christians through their church bodies. Analysis of this institutional process includes an illustration from the United Methodist Church 2019 quadrennial global assembly and a moment of LGBTQI protest against the Church’s enactment of the “traditional plan” banning equality across sexual orientations and (...)
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    From Environmental Stewardship To Environmental Holiness.Darryl W. Stephens - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (3):470-500.
    The descriptive moment in ethical reflection is helpfully informed by a careful consideration of what religious bodies have said about moral issues such as climate change. As a case study, this article identifies and interprets primary documents of The United Methodist Church (UMC) and its predecessor institutions, providing a detailed examination of the historical development of this denomination’s environmental witness statements. Methodism's long‐standing engagement with environmental ethics, out of which a concern for anthropogenic climate change incrementally emerged, includes (...)
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    The Legacy of Peggy Hiscock: European Women’s Contribution to the Growth of Christianity in Zambia.Jonathan Kangwa - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (3):316-333.
    The history of Christianity in Africa contains selected information reflecting patriarchal preoccupations. Historians have often downplayed the contributions of significant women, both European and indigenous African. The names of some significant women are given without details of their contribution to the growth of Christianity in Africa. This article considers the contributions of Peggy Hiscock to the growth of Christianity in Zambia. Hiscock was a White missionary who was sent to serve in Zambia by the Methodist Church in Britain. (...)
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    Confessing Christ: A Quest for Renewal in Contemporary Christianity.William J. Abraham - 1997 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 51 (2):117-129.
    As mainline Protestantism increasingly accommodates to contemporary cultural forms, the confessing movement of the United Methodist Church (and other traditions) has a key role to play, lifting high the rich canonical heritage of the church universal.
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    Panfletagem digital – espaço público, comunicação institucional e internet.José Aparecido de Oliveira - 2007 - Horizonte 5 (10):91-105.
    Resumo O presente artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa sobre os espaços de discussão criados, a partir da internet, entre os membros clérigos e leigos da Igreja Metodista, nos meses que antecederam o 18º Concílio Geral, realizado em 2006, conclave que resultou na saída da instituição dos organismos ecumênicos em que atua e que ajudou a fundar. O objetivo consistiu em avaliar as possibilidades e limitações da internet como emergente espaço público ampliado para as instituições. A análise teve como suporte (...)
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    Christian Morality.James Nelson & Julia Macneice - 1998
    In this text, the authors confront the many issues which can confuse, frighten or ensnare young people as they struggle to make their own decisions in a world where the hard edges of moral choice have become increasingly blurred. Issues such as drug abuse and abortion are explored in their secular context, while also being placed under the microscope of both Biblical and church teaching. The positions of the Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Prebyterian and Methodist churches (...)
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    Religion's power: what makes it work.Robert Wuthnow - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In 1903, a representative from the Salvation Army's headquarters in London traveled to Canada to explore the possibility of relocating Britain's poor overseas. Over the next three decades, a quarter of a million people were shipped to destinations in Canada, Australia, and Africa. More than a hundred thousand of those deported were children: abandoned, orphaned, and otherwise separated from their natural parents. Dozens of religious organizations took part in the effort: the Catholic Emigration Association, Church of England Society for (...)
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  39. ‘Here, by experiment’: Edgar Wood in Middleton.David Morris - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):127-160.
    Edgar Wood and Middleton are closely entwined. Until his fifties, Wood engaged in the life of his native town, while his architecture gradually enriched its heritage. The paper begins with Woods character and gives an insight into his wider modus operandi with regard to fellow practitioners. A stylistic appraisal of his surviving Middleton area buildings draws attention to his individual development of Arts and Crafts architecture, a pinnacle of which was Long Street Methodist Church and Schools. The impact (...)
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    The Works of Katherine Davis Chapman Tillman.Katherine Davis Chapman Tillman - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The poetry and journalistic essays of Katherine Tillman often appeared in publications sponsored by the American Methodist church. Collected together for the first time, her works speak to the struggles and triumphs of African-American women.
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    Christian Witness on Abortion: The Examples of Paul Ramsey and Stanley Hauerwas.John J. Fitzgerald - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):431-452.
    Paul Ramsey and Stanley Hauerwas are arguably the most prominent United Methodist thinkers to date to write extensively on abortion. This article takes up a ripe and illuminating task neglected by the ethicists themselves and the secondary literature: bringing their views on this issue into conversation. More specifically, this article discusses their considerations on the value of unborn human life, the “hard cases,” the church community’s role, and the place of legal reform. The article concludes by placing their (...)
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    The Boston Personalist Tradition in Philosophy, Social Ethics, and Theology. [REVIEW]Frederick Ferré - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (3):269-271.
    The many admirable, endearing—and frustrating—features of Boston Personalism are beautifully reflected in this book. It should be welcomed for several reasons. It is timely; indeed, it comes at a moment that may show an upsurge of interest in the Personalist tradition. It is handsome; Mercer University Press should be praised for producing a book that is a physical delight to hold and to read. It is solid; the editors should be congratulated for successfully turning a series of videotaped lectures into (...)
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    James Bond's world of values.Lycurgus Monroe Starkey - 1966 - Nashville,: Abingdon Press.
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    Mystics and poets.William Theophilus Davison - 1936 - Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions.
    The myths of Plato.--A great mystic: Plotinus.--Dante as a spiritual teacher.--Wordsworth: seer and patriot.--Browning's portraits of women.
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    Protestant Responses to Darwinism in Denmark, 1859–1914.Hans Henrik Hjermitslev - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):279-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Protestant Responses to Darwinism in Denmark, 1859–1914Hans Henrik HjermitslevFrom the 1870s onwards, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, published in On the Origin of Species (1859) and Descent of Man (1871), was an important topic among the followers of the influential Danish theologian N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783–1872). The Grundtvigians constituted a major faction within the Danish Evangelical-Lutheran Established Church, which included more than ninety percent of the population in the (...)
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    Conflict resolution and reconciliation within congregations.Derek L. Oppenshaw, Malan Nel & Liebie Louw - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (2):108-118.
    The foundational hypothesis to this study is that congregations which have a healthy perception and a greater understanding of conflict will develop more effective responses to conflict that will translate into more effective conflict resolution and reconciliation. The process and sustainability of the development of a missional church, the context of the study, is pregnant with potential conflict. Untamed conflict has the propensity to retard, jeopardise or even destroy the development of a missional church. When conflict arises, it (...)
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    Out on the fringe: Wales and the history of science.Iwan Rhys Morus - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Science 54 (1):87-97.
    Imagine a scene sometime in the 1750s in the depths of west Wales. This was wild country. Even a century later, George Borrow called it a ‘mountainous wilderness … a waste of russet-coloured hills, with here and there a black craggy summit’. Through this desolation rides the Reverend William Williams. As he rode, he read – and the book in his saddlebags on this occasion was William Derham'sAstro-Theology, first published some twenty years earlier. Williams was a leading figure in the (...)
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    Music in Christian Tradition: Example of Gospel Music, Blues and Jazz in American Christian Music.Şahin Kızılabdullah - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):307-326.
    Music is considered an indispensable feature for almost all religions. Christianity emerges as one of the most important religious traditions in which music is involved in rituals and social life. Among the Christian sects, there are different practices in terms of using music. American Christianity was the scene of religious awakening in the 18th and 19th centuries. One of the most important reflections of this process took place in the field of music. American Christianity has given particular importance to music (...)
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  49. Evolutionary Psychology.Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    There are systemic features of contemporary Christianity that create an almost invisible class of non-believing clergy, ensnared in their ministries by a web of obligations, constraints, comforts, and community. Exemplars from five Protestant denominations, Southern Baptist, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Methodist and Church of Christ, were found and confidentially interviewed at length about their lives, religious education and indoctrination, aspirations, problems and ways of coping. The in-depth, qualitative interviews formed the basis for profiles of all five, (...)
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    The Form of Life of Sanctity in Music Beyond Hagiography: The Case of John Coltrane and His “Ascension”.Gabriele Marino - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1407-1424.
    The paper investigates the cultural unit of “sanctity” in the light of the notion of “form of life”, in order to show how jazz master John Coltrane pursued sanctity as a regulative model with regards both to personhood and musicianship, so as to translate his existential quest into music. Firstly, the paper briefly summarizes: what we mean today by sanctity ; what are the relationships interweaving music and sanctity ; what we mean by form of life—a notion brought into philosophical (...)
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