Results for 'Methodological naturalism'

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  1. Methodological Naturalism, Intelligent Design, and Lessons from the History of Embryology.Christopher H. Pearson - 2010 - Philo 13 (1):67-79.
    Intelligent Design proponents consistently deny that science is rightfully governed by the norm of methodological naturalism—that independent of one’s actual metaphysical commitments regarding the natural/supernatural, a scientist, qua scientist, must behave as if the world is constituted by the natural, material world. This essay works to develop more fully a pragmatic justification for methodological naturalism, one that focuses on a number of key elements found in 17th and 18th century embryology.
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  2. Methodological Naturalism in Metaethics.Daniel Nolan - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett, The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 659-673.
    Methodological naturalism arises as a topic in metaethics in two ways. One is the issue of whether we should be methodological naturalists when doing our moral theorising, and another is whether we should take a naturalistic approach to metaethics itself. Interestingly, these can come apart, and some naturalist programs in metaethics justify a non-scientific approach to our moral theorising. This paper discusses the range of approaches that fall under the general umbrella of methodological naturalism, and (...)
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  3. Methodological Naturalism Under Attack.Michael Ruse - 2005 - South African Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):44-60.
    Methodological naturalism is the assumption or working hypothesis that understanding nature (the physical world including humans and their thoughts and actions) can be understood in terms of unguided laws. There is no need to Suppose interventions (miracles) from outside. It does not commit one to metaphysical naturalism, the belief that there is nothing other than nature as we can see and observe it (in other words, that atheism is the right theology for the sound thinker). Recently the (...)
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    Methodological naturalism and the truth seeking objection.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (3):335-355.
    Methodological naturalism, the exclusion of the supernatural from the natural sciences, has drawn critique from both proponents of Intelligent Design and some philosophical naturalists who argue that the methods of science can also be used to evaluate supernatural claims. One principal objection to methodological naturalism has been what I call the truth seeking objection. In this article I develop an understanding of methodological naturalism capable of answering the truth seeking objection. I further also argue (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Why methodological naturalism?Hans Halvorson - 2016 - In Kelly James Clark, Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Blackwell.
    I discuss motivations for methodological naturalism in science. I argue that methodological naturalism neither needs nor supports metaphysical naturalism.
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  6. Methodological Naturalism and Scientific Success.Yunus Adi Prasetya - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (1):231-256.
    Several metaphysical naturalists argue that the success of science, together with the claim that scientists adhere to methodological naturalism, amounts to strong evidence for metaphysical naturalism. I call this the scientific-success argument. It is argued that the scientific-success argument is similar to the no-miracles argument for realism in philosophy of science. On the no-miracles argument, the success of science is taken as strong evidence that scientific theories are true. Based on this similarity, some considerations relevant to one (...)
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    Methodological Naturalists Need Not Commit to Metaphysical Naturalism.Hamed Bikaraan-Behesht - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):45-61.
    In their paper “Should Methodological Naturalists Commit to Metaphysical Naturalism?” Zargar et al. try to show that the correct answer to the question that the title of their paper poses is positive. They argue that methodological naturalism has a metaphysical presupposition, namely causal closure, and an epistemological consequence, namely evidentialism. Causal closure and evidentialism imply metaphysical naturalism. Thus, they conclude, one who believes in methodological naturalism should also endorse causal closure, evidentialism, and metaphysical (...)
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    Methodological naturalism and its misconceptions.Tiddy Smith - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82 (3):321-336.
    Methodological naturalism has been defended on both intrinsic and pragmatic grounds. Both of these defenses agree that methodological naturalism is a principle of science according to which the scientist ought to eschew talk of causally efficacious disembodied minds. I argue that this is the wrong interpretation of methodological naturalism. Methodological naturalism does not constrain the theories that scientists may conjecture, but how those theories may be justified. On this view, methodological (...) is a principle of science according to which supernatural methods of justification, such as faith, are eschewed. (shrink)
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    In Defense of Methodological Naturalism.Glenn Branch - 2002 - Philo 5 (2):249-255.
    According to Theodore Schick, Jr., Eugenie C. Scott’s endorsement of methodological naturalism---roughly, the view that science is limited by its methodology to be neutral vis-à-vis the supernatural---is misguided. He offers three arguments; I contend that none is successful.
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  10. Methodological Naturalism, Analyzed.Miles K. Donahue - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    I present and evaluate three interpretations of methodological naturalism (MN), the principle that scientific explanations may only appeal to natural phenomena: as an essential feature of science, as a provisional guideline grounded in the historical failure of supernatural hypotheses, and as a synthesis of these two approaches. In doing so, I provide both a synoptic overview of current scholarship on MN, as well a contribution to that discussion by arguing in favor of a restricted version of MN, placing (...)
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  11. Methodological Naturalism.Daniel J. McKaughan & Erik L. Peterson - 2013 - In Robert Fastiggi, New Catholic Encyclopedia (Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy). Gale-Cengage Learning.
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    Methodological Naturalism and Reflexivity Requirement.Hamed Bikaraan-Behesht - 2021 - Logos and Episteme 12 (3):311-330.
    Methodological naturalists regard scientific method as the only effective way of acquiring knowledge. Quite the contrary, traditional analytic philosophers reject employing scientific method in philosophy as illegitimate unless it is justified by the traditional methods. One of their attacks on methodological naturalism is the objection that it is either incoherent or viciously circular: any argument that may be offered for methodological naturalism either employs a priori methods or involves a vicious circle that ensues from employing (...)
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    Should a Christian adopt methodological naturalism?Andrew B. Torrance - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):691-725.
    It has become standard practice for scientists to avoid the possibility of references to God by adopting methodological naturalism, a method that assumes that the reality of the universe, as it can be accessed by empirical enquiry, is to be explained solely with recourse to natural phenomena. In this essay, I critique the Christian practice of this method, arguing that a Christian's practices should always reflect her belief that the universe is created and sustained by the triune God. (...)
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  14. Methodological Naturalism, Part 2.Alvin Plantinga - 1997 - Origins and Design 18 (2):22-34.
    So why must a scientist proceed in accordance with methodological naturalism? Michael Ruse suggests that methodological naturalism or at any rate part of it is true by definition: Furthermore, even if Scientific Creationism were totally successful in making its case as science, it would not yield a scientific explanation of origins. Rather, at most, it could prove that science shows that there can be no scientific explanation of origins. The Creationists believe that the world started miraculously. (...)
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  15. Methodological Naturalism vs. Methodological Realism. Schick - 2000 - Philo 3 (2):30-37.
    According to Eugenie Scott, methodological materialism---the view that science attempts to explain the world using material processes---does not imply philosophical materialism---the view that all that exists are material processes. Thus one can consistently be both a scientist and a theist. According to Phillip Johnson, however, methodological materialism presupposes philosophical materialism. Consequently, scientists are unable to see the cogency of supernatural explanations, like creationism. I argue that both Scott and Johnson are wrong: scientists are not limited to explaining tbe (...)
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    Methodological naturalism in the sciences.Sandy C. Boucher - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (1):57-80.
    Creationists have long argued that evolutionary science is committed to a dogmatic metaphysics of naturalism and materialism, which is based on faith or ideology rather than evidence. The standard response to this has been to insist that science is not committed to any such metaphysical doctrine, but only to a methodological version of naturalism, according to which science may only appeal to natural entities and processes. But this whole debate presupposes that there is a clear distinction between (...)
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    (1 other version)Should Methodological Naturalists Commit to Metaphysical Naturalism?Zahra Zargar, Ebrahim Azadegan & Lotfollah Nabavi - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-9.
    It is widely supposed that methodological naturalism, understood as a thesis about the methodology of science, is metaphysically neutral, and that this in turn guarantees the value-neutrality of science. In this paper we argue that methodological naturalism is underpinned by certain ontological and epistemological assumptions including evidentialism and the causal closure of the physical, adoption of which necessitates commitment to metaphysical naturalism.
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    Methodological Naturalism Undercuts Ontological Naturalism.Peter Forrest - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):99-110.
    Naturalism, as I understand it, includes cosmological naturalism, ontological naturalism and methodological naturalism. After clarifying these three theses I argue that the combination of ontological with methodological naturalism is untenable. I do so by providing a pro tanto case against ontological naturalism and show that it can be resisted, but only by abandoning methodological naturalism. The pro tanto case is that ontological naturalism requires a version of what I call (...)
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    (1 other version)From Methodological Naturalism to Interpretive Exclusivism About Religious Psychopathology.José Eduardo Porcher - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):241-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Methodological Naturalism to Interpretive Exclusivism About Religious PsychopathologyJosé Eduardo Porcher, PhDA particularly deep form of hermeneutical injustice arises when clinicians undermine a patient’s meaningful interpretation of their alleged psychotic symptoms within a religious framework. Cases like Femi’s (Rashed, 2010) illustrate how diagnosing and treating psychotic symptoms with religious content can perpetuate this injustice. Femi’s symptoms, which were very real, were interpreted solely as indicative of a (...)
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  20. Methodological naturalism and epistemic internalism.Gregory Wheeler & Luís Moniz Pereira - 2008 - Synthese 163 (3):315-328.
    Epistemic naturalism holds that the results or methodologies from the cognitive sciences are relevant to epistemology, and some have maintained that scientific methods are more compatible with externalist theories of justification than with internalist theories. But practically all discussions about naturalized epistemology are framed exclusively in terms of cognitive psychology, which is only one of the cognitive sciences. The question addressed in this essay is whether a commitment to naturalism really does favor externalism over internalism, and we offer (...)
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    On Extreme versus Moderate Methodological Naturalism.Feng Ye - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (1):371-385.
    In a recent debate, Rosenberg claims that only the methods of natural science can deliver genuine knowledge, while Williamson rejects Rosenberg’s extreme methodological naturalism and insists that we have genuine philosophical and humanistic knowledge not achievable by hard-scientific methods alone. This paper responds to the debate. I will argue that physicalism, together with contemporary neurocognitive and evolutionary knowledge, implies that some of our intuitions and mental simulations used in the humanities and philosophy are justified methods for achieving knowledge (...)
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    Methodological Naturalism in Epistemology.Richard Feldman - 1999 - In John Greco & Ernest Sosa, The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 170–186.
    Epistemologists often attempt to analyze epistemological concepts and to formulate epistemic principles. A common way to proceed is to propose analyses and principles and then revise them in the light of potential counterexamples. Analyses and principles not refuted by counterexamples are judged to be correct. To evaluate potential counterexamples, epistemologists rely upon their ability to make correct reflective judgments about whether there is knowledge or justified belief in the situations described in the proposed examples. For these purposes, it does not (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Methodological Naturalism.Alvin Plantinga - 1996 - In Jitse M. van der Meer, Facets of Faith and Science, Volume I: Historiography and Modes of Interaction.
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    The Prohibitive Costs of Methodological Naturalism.Robert A. Larmer - 2022 - Philosophia Christi 24 (1):101-118.
    Methodological naturalism has been widely accepted as a necessary condition of scientific theorizing, the assumption being that it exacts no questionable epistemological or metaphysical costs. In this paper, I argue that this assumption is mistaken. I further argue that the presumed costs of not adopting methodological naturalism are illusory.
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    Chomsky’s Methodological Naturalism and the Mereological Fallacy.Florian Demont - 2011 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Philosophical and Formal Approaches to Linguistic Analysis. Ontos. pp. 113-126.
    Ever since the publication of his monograph Cartesian Linguistics(1966), Noam Chomsky has been eager to show that his vision of psychology in general and theoretical linguistics in particular is conceptually sound. The claim has been opposed from various sides, including perspicuous objections by Baker and Hacker (1984: Chapters 8 and 9) and Wright (1989). Chomsky and his followers have subsequently concentrated their efforts on defending Chomskian methodologies in psychology and theoretical linguistics. The present paper considers one particular question in relation (...)
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    Merely Methodological Naturalism in Aesthetics: A Proposed Revision of Zuckert’s Herder Interpretation.Naomi Fisher - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):224-228.
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    A methodologically naturalist defense of ethical non-naturalism.Abraham Graber - unknown
    The aim of this dissertation is to show that, if one is committed to the scientific worldview, one is thereby committed to ethical non-naturalism. In the first chapter I offer the reader an outline of the three primary domains of ethical inquiry: normative ethics, applied ethics, and meta-ethics. I commit myself to a meta-ethical thesis--ethical non-naturalism--and contrast ethical non-naturalism with its competitors. In the second chapter I offer a cursory defense of the moral realist's semantic thesis. I (...)
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    Magnets, Magic, and Other Anomalies: In Defense of Methodological Naturalism.John Perry & Sarah Lane Ritchie - 2018 - Zygon 53 (4):1064-1093.
    Recent critiques of methodological naturalism (MN) claim that it fails by conflicting with Christian belief and being insufficiently humble. We defend MN by tracing the real history of the debate, contending that the story as it is usually told is mythic. We show how MN works in practice, including among real scientists. The debate is a red herring. It only appears problematic because of confusion among its opponents about how scientists respond to experimental anomalies. We conclude by introducing (...)
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    What's Wrong with Methodological Naturalism?Michael Bradie - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (2):126 - 137.
    The compatibility of Darwinism with religious beliefs has been the subject of vigorous debate from 1859 to the present day. Darwin himself did not think that there was any incompatibility between his theory of natural selection and the existence of God. However, he did not think that appeals to the direct or indirect activity of a Creator substantially increased our understanding of any natural phenomenon. In effect, Darwin endorsed what we would today label as ’methodological naturalism,’ roughly the (...)
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    Is Methodological Naturalism Question-Begging?Robert A. Larmer - 2003 - Philosophia Christi 5 (1):113-130.
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    Philosophical Naturalism and Methodological Naturalism.Stephen C. Dilley - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (1):118-141.
    This essay argues that philosophical naturalists who draw epistemic support from science for their worldview ought to set aside methodological naturalism in certain historical sciences. When linked to methodological naturalism, philosophical naturalism opens itself to several problems. Specifically, when joined with methodological naturalism, philosophical naturalism can 'never' be scientifically disconfirmed but will nearly 'always' be confirmed, no matter what the empirical evidence. Theistic-friendly "God hypotheses," on the other hand, can 'never' be scientifically (...)
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  32. God, Design, and Naturalism: Implications of Methodological Naturalism in Science for Science–Religion Relation.Piotr Bylica & Dariusz Sagan - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):621-38.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the implications flowing from adopting methodological naturalism in science, with special emphasis on the relation between science and religion. Methodological naturalism, denying supernatural and teleological explanations, influences the content of scientific theories, and in practice leads to vision of science as compatible with ontological naturalism and in opposition to theism. Ontological naturalism in turn justifies the acceptance of methodological naturalism as the best method to (...)
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    An argument over 'methodological naturalism' at the vatican observatory.Philip J. Jacobs - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (4):542-581.
    This paper is framed as a continuation of a 12th century debate over whether a ‘profane’ account of nature without reference to arbitrary divine acts in its workings (secundum phisicam) threatens the unity of scriptura et natura that was assumed in the natural philosophy which developed out of the Platonic/Augustinian tradition. Currently this issue takes the form of either a commitment to or circumvention of the protocol of ‘methodological naturalism’ in the explanation of natural history, most clearly with (...)
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    The Evolution of Methodological Naturalism in the Origin of Species.Stephen Dilley - 2013 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 3 (1):20-58.
    Although scholars have paid careful attention to the naturalistic content of the Origin, less focus has been given to Darwin’s strategic deployment of methodological naturalism in the volume. A close inspection shows that he did not use methodological naturalism statically in the six editions of the Origin; instead, he strategically and progressively invoked methodological naturalism in the six editions of the Origin in order to enhance the persuasiveness of his theory and to marginalize special (...)
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  35. What Science Can and Cannot Say: The Problems with Methodological Naturalism.Reed Richter - 2002 - Reports of the National Center for Science Education 22 (Jan-Apr 2002):18-22.
    This paper rejects a view of science called "methodological naturalism." -/- According to many defenders of mainstream science and Darwinian evolution, anti-evolution critics--creationists and intelligent design proponents--are conceptually and epistemologically confusing science and religion, a supernatural view of world. These defenders of evolution contend that doing science requires adhering to a methodology that is strictly and essentially naturalistic: science is essentially committed to "methodological naturalism" and assumes that all the phenomena it investigates are entirely natural and (...)
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  36. How not to attack intelligent design creationism: Philosophical misconceptions about methodological naturalism[REVIEW]Maarten Boudry, Stefaan Blancke & Johan Braeckman - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):227-244.
    In recent controversies about Intelligent Design Creationism (IDC), the principle of methodological naturalism (MN) has played an important role. In this paper, an often neglected distinction is made between two different conceptions of MN, each with its respective rationale and with a different view on the proper role of MN in science. According to one popular conception, MN is a self-imposed or intrinsic limitation of science, which means that science is simply not equipped to deal with claims of (...)
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  37. Natural Kinds and Concepts: A Pragmatist and Methodologically Naturalistic Account.Ingo Brigandt - 2011 - In Jonathan Knowles & Henrik Rydenfelt, Pragmatism, Science and Naturalism. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 171-196.
    In this chapter I lay out a notion of philosophical naturalism that aligns with pragmatism. It is developed and illustrated by a presentation of my views on natural kinds and my theory of concepts. Both accounts reflect a methodological naturalism and are defended not by way of metaphysical considerations, but in terms of their philosophical fruitfulness. A core theme is that the epistemic interests of scientists have to be taken into account by any naturalistic philosophy of science (...)
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    Liberal Religious Neutrality and the Demarcation of Science: The Problem with Methodological Naturalism.Cristóbal Bellolio - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (3):239-261.
    There have been persistent philosophical efforts to demarcate the province of science. Fewer attempts have been made to explore whether these demarcation strategies are consistent with the liberal promise of religious neutrality. Within this framework, most liberal political theorists seem to agree that hypotheses suggesting supernatural agency should remain outside the purview of science by principle. In their view, this rule of methodological naturalism is neutral in the relevant sense, since it is silent towards ultimate questions. This paper (...)
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    The 'Natural' in Methodological Naturalism.Ian Anthony Davatos - 2024 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 25 (1).
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    Natural Theology, Methodological Naturalism, and “Turtles All the Way Down”.Del Ratzsch - 2004 - Faith and Philosophy 21 (4):436-455.
  41.  49
    A Critique of Methodological Naturalism.Kólá Abímbólá - 2006 - Science in Context 19 (2):191.
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  42. Conceptual analysis as armchair psychology: in defense of methodological naturalism.Daniel F. Hartner - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):921-937.
    Three proponents of the Canberra Plan, namely Jackson, Pettit, and Smith, have developed a collective functionalist program—Canberra Functionalism—spanning from philosophical psychology to ethics. They argue that conceptual analysis is an indispensible tool for research on cognitive processes since it reveals that there are some folk concepts, like belief and desire, whose functional roles must be preserved rather than eliminated by future scientific explanations. Some naturalists have recently challenged this indispensability argument, though the point of that challenge has been blunted by (...)
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    Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science: How Scientific Methodology Can and Should Shape Philosophical Theorizing.Nina Emery - 2023 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers and scientists both ask questions about what the world is like. How do these fields interact with one another? How should they? Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science investigates an approach to these questions called methodological naturalism. According to methodological naturalism, when coming up with theories about what the world is like, philosophers should, whenever possible, make use of the same methodology that is deployed by scientists. Although many contemporary philosophers have implicit commitments that (...)
  44. God, design, and naturalism: Implications of methodological naturalism in science for science-religion relation.Piotr Bylica-Dariusz Sagan - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):621-638.
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    Naturalistic methodology in an emerging scientific psychology: Lotze and fechner in the balance.Patrick McDonald - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):605-625.
    The development of a methodologically naturalistic approach to physiological and experimental psychology in the nineteenth century was not primarily driven by a naturalistic agenda. The work of R. Hermann Lotze and G. T. Fechner help to illustrate this claim. I examine a selected set of central commitments in each thinkers philosophical outlook, particularly regarding the human soul and the nature of God, that departed strongly from a reductionist materialism. Yet, each contributed significantly to the formation of experimental and physiological psychology. (...)
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    The Fundamental Naturalistic Impulse: Extending the Reach of Methodological Naturalism.James B. Summers - unknown
    While naturalistic theories have come to dominate the philosophical landscape, there is still little consensus on what “naturalism” means. I trace the origins of contemporary naturalism to a view, called the “fundamental naturalistic impulse,” that originates in Quine’s turn against Carnap and which I take to be necessary for naturalism. In light of this impulse, some “substantively naturalistic” theories are examined: a weak version of non-supernaturalism, Railton’s a posteriori reduction of moral terms, and “Canberra plan” conceptual analyses (...)
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    Removing The Classical Landmark: Assessing an Epistemology Governed by Methodological Naturalism.Kegan Shaw - unknown
    This paper proposes to assess the naturalist project in epistemology with an eye towards exposing the project as deficient for serving as a robust epistemological project. Epistemologists treasure a certain family of questions and burden themselves with a number of specific concerns the most important of which, I think, cannot be answered by the epistemological naturalist. Ignoring these questions, I will argue, essentially amounts to a dismissal of the principle tension that primarily motivates and properly guides epistemological theorizing. This tension (...)
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  48. God of the gaps: the argument from ignorance and the limits of methodological naturalism.Robert T. Pennock - 2007 - In A. J. Petto & L. R. Godfrey, Scientists Confront Intelligent Design and Creationism. Norton. pp. 309--338.
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    Kinds of Gaps in Knowledge: The Conflict of Appeals to God and Methodological Naturalism in Developing Explanations of the World.Owen Anderson - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (4):574-589.
  50. 9. Scientific Method and Appeal to Supernatural Agency: A Christian Case for Modest Methodological Naturalism.Kenneth W. Kemp - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (2).
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