Results for 'Micrographia'

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  1.  41
    The first mite: insect genealogy in Hooke’s Micrographia.Jeremy Robin Schneider - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (3):165-200.
    What happens when you take the idea of the biblical Adam—the first human—and apply it to insects? You create an origin story for Nature’s tiniest creatures, one that gives them 'a Pedigree as ancient as the first creation'. This the naturalist Robert Hooke argued in his treatise, the Micrographia (1665). In what follows, I will retrace how Hooke endeavoured to show that insects—then widely believed to have arisen out of the dirt—were the products of an ancient lineage. These genealogies, (...)
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  2. Graphic Understanding: Instruments and Interpretation in Robert Hooke's Micrographia.Michael Aaron Dennis - 1989 - Science in Context 3 (2):309-364.
    The ArugmentThis essay answers a single question: what was Robert Hooke, the Royal Society's curator of experiments, doing in his well-known 1665 work,Micrographia?Hooke was articulating a “universal cure of the mind” capable of bringing about a “reformation in Philosophy,” a change in philosophy's interpretive practices and organization. The work explicated the interpretive and political foundations for a community of optical instrument users coextensive with the struggling Royal Society. Standard observational practices would overcome the problem of using nonstandard instruments, while (...)
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    Huygens at work: Annotations in his rediscovered personal copy of Hooke's Micrographia.Michael Barth - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (6):601-613.
    It is well known that Hooke's wave theory of light, set forth in his Micrographia of 1665, is viewed as a step towards Huygens's famous theory of light. This view depends mostly on some short remarks given by Huygens in his Traité de la Lumi`ere and the earlier Projet du Contenu de la Dioptrique . Huygens's personal copy of Micrographia was believed to be lost until found at Braunschweig University Library by the author three years ago. It is (...)
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    L EONHART F UCHS, De historia stirpium commentarii insignes. With a Commentary by Karen Reeds. Octavo Digital Editions. Oakland: Octavo, 2003. ISBN 1-59110-051-8. £29.00, $30.00 . N ICOLAUS C OPERNICUS, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri VI. With a Commentary by Owen Gingerich. Octavo Digital Editions. Oakland: Octavo, 2003. ISBN 1-891788-14-0. £24.00, $40.00 . G ALILEO G ALILEI, Siderius Nuncius. With a Commentary by Albert van Helden. Octavo Digital Editions. Oakland: Octavo, 2003. ISBN 1-891788-12-4. £15.00, $25.00 . R OBERT H OOKE, Micrographia. With a Commentary by Brian J. Ford. Octavo Digital Editions. Oakland: Octavo, 2003. ISBN 1-891788-02-7. £29.00, $30.00 . B ENJAMIN F RANKLIN, Experiments and Observations on Electricity. With a Commentary by I. Bernard Cohen. Octavo Digital Editions. Oakland: Octavo, 2003. ISBN 1-891788-13-2. £23.00, $25.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (3):361-362.
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    Frankenstein in Lilliput: Science at the Nanoscale (Editor's Introduction).Isaac Record - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):22.
    Since Robert Hooke published Micrographia, scientists have been expanding the boundaries of science to new scales, giving rise to questions about epistemology and ontology and challenging perceptions of objectivity, life, and artifact. Recent developments in areas such as nanotechnology and synthetic life have not only pushed these boundaries, but have called their very existence into question. In this issue, Spontaneous Generations examines science at the nanoscale from ten perspectives...
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  6.  27
    Of the Beard of a Wild Oat: Hooke and Cavendish on the Senses of Plants.Michael Deckard - 2020 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 9 (2):85-107.
    In 1665–1666, both Margaret Cavendish and Robert Hooke wrote about the beard of a wild oat. After looking through the microscope at the wild oat, Hooke describes the nature of what he is seeing in terms of a “small black or brown bristle” and believes that the microscope can improve the human senses. Cavendish responds to him regarding the seeing of the texture of a wild oat through the microscope and critiques his mechanistic explanation. This paper takes up the controversy (...)
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  7. Brandy, mravenci a mikroskop: experimentální věda Roberta Hooka.Monika Bečvářová - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (4):361-396.
    Tato studie pojednává o rané fázi mikroskopického zkoumání přírody, které ve svém díle Micrographia představil Robert Hooke. Vzhledem k obsáhlosti díla se zaměřuje na pasáže, které Hooke věnoval výzkumu hmyzu. Předmětem analýzy je především metodologie Hookova výzkumu: způsob, jakým tento experimentátor využíval mikroskop ke zkoumání mravenců, much, komárů a jiného hmyzu. Dále je pozornost věnována způsobu, jakým Hooke představoval výsledky svého pozorování, tedy popisům a ilustracím hmyzu. A konečně, příspěvek se také pokouší vyložit vybrané záznamy mikroskopických pozorování v Micrographii (...)
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    Margaret Cavendish contre Robert Hooke : Le duel impossibleMargaret Cavendish vs Robert Hooke: An impossible duelMargaret Cavendish contro Robert Hooke : Un duello impossibile.Frédérique Aït-Touati - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (3):247-269.
    Résumé En 1665, Robert Hooke fait paraître son grand ouvrage de microscopie, _Micrographia_, véritable défense et illustration de la philosophie expérimentale. L’année suivante, Margaret Cavendish, duchesse de Newcastle, publie à compte d’auteur un traité et un roman qui attaquent les fondements mêmes de cette science nouvelle. La dispute qui s’engage à l’initiative de la duchesse s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une plus vaste controverse sur la légitimité et l’efficacité des instruments optiques en philosophie naturelle. Toutes les figures de la controverse scientifique (...)
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    „Nature’s Bastards“ z Royal Society: Obhajoba přírodní filosofie v díle Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673).Monika Bečvárová - 2013 - Pro-Fil 13 (2):42.
    V této studii se pokouším předložit postoj Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673) ke zkoumání přírody ve druhé polovině 17. století. Pro tento účel jsem analyzovala především dílo Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666), které představuje nejucelenější filosofický výklad přírody této autorky. Prostřednictvím něho postihuji ontologické i epistemologické námitky Cavendishové k charakteru zkoumání přírody členy nově založeného vědeckého společenství – Royal Society. Z tohoto důvodu se zaměřuji rovněž na dílo Micrographia (1665) Roberta Hooka, který pro autorku tuto společnost reprezentuje. Cílem studie není rehabilitovat (...)
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    The Invisible World.Ofer Gal - 1996 - The Leibniz Review 6:144-148.
    “The present book,” acknowledges Wilson in her Preface, “owes its origins to a study of the preface to Robert Hooke‘s Micrographia undertaken in a seminar on reappraisals of the scientific revolution under the direction of Robert S. Westman.” It is in that very preface that Hooke proclaims: “my ambition is, that I may serve to the great Philosophers of this Age, as the makers and grinders of my Glasses did to me”, and it seems that for Wilson, the reappraisal (...)
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