Results for 'Milan Svolik'

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  1.  16
    Mistr dialogu Milan Machovec: sborník k nedožitým osmdesátinám českého filosofa.Milan Machovec, Kamila Jindrová, Pavel Tachecí & Pavel Žďárský (eds.) - 2006 - Praha: Akropolis.
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    From data politics to the contentious politics of data.Stefania Milan & Davide Beraldo - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    This article approaches the paradigm shift of datafication from the perspective of civil society. Looking at how individuals and groups engage with datafication, it complements the notion of “data politics” by exploring what we call the “contentious politics of data”. By contentious politics of data we indicate the bottom-up, transformative initiatives interfering with and/or hijacking dominant processes of datafication, contesting existing power relations or re-appropriating data practices and infrastructure for purposes distinct from the intended. Said contentious politics of data is (...)
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  3. Dialektik und Differenz: Festschrift für Milan Prucha.Milan Pr Ucha, Annett Jubara & David Benseler (eds.) - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
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    Art and phenomenology in Edmund Husserl.Milan Uzelac - 1998 - Axiomathes 9 (1-2):7-26.
  5.  86
    Enhancing a Person, Enhancing a Civilization: A Research Program at the Intersection of Bioethics, Future Studies, and Astrobiology.Milan M. Ćirković - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):459-468.
    :There are manifold intriguing issues located within largely unexplored borderlands of bioethics, future studies, and astrobiology. Human enhancement has for quite some time been among the foci of bioethical debates, but the same cannot be said about its global, transgenerational, and even cosmological consequences. In recent years, discussions of posthuman and, in general terms, postbiological civilization have slowly gained a measure of academic respect, in parallel with the renewed interest in the entire field of future studies and the great strides (...)
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    Alternative explanations of the cosmic microwave background: A historical and an epistemological perspective.Milan M. Ćirković & Slobodan Perović - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62:1-18.
    We historically trace various non-conventional explanations for the origin of the cosmic microwave background and discuss their merit, while analyzing the dynamics of their rejection, as well as the relevant physical and methodological reasons for it. It turns out that there have been many such unorthodox interpretations; not only those developed in the context of theories rejecting the relativistic paradigm entirely but also those coming from the camp of original thinkers firmly entrenched in the relativistic milieu. In fact, the orthodox (...)
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    Kant and extragalactic revolution in astronomy.Milan M. Ćirković - 2004 - Theoria 47 (1-2):95-109.
  8.  27
    Techno-solutionism and the standard human in the making of the COVID-19 pandemic.Stefania Milan - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Quantification is particularly seductive in times of global uncertainty. Not surprisingly, numbers, indicators, categorizations, and comparisons are central to governmental and popular response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This essay draws insights from critical data studies, sociology of quantification and decolonial thinking, with occasional excursion into the biomedical domain, to investigate the role and social consequences of counting broadly defined as a way of knowing about the virus. It takes a critical look at two domains of human activity that play a (...)
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  9. Models for normal intuitionistic modal logics.Milan Božić & Kosta Došen - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (3):217 - 245.
    Kripke-style models with two accessibility relations, one intuitionistic and the other modal, are given for analogues of the modal systemK based on Heyting's prepositional logic. It is shown that these two relations can combine with each other in various ways. Soundness and completeness are proved for systems with only the necessity operator, or only the possibility operator, or both. Embeddings in modal systems with several modal operators, based on classical propositional logic, are also considered. This paper lays the ground for (...)
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    Dialektik und Differenz: Festschrift für Milan Prucha.Milan Průcha, Annett Jubara & David Benseler (eds.) - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    InhaltStichworte zur Dialektik der Freiheit oder Durchaus untaugliche Ausfuhrungen zur Philosophie Milan PruchasJ. Kosta, Das interdisziplinare Forschungsprojekt des Prager Fruhlings von 1968J. Kotik, Der LandvermesserKonzepte der DialektikM. Theunissen, Dialektik der Endlichkeit - Hegel von Heraklit bis DerridaC. Iber, Begriff und Kategorien negativer Dialektik bei AdornoA. Arndt, Figuren der Endlichkeit - Zur Dialektik nach KantB. Scholze, Die dialektische Aufwertung der Rhetorik: Zu Adornos Theorie der DarstellungMotive der Philosophie Hegels und ihre WirkungM. Sobotka, Hegels Spruch: Gott ist totM. Rolli, Zum Vergangenheitscharakter (...)
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    Backward Causation, Isolation and the Pursuit of Justice.Milan M. Cirkovic & Suzana Cveticanin - 2002 - Epistemologia 25 (1):145-162.
    The recent operationalization of the famous Newcomb's game by Schmidt (1998) offers an interesting and thought-provoking look at the plausibility of backward causation in a Newtonian universe. Hereby we investigate two details of the Schmidt's scenario which may, at least in principle, invalidate his conclusion in two different domains: one dealing with the issue of Newtonian predictability in specific instance of human actions, and the other stemming from a possible strategy aimed at obviating the anthropically oriented view of backward causation (...)
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  12.  20
    Of Monsters & Lawyers.Milan Markovic - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (2):248-257.
    As a philosopher, legal ethicist, and expert in international criminal law, David Luban was uniquely positioned to challenge the morality and legality of the Bush administration's coercive interrog...
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    Despair as a Basic Form of Self-Alienation: An Outline of Kierkegaard’s Dialectics.Milan Petkanič - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (9):732-745.
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    Noah’s Grandson and St. James: Rewriting the Past in Eighteenth-Century Spain.Roberto Rodríguez-Milán - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7):733-742.
    In the late seventeenth century, when Spain gradually emerged from the general crisis that had afflicted the country, several members of the cultural elite became acquainted with the new sophisticated theories and methods of modern science. This newly acquired knowledge inspired these novatores (innovators) to examine Spain’s history and historiography. They intended in the first place to integrate and align Spain with European culture at large, since the religious and ideological obstacles of the past were supposedly no longer in force. (...)
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  15. What is rationality? Selected conceptions from social theory.Milan Zafirovski - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (1):13 – 44.
    The paper surveys selected alternative conceptions of rationality in contemporary and (especially) traditional economics and sociology. While the status of rationality as one of the master concepts, subjects and objectives of social science and philosophy has been further promoted in contemporary economics and sociology, questions often arise among economists and sociologists themselves as to its meaning or definition. As an attempt to help address this issue, the paper selects and examines a (limited) number of pertinent definitions and conceptions of rationality (...)
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  16. Is Causal Reasoning Harder Than Probabilistic Reasoning?Milan Mossé, Duligur Ibeling & Thomas Icard - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):106-131.
    Many tasks in statistical and causal inference can be construed as problems of entailment in a suitable formal language. We ask whether those problems are more difficult, from a computational perspective, for causal probabilistic languages than for pure probabilistic (or “associational”) languages. Despite several senses in which causal reasoning is indeed more complex—both expressively and inferentially—we show that causal entailment (or satisfiability) problems can be systematically and robustly reduced to purely probabilistic problems. Thus there is no jump in computational complexity. (...)
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  17.  14
    Tit Livij, Od ustanovitve mesta 1–5.Milan Lovenjak - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):363-365.
    Ob množici del grških in rimskih piscev, ki so bila prevedena v slovenski jezik, je Livijeva Zgodovina doslej ostala nekako ob strani. Razen posameznih odlomkov ni bilo prevedenega nič. Količina ohranjenega besedila, avtorjev slog z dolgimi stavčnimi periodami, izbranim besediščem in različnimi retoričnimi prijemi, vse to pred­stavlja za prevajalca gotovo precejšnjo oviro. Z novo knjigo, ki je pred kratkim izšla pri Slovenski matici in prinaša prvih pet Livijevih knjig v prevodu Primoža Simonitija, se sedaj to spreminja. Knjigo je uredil David (...)
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  18.  29
    A Usability Study of a Serious Game in Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Compensatory Navigation Training in Acquired Brain Injury Patients.Milan N. A. Van der Kuil, Johanna M. A. Visser-Meily, Andrea W. M. Evers & Ineke J. M. Van der Ham - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Felix Weltsch, tvořivý střed a obranyschopná demokracie.Milan Hanyš - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (4):619-635.
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    Nazism as a secular religion.Milan Babík - 2006 - History and Theory 45 (3):375–396.
    This article examines the implications of Richard Steigmann-Gall's recent revisionist representation of Nazism as a Christian movement for the increasingly fashionable accounts of Nazism as a secular or political religion. Contrary to Steigmann-Gall's contention that Protestant Nazism undermines these accounts, I suggest that his portrayal of Nazism as a variant of Protestant millennialism is not necessarily inconsistent with the secular religion approach. A closer look at the so-called Löwith-Blumenberg debate on secularization indeed reveals that modern utopianisms containing elements of Protestant (...)
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  21.  5
    Ka estetoumiju: od Dositejeve teorije ukusa do moderne estetike: pojmovi i ogledi.Milan Damnjanović - 1996 - Beograd: NOLIT.
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  22. Strujanja u savremenoj estetici.Milan Damnjanović - 1966 - Zagreb, "Naprijed,":
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    Filosofie tváří v tvář zániku.Milan Machovec - 1998 - Brno: "Zvláštní vydání".
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  24. Diskurs globalizacije.Milan Balažic - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (29):131-151.
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    Inheriting Cosmopolitics: Pericles, Whitehead, Stengers.Milan Stürmer & Daniel Bella - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (3):3-21.
    Isabelle Stengers’ cosmopolitical proposal is an influential attempt by a European philosopher to transform the burdensome legacy of Western thought. Reconsidering her comprehensive engagement with the cosmology of the British mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, this article reveals two concepts as foundational to Stengers’ cosmopolitics: civilization and commerce. While not usually associated with a critical political theory, in her development of what we call a commercial political ontology, Stengers explores the modes of inheriting these ostracized notions. By tracing the (...)
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  26. A humanist looks at the question of evil.David Milan - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):18.
    Milan, David While esteemed Christian apologist C.S. Lewis ruefully puzzled over The Problem of Pain, the theologians invented their own word - 'theodicy' - to describe the futile attempts (to date) to resolve monotheism's conundrum - that of an omnipotent, all-loving deity magisterially presiding over a world in which widespread evil is so pervasive. And what a mind bender this is!
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  27. Without the human mind, would god exist?David Milan - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 110 (110):19.
    Milan, David An atheist and his christian friend are engaged in cordial conversation. The latter is taken aback and is rather indignant when his atheist friend declaims, 'On this question of the existence of god I believe that our respective positions are much closer than you imagine'. The Christian's firm riposte is that, by definition, such a harmony of viewpoints is impossible. Unfazed, his non-believing friend offers a thoughtful defence of his claim. He begins, 'You know that, since time (...)
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    Todor Kuljić, Prognani pojmovi: neoliberalna pojmovna revizija misli o društvu, Clio, Beograd, 2018.Milan Urošević - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):459-461.
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  29. Apparent Speed of Gravity and Backward Causation.Milan M. Cirkovid & Miroljub Dugic - 2004 - Epistemologia 27 (1):107-118.
  30. Napomene uz" privrednikovu knjigu o privredi".Milan Mesi - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    The Impact of Uncertainty on Pedestrians’ Decision to Start Roadway Crossing during the Clearance Phase.Milan Simeunović, Andrijana Jović, Pavle Pitka & Mladen Dobrić - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Clearance phase at signalized crosswalks is an important parameter of pedestrians’ safety because it helps them to complete the crossing before the green signal for vehicles. However, there is the issue of pedestrian decision as to whether to cross if they arrive at the crosswalk during the clearance phase, which represents a violation in many countries. Due to the proof that pedestrian violations multiply the risk of traffic accidents, in this study, the tendency of pedestrians to commit violations during the (...)
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  32.  7
    Človék a práce v německé klasické filosofii.Milan Sobotka - 1964 - Praha,: Nakl. politické literatury.
    Vstupní kapitola objasňuje neotickou filosofii 17.-18. století a pojetí člověka. Další výklady sledují na Kantově filosofii zápas noetického konceptu filosofie s metafyzickým konceptem jsoucna, učení prvního filosofa činné.
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    The soil and roots of Nazism: Two approaches.Milan Subotic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):187-205.
    The paper discusses two different approaches to Nazism and the Holocaust. The first approach is different versions of the Sonderweg thesis arguing that the explanation of the "German catastrophe" should be sought in the particular features of German history. The second approach rests on searching for external, exogenous factors that played a formative role in the emergence of National Socialism. The examples illustrating these two approaches are recently published books by Aleksandar Molnar and Michael Kellogg, reviewed in detail in the (...)
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  34. Sufizam–unutrašnja dimenzija islama.Milan Vukomanović - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (2):129-151.
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    The 'unbearable lightness' of the economic approach to economic behavior in the social setting: Rational action and the sociology of the economy.Milan Zafirovski - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (3):301–334.
  36.  6
    Filozofia a súčasný vedeckotechnický rozvoj.Milan Zigo (ed.) - 1976 - Bratislava: Veda.
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  37. Zagadnienie \"cięcia\" w epistemologii Bachelarda.Milan Zigo - 2001 - Colloquia Communia 71 (4):85-92.
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    Spekulacija i filozofija: od Fichtea do Marxa.Milan Kangrga - 2010 - Beograd: Službeni glasnik.
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    Response time modelling reveals evidence for multiple, distinct sources of moral decision caution.Milan Andrejević, Joshua P. White, Daniel Feuerriegel, Simon Laham & Stefan Bode - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105026.
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    Vizantija vo dijalog.Milan Ǵorǵeviḱ - 2015 - Skopje: Magor.
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    K existenciálnej antropológii Blaisa Pascala a Sørena Kierkegaarda.Milan Petkanič - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (Mimořádné číslo 3):38-55.
    In a state of existential anguish, Blaise Pascal asked himself a fundamental question: “What is man in infinity?” He tried to answer this question in his unfinished reflections, collected in Thoughts. The conspicuous existential features of Pascal’s anthropology, as well as the deeply personal and passionately religious character of his thought, call for a comparison with the two centuries younger, polemical Danish religious thinker and “founding father” of existential philosophy, Søren Kierkegaard. In my article, I will try to explain the (...)
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    Posledni︠a︡i︠a︡ tochka.Milan Tezar - 2004 - Moskva: Planeta Edinstva.
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    Filozofija igre: prilog fenomenologiji igre kod Eugena Finka.Milan Uzelac - 1987 - Novi Sad: Književna zajednica Novog Sada.
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  44. Vztah diderotovej filozofie к vede 18. storocia.Milan Zigo - 1963 - Filozofia 18:397.
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  45. Mladý Hegel na prahu moderny.Milan Znoj - 1990 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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  46. Anthropic shadow: observation selection effects and human extinction risks.Milan M. Ćirković, Anders Sandberg & Nick Bostrom - unknown
    We describe a significant practical consequence of taking anthropic biases into account in deriving predictions for rare stochastic catastrophic events. The risks associated with catastrophes such as asteroidal/cometary impacts, supervolcanic episodes, and explosions of supernovae/gamma-ray bursts are based on their observed frequencies. As a result, the frequencies of catastrophes that destroy or are otherwise incompatible with the existence of observers are systematically underestimated. We describe the consequences of the anthropic bias for estimation of catastrophic risks, and suggest some directions for (...)
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    The Kiki-Bouba Effect A Case of Personification and Ideaesthesia.E. Milan, O. Iborra, M. J. de Cordoba, V. Juarez-Ramos, Ma Rodríguez Artacho & J. L. Rubio - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (1-2):1-2.
    The Kiki-Bouba effect comprises a relation between two abstract figures and two non-words: the star-shaped figure is called 'Kiki' and the rounded figure 'Bouba'. The effect is explained by a sound-vision synaesthesia: certain sounds are associated with certain shapes in a non-arbitrary manner.When we asked the participants to decide which of the two figures, the star-shaped or the rounded one, to call yin and which yang, some 85% choose the star-shaped figure as yin. There are previous cases of synaesthesia where (...)
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  48.  87
    Space colonization remains the only long-term option for humanity: A reply to Torres.Milan Ćirković - 2019 - Futures 105:166-173.
    Recent discussion of the alleged adverse consequences of space colonization by Phil Torres in this journal is critically assessed. While the concern for suffering risks should be part of any strategic discussion of the cosmic future of humanity, the Hobbesian picture painted by Torres is largely flawed and unpersuasive. Instead, there is a very real risk that the skeptical arguments will be taken too seriously and future human flourishing in space delayed or prevented.
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    Između bezdana i neba: kritika Dekartovog programa raciocentričnog utemeljenja kao hermeneutika novovekovne filozofije.Milan Brdar - 2015 - Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka.
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    Nauka i istina: zapostavljene perspektive filozofije nauke.Milan Brdar - 2014 - Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka.
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