  1.  31
    Confirmation of Standards of Proof through Bayes Theorem.Mirko Pečarič - 2020 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosophie 106 (4):532-553.
    Legal reasoning on the requirements and application of law has been studied for centuries, but in this subject area the legal profession maintains predominantly the same stance it did in the time of the Ancient Greeks. There is a gap between the standards of proof, one which has been always demonstrated by percentages and in terms of the evaluation of these standards by percentages by mathematical or statistical methods. One method to fill the gap is Bayes theorem that describes an (...)
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    Legal Principles as Extrapolated Reality.Mirko Pečarič - 2018 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (3):397-420.
    Behind the pendulum-like regulatory swings between interventionism and laissezpasser that are nothing but the results of changing contexts are the legal principles as their denominators and connectors. Legal principles guide explanations and give paths that a decision maker must not circumvent. In the enhanced dynamic environment that is based more on risk and prediction than solely ex post adaptation they cannot cope with the more numerous information and communication channels. Principles can be more fully embraced with the help of more (...)
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  3.  9
    A Bayesian Improvement of the Proportionality Principle.Mirko Pecaric - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (4):419-436.
    The principle of proportionality is seen as the highest peak of structural, logical thinking that enables balancing between constitutional principles and their interferences. So far, Alexy's weight formula has been the most advanced approach in structured balancing of proportionality stricto sensu, while this paper shows it as still too subjective. Despite judicial tests—or different, manifestly inappropriate reasonableness tests—proportionality stricto sensu hides some form of the jumping-to-conclusions bias, because the inference is made through a subjective lens. The paper presents structured legal (...)
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