Results for 'Mohammedans and Mohammedanism'

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  1.  14
    The “Bulgarian Mohammedans” (Pomaks) in the East and Central Rhodopes: the problem of identity.Bogdana Todorova - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):227-238.
    Speculations about Islam, Islamization and Fundamentalism proceed from the deficit of a serious historic study on the origin and activity of the Bulgarian Muslims (the Pomaks), which is due to both the politicization and ideologization of this theme through many centuries, and various national and chauvinistic interests. From the beginning of the 1890's and especially in the 1920’s and 1930's, the continuous campaign in the press encourages public opinion to differentiate religious affiliation from ethnic affiliation and to accept the Pomaks (...)
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    Pagan Survivals in Mohammedan Civilisation. [REVIEW]Robert Briffault - 1934 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 3 (1):145-146.
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    Life, death and immortality.William McKendree Bryant - 1898 - New York,: The Baker and Taylor co..
    Life, death and immortality.--Oriental religions.--Buddhism and Christianity.--Christianity and Mohammedanism.--The natural history of church organization.--The heresy of non-progressive orthodoxy.--Miracles.--Christian ethics as contrasted with the ethics of other religions.--Eternity; a thread in the weaving of a life.
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  4. Frederick Ii and the Moslem Culture.Francesco Gabrieli & Augusto Borselli - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (24):1-16.
    The starting point of any inquiry into the relationship between Frederick and the Arabic-Islamic culture goes back to the Arabic-Norman Sicily to which he was bound by the great Constance, by his infancy, by his early adolescence, and by his crown. Despite the fact that he was born by chance in the Marche region and had preferred to spend his adult years in the flat land of Puglia, where he died, it was in Sicily that he first formed the elements (...)
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    On Theological Anthropology and Philosophical Theology.Eva Neu, Michael Ch Michailov & Guntram Schulz - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:229-237.
    INTRODUCTION: Philosophy is the unique science which considers all other sciences in systematically unity (Kant). The classical anthropology (Platon, Aristoteles, Descartes, Hume, Kant, etc.) considers the human and his "spheres" (biological, psychological, logical, philosophical, theological) and his interdependence with nature and society. A philosophical theology investigates spiritual phenomena, described by religions and parapsychology in context of ethics, epistemology (incl. metaphysics), aesthetics. A theological anthropology should consider these phenomena multidimensional in context of a holisticscience, i.e. physico- (Kant), bio- (Lüke), psycho-, logico-, (...)
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    Kindred fatalisms: debating science, Islam, and free will in the Darwinian era.M. Alper Yalçınkaya - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (3):364-385.
    ABSTRACT An important aspect of the nineteenth century debate on the relationship between science and religion concerned the popularity of deterministic views among scientists. An integral part of Comte's positivism, the idea of immutable laws that determined natural and social phenomena became an increasingly prevalent component of scientific perspectives in the Darwinian era. Referring to this tendency as ‘scientific fatalism,’ critics likened it to Calvinist predestination, which transformed the debate into one involving polemics about different branches of Christianity as well. (...)
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    Revelation and Reason in Islam. [REVIEW]Colmán Ó Huallacháin - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:238-239.
    There is much of interest to scholastics in these lectures which present some of the results of research into the history of Mohammedan thought. They help to give the background to the teaching of men like Avicenna, whose views on philosophy in relation to theology were introduced into important scholastic debates which have continued right down to our own day. The special value of Professor Arberry’s book is mainly in the quotation of apposite texts to illustrate the history which is (...)
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    The 'will to believe' in science and religion.William J. Gavin - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):139 - 148.
    “The Will to Believe” defines the religious question as forced, living and momentous, but even in this article James asserts that more objective factors are involved. The competing religious hypotheses must both be equally coherent and correspond to experimental data to an equal degree. Otherwise the option is not a live one. “If I say to you ‘Be a theosophist or be a Mohammedan’, it is probably a dead option, because for you neither hypothesis is likely to be alive.” James, (...)
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  9. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam.Mohammed Iqbal - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:407.
    _The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam_ is Muhammad Iqbal's major philosophic work: a series of profound reflections on the perennial conflict among science, religion, and philosophy, culminating in new visions of the unity of human knowledge, of the human spirit, and of God. Iqbal's thought contributed significantly to the establishment of Pakistan, to the religious and political ideals of the Iranian Revolution, and to the survival of Muslim identity in parts of the former USSR. It now serves as new (...)
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  10. Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey.H. A. R. Gibb - 1949
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    Was St. Thomas Aquinas a Platonist?Luis Cortest - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):209-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WAS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS A PLATONIST? FORTY YEARS AGO, few students would have called St. Thomas Aquinas a Platonist. At that time he was almost universally recognized as a brilliant exponent of medieval Aristotelianism. In fact, St. Thomas was considered by many to be a " pure " Aristotelian. This position was aptly expl'essed by Bertrand Russell, in his History of Western Philosophy : Aquinas, unlike his predecessors, had (...)
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    The Philosophical Background of Ethnological Theory.G. Elliot Smith - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (6):182-189.
    Every student of the early history of mankind, and their numbers have greatly increased of recent years, must be well acquainted with the recent conflict between the advocates of diffusion in interpreting the origins and world-wide manifestations of civilization and those of independent development, or, in more exact terms, of the spontaneous generation of cultures. To an unbiassed observer of the evidence, it must also be a matter of astonishment that the ethnologists of the latter school have for so long (...)
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    Integralanthropologie in Kontext von Immanuel Kant.Michael Ch Michailov, Eva Neu & Michael Schratz - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:203-214.
    The central question: "What is the Human?" is since Platon till today not answered. Kant distinguishes a physiological and a pragmatic anthropology: The Human knows the nature by senses, but himself by "pure apperception... from physical determinations independently personality (homo noumenon)..., different to... (homo phenomenon)". Kant's idea of the anthropology according to R. Brandt is a holistic totality with three spheres: phenomenal, pragmatic and moral-teleological. The philosophical (Gelen, Scheler), pedagogical (Roth, etc.), medical (V. von Weizsäcker, etc.), also the new anthropology (...)
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    Causes of War.Bertrand Russell - 2023 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 43 (1):83-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Causes of WarBertrand RussellRussell’s authorship of this anonymously published entry in An Encylopaedia of Pacifism (London: Chatto & Windus, 1937), pp. 12–13, has only just come to light, thanks to the recent sale at auction of a letter to him from Aldous Huxley. If this determination had been made earlier, the text would have featured in Papers 21. In acknowledging receipt of “Causes of War” on 14 December 1936, (...)
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  15. Experimenting with Islam: Nietzschean reflections on Bowles's araplaina.Ian Almond - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):309-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Experimenting with Islam:Nietzschean Reflections on Bowles’s AraplainaIan AlmondIn a letter to his friend Köselitz dated March 13 1881, Nietzsche wrote: "Ask my old comrade Gersdorff whether he'd like to go with me to Tunisia for one or two years.... I want to live for a while amongst Muslims, in the places moreover where their faith is at its most devout; this way my eye and judgement for all things (...)
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    A Handbook of Mohammedan Decorative Arts.N. Martinovitch & M. S. Dimand - 1931 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 51 (1):84.
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    The Mystical Philosophy of Muhyid Dín: Ibnuí' Arabí.E. A. M. - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):99-99.
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    Meaning and Context-Sensitivity.Carlo Penco, and & Massimiliano Vignolo - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Meaning and Context-Sensitivity Truth-conditional semantics explains meaning in terms of truth-conditions. The meaning of a sentence is given by the conditions that must obtain in order for the sentence to be true. The meaning of a word is given by its contribution to the truth-conditions of the sentences in which it occurs. What a speaker … Continue reading Meaning and Context-Sensitivity →.
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  19. Cognitive Penetrability of Perception and Epistemic Justification.Christos Georgakakis, and & Luca Moretti - 2019 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Perceptual experience is one of our fundamental sources of epistemic justification—roughly, justification for believing that a proposition is true. The ability of perceptual experience to justify beliefs can nevertheless be questioned. This article focuses on an important challenge that arises from countenancing that perceptual experience is cognitively penetrable. -/- The thesis of cognitive penetrability of perception states that the content of perceptual experience can be influenced by prior or concurrent psychological factors, such as beliefs, fears and desires. Advocates of this (...)
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  20.  28
    Authorship Not Taught and Not Caught in Undergraduate Research Experiences at a Research University.Lauren E. Abbott, Amy Andes, Aneri C. Pattani & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2555-2599.
    This grounded study investigated the negotiation of authorship by faculty members, graduate student mentors, and their undergraduate protégés in undergraduate research experiences at a private research university in the northeastern United States. Semi-structured interviews using complementary scripts were conducted separately with 42 participants over a 3 year period to probe their knowledge and understanding of responsible authorship and publication practices and learn how faculty and students entered into authorship decision-making intended to lead to the publication of peer-reviewed technical papers. Herein (...)
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  21.  22
    How patients and nurses experience the acute care psychiatric environment.Mona M. Shattell, Melanie Andes & Sandra P. Thomas - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):242-250.
    How patients and nurses experience the acute care psychiatric environment The concept of the therapeutic milieu was developed when patients’ hospitalizations were long, medications were few, and one‐to‐one nurse–patient interactions were the norm. However, it is not clear how the notion of ‘therapeutic milieu’ is experienced in American acute psychiatric environments today. This phenomenological study explored the experience of patients and nurses in an acute care psychiatric unit in the USA, by asking them, ‘What stands out to you about this (...)
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  22.  90
    Making Complexity Simpler: Multivariability and Metastability in the Brain.Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts - 2004 - International Journal of Neuroscience 114 (7):843 - 862.
    This article provides a retrospective, current and prospective overview on developments in brain research and neuroscience. Both theoretical and empirical studies are considered, with emphasis in the concept of multivariability and metastability in the brain. In this new view on the human brain, the potential multivariability of the neuronal networks appears to be far from continuous in time, but confined by the dynamics of short-term local and global metastable brain states. The article closes by suggesting some of the implications of (...)
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  23.  48
    Brain space and time in mental disorders: Paradigm shift in biological psychiatry.Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts - 2019 - International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 54 (1):53-63.
    Contemporary psychiatry faces serious challenges because it has failed to incorporate accumulated knowledge from basic neuroscience, neurophilosophy, and brain–mind relation studies. As a consequence, it has limited explanatory power, and effective treatment options are hard to come by. A new conceptual framework for understanding mental health based on underlying neurobiological spatial-temporal mechanisms of mental disorders (already gained by the experimental studies) is beginning to emerge.
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  24. Artificial Intelligence and its Applications.A. G. Cohn and & R. J. Thomas (eds.) - 1986 - John Wiley and Sons.
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  25. On Presentism, Endurance, and Change.H. Scott Hestevold And William R. Carter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):491-510.
    We note in Section I that an acceptable formulation of Presentism must preserve its consistency with Transient Time and inconsistency with Static Time. After arguing in Section II that certain formulations of Presentism are unacceptable, we offer in Section III a formulation of Presentism that we defend against the charge of triviality.
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    Time and Knowability in Evolutionary Processes.Elliott Sober and Mike Steel - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (4):558-579,.
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    Chinese Ideas About Nature and Society: Studies in Honour of Derk Bodde.Charles and Susan Blader Le Blanc (ed.) - 1987 - Columbia University Press.
    The main theme that pervades this Festschrift, written by fellow-scholars and students of Bodde for his seventy-fifth birthday, is that of the proper ordering of the universe as it obtains in the Chinese tradition.
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    Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader.eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde - unknown - Yale University Press.
    This book initiates a discussion among scholars in rhetoric and hermeneutics in many areas of the humanities. Twenty leading thinkers explore the ways these two powerful disciplines inform each other and influence a wide variety of intellectual fields. Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde organize pivotal topics in rhetoric and hermeneutics with originality and coherence, dividing their book into four sections: Locating the Disciplines; Inventions and Applications; Arguments and Narratives; and Civic Discourse and Critical Theory. For readers across the humanities, (...)
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  29. Sidgwick's Dualism of Practical Reason, Evolutionary Debunking, and Moral Psychology.Peter Andes - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (4):361-377.
    Sidgwick's seminal textThe Methods of Ethicsleft off with an unresolved problem that Sidgwick referred to as the dualism of practical reason. The problem is that employing Sidgwick's methodology of rational intuitionism appears to show that there are reasons to favour both egoism and utilitarianism. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer offer a solution in the form of an evolutionary debunking argument: the appeal of egoism is explainable in terms of evolutionary theory. I argue that like rational prudence, rational benevolence is (...)
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  30. Hegel, Hinrichs, and Schleiermacher on Feeling and Reason in Religion: The Texts of Their 1821–22 Debate.Ed. trans. and with introductions by Eric von der Luft also including A. new critical edition of the German text of Hegel’S. “Hinrichs Foreword.” (Studies in German Thought and History & 3) - 1987.
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  31. Causality and Demonstration: An Early Scholastic Posterior Analytics Commentary.Rega Wood and Robert Andrews - 1996 - The Monist 79 (3):325-356.
    Broadly speaking, ancient concepts of causality in terms of explanatory priority have been contrasted with modern discussions of causality concerned with agents or events sufficient to produce effects. As Richard Taylor claimed in the 1967 Encyclopedia of Philosophy, of the four causes considered by Aristotle, all but the notion of efficient cause is now archaic. What we will consider here is a notion even less familiar than Aristotelian material, formal, and final causes—what we will call 'demonstrational causality'. Demonstrational causality refers (...)
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    Social class and gender:: An empirical evaluation of occupational stratification.Nancy Andes - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (2):231-251.
    The purpose of this article is to investigate how sex segregation, social class, and gender are analytically related to occupational stratification. Recent discussions of women and men in the labor force revolve around whether a sex-segregated model in which sex of the worker affects placement, a pure social class model using classical criteria, or a gendered social class model in which social organizational processes of a gendered social class structure affect positioning in the stratification system. This article addresses the influence (...)
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  33. Platonism, Metaphor, and Mathematics.Glenn G. Parsons And James Robert Brown - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (1):47-66.
    Contemporary analytic philosophy recognizes few principled constraints on its subject matter. When other disciplines also lay claim to a particular topic, however, important questions arise concerning the relation between these other disciplines and philosophy. A case in point is mathematics: traditional philosophy of mathematics defines a set of problems and certain general answers to those problems. However, mathematics is a subject matter that can be studied in many other ways: historically, sociologically, or even aesthetically, for example. Given this, we may (...)
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  34. Analysis and integration of behavioral units.M. D. Thompson, T. And Zeiler (ed.) - 1986, 2016 - London: Routledge.
    A festschrift volume for Prof Kenneth MacCorquodale retired from th e University of Minnesota. MacCorquodale was one of the first graduate students to study with B.F. Skinner. Chapters are concerned with the basic units into which behavior is analyzed according to functional analysis principles. A second theme was how such units once demonstrated can be integrated to comprise more complex naturalistic behavior, animal and human. Contributors included many leaders in the experimental and applied analysis of operant behavior.
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  35. Art and delusion.Greg Currie and Jon Jureidini - 2003 - The Monist 86 (4):556-578.
    Despite popular representations to the contrary, creative people are rarely insane. But creativity and madness may be connected in other ways; we find suggestions of schizotypy in the biographies of many artists, and schizophrenia and related conditions seem to be disproportionately represented in talented and creative families. There are attractions, therefore, in the idea that creativity depends on the controlled deployment of capacities that are uncontrolled in psychosis: an idea explored by psychoanalytically inclined writers such as Ernst Kris and Hanna (...)
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  36. Hip Hop and Philosophy.D. Darby and T. Shelby (ed.) - 2005 - Open Court.
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  37. Republican liberty and resilience.Geoffrey Brennan and Alan Hamlin - 2001 - The Monist 84 (1):45-59.
    We focus attention on the “resilience” property of republican liberty —a property that, at least in some formulations, is among those features that distinguish republican liberty from its more familiar “liberal” counterpart. Our analysis suggests, and builds on, an analogy between resilience and risk aversion. After a brief description of what we take republican liberty to be, we turn to the question of how to conceptualise resilience and how the notion might most plausibly be formulated. Examining alternative possible formulations serves (...)
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  38. Form and cognition: How to go out of your mind.Jonathan Jacobs and John Zeis - 1997 - The Monist 80 (4):539-557.
    It would be very desirable to have an account of the relation between mind and world that sustained the integrity of each. In this paper, we will argue that a theory of cognition which is broadly Thomistic can do just that. Many commentators recognize that cognitio is Aquinas’s basic epistemic concept, and that it designates knowledge in the broadest and most basic sense, as distinguished from scientia, or knowledge in the paradigmatic sense. There are several important consequences of this distinction (...)
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  39. Victor Cousin: Commonsense and the Absolute.James W. Manns and Edward H. Madden - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (3):569-590.
    Not only did he found his own school of philosophy, known as eclecticism, but he reintroduced into French intellectual life the study and appreciation of the history of philosophy, and produced studies and translations--of Plato and Proclus, Descartes and Pascal--that stand to this day as paradigms of exegetical thoroughness. And it was he who first pointed out to his countrymen that there was some serious philosophical work being carried out on the other side of the Rhine.
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  40. Direct and indirect measures of statistical learning.Arnaud Destrebecqz [And Others] - 2015 - In Morten Overgaard (ed.), Behavioral Methods in Consciousness Research. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  41. Ethics and professionalism in health care : a position paper.Sarah Berger [and 10 Others] - 2016 - In Sabine Salloch & Verena Sandow (eds.), Ethics and Professionalism in Healthcare: Transition and Challenges. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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    Explicit mathematics and operational set theory: Some ontological comparisons.Gerhard Jäger And Rico Zumbrunnen - 2014 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):275-292,.
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    Educational research and two traditions of epistemology.Helen Freeman & And Alison Jones - 1980 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 12 (2):1–20.
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    Temporal Concept Drift and Alignment: An Empirical Approach to Comparing Knowledge Organization Systems Over Time.Jane Greenberg, Peter Melville Logan and & Sam Grabus - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (2):69-78.
    This research explores temporal concept drift and temporal alignment in knowledge organization systems. A comparative analysis is pursued using the 1910 Library of Congress Subject Headings, 2020 FAST Topical, and automatic indexing. The use case involves a sample of 90 nineteenth-century Encyclopedia Britannica entries. The entries were indexed using two approaches: 1) full-text indexing; 2) Named Entity Recognition was performed upon the entries with Stanza, Stanford’s NLP toolkit, and entities were automatically indexed with the Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary application, using both (...)
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  45. Communitarian and Liberal Theories of the Good.Jeffrey Paul and Fred D. Miller Jr - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):803-830.
    A MAJOR THESIS OF CONTEMPORARY LIBERAL PHILOSOPHY is that its theory of justice, which incorporates strong rights to negative liberty, must be prior to and independent of a theory of the good. This priority is necessary, according to liberal theorists, in view of the requirement that any adequate theory accommodate a plurality of contending views of the good, no one of which is capable of eliciting public assent to it. Recent critics of liberalism have disputed this thesis, maintaining instead that (...)
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    Free Will, Causality, and Neuroscience.Marcus Missal and Andrew Cameron Sims Bernard Feltz, Marcus Missal & Andrew Cameron Sims Bernard Feltz (eds.) - 2019 - Leiden: Brill / Rodopi.
    This book aims to show that recent developments in neuroscience permit a defense of free will. Through language, human beings can escape strict biological determinism.
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  47. Freedom, Equality, and Social Change.Creighton Peden and James P. Sterba - 1989
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  48. Global response-dependence and noumenal realism.Michael Smith and Daniel Stoljar - 1998 - The Monist 81 (1):85-111.
    A response-dependent concept is a concept defined via reference to the psychological responses of suitably situated subjects. For example, something is red, according to the response-dependent account of that concept, if and only if it would look red to suitable subjects under suitable conditions; something is uncomfortable, according to the response-dependent account of that concept, if and only if it causes the discomfort of suitable subjects in suitable conditions; and so we might go on.
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  49. By the King. Whereas Wee Are Giuen to Vnderstand, That the Lady Arbella and William Seymour Second Sonne to the Lord Beauchampe, Being for Diuers Great and Hainous Offenses, Committed, the One to Our Tower of London, and the Other to a Speciall Guard.Robert England and Wales, James & Barker - 1611 - By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie.
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  50. Evidence, Pragmatics, and Justification.Jeremy Fantl and Matthew Mcgrath - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (1):67-94.
    Intuitively, in Train Case 1, you have good enough evidence to know that the train stops in Foxboro. You are epistemically justified in believing that proposition.
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