Results for 'Mona Muhammad Kazem Abbas Al-Dulaimi'

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  1.  11
    (1 other version)Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Civil Legislation: A Comparative Study Between French Civil Law and Iraqi Civil Law.Fatima Abdul Rahim Ali Al-Musallamawi & Mona Muhammad Kazem Abbas Al-Dulaimi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:156-176.
    This study deals with the protection of intellectual property rights in French and Iraqi civil law. This is because the literary and life creativity in Iraq is declining, it is difficult to invest money in new things, and the number of people who comply with the artificial laws made since 2003 is increasing, and secondly, another reason, people's ignorance of the existing laws in Iraq. Iraq, so it is necessary. In each legislation, legal mechanisms are used to promote media and (...)
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    Therapeutic reasoning: from hiatus to hypothetical model.Sanjay W. Bissessur, Eric C. T. Geijteman, Muhammad Al-Dulaimy, Pim W. Teunissen, Milan C. Richir, Alf E. R. Arnold & Thep P. G. M. De Vries - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):985-989.
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    Conflict talk and argumentative strategies in highly adversarial talk shows: The case of Al-Jazeera’s The Opposite Direction.Khaled Abu Abbas, Muhammad A. Badarneh & Fathi Migdadi - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (1):93-121.
    This study examines the conflict strategies used in the highly adversarial and popular Arabic-language talk show broadcasted weekly on Al-Jazeera satellite channel, known as Al-Ittijah Al-Mu’aakis 'The Opposite Direction'. The study identifies the conflict strategies and verbal conflict expressions and approaches them in the light of Interactional Sociolinguistics. The analysis of three episodes debating three different topics shows that disputants used several types of strategies including "impoliteness", "aggravated impoliteness", topic restriction, lengthy holding of the floor, and sarcasm. The speakers' bald-on-record (...)
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    Nahwu Al Fiqh Al Jadid: Controversy Surrounding Jamal Al banna's Thought About Hadith Narrated by the Companions of the Prophet.Rafid Abbas & Faisol Nasar Bin Madi - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):331-346.
    Jamal Al-Banna, the 20 th century reformist and thinker, in his book _Nahwu al-Fiqh al-Jadid,_ outlines ideas about new Islamic jurisprudence, especially about the collection of _hadith_, which he considers to be fabricated _hadith_ because it contained the sayings or interpretations of the companions, not the sayings of the Prophet. Al-Banna offers an alternative to the hadith and sunnah, in line with the Qur'an, not according to the companions’ narration. This study utilized a qualitative research design, with data collected through (...)
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    Affirming the Imamate: early Fatimid teachings in the Islamic west: an Arabic critical edition and English translation of works attributed to Abū 'Abd Allāh al-Shī'ī and his brother Abu'l-'Abbās = Risālah bidūn ʻunwān mansūbah ilá Abī ʻAbd Allāh al-shīʻī.Wilferd Madelung & Paul Ernest Walker (eds.) - 2021 - London: I.B. Tauris.
    The two sermons edited and translated here for the first time are primary material from the years before the establishment of the Fatimid caliphate in 297/909. The authors have been identified as Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i and Abu'l-'Abbas Muhammad, two brothers who were central to the success of the Ismaili da'wa in North Africa. Da'wa, a term used to describe how Muslims teach others about the beliefs and practices of their Islamic faith, therefore provide a unique view of (...)
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    Abdullāh Ibn Abbās’s (d. 68/687) Corrections (Istidrāk) Regarding Inheritance.Emine Demi̇l - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:61-84.
    Müksirûndan biri olan Abdullâh b. Abbâs 1660 hadis nakletmiş ve İslâmi ilimlerin farklı birçok alanlarıyla birlikte hadis ilmiyle temâyüz etmiştir. Kur’ân’daki incelikleri kavrayıp yorumlaması için Rasûlullah’ın özel duasına mazhar olan Abdullâh b. Abbâs, fetvaları oldukça meşhur fakih bir sahâbîdir. Rasûlullah’ın sünnetini anlamaya yönelik çabaları sahâbenin gözlemine bağlı olarak farklılık arz etmektedir. Ayrıca onların her birinin hadisleri anlayış ve kavrayışları aynı seviyede değildi. Bundan dolayı rivâyetler hususunda farklı anlayışlar, yorumlamalar, unutmalar ve yapılan hatalar sebebiyle sahâbe birbirini tenkit etmiştir. Büyük bir ilmi (...)
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  7. The identity of "the Mufti of Oran", Abu l- Abbas Ahmad b. Abi Jum'ah al-Maghrawi al-Wahrani (d. 917-1511).Devin Stewart - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):265-301.
    Esta investigación intenta identificar al "muftí de Orán," bosquejando su vida y carrera a través de un análisis de los datos disponibles en las fuentes oorteafricanaa. Quisiera plantear que, ya en las fuentes biográficas del siglo XVI, se bao coofundido las biografias de dos emditoa, la del muftí, Abti l-'Abbáa Alimad b. Ahí (~um'a (m. 917/1511), y la de su hijo, Abti 'Abd Alláb Mul~ammad ~aqrtin (m. 929/1523-24). Mi investigación propone resolver esta confusión. Originario de Orán, Al~mad estudió en Tremecéo (...)
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  8.  36
    Fath al-Rahīm al-Rahmān fī tafsīri āyat “inna Allāha yaʼmuru bil-ʻadli wa al-Ihsān” by Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Ibn Muḥammad al-Khaṭīb al-Shirbīnī al-Shāfi’ī a Study and Critical Edition.Zakir Aras - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):619-639.
    This study seeks to investigate the treatise of Abū al-Hasan b. Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad al-Khatīb al-Shirbīnī al- Shāfiʻī (d. after 1028/1619) entitled Fatḥ al-Raḥīm al-Raḥmān fī tafsīr Āyat "inna Allāha yaʼmuru bi al-ʻadl wa al-iḥsān" based on the manuscript of the author. Shedding light on the translation of this unknown scholar, as it is evident from the title of the treatise that it contains the interpretation of this verse, which is well known among scholars and commentators as the (...)
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  9.  26
    Challenges facing Arab researchers in conducting and publishing scientific research: a qualitative interview study.Alya Elgamri, Zeinab Mohammed, Karima El-Rhazi, Manal Shahrouri, Mamoun Ahram, Al-Mubarak Al-Abbas & Henry Silverman - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):331-362.
    Arab researchers encounter formidable obstacles when conducting and publishing their scientific work. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 17 Arab researchers from various Arab Middle East countries to gain a comprehensive understanding of the difficulties they face in research and publication. We analyzed the transcripts using reflexive thematic analysis. Our findings revealed several key challenges. First, Arab researchers struggle to conduct high-quality research due to limited resources, inadequate funding, and a lack of a supportive research infrastructure. Furthermore, a shortage of teamwork (...)
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    Representations of the critic other in Political Poetry of the Abbasid Era.Ashwaq Sattar Muhammad & Dr Abbas Jakhour - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:502-513.
    The other is a broad concept, and the self is intricately linked to the other, as the self does not exist without the other, as it is necessary for the self to realize its existence. In other words, the other is the greatest motivator that puts the self in a state of mobilization of its capabilities. However, this interaction does not necessarily produce for us an interactive relationship characterized by In harmony, on the contrary, the other may be a factor (...)
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  11. Impact of Islamic Work Ethics on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors.Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad Abbas, Usman Raja, Olivier Roques, Afsheen Khalid & Rizwan Mushtaq - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):325-333.
    This study examines the impact of Islamic Work Ethic on organizational citizenship behaviors and knowledge-sharing behaviors among university employees in Pakistan. A total of 215 respondents from public sector educational institutions participated in this research. The findings suggest that IWE has a positive effect on OCBs. In other words, individuals with high IWE demonstrate more citizenship behaviors than those with low IWE. The findings also suggest a positive effect of IWE on KSBs. Individuals with high IWE exhibit more KSBs than (...)
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  12.  22
    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Organizational Behavior in Green Supply Chain Integration: Nexus Between Information Technology Capability, Green Innovation, and Organizational Performance.Adnan Abbas, Xiaoguang Luo, Muhammad Umair Wattoo & Rui Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Ḥāshīyat al-Ṣabbān ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-Ṣaghīr lil-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-murawnaq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2020 - İstanbul: Dār Taḥqīq al-Kitāb lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ḥasan Ibn Raḍwān & Māhir Muḥammad ʻAdnān ʻUthmān.
    1. Ḥāshīyat al-Ṣabbān ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-Ṣaghīr lil-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-murawnaq -- 2. Taqrīrāt Ḥasan ibn Riḍwān al-Ḥusaynī.
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  14. Organizational Justice and Job Outcomes: Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethic.Khurram Khan, Muhammad Abbas, Asma Gul & Usman Raja - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-12.
    Using a time-lagged design, we tested the main effects of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) and perceived organizational justice on turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and job involvement. We also investigated the moderating influence of IWE in justice–outcomes relationship. Analyses using data collected from 182 employees revealed that IWE was positively related to satisfaction and involvement and negatively related to turnover intentions. Distributive fairness was negatively related to turnover intentions, whereas procedural justice was positively related to satisfaction. In addition, procedural justice was (...)
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  15.  26
    Pīshrow-e Adab (Muqaddimat al-Adab)Pishrow-e Adab.G. M. Wickens, al-Zama khsharī, Mohammad Kazem Emam & Al-Zama Khshari - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):533.
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    Security beyond the state: exploring potential development impacts of community policing reform in post-conflict and fragile environment.Muhammad Abbas & Vandra Harris Agisilaou - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (3):426-444.
    This study investigates the significance of understanding police perspectives on community policing as a means of addressing insecurity, particularly within the context of localised and asymmetrical conflicts. It highlights the pivotal role of the police in shaping community security and the substantial impact they can have (positive or negative) in fragile environments. The study contends that the localised nature of the community policing effectively addresses security and development issues and empowering citizens. Qualitative interviews were conducted with senior police in Islamabad, (...)
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  17.  12
    Ḥāshīyat al-ʻAllāmah al-Ṣabbān ʻalá sharḥ al-ʻAllāmah al-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-munuwraq fī ʻilm al-manṭiq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2015 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Baṣāʼir. Edited by Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Mullawī.
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    Towards Exploration of Social in Social Internet of Vehicles Using an Agent-Based Simulation.Kashif Zia, Arshad Muhammad, Abbas Khalid, Ahmad Din & Alois Ferscha - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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  19. al-Ākhdh bi-al-aḥsan wa-al-afḍal min mabādiʼ al-Islām.ʻAbd Allāh ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ʻAbbādī - 2012 - al-Dawḥah: Nashr wa-Tawzīʻ Dār al-Thaqāfah.
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    Aḥādīth al-akhlāq.ʻAbd al-Razzāq ibn ʻAbd al-Muḥsin ʻAbbād - 2020 - al-Jahrāʼ [Kuwait]: Dār Īlāf al-Duwalīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  21. al-Masʼūlīyah fī al-Islām.ʻAbd Allāh ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ʻAbbādī - 2001 - al-Dawḥah: Dār al-Thaqāfah.
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    Corporate Business Strategy and Tax Avoidance Culture: Moderating Role of Gender Diversity in an Emerging Economy.Xiaochen Zhang, Muhammad Husnain, Hailan Yang, Saif Ullah, Jaffar Abbas & Ruilian Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Tax payments stimulate business enterprises to choose tax management through tax avoidance activities, which is the legal practice to reduce the amount of tax payable. In developing economies, taxation is considered more critical for budget and revenues of a country. This paper investigates whether various business strategies influence corporate tax avoidance decisions of firms by adopting business strategies. Besides, it explores how gender diversity can ease this relationship. This study has chosen a sample of organizations from non-financial sector in Pakistan. (...)
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  23.  19
    Following Islamic teachings in the governance of Islamic society with an emphasis on transparency.Abbas Ali Rastgar, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi, H. Susilo Surahman & Ammar Abdel Amir Al-Salami - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    Government is a rational necessity for mankind because a society without government leads to chaos. Government regulates the affairs of the individual and the community, implements the limits, and ensures the dignity and independence of the human society. Thinking in the main goals of the divine prophets, it is clear that achieving great goals such as liberating people from the domination and captivity of foreigners, comprehensive human education, reviving human values, establishing justice, bringing people to excellence and growth, etc., requires (...)
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  24. al-Fuṣūl al-muhadhdhibah lil-ʻuqūl.Ṣāḥib al-Ṭālqānī & Abū al-Qāsim Ismāʻīl ibn ʻAbbād - 2015 - Karbalāʼ al-Muqaddasah, al-ʻIrāq: al-ʻAtabah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Muqaddasah, Majmaʻ al-Imām al-Ḥusayn al-ʻIlmī li-Taḥqīq Turāth Ahl al-Bayt. Edited by ʻAbd al-Ḥalīm Ḥillī.
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  25. (4 other versions)al-Milal wa-al-niḥal.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani & Muhammad Riza Jalali Na'ini - 1910 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Maʻrifah. Edited by Jalālī Nāʼīnī, Muḥammad Riz̤ā, Turkah Iṣfahānī & Afz̤al al-Dīn Muḥammad Ṣadr.
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  26. Islamic Perspectives on Profit Maximization.Abbas J. Ali, Abdulrahman Al-Aali & Abdullah Al-Owaihan - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):467-475.
    Ethical considerations, especially those religiously driven, play a significant role in shaping business conduct and priorities. Profit levels and earnings constitute an integral part of business considerations and are relevant and closely linked to prevailing ethics. In this paper, Islamic prescriptions on profit maximization are introduced. Islamic business ethics are outlined as well. It is suggested that while Islamic teaching treats profits as reward for engaging in vital activities necessary for serving societal interests, profit maximization is not sanctioned and therefore (...)
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  27. Struggling with the philosopher: a refutation of Avicenna's metaphysics.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani, Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung - 2001 - New York: I.B. Tauris. Edited by Toby Mayer & Wilferd Madelung.
    Muhammad al-Shahrastani, the famous Muslim theologian of the 12th century and author of the Book of Religious and Philosophical Sects, was greatly influenced by Ismaili teachings. In this work al-Shahrastani refutes the metaphysics of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) from an Ismaili point of view.
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  28.  57
    Marketing and Ethics: What Islamic Ethics Have Contributed and the Challenges Ahead.Abbas J. Ali & Abdulrahman Al-Aali - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):833-845.
    This article examines the role of Islamic ethics in the marketing field. It presents Islamic contributions to the field by referencing original sources and concepts that are often not easily available to researchers and practitioners alike. In foundational texts, Islamic ethics have their own marketing practice prescriptions, practices that are driven by a discipline which shuns any dichotomy between organizational and societal interests. The paper underscores the role of marketers in improving the well-being of individuals and the community and presents (...)
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  29. Dīkārt, aw, al-Falsafah al-ʻaqlīyah.Rāwiyah ʻAbd al-Munʻim ʻAbbās - 1989 - Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Maʻrifah al-jāmiʻīyah.
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    The Kuwaiti Manager: Work Values and Orientations.Abbas J. Ali & Ali Al-Kazemi - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (1):63-73.
    Work values and the loyalty (commitment to hard work, profession, and principles) of 762 managers in Kuwait were investigated. The results indicated that managers scored high on work values and loyalty. Furthermore, there was a high positive correlation between the two measures. Demographic and organizational variables had significant influence on managerial orientations. Specifically, expatriates and female managers showed a high commitment to work values and loyalty.
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  31. Azmat al-ʻadālah.ʻAbd al-Hādī ʻAbbās - 2007 - Dimashq: Dār al-Ḥārith lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    A Thirteenth Century Composite Account of Muhammad’s Visit to Paradise.Frederick S. Colby - 2013 - Doctor Virtualis 12.
    Il contributo sostiene che una versione lunga e composita del Viaggio notturno del profeta e della sua ascensione, attribuita a Ibn ‘Abbas attraverso una figura più tarda conosciuta come al-Bakri, è diventata molto popolare e largamente diffusa nel tredicesimo secolo. Qui si propone una traduzione del viaggio celeste di Muhammad a partire da un importante manoscritto inedito di Istanbul copiato nella penisola araba verso la fine del tredicesimo secolo. Questa traduzione si propone come strumento per gli studiosi interessati (...)
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  33. Kniga o religii︠a︡kh i sektakh.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Karim Shahrastani & S. M. Prozorov - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry. Edited by S. M. Prozorov.
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    Religionspartheien und Philosophen-Schulen.Muhammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm Shahrastānī - 1969 - (Reprograf.: Nachdr. d. Ausg. Halle, Schwetschke, 1850-1861) Hildesheim, G. Olms.
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  35.  22
    Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzān: A Philosophical Tale.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Malik Ibn Tufayl & Lenn Evan Goodman (eds.) - 1983 - Twayne.
    The Arabic philosophical fable _Hayy Ibn Yaqzan _is a classic of medieval Islamic philosophy. Ibn Tufayl, the Andalusian philosopher, tells of a child raised by a doe on an equatorial island who grows up to discover the truth about the world and his own place in it, unaided—but also unimpeded—by society, language, or tradition. Hayy’s discoveries about God, nature, and man challenge the values of the culture in which the tale was written as well as those of every contemporary society. (...)
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    Two Andalusian philosophers.Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Malik Ibn Tufayl, Jim Colville & Averroës (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Kegan Paul International.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  37.  8
    al-Qiyam al-akhlāqīyah: bayna al-fikrayn al-Islāmī wa-al-Gharbī fī ʻaṣr al-ʻawlamah.Mūzah Aḥmad ʻAbbār - 2009 - al-Qāhirah: al-Dār al-ʻĀlamīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  38. Min al-ḥurrīyāt ilá al-taḥarrur.Muḥammad ʻAzīz Ḥabbābī - 1972 - Miṣr: Dār al-Maʻārif.
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  39. Mufakkirū al-Islām.Muḥammad ʻAzīz Ḥabbābī - 1945
  40. 10 Qawāʻid Li-ḤAyāH RūḤĪYah ʻaẓĪMah.ʻAbbās Nūr al-Dīn - 2017 - Bayrūt: Bayt al-Kātib lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  41. Taṭawwur ʻilm al-kalām ilá al-falsafah wa-manhajuhā ʻinda Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī: dirāsāh taḥlīlīyah muqāranah li-kitāb Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid.ʻAbbās Sulayman - 1994 - Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Maʻrifah al-Jāmiʻīyah.
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    Toward a Neuro-ethics in Islamic Philosophy: Trauma, Memory, and Personal Identity.Mona Jahangiri & Muhammad U. Faruque - 2024 - Sophia 63 (4):755-774.
    This study deals specifically with one of the most relevant issues in neuro-ethics, namely the philosophical classification of so-called memory dampening, which refers to the attenuation of traumatic memories with the help of medication. Numerous neuroethical questions emerge from this issue. For example, how is a person’s identity affected by using such drugs? Does one still remain the same person? Would propranolol, for example, as a memory-dampening agent lead to a fundamental change in one’s identity? Are not a person’s negative (...)
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  43. al-Jawānib al-tarbawīyah fī kitāb (Fī riḥāb al-tafsīr) lil-Shaykh ʻAbd al-Ḥamid Kishk (1933-1996M).Asmāʼ Muḥammad ʻAbbās - 2015 - Baghdād: Jumhūrīyat al-ʻIrāq, Dīwān al-Waqf al-Sunnī, Dāʼirat al-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
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  44. al-Tafsīr al-fawḍawī lil-ḥaḍārah: jadal al-fawḍá wa-al-niẓām wa-al-sūʼāl al-ʻilmī ḥawla bināʼ al-ḥaḍārah: dirāsah fī fikr Īliyā Barīghūjīn.batūl Riḍā ʻAbbās - 2016 - Bayrūt: Maktabat Ḥasan al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Taʼwīlīyat al-naṣṣ al-ʻIrfānī fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī: aʻmāl muhdāh ilá al-Ustādh ʻAbd al-Majīd al-Ṣaghīr, Mukhtabar al-Taʼwīlīyāt wa-al-Dirāsāt al-Naṣṣīyah wa-al-Lisānīyah, Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-Taṭwān bi-sharākah maʻa Markaz Abī al-Ḥasan al-Ashʻarī lil-Buḥūth al-ʻIqdīyah al-tābiʻ lil-Rābiṭah al-Muḥammadīyah lil-ʻUlamāʼ.Aḥmad ʻAbbādī (ed.) - 2021 - Taṭwān: Manshūrāt Mukhtabar al-Taʼwīlīyāt wa-al-Dirāsāt al-Naṣṣīyah wa-al-Lisānīyah, Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah.
    Language and languages; linguistics; Arabic language; sufism.
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    Baburnama: Chaghatay Turkish Text with Abdul-Rahim Khankhanan's Persian TranslationBābūr-nāma, by Zahīr al-Dīn Muḥammad BābūrBabur-nama, by Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur.Robert Dankoff, Abdul-Rahim Khankhanan, W. M. Thackston, Eijo Mano, Zahīr al-Dīn Muḥammad Bābūr & Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):744.
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  47. The Arrangement of the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa' and the Problem of Interpolations [with a Postscript].Abbas Hamdani - 2008 - In Nader El-Bizri, Epistles of the Brethren of Purity: the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ and their Rasāʾil: an introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Transparent government based on Nahj al-Balagha and social trust among Muslim citizens.Abbas Ali Rastgar, Rekurd Sarhang Maghdid, Iskandar Muda & Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    As per the teachings of Islam, social trust involves placing others as the pillars of the Islamic countries, which needs to be maintained. Therefore, any promise or action that undermines the social trust of the people as a social capital is one of the most important anti-social factors that must be dealt with. In view of that, Islam is struggling against hypocrisy as an antisocial trend, because it damages social trust when a hypocrite preaches one thing and does another; in (...)
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    An extensive review of state-of-the-art transfer learning techniques used in medical imaging: Open issues and challenges.Mazin Abed Mohammed, Belal Al-Khateeb & Abdulrahman Abbas Mukhlif - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):1085-1111.
    Deep learning techniques, which use a massive technology known as convolutional neural networks, have shown excellent results in a variety of areas, including image processing and interpretation. However, as the depth of these networks grows, so does the demand for a large amount of labeled data required to train these networks. In particular, the medical field suffers from a lack of images because the procedure for obtaining labeled medical images in the healthcare field is difficult, expensive, and requires specialized expertise (...)
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  50. Aflāṭūn wa-al-usṭūrah.Muḥammad ʻAbbās - 2008 - [Beirut]: Dār al-Tanwīr lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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