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  1.  27
    Unknown Fragments of Petrus de Treysa in the Codex Basel, Universitätsbibliothek A‑X‑44.Monica Brinzei - 2016 - Chôra 14:285-293.
  2.  24
    Roma: “Workshop on Medieval Carmelite Scholastics”.Monica Brinzei - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:494-500.
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  3.  29
    Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts in Medieval Thought. Introduction.Monica Brinzei, Ioana Curut, Daniel Paul Coman & Andrei Marinca - unknown
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  4.  27
    From Protestatio to Gratiarum Actio While Becoming a Master in Theology.Monica Brinzei - unknown
    Innovation in medieval studies is the creative ability to go back to sources. Digging, exploring, and connecting material pieces of evidence, facts, and individuals uncover new knowledge. One of the most significant sources for the medieval textual production is the university. Understanding the writings stemming from different faculties of medieval universities requires skills, curiosity, and tools. Among such instruments, the statutes of universities help researchers not only to decipher the organization of the academic institutions and interpret the rules that apply (...)
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  5.  38
    8. Enquête sur la tradition manuscrite du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacques d’Eltville.Monica Brinzei - 2014 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 56:247-261.
    A team of young scholars from the University of Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, has received funding to edit Book I of the commentary on the Sentences by the Cistercian Iacobus de Altavilla, or James of Eltville, who is attested as lecturing on the Sentences at Paris in 1369. The project has made it possible to correct Friedrich Stegmüller's findings, removing from his list several wrongly attributed manuscripts and adding to the list a number of authentic copies or fragments. The present article (...)
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  6.  31
    Le premier commentaire cistercien sur les Sentences de Pierre Lombard par Humbert de Preuilly (†1298).Monica Brinzei - 2011 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 53:81 - 148.
    The Cistercian Humbert de Preuilly played an important role as an early intellectual guide for the members of his Order. He delivered his lectures on the Sentences at Paris around 1290, from which we have the first Cistercian commentary on the Sentences in the form of Conclusiones that summarize the views of Giles of Rome in Book I and of Thomas Aquinas in Books II-IV. Preserved in some 46 manuscripts, Humbert's Conclusiones super librum Sententiarum clearly served as an introduction to (...)
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  7.  23
    New Evidence for Nicholas Aston’s Principia on the Sentences: Basel, UB, A.X.24.Monica Brinzei - 2020 - Chôra 18:601-616.
    Cet article propose d’identifier le fragment anonyme du manuscrit Basel, UB, A.X.24, ff. 1‑73v avec les questionnes sur les Sentences de Nicholas Aston, connu grâce aux travaux pionniers de Zenon Kaluza. Une analyse des détails techniques de ce texte permet également d’avancer l’hypothèse que les Articuli d’Aston peuvent être lus comme des traces des principia. En annexe, nous éditons la liste des questions du manuscrit Basel, UB, A.X.24, ainsi qu’une concordance entre ce manuscrit et les autres témoins manuscrits d’Aston, afin (...)
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  8.  22
    Nicholas of Anaskilch or Nicholas of Hönhartzkirchen ( †1400) on Angelic Cognition.Monica Brinzei - unknown
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  9.  15
    Nouveaux témoignages sur les textes perdus d’Onofre de Florence OESA (1336-1403), bachelier en théologie à Paris.Monica Brinzei - 2020 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1:59-86.
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  10.  16
    A student’s notes on the plague in Codex Wien, Österreische National Bibliothek, 4497.Monica Brînzei - 2022 - Chôra 20:367-377.
    Au f. 266r du manuscrit Vienne, ÖNB, 4497 un large colophon témoigne d’un épisode dramatique concernant une vague épidémique d’une violence particulière qui a eu un impact conséquent sur les activités de l’Universite de Vienne. Johannes Grössel, l’auteur de cette note, raconte comment en 1436 les cours ont été suspendus, les étudiants renvoyés chez eux, et qu’en une seule journée 70 étudiants et professeurs ont péri à cause de la peste. Le jeune étudiant Grössel a dû suspendre sa lecture des (...)
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  11.  17
    Henry of Langenstein’s Principium on the Sentences, His Fellow Parisian Bachelors, and the Academic Year 1371-1372.Monica Brînzei & Chris Schabel - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (4):335-346.
    This research note identifies for the first time the principium on book I of the Sentences by the prolific polymath Henry of Langenstein. This discovery, when combined with the four principia of the Augustinian Denis of Modena, provides the evidence necessary to demonstrate that Langenstein lectured on the Sentences at Paris in 1371-1372. The note also establishes the identity of the other eight bachelors of theology who participated in the principial debates that year.
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  12.  29
    New attribution of texts in the manuscript Munich, Clm 11591.Monica Brînzei & Luciana Cioca - 2014 - Chôra 12:269-286.
  13.  2
    Principia on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Exploring an Uncharted Scholastic Philosophical Genre Across Europe.Monica Brinzei & William O. Duba (eds.) - 2024
    English/French/Latin contributions.00Written 'Principia' on the Sentences of Peter Lombard constitute a largely unexplored but exciting genre that corresponds to a complex exercise imposed by the statutes of medieval universities throughout Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. Although almost completely neglected by modern scholarship, the academic practice of 'Principia' was successful, long-lived, and widespread in the late Middle Ages. It required candidates for the title of doctor to begin their defense with a public debate in which they had to reveal (...)
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  14.  29
    Ayelet Even-Ezra, Lines of Thought: Branching Diagrams and the Medieval Mind, Chicago-London, The University of Chicago Press, 2021. [REVIEW]Monica Brînzei - 2022 - Chôra 20:430-432.
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  15.  36
    Richard de Mediavilla, Questions disputées., 1: Questions 1–8; 2: Questions 9–13; 3: Questions 14–22; 4: Questions 23–31; 5: Questions 32–37, ed. and trans., Alain Boureau. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2011–13. Paper. 1: pp. lxi, 370. 2: pp. xlvi, 317. 3: pp. lvi, 465. 4: pp. xvii, 406. 5: pp. xxxiv, 245. 1: €55. 2: €39. 3: €55. 4: €55. 5: €55. ISBN: 1: 978-2-251-61003-0. 2: 978-2-251-61004-7. 3: 978-2-251-61006-1. 4: 978-2-251-06001-9. 5: 978-2-251-61007-8. [REVIEW]Monica Brinzei - 2014 - Speculum 89 (2):533-535.
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