Results for 'Monica Zajonz'

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  1. Das Maß aller Dinge.Monica Zajonz - 1992 - Cogito 1:48-51.
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    Contextual guidance of eye movements and attention in real-world scenes: The role of global features in object search.Antonio Torralba, Aude Oliva, Monica S. Castelhano & John M. Henderson - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (4):766-786.
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  3. A Serious Videogame as an Additional Therapy Tool for Training Emotional Regulation and Impulsivity Control in Severe Gambling Disorder.Salomé Tárrega, Laia Castro-Carreras, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Cristina Giner-Bartolomé, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Juan J. Santamaría, Laura Forcano, Trevor Steward, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala Subregion Morphology Are Associated With Obesity and Dietary Self-control in Children and Adolescents.Mimi S. Kim, Shan Luo, Anisa Azad, Claire E. Campbell, Kimberly Felix, Ryan P. Cabeen, Britni R. Belcher, Robert Kim, Monica Serrano-Gonzalez & Megan M. Herting - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    A prefrontal control system that is less mature than the limbic reward system in adolescence is thought to impede self-regulatory abilities, which could contribute to poor dietary choices and obesity. We, therefore, aimed to examine whether structural morphology of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala are associated with dietary decisions and obesity in children and adolescents. Seventy-one individuals between the ages of 8–22 years participated in this study; each participant completed a computer-based food choice task and a T1- and T2-weighted (...)
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    Different Topological Properties of EEG-Derived Networks Describe Working Memory Phases as Revealed by Graph Theoretical Analysis.Jlenia Toppi, Laura Astolfi, Monica Risetti, Alessandra Anzolin, Silvia E. Kober, Guilherme Wood & Donatella Mattia - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Treatment Outcome in Male Gambling Disorder Patients Associated with Alcohol Use.Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Amparo Del Pino-Gutiérrez, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Anders Hakänsson, Salomé Tárrega, Ana Valdepérez, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Laura Moragas, Marta Baño, Anne Sauvaget, Maria Romeu, Trevor Steward & José M. Menchón - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Assisted reproduction technologies and reproductive justice in the production of parenthood and origin: Uses and meanings of the co‐produced gestation and the surrogacy in Brazil.Aureliano Lopes da Silva Junior, Mônica Fortuna Pontes & Anna Paula Uziel - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (2):122-137.
    This article examines the construction of parenthood, drawing on Brazilian cisgender, heterosexual, and homosexual couples' experiences in using assisted reproduction technologies (ART), particularly the surrogacy. For that purpose, we interviewed: 1) a lesbian woman who had her daughter through her partner's pregnancy, using ART with anonymous donor semen; 2) a gay man who, together with his partner, used a surrogacy service under contract via a specialised offshore agency; 3) a woman who was a surrogate, in Brazil, for her sister-in-law and (...)
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    Comparing Aging and Fitness Effects on Brain Anatomy.Mark A. Fletcher, Kathy A. Low, Rachel Boyd, Benjamin Zimmerman, Brian A. Gordon, Chin H. Tan, Nils Schneider-Garces, Bradley P. Sutton, Gabriele Gratton & Monica Fabiani - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Learning Potential in Narrative Writing: Measuring the Psychometric Properties of an Assessment Tool.Léia G. Gurgel, Mônica M. C. de Oliveira, Maria C. R. A. Joly & Caroline T. Reppold - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Atypical Modulations of N170 Component during Emotional Processing and Their Links to Social Behaviors in Ex-combatants.Sandra P. Trujillo, Stella Valencia, Natalia Trujillo, Juan E. Ugarriza, Mónica V. Rodríguez, Jorge Rendón, David A. Pineda, José D. López, Agustín Ibañez & Mario A. Parra - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Keeping “critical” critical: A conversation from Culture on the Edge.Vaia Touna, Leslie Dorrough Smith, K. Merinda Simmons, Steven Ramey, Monica R. Miller, Russell McCutcheon & Craig Martin - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (3):299-312.
    In early March 2014, some of the members of Culture on the Edge—a scholarly research collaboration of seven scholars of religion, interested in more theoretically sophisticated studies of identity, and all of whom are at different career stages and at a variety of North American institutions—had a conversation online on the use of the terms “critique” and “critical,” terms widely used in the field today but employed in such a variety of ways that the members of the group thought it (...)
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    Alternating (In)Dependence-Friendly Logic.Dylan Bellier, Massimo Benerecetti, Dario Della Monica & Fabio Mogavero - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (10):103315.
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    Postdoctoral scholars in a faculty of education: Navigating liminal spaces and marginal identities.Lydia E. Carol-Ann Burke, Jennifer Hall, Wilson A. de Paiva, Angela Alberga, Guanglun M. Mu, Jeanna P. Leigh & Monica S. Vazquez - 2017 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (4):329-348.
    The last decade has seen a slow but steady increase in the number of postdoctoral scholars employed in faculties of education. In this article, seven postdoctoral scholars who worked in the same Ca...
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    Role of Two Types of Syntactic Embedding in Belief Attribution in Adults with or without Asperger Syndrome.Morgane Clémentine Burnel, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Stephanie Durrleman, Anne C. Reboul & Monica Baciu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  15. Scientific literacy: what it is, why it is important, and why scientists think we don't have it.Bjorn Claeson, Emily Martin, Wendy Richardson, Monica Schoch-Spana & Karen-Sue Taussig - 1996 - In Laura Nader (ed.), Naked science: anthropological inquiry into boundaries, power, and knowledge. New York: Routledge.
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    O processo de urbanização na província de córdoba, argentina. Para Uma empirização do tempo.Franco Gastón Lucero, Maria De los Ángeles Galfioni, Mónica Donadoni, Analía Emiliozzi & Jorge Luis Hernández - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):03.
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  17. El derecho al juego como test-case de los derechos del niño y adolescente.Mónica González Contró - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 31:47-72.
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    Placebo Politics: On Comparability, Interdisciplinarity and International Collaborative Research.Monica Konrad - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (4):S67-S84.
    National and international research cultures for the innovation of new medicines involve various value claims about the ethics of the placebo entity as differentiating comparator. Yet, in turn, the instantiation of the placebo comparator as cultural artefact for the creation and identification of the ‘control group’ depends also upon prior social understandings of ‘comparability’. Reading back the ethics controversies surrounding the Risperidone psychiatry trials in India, the paper illustrates why drug efficacies need to be studied not only through comparative techniques (...)
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    Editorial: The Impact of AI-Enabled Technologies in E-commerce and Omnichannel Retailing.Monica Cortinas, Carmen Berne, Raquel Chocarro, Frode Nilssen & Natalia Rubio - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    A terceira geração de ouvintes e a formulação do gosto musical.Mônica Panis Kaseker - 2011 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
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  21. Despre "aparența" și "realitatea" literaturii.Monica Spiridon - 1984 - București: Editura Univers.
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    Challenged Iconography: The Last Folio in the Cycle of the Life and Passion of Christ in the Bible of Ávila.Mónica A. Walker Vadillo - 2007 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 12:227-236.
    En la Biblia de Ávila se encuentra el ciclo pictórico de la vida y la pasión de Cristo más completo del Románico español. Cada escena viene acompañada por una inscripción en latín añadida poco después de que se completaran las imágenes. Sin embargo, no todas las inscripciones identifican los personajes o las escenas correctamente. Uno de los errores se encuentra en el último folio del ciclo que, habiendo sido identificado como Pentecostés o la bajada del Espíritu Santo, no presenta ninguna (...)
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    Masking Emotions: Face Masks Impair How We Read Emotions.Monica Gori, Lucia Schiatti & Maria Bianca Amadeo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:669432.
    To date, COVID-19 has spread across the world, changing our way of life and forcing us to wear face masks. This report demonstrates that face masks influence the human ability to infer emotions by observing facial configurations. Specifically, a mask obstructing a face limits the ability of people of all ages to infer emotions expressed by facial features, but the difficulties associated with the mask’s use are significantly pronounced in children aged between 3 and 5 years old. These findings are (...)
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    Vitalism Now – A Problematic.Monica Greco - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):47-69.
    This paper considers whether and how ‘vitalism’ might be considered relevant as a concept today; whether its relevance should be expressed in terms of disciplinary demarcations between the life sciences and the natural sciences; and whether there is a fundamental incompatibility between a ‘vitalism of process’ and a ‘vitalism as pathos’. I argue that the relevance of vitalism as an epistemological and ontological problem concerning the categorical distinction between living and non-living beings must be contextualized historically, and referred exclusively to (...)
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  25. From Models of God to a Model of Gods: How Whiteheadian Metaphysics Facilitates Western Language Discussion of Divine Multiplicity.Monica A. Coleman - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (3-4):329-340.
    In today’s society, models of God are challenged to account for more than the postmodern context in which Western Christianity finds itself; they should also consider the reality of religious pluralism. Non-monotheistic religions present a particular challenge to Western theological and philosophical God-modeling because they require a model of Gods. This paper uses an African traditional religion as a case study to problematize the effects of monotheism on philosophical models of God. The desire to uphold the image of a singular (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Caring for Toddlers and School Age Children: Ethical Aspects of the Role and Work of the Health Visitor.Monica Davis - 2011 - In Gosia M. Brykczynska & Joan Simons (eds.), Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Nursing Children and Young People. Wiley. pp. 55.
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  27. A “inevitabilidade” das remoções de favelas como discurso legitimador do Porto Maravilha.Mônica Fort & Vania Oliveira Fortuna - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):278-292.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a produção de sentidos do Porto Maravilha na cobertura jornalística de O Globo. Utilizando como metodologia a Análise de Discurso, nos moldes propostos por Eni Orlandi (1999) e Kleber Mendonça (2007), analisamos reportagens, veiculadas entre 2010 e 2015, sobre as remoções no Morro da Providência. A construção discursiva do consenso sobre o projeto neoliberal de cidade que prometia transformar o Rio de Janeiro em cidade global, silenciou e ou normalizou o agravamento de problemas sociais, (...)
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    Una historia americana.Mónica Henry - 2016 - Co-herencia 13 (25):119-138.
    Las primeras historias sobre el origen de las revoluciones y emancipaciones hispanoamericanas fueron gestadas y publicadas antes de que las guerras de independencia hubieran terminado. Algunas de estas obras lo fueron en Estados Unidos. Por otro lado, historias de la revolución editadas en América española fueron reseñadas en revistas literarias estadounidenses de amplia difusión. En este artículo se estudiará entonces el papel que cumplieron los estadounidenses en la fabricación y la difusión de esta naciente historiografía hispanoamericana. El propósito es destacar (...)
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    A moda infantil no século XX: representações imagéticas na revista do Globo.Monica Tonding Kern, Claudia Schemes & Denise Castilhos de Araújo - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (2).
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    Permitting dishonour: Culture, gender and freedom of expression.Monica Mookherjee - 2007 - Res Publica 13 (1):29-52.
    While the right to freedom of expression is of great importance in liberal societies, liberal governments should be wary of speech that disparages minority groups. This issue is particularly problematic when minority women publicly criticise gender oppression within their communities. By focusing on the controversy over the play Behzti in 2004, this article explores the difficulties involved in protecting individual women’s rights to criticise injustice, when doing so risks perpetuating negative stereotypes in society at large. If liberal polities wish to (...)
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    (1 other version)Learning behavior fusion from demonstration.Monica Nicolescu, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Adam Olenderski & Eric Fritzinger - 2008 - Interaction Studies 9 (2):319-352.
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    El dolor en primera persona. La experiencia de la enfermedad en Une mort très douce (S. De Beauvoir) en diálogo con Merleau-Ponty, Canguilhem y Foucault.Mónica Andrea Ogando - 2022 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 19:139-158.
    A partir de la lectura de Une mort très douce, novela autobiográfica de Simone De Beauvoir, me propondré en este trabajo reflexionar sobre la noción merleau-pontiana de cuerpo vivido, particularmente en la experiencia del dolor. Más allá de las diferencias filosóficas específicas que la autora posee con Merleau-Ponty, me centraré en los préstamos que, efectivamente, ha tomado del fenomenólogo francés. Considero que Une mort très douce es un relato ejemplar que permite iluminar y profundizar algunas cuestiones que no han sido (...)
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  33. Connoisseurs, Scientists and the Mineral Kingdom.Monica Price & Mike Rumsey - 2023 - In Christina Marie Anderson & Peter Stewart (eds.), Connoisseurship. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  34. Una introducción al comunitarismo desde la perspectiva del derecho político.Mónica Garcia Rubio - 2007 - Aposta 34:3.
    In an introductory way, this essay analyzes a model of citizenship: the comunitarianism. Its political theory is elaborated in the most prestigious North American universities and it borns as a critical alternative to the liberal, standing out model in all the academic speeches. The comunitarianism is make uo by different currents and tries to improve the social organization, to increase people participation inside a framework where the values of the community are those that construct the civil identity.
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  35. Arbitrary imitation, pattern completion and the origin and evolution of human communication.Monica Tamariz - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 66--72.
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    The anthropology of morality: a dynamic and interactionist approach.Monica Heintz - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Why, when and where are some moral systems supported and followed whilst others are condemned? Are moral values relative or universal? Can immoral actions be tolerated in times of crisis? Is the dream of becoming better sufficient for prompting virtuous behavior, or should we dream about what is best? Do moral values last? The divergence in practices and codes of moral belief and action present significant challenges but also offer opportunities to anthropologists for understanding social life. In this book, (...) Heintz explores these questions, drawing on case studies from Eastern Europe that encompass migration, religion, economic and social policies and paying particular attention to the way morality works in communities undergoing rapid social change. She uses these examples to reflect on the wider question of societal conflict and change, showing how they are driven by moral values. By highlighting the centrality of such values as engines for action and questioning the limits of universal moral values, she argues that anthropology has the capacity to shed light on the study of morality and moral values generally. The Anthropology of Morality: A Dynamic and Interactionist Approach will be of interest to students and researchers in anthropology, as well as those in politics and sociology with an interest in European politics. (shrink)
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    On the Vitality of Vitalism.Monica Greco - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (1):15-27.
    The term ‘vitalism’ is most readily associated with a series of debates among 18th- and 19th-century biologists, and broadly with the claim that the explanation of living phenomena is not compatible with, or is not exhausted by, the principles of basic sciences like physics and chemistry. Scientists and philosophers have continued to address vitalism - mostly in order to reject it - well into the second half of the 20th century, in connection with classic concepts such as mechanism, reductionism, emergence, (...)
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    Folk theories of algorithmic recommendations on Spotify: Enacting data assemblages in the global South.Mónica Sancho, Ricardo Solís, Andrés Segura-Castillo & Ignacio Siles - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    This paper examines folk theories of algorithmic recommendations on Spotify in order to make visible the cultural specificities of data assemblages in the global South. The study was conducted in Costa Rica and draws on triangulated data from 30 interviews, 4 focus groups with 22 users, and the study of “rich pictures” made by individuals to graphically represent their understanding of algorithmic recommendations. We found two main folk theories: one that personifies Spotify and another one that envisions it as a (...)
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    Lo Stato dell'arte. Fascismo e legittimazione culturale.Monica Cioli & David Rifkind - 2013 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 25 (48).
    We asked a series of questions to Monica Cioli and David Rifkind, authors of two important books which focus on the process that enabled art and architecture to acquire a specific political meaning under fascism. The outcome is a dialogue that shows how the relationship between fascism and art is not characterized by a mere appropriation or a mutually functional exploitation between the artist or the architect and the fascist regime. Art prepares a specific appropriation of technology and serves (...)
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    Ontologia della reciprocità e riflessione pedagogica: saggio sulla filosofia dell'amore di Maurice Nédoncelle.Monica Amadini - 2001 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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  41. Lucretius and previous poetic traditions.Monica Gale - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 59--75.
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    Nature and deliberation in Bessarion’s De natura et arte.Monica Marchetto - 2015 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 108 (2):735-752.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 2 Seiten: 735-752.
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    Utopia as a Cosmopolitan Method in Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men.Mónica Martín - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (1):56-72.
    ABSTRACT This article analyzes Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men as an illustrative contemporary example of cinematic cosmopolitan utopianism. Departing from the anti-utopian bias that pervaded modes of being, cultural texts and sociology in the late twentieth century, the film rearticulates utopia as a cosmopolitan method necessary to transform nonsustainable paradigms of progress and individualist worldviews. Against an apocalyptic eco-social backdrop, the evolution of the narrative and the protagonists conveys a stressed sense of directionality forward and elsewhere in search of hope. (...)
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  44. Humanism and gender.Monica R. Miller - 2021 - In Anthony B. Pinn (ed.), The Oxford handbook of humanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  45. Philosophy and the curriculum.Peter Ellerton Monica Bini, Stephan Millett Sue Knight & Alan Tapper - 2018 - In Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton (eds.), Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The development of an inquiring society in Australia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
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    Equality in multiplicity: Reassessing Irigaray's multicultural feminism.Monica Mookherjee - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (3):297-323.
    Luce Irigaray classically challenges what she takes to be the masculine foundations of knowledge in Western liberal culture. The present article contends not only that this epistemological challenge implicates a radical feminist politics, but that it is also more helpful in formulating a multicultural feminist theory than is often acknowledged by her readers. This is because her account responds to the false neutrality of liberal feminist approaches to multiculturalism. It does so by supporting, at the socio-political level, transformative genealogical practices (...)
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  47. Everything changes and nothing changes Change, culture and identity in contemporary Italian social theory.Monica Sassatelli - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 95.
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    Deciding when a life is not worth living: An imperative to measure what matters.Monica E. Lemmon - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):18-19.
    As a neonatal neurologist, I serve families facing tragic decisions in which they must balance trade-offs between death and life with profound disability. I often find myself in complex discussions about future outcome, in which families sort through in real-time what information they value most in making such a choice. Will he laugh? Will he be in pain? Will he know how much he’s loved? In this month’s feature article, Brick et al share the results of an online survey aimed (...)
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    Kjærlighet og respekt.Monica Roland - 2021 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 56 (1):7-18.
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  50. Where the Genetic Code Meets the Zip Code: Advancing Equity in Rare Disease Genomics.Monica H. Wojcik, Hadley S. Smith & Yarden S. Fraiman - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):49-55.
    The promise of genomic medicine lies in the opportunity to improve health outcomes via a personalized approach to management, grounded in genetic and genomic variation unique to an individual. However, disparities and inequities mar this remarkable landscape of genomic innovation. Prior efforts to understand these inequities have focused on populations for which genetic testing is relatively protocolized or where test utility varies greatly by ancestry groups, where equitable outcomes are more clearly defined. We therefore consider the current landscape of rare (...)
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