Results for 'Muneyoshi Yanagi'

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  1.  5
    Yanagi Muneyoshi shūkyō shisō shūsei: "ichi" no tankyū.Muneyoshi Yanagi - 2015 - Tōkyō-to Kōtō-ku: Shoshi Shinsui. Edited by Muneyoshi Yanagi.
    Shūkyō to sono shinri -- Shūkyō no rikai -- Kami ni tsuite.
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    Microtubule Inner Proteins: A Meshwork of Luminal Proteins Stabilizing the Doublet Microtubule.Muneyoshi Ichikawa & Khanh Huy Bui - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (3):1700209.
    Motile eukaryotic cilia and flagella are hair-like organelles responsible for cell motility and mucociliary clearance. Using cryo-electron tomography, it has been shown that the doublet microtubule, the cytoskeleton core of the cilia and flagella, has microtubule inner protein structures binding periodically inside its lumen. More recently, single-particle cryo-electron microscopy analyses of isolated doublet microtubules have shown that microtubule inner proteins form a meshwork inside the doublet microtubule. High-resolution structures revealed new types of interactions between the microtubule inner proteins and the (...)
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    Suiron to ronri: kanō sekai ronri no kaikei rironteki tenkai no tame no kenkyū.Kenji Nihonʾyanagi - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
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    Chi no shiteki tankyū: shakai shisōshi no sekai.Hiroaki Yanagi & Iori Ishikawa (eds.) - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Yachiyo Shuppan.
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    Eimei Enju to "Sugyōroku" no kenkyū: isshin ni yoru Chūgoku Bukkyō no saihen.Mikiyasu Yanagi - 2015 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan. Edited by Yuanzhao.
    唐宋を結ぶ五代十国時代にあって「一心」により中国仏教を統合し、その思想を『宗鏡録』一〇〇巻に著わした禅僧、永明延寿の全体像を本格解明。巻末には新出史料、『永明智覚禅師方丈実録』の翻刻と訳注を付す。中国 仏教思想史に新たな息吹を伝える迫真の論考!
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    Estimating marginal treatment effects under unobserved group heterogeneity.Takahide Yanagi & Tadao Hoshino - 2022 - Journal of Causal Inference 10 (1):197-216.
    This article studies the treatment effect models in which individuals are classified into unobserved groups based on heterogeneous treatment rules. By using a finite mixture approach, we propose a marginal treatment effect framework in which the treatment choice and outcome equations can be heterogeneous across groups. Under the availability of instrumental variables specific to each group, we show that the MTE for each group can be separately identified. On the basis of our identification result, we propose a two-step semiparametric procedure (...)
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    プラチック理論への招待: 暗黙の思考領域をどうとらえるか.Tetsuji Yamamoto, Kazuki Yanagi & Yukito Takimoto - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sankōsha. Edited by Kazuki Yanagi & Yukito Takimoto.
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    Evaluative Processing of Food Images: A Conditional Role for Viewing in Preference Formation.Alexandra Wolf, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda & Johan Lauwereyns - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363543.
    Previous research suggested a role of gaze in preference formation, not merely as an expression of preference, but also as a causal influence. According to the gaze cascade hypothesis, the longer subjects look at an item, the more likely they are to develop a preference for it. However, to date the connection between viewing and liking has been investigated predominately with self-paced viewing conditions in which the subjects were required to select certain items from simultaneously presented stimuli on the basis (...)
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    Evaluative Processing of Food Images: Longer Viewing for Indecisive Preference Formation.Alexandra Wolf, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda & Johan Lauwereyns - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Urgency Promotes Affective Disengagement: Effects From Bivalent Cues on Preference Formation for Abstract Images.Ji Xu, Noha Mohsen Zommara, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda & Johan Lauwereyns - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Yanagi, Ceramics and the Craft Values of Korean Aesthetics.Rosa Fernández Gómez - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):18-26.
    The long Japanese tradition of Korean ceramics appreciation, closely associated with the Zen tea ceremony _(chanoyu), _has played an important role in the development of Korean aesthetics in the twentieth century. The art critic and philosopher Yanagi Soetsu was instrumental in this process during the occupation period, since, continuing in this tradition, he particularly valued Joseon ceramics for their aesthetic qualities - such as naturalness, nonchalance, and simplicity - akin to praised values in Zen Buddhism. Yanagi’s pioneering writings (...)
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    Tongyang mihak kwa Han'guk hyŏndae mihak ŭi t'ansaeng: K'ang Yuwei, Yanagi, Ko Yu-sŏp.Se-gŭn Chŏng - 2022 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: P'ara Ak'ademi.
    1. Ikkŭnŭn mal -- 2. Han nara ŭi yet kŭlssi ro tora kaja : K'ang Yuwei, sŏye wa mihakchŏk chŏnhwan -- 3. Chosŏn ŭi yesul ŭn illyu ŭi pigŭk ŭl tamnŭnda : Yanagi Muneyosi, minye uĭ palgyŏn -- 4. Nŏhŭi nŭn T'ap ŭi himch'am ŭl poannŭn'ga : Ko Yu-sŏp, Han'guk hyŏndae mihak ŭi t'ansaeng -- 5. Naganŭn mal.
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    Beauty of Folkcraft--A Buddhist Aesthetics by Soetsu Yanagi.Isao Toshimitsu - 1976 - Bigaku: The Japanese Journal of Aesthetics 27:23-35.
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    Eimei Enju to Sugyōroku no kenkyū 永明延寿と『宗鏡録』の研究, by Yanagi Mikiyasu 柳 幹康, Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2015, 486pp. Hb. ¥7,000. Japanese. ISBN: 9784831873897. [REVIEW]Jason Protass - 2016 - Buddhist Studies Review 32 (2):309-312.
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    Shibumi: acerbic beauty of the aged face.Wan Lin Teo - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    > The Japanese have a word which summarizes all the best in Japanese life, yet it has no explanation and cannot be translated. It is the word shibui, and the best approximation to its meaning is 'acerbic good taste'.—James A. Michener in Iberia The austere beauty of lacquerware, the wizened lines and thickened trunk of a 100-year-old bonsai, the veiled beauty of murky jade—what do all these have in common? These are the qualities of shibumi, a Japanese aesthetic defined by (...)
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    Cloth Weaving Cloth, Clay Shaping Clay: Toward a Religion of Beauty.Leni dlR Garcia - 2016 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 17 (2):208-224.
    Prompted by Heidegger’s search for great art in the modern times, this paper looks into crafts as answering the philosopher’s frustrated call. Using Soetsu Yanagi’s idea of a “religion of beauty,” which turns to the ordinary as beautiful, it suggests that crafts—carefully made by hand while considering its affinity with nature and the human body that uses it—is a way of being, the way Heidegger described the way of “dwelling poetically.”.
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  17. Aesthetic Imperfection and Ethical Edification.Lucas Scripter - 2022 - In Peter Cheyne, Imperfectionist Aesthetics in Art and Everyday Life. London: Routledge. pp. 241–254.
    Might aesthetic imperfections play an edifying role in the lives of moral agents? Drawing on the work of Aurel Kolnai, R. F. Holland, Yuriko Saito, and Soetsu Yanagi, this paper argues that aesthetic imperfections, especially of the everyday variety, can sustain our sense that life is worth living, thereby ethically edifying our lives. Cultivating the ability to find beauty in everyday aesthetic imperfections helps to preserve us in dark times. The beauty of the chipped, gnarled, and otherwise blemished can (...)
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