Results for 'Murodi Murodi'

  1.  16
    Shifting Dakwah Methods to Match Media Technology Transformation.Murodi Murodi, Muhtadi Muhtadi, Kamarusdiana Kamarusdiana & Deden Mauli Darajat - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 18 (1):93-113.
    The advancement of communication technology has sophisticated all aspects of human lives, including Islamic _dakwah_ (preaching) activities, for Muslim communities in Indonesia. As a result, several Islamic organizations in Indonesia try hard to match this advancement by using digital media for their _dakwah _to reach larger audiences and youth media-savvy generation. This article, by focusing on three Islamic organizations in Indonesia (Nahdlatul Ulama known as NU, Muhammadiyah, and Al Washliyah), addresses the question of how their _dakwah_ activities and strategies respond (...)
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