Results for 'Muṣṭafá Fawākhīrī'

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    Muhammed b. Mustafa el-Al'î’ye Nispet Edilen Şerḥ-i İr'de-i cüzʾiyye’nin Aidiyeti Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme.Mustafa Borsbuğa - 2021 - Atebe 6:121-159.
    Çalışma, Muhammed b. Mustafa el-Alâî’ye (ö. 1234/1818) nispet edilen Şerḥ-i İrâde-i cüzʾiyye risâlesinin ona aidiyeti üzerine yoğunlaşacaktır. Muhammed b. Mustafa el-Alâî’nin kendisine ait olduğunu söylediği ve ona nispet edilen Şerḥ-i İrâde-i cüzʾiyye risâlesi aslında Dâvûd-i Karsî’nin (ö. 1169/1756) Risâle fi’l-iḫtiyârâti’l-cüzʾiyye ve’l-irâdâti’l-ḳalbiyye adlı risâlesinin kısmen değiştirilmiş bir versiyonudur. Alâî, Karsî’nin risâlesinden ihtiyaç duymadığı bazı bağlam ve konuları çıkararak ve gerekli gördüğü bazı başlıkları da Ebû Saîd el-Hâdimî’nin (ö. 1176/1762) el-Berîḳatu’l-maḥmûdiyye eserinden eklemeler yaparak oluşturduğu Şerḥ-i İrâde-i cüzʾiyye risâlesi, içerik açısından dikkate alındığında (...)
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  2. Useful Durkheim.Mustafa Emirbayer - 1996 - Sociological Theory 14 (2):109-130.
    From the mid-1960s through much of the 1980s, Durkheim's contributions to historical-comparative sociology were decidedly marginalized; the title of one of Charles Tilly's essays, "Useless Durkheim," conveys this prevailing sensibility with perfect clarity. Here, by contrast, I draw upon writings from Durkheim's later "religious" period to show how Durkheim has special relevance today for debates in the historical-comparative field. I examine how his substantive writings shed light on current discussions regarding civil society; how his analytical insights help to show how (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Publics in history.Mustafa Emirbayer & Mimi Sheller - 1998 - Theory and Society 27 (6):727-779.
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    Self-negation.Mustafa Emirbayer - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (2):323-356.
    This paper presents a new approach to theorizing and empirically investigating a phenomenon variously described by sociologists as internalized oppression or symbolic violence. Located at the intersection of internal worlds and external reality, the intrapsychic and the interpersonal and social, this object of inquiry—here termed self-negation—is crucial to many forms of societal domination. The paper explores its inner workings, analytically disaggregating it into an array of psychosocial processes drawn from the psychoanalytic theory of the defenses. Much of the work’s originality (...)
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    Rukn al-Dīn ‎al-Samarqandī’s ‎Work Titled ‘Risālat al-rūḥ/Risalah of Soul’: Analysis and Investigation.Mustafa Vacid AĞAOĞLU - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):576-610.
    The matter of the soul has been one of the most important and central matters in the history of Islamic science and thought. For the soul constitutes one of the two elements that make up the human being, and the issue of the human being has undoubtedly been one of the most prominent matters in Islamic civilization and has been a major preoccupation for Islamic intellectuals. In this context, the Islamic basin of knowledge and thought has constructed two main definitions (...)
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    The Case for God: Based on Reason and Evidence, Not Groundless Faith: A Collection of Writings.Tariq Mustafa - 2009 - Mr. Books.
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    Društveno-etički pojmovnik.Mustafa Spahić - 2007 - Sarajevo: Bookline d.o.o.. Edited by Mirzet Hamzić.
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    Reproduction of subjectivity: neoliberalism and friendship.Mustafa Demirtaş - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):301-314.
    In this article, I will discuss how neoliberalism affects subjects and what friendship looks like in the neoliberal world we live in. I will show that one of the most important consequences of neoliberal intervention on the subject is the severe damage to the bonds of friendship. In the neoliberal world, we live constantly in a competitive environment dominated by temporary relationships. Friendships seem to be valuable only to gain advantages and to be ahead of others. Those who have more (...)
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    Does Health Consciousness Matter to Adopt New Technology? An Integrated Model of UTAUT2 With SEM-fsQCA Approach.Sohaib Mustafa, Wen Zhang, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Aliya Anwar & Gelas Rubakula - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Every emerging technology has its pros and cons; health-conscious users pay more importance to healthy and environment-friendly technologies. Based on the UTAUT2 model, we proposed a comprehensive novel model to study the factors influencing consumers’ decision-making to adopt the technology. Compared to prior studies that focused on linear models to investigate consumers’ technology adoption intentions and use behavior. This study used a Structural Equation Modeling-fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis approach to account for the complexity of customers’ decision-making processes in adopting (...)
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  10. Bourdieu and organizational analysis.Mustafa Emirbayer & Victoria Johnson - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (1):1-44.
    Despite some promising steps in the right direction, organizational analysis has yet to exploit fully the theoretical and empirical possibilities inherent in the writings of Pierre Bourdieu. While certain concepts associated with his thought, such as field and capital, are already widely known in the organizational literature, the specific ways in which these terms are being used provide ample evidence that the full significance of his relational mode of thought has yet to be sufficiently apprehended. Moreover, the almost complete inattention (...)
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  11. Pragmatism, Bourdieu, and collective emotions in contentious politics.Mustafa Emirbayer & Chad Alan Goldberg - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (5):469-518.
    We aim to show how collective emotions can be incorporated into the study of episodes of political contention. In a critical vein, we systematically explore the weaknesses in extant models of collective action, showing what has been lost through a neglect or faulty conceptualization of collective emotional configurations. We structure this discussion in terms of a review of several “pernicious postulates” in the literature, assumptions that have been held, we argue, by classical social-movement theorists and by social-structural and cultural critics (...)
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    The Next Generation: Young Women on Feminism.Bahar Mustafa, Naomi McLeod, Zoe Carletide & Roisin Winston - 2012 - Feminist Theology 20 (3):262-270.
    The reflections that follow are written by Roisin Winston, Zoe Carletide, Naomi McLeod and Bahar Mustafa. These four young women outline their experience of feminism and in so doing suggest ways in which the Next Generation are thinking about ‘feminism’ and its relevance to their modern day lives. Topics discussed include sexuality, cultural differences, sex education, rape, and how the face of feminism is changing or needs to change. Thoughts range from a belief that the word ‘feminism’ has too many (...)
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    Metaphysical Basis of Freedom of Will: Examination, Critical Edition and Translation of Dāwūd al-Qarṣī’s Risāl'h fi’l-ikhtiyārāt al-juzʾiyyah wa’l-irādāt al-qalbiyyah.Mustafa Borsbuğa - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):233-321.
    This study will examine how Dāvūd al-Qarṣī, an 18th-century Ottoman scholar, resolved the paradox between human freewill and God being the creator of everything in his work Risālâh fi’l-ikhtiyārāt al-juzʾiyyah wa’l-irādāt al-qalbiyyah. In addition, in this study, the critical edition and translation of the risālah will also be provided. The treatise which is the subject of the present study is a link in the series of works written under the title of human acts in the Islamic thought tradition regarding al-irādah (...)
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  14. Islam and the four principles of medical ethics.Yassar Mustafa - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (7):479-483.
    The principles underpinning Islam's ethical framework applied to routine clinical scenarios remain insufficiently understood by many clinicians, thereby unfortunately permitting the delivery of culturally insensitive healthcare. This paper summarises the foundations of the Islamic ethical theory, elucidating the principles and methodology employed by the Muslim jurist in deriving rulings in the field of medical ethics. The four-principles approach, as espoused by Beauchamp and Childress, is also interpreted through the prism of Islamic ethical theory. Each of the four principles is investigated (...)
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    İsl'm Hukukunda Sevm ale’s-Sevm (Pazarlık Üzerine Pazarlık).Mustafa Ünal - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):370-388.
    Sosyal varlıklar olan insanlar, tarih boyunca birbirleri ile alışveriş yapma ihtiyacı hissetmişlerdir. Bu alışverişler, genellikle satış akdi yoluyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Satış akitlerinin kurulmasında en yaygın görülen yöntem ise pazarlık usulü ile gerçekleştirilen müsâveme yöntemidir. İnsanlar satış akdini kurarken, akdin unsurları üzerinde pazarlık yaparak bir anlaşmaya varmışlardır. İslâm hukuku bu yöntemin sınırlarını belirlemiştir. İnsanların birbirlerinin haklarını ihlal etmeden pazarlık yapabilmelerini sağlayacak düzenlemeler getirmiştir. Ayrıntıları başta örf olmak üzere farklı delillerle düzenlense de, insanların satış akdini kurarken bu sınırlara dikkat etmesi gerektiği, doğrudan doğruya (...)
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    A Psychological Research On Definations, Dimensions and Measurement of Religiosity: A Case Study Among Students in Erciyes University.U. L. U. Mustafa - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):575-576.
    The overall objective of this research is to determine the religious perceptions and its levels of university youth and to interpret the findings from the point of view of their psychological features. This research consists of four chapter. These are: introduction, first chapter consist of discussions of the basic concepts such as religiosity, spirituality, second chapter that the data obtained from the survey was assessed the relationships with hypotheses and conclusions in which the findings were interpreted. The study’s population consists (...)
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    About Ghazel Mecmua Numbered 06 Hk 319/1 In National Library.Mustafa ATİLA - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Son asrin ilim ve fen adamlarina göre ilim, ahl'k, îman: Diyannet Is̃leri bas̃kani A. Hamdi Akseki tarafindan genis̃ bir mukaddime yazilmis̃ ve kitabin sonuna ślim̂ 'limlerinden bazilarinin yazilari eklenmis̃tir.Mustafa Rahmi Balaban - 1950 - Ankara,: Türkiye Matbaacılık ve Gazetecilik A. O..
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    Tarixa felsefeyê ya rojava: qirna antiq.Mustafa Düzgün - 1995 - Sweden: Weşanên Berhemê.
    The history of European western philosophy.
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    İlköğretim Dergisi'nin Fen ve Matematik Öğretimi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi.Mustafa GÜÇLÜ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):311-311.
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    Hakimiyet-i Milliye Gazetesinde Büyük Taarruz.Mustafa Müjdeci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 1):387-387.
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    Local Knowledge and Ritual Reproduction in Village Societies.Rogaia Mustafa-Abusharaf - 2002 - Radical Philosophy Review 5 (1-2):126-140.
  23.  15
    Hacı Hasanz'de’nin Mukaddim't-ı Erbaa H'şiyesinin Tahkiki.Mustafa Bilal ÖZTÜRK - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):893-953.
    There is no common working style followed in the preparation of the editorial critiques of the ĥāshiya. The overwhelming majority of the ĥāshiya works written on at least one text and commentary, were produced in the Ottoman science-culture basin and period. Ĥāshiya style of writing is an area neglected by the academic community until recently. A claimant is obliged to prove his claim by scientific, legal and moral principles. However, studies that prove or at least support the said judgment have (...)
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    A Critical Edition of the “Ĥāshıya ‘alā Muqaddımāt al-Arba‘a” of Muśliĥu’d-Dīn al-Kastalī and an Analytical Interpretation of the Work.Mustafa Bilal ÖZTÜRK - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):666-724.
    The text of “The Four Premises” (Muqaddimāt al-Arba‘a), which began with Sadr al-Sharī‘ah (d. 747/1346), centralizes on the actions of human beings by connecting it with the problem of good and evil in the field of kalām, Islamic philosophy and logic, and fıqh. It was also commented in with incisive and critical footness by Sa‘d al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī (d. 791/1390). In Ĥāshiya ‘alā Muqaddimāt al-Arba‘a, al-Kastalī (d. 901/1496) discusses the two main issues. One of them is good/husn-evil/qubh, the other is human (...)
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    Rükneddin es-Semerkandî’nin (ö. 701/1301) Ris'le fî ḥaḳîḳati’l-ʿ'lemi’l-kebîr ve’s-ṣağîr Adlı Eseri: İnceleme ve Tahkîk.Mustafa Vacid Ağaoğlu - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):722-745.
    Bu çalışma, Rükneddin Ubeydullah b. Muhammed es-Semerkandî'nin (öl. 701/1301) "Risâle fî ḥaḳîḳati’l-‘âlemi’l-kebîr ve’s-ṣağîr/Büyük ve Küçük Âlemin Hakikati Hakkında Bir Risâle" adlı eserini tahkîk etmeyi, müellifin hayatı ve eserin içeriğini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Rükneddin es-Semerkandî'nin müteahhir/geç dönem Mâtürîdî ve Hanefî âlimlerinden biri olduğu; kelâm, tasavvuf, tefsir, fıkıh usulü, hadis ve diğer alanlardaki eserleriyle İslâm medeniyeti tarihinde belirgin izler bıraktığı belirtilmelidir. Semerkandî'nin eserlerinde de görüldüğü gibi o, sûfî kelâmcılardan veya kelâmcı sûfîlerinden biridir. Üslubu, kelâm, tasavvuf ve - zaman zaman geniş anlamıyla - felsefe (...)
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    The Effect of Abdullah Cevdet on the Mustafa Kemal and Education and Culture of Early Republican Period.Mustafa GÜNDÜZ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1067-1088.
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    The Attribute of Superintelligence (Fatānah) of the Prophets in terms of Using Reason Properly.Mustafa Sönmez - 2022 - Kader 20 (2):723-744.
    Reason and revelation are two important guides for humanity. People can find the right path only thanks to these two guides. Fatānah is the peak of functional intelligence, which is a special attribute given to prophets. At the same time, this attribute is the ability and competence to use reason in the best way. Needless to say, this attribute comes along with great values and privileges. This prophetic attribute not only reflects the human aspect of the prophets but also points (...)
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  28. Public sphere.Mustafa Dikeç - 2011 - In John A. Agnew & David N. Livingstone (eds.), The SAGE handbook of geographical knowledge. Los Angeles: SAGE.
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    Alliteration in Classical Ottoman Prose.Mustafa Durmuş - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:995-1004.
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    On The Authentic And Modified Input In The Second/Foreign Language Teaching.Mustafa Durmuş - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    The peculiar convergence of Jeffrey Alexander and Erik Olin Wright.Mustafa Emirbayer & Molly Noble - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (6):617-645.
  32. The Issue of Weak Hadiths ın Omer Al-Nasefi's Work El-Teysîr Fi't-Tefsîr On The Virtues (Of Fatiha İn Particular).Mustafa Gökmen - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):195-208.
    The issue of acting on weak hadiths has been a debated issue throughout history. Scholars have adopted different views on this issue. While there are scholars who argue that weak hadiths should not be acted upon at all, there are also scholars who argue that there is no harm in acting upon them under certain conditions. While scholars such as Müslim, Yahya b. Ma'in and Subhi Salih in the modern period adopt the view that weak hadiths should not be acted (...)
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    The Narration Techiques in Yusuf Atılgan's Novel of 'Aylak Adam'.Mustafa Karabulut - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1375-1387.
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    Hass'n b. S'bit’in Şiirinde Talebî İnş'.Mustafa Keskin - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):55-82.
    Hassân b. Sâbit’in Şiirinde Talebî İnşâ Özet Bu çalışmada, Hassân b. Sâbit’in divanında yer alan talebi inşâ kısımlarının tespit edilmesi ve edebi güzelliklerinin ortaya çıkarılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu bağlamda Hassân b. Sâbit’in hayatına ve divanına dair genel bilgiler verilmiş ve Arap belagatinde genel olarak inşâ üslubu ve talebi inşâ önemine değinilmiş söz konusu mevzu hakkında açıklayıcı ve genel malumatlar verilmiştir. Çalışmanın temel konusu, Şairin Divanında yer alan, talebi inşâ kısımları, emir, nehiy, istifham, temenni ve nida, ifade eden cümleler araştırılmıştır. Bu çerçevede (...)
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    Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İstanbul'a İlişkin Algılarının Şehir İmajı Açısından Analizi.Mustafa SAĞDIÇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):1267-1267.
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    A Morpheme In The Process Of Word>Enclitc>Suffix In The Works With Mixed Daalect: -dAvUK/-dAyUK.Sari Mustafa - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:594-615.
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  37. A view about the short histories of the mole and Avogadro’s number.Mustafa Sarikaya - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (1):79-91.
    The mole and Avogadro’s number are two important concepts of science that provide a link between the properties of individual atoms or molecules and the properties of bulk matter. It is clear that an early theorist of the idea of these two concepts was Avogadro. However, the research literature shows that there is a controversy about the subjects of when and by whom the mole concept was first introduced into science and when and by whom Avogadro’s number was first calculated. (...)
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    Some Problems on Synonymy in Turkey Turkish.Mustafa Sari - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:533-538.
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    Estetik Bir Öğe Olarak Sinemada Ses Tasarımı Ve Örnek Bir Film Çözümlemesi.Mustafa Sözen - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):2097-2097.
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    An Investigation on Aristotle's Rhetoric: Political Rhetoric, Elements and Persuasion Styles.Mustafa Yeşil - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:2):301-324.
    Although thinkers before Aristotle saw rhetoric as a form of speech that helps to activate only emotions of audience, Aristotle mentions three different types of rhetoric as political, legal, and ceremonial, and structures the political rhetoric we examine in this research as an art consisting of three elements as subject, speaker, and audience, and three persuasion styles as reasoning, character of speaker, and emotional state of audience. As he structured it, political rhetoric is a reasoning-centered process. This reasoning centeredness makes (...)
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    Norms modeling constructs of business process compliance management frameworks: a conceptual evaluation.Mustafa Hashmi & Guido Governatori - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (3):251-305.
    The effectiveness of a compliance management framework can be guaranteed only if the framework is based on sound conceptual and formal foundations. In particular, the formal language used in the CMF is able to expressively represent the specifications of normative requirements that impose constraints on various activities of a business process. However, if the language used lacks expressiveness and the modelling constructs proposed in the CMF are not able to properly represent different types of norms, it can significantly impede the (...)
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    Hac psi̇koloji̇si̇ – II: İngi̇ltereli̇ türk di̇aspora hacilari üzeri̇ne ni̇tel bi̇r durum çalişmasi.Mustafa Koç - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):193-193.
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  43. Biyoloji ve Felsefesinin Serencâmı.Mustafa Yavuz - 2024 - In Elif Gültekin (ed.), Türk-İslam Tarihi Araştırmalarında Kaynaklar. Türkiye Klinikleri. pp. 17-21.
    Biology, or life science, has particularly marked the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as a discipline. Due to its focus on the study of living entities, it distinguishes itself from other natural sciences in terms of subject matter, methods, and scope. The importance of biology is likely to continue growing in the coming years and centuries, leading to an increased interest in the history and philosophy of biology. Consequently, there is a need to illuminate methods that shed light on the history (...)
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    The Analysis, Critical Edition and Translation of the Borlevî’s Ilzām al-muʿānidīn wa-ibṭāl zaʿm al-ḥāsidīn.Mustafa Selim Yilmaz - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):210-235.
    Every text, in addition to its main idea and notional framework, has a context that reflects the background of the milieu in which it was written. In this respect, it would be paid attention in the identity of the text, which waiting to be discovered like a hidden treasure within lines and reflecting its time, as much as giving importance to the sentences of the text. Adopting such an approach, in a sense, could contribute to a better understanding of the (...)
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    M'tûrîdî Kel'm Okulunda İnsan Hürriyeti Problemi.Mustafa Özden - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):207-227.
    İnsanı diğer varlıklardan ayıran en önemli özelliği bilinç (akıl) sahibi ve seçme hürriyetine sahip olmasıdır. İnsanlık tarihi boyunca insanın hürriyeti, bu hürriyetin sınırları, mahiyeti sorgulana gelmiştir. İnsan özgürlüğü konusunda genellikle iki çeşit yaklaşım söz konusudur: Bunlardan birincisi filozofların getirmiş oldukları yaklaşım diğeri ise dinlerin getirmiş oldukları yaklaşımdır. Hürriyet kavramı katı bir tarif/tanımlama kalıbına kolayca sığabilen bir kavram değildir. Mantıkçıların “ağyârını mâni‘ efrâdını câmi‘” diye nitelendirdikleri tam ve tümel bir tanım yapılamamıştır. Dolayısıyla filozoflar, bilginler kendi çağlarının düşünce ortamına, entelektüel birikime göre (...)
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    A Criticism Of the Definition of Knowledge: In The Context Of Jalāl al-Dīn Dav-vānī’s Risāla fī Taʻrīf ʻilm.Mustafa Bilal ÖZTÜRK - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):823-851.
    This study discusses the treatise of Jalāl al-Dīn Davvānī (d. 908/1502) named Risāla fī taʻrīf ʻilm. This treatise criticizes a definition of knowledge adopted by some theologians in the late period (mutaʾakhkhirīn). The definition of knowledge at issue consists of three components: Attribution, discernment, no possibility of contradiction. Knowledge is an attribute as a category and with this attribution, a discernment is obtained. As a result of this process knowledge is acquired and there should be no possibility of this knowledge (...)
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    Beyond Miracle: Event, Idea and Organization in the Political Thought of Alain Badiou.Mustafa Demirtaş - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (2):154-171.
    I have written this article as a modest response to some of the criticisms of the ‘event’ that is at the centre of Alain Badiou’s thought and is the most salient concept. By addressing Badiou’s con...
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  48.  26
    The Problem of Authenticity of Constitutive Root Text al-Fıqh al-Akbar and the Contribution of Ottoman Intellectuals I.Mustafa Bilal ÖZTÜRK - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):281-304.
    The foundations of almost all Islamic sciences were laid in the first and second centuries of hijra. With the expansion of the Islamic world since the first century of hijra, the existence of a collective effort to transfer oral information into writing is notable. With the invitation of the prophet Muḥammad to Islam, an unprecedented increase in the culture of writing has been observed. Since the emergence of Islam, the world history scene has witnessed feverish writing activity. Especially in the (...)
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    Symbols, positions, objects: toward a new theory of revolutions and collective action.Mustafa Emirbayer & Jeff Goodwin - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (3):358-374.
  50. The Alexander School of Cultural Sociology.Mustafa Emirbayer - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 79 (1):5-15.
    I pursue three aims in this article: (1) a contextualization of Jeffrey Alexander’s cultural sociology within the broader trajectory of his intellectual development; (2) a sketch of the key ideas of his approach to cultural analysis against the backdrop of contemporary debates regarding culture and social structure; and (3) an appreciation and critical assessment of Alexander’s program.
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