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Mykhailo G. Murashkin [6]Mykhailo Murashkin [2]
  1.  21
    Абсолют: Питання переходу премодерну і модерну до постмодерну в розумінні самодостатності як абсолюту.Mykhailo G. Murashkin - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 42:4-20.
    The statement of the problem of the article in the general form boils down to the fact that in modern philosophy, provided the postmodern Absolute is presented as a certain state of man, a certain state of consciousness of a self-sufficient nature.The topic of the Absolute as self-sufficiency is considered in view of the fact that in the concepts of almost all postmodernist directions the problem of the Absolute appears.An analysis of recent research and publications reveals the Absolute and self-sufficiency (...)
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  2.  19
    Філософія людини та праукраїнські витоки божественного.Mykhailo G. Murashkin - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:11-17.
    The formulation of the problem in the general form boils down to the fact that myths such as "See", "Wild", "Miracle", "God", "Dazhbog", "Strybog" are densely scattered in Pro-Ukrainian mythology, religion, folklore. These mythologists are necessarily human, even if they describe the cosmogonic picture of the world.An analysis of recent research and publications has established an anthropological approach to understanding the phenomenon of religion.The formulation of the goals of the article is to link all the terms-mythologists listed above to a (...)
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  3.  26
    Стан немри: Контекст релiгiйного, нерелiгiйного I мiстичного мислення.Mykhailo G. Murashkin - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:19-27.
    The statement of the problem is to start before I become rooted in HEMRI, as a special person I become, de facto sprint for an hour and space, to relax in the light of the eye. Analysis of the remaining costs to drive the problem of transmission and the ability to see will become NEMRI in the context of the forms of suspension. That is to say, form and state - to look at NEMRI in the context of a reliant, (...)
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  4.  25
    God in the religious life of the person.Mykhailo Murashkin - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:26-29.
    The article by M.Murushkin "God in the religious life of the person" shows that in relation to the question of the existence of God all religions are ultimately at the positions of anthropologizing. At the same time, through the state of God, a believer acquires himself. Therefore, any religious system appears not as a picture of the world, but as a picture of a person.
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  5.  23
    Myth, self-sufficiency, salvation.Mykhailo G. Murashkin - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:4-18.
    The problem statement is that the modernity of human existence gives rise to new myths. This human present seeks salvation and experiences a self-contained character. An analysis of recent research on the subject involves examining the link between myth, salvation, and self-sufficiency in the ancient and modern world. In view of this, the purpose of the article is to identify the connection between modern myth and the idea of salvation and self-sufficiency.
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  6.  33
    The phenomenon of self-sufficiency of the mystical-aesthetic experience: a place in the religious-mystical and scientific worldviews of the XX-XXI centuries.Mykhailo G. Murashkin - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 34:9-21.
    The formulation of the problem is that neither religious nor scientific, or worldview, appear in real life as something self-sufficient. They depend on each other. Analysis of recent research on this issue assumes self-sufficiency as a subjective.
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  7.  24
    The phenomenon of self-sufficiency of the mystical-aesthetic experience: a place in understanding the similarity of Christianity, Taoism, religion of ancient Ukrainians and modern mysticism.Mykhailo G. Murashkin - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 38:85-98.
    The problem statement is that the understanding of the fullness as a certain state of consciousness is inherent not only in Christianity. An analysis of recent research on the subject involves the consideration of emptiness as fullness in Chinese mysticism. In view of this, the purpose of the article is to highlight the phenomenon of self-sufficiency and finding the similarity of Christianity, Taoism, the religion of ancient Ukrainians and modern mysticism.
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  8.  31
    The role of the subjective factor in the cases of the subfamily and the mysticism at the hourly stage.Mykhailo Murashkin - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:66-72.
    An important problem is ninі і відзнайдення подібніості у буті містика і митця. Analiz doslenie і publikacіy showing nayavnіst vzhe vikrukuvanyh materіalіv zy chyogo drive. The subject of ours is written down by the term "Stan Bezsmertya", which is introduced after the documentary facts of people who immigrated immortality, de death appeared to be uninvolve and the collapse of the vital of the vital. Here subunit stіnі місти і митця ми bachimo u mіsticizmі і in otsіnyuvannі stіiv mіstistizmu yak creativ (...)
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