Results for 'Mürsel Özalp'

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    Kuran-ı Kerim'de Kozmik Tarih ve Biyolojik Gelişim.Hasan Özalp - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 1):535-535.
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    Ortodoks ve Protestan Kiliselerin Papanın Yanılmazlığı Doktrinine Bakışı ve Bu Kiliselerin Yanılmazl.Mürsel Özalp - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 6):707-707.
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    İşrakî Mektebin Bir Üyesi Olarak Hayy b. Yakzan'ın Felsefî ve Doğal Dînî Tecrübe Serüveni.Hasan Özalp - 2016 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 6 (1).
    Bu makalede İşrakî felsefe geleneğinin önemli bir düşünürü olan İbn Tufeyl’in, Hayy b. Yakzan isimli eserinde ortaya koymuş olduğu dini tecrübeyi ve mahiyetini ele aldık. Konuyu temellendirmek için öncelikle dini tecrübeden ne anladığımızı ve çeşitlerinin ne olduğunu tespit etmeye çalıştık. Daha sonra İbn Tufeyl’in felsefi ve teolojik arka planının ne olduğunu tespit ettik. Burada kilit rolü, İbn Sina oynamaktadır. Ancak Sühreverdî’nin görüşleri de önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. İbn Tufeyl’in en önemli kaynaklarından biri şüphesiz Gazzâlî’dir. Ancak İslam tasavvuf geleneğinde dînî tecrübe (...)
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    A Survey on the Concept of ‘Tikkun olam: Repairing the World’ in Judaism.Mürsel Özalp - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):291-309.
    The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam means repairing, mending or healing the world. Today, the phrase tikkun olam, particularly in liberal Jewish American circles, has become a slogan for a diverse range of topics such as activism, political participation, call and pursuit of social justice, charities, environmental issues and healthy nutrition. Moreover, the presidents of the United States who attend Jewish religious days and Jewish ceremonies state the tikkun olam in its Hebrew origin, pointing out its origin embedded in the Judaism (...)
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    The Literary Technique Styles Of The al-Muḥassināt al-Maʿnewiyye İn Kirmāsti’s Work “al-Mukhtār Fi Al-Maʿāni we al-Bayān”.Mehmet Sıddık Özalp - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):69-105.
    Yûsuf b. Hussein al-Kirmāstī (d. 900/1494), a figure who lived in the 15th century, studied under scholars of his time such as Khujazāda Muṣliḥuddīn Efendi (d. 893/1488). Kirmāstī was from the district of Kirmāstī (Mustafakemalpaşa) in Bursa. Yûsuf b. Hussein al-Kirmāstī was a qadi (judge) during the reign of Sultan Bâyezid II (1481-1512). Kirmāstī, originally from Kirmāstī (Mustafakemalpaşa), Bursa, established a medrese (theological school) in Istanbul named Kirmâstî. After serving as a lecturer in various madrasahs, he transitioned to the judicial (...)
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    Tanrı Hakkında Konuşamak: Plotinus'da Negatif Teoloji.Hasan Özalp - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):735-735.
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    A Quantitative Research on the Relationship of Self-Monitoring with Religious Orientation and Religious Group Membership.Büşra Kılıç Ahmedi - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):539-563.
    Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life. Therefore, it has been one of most popular research topics in social psychology. The aim of this study is to find out if there is a meaningful relationship between religious orientation and self-monitoring, and to determine the direction of the relationship if it exists. Besides, examining the effect of religious group membership on self-monitoring is (...)
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