Results for 'Naama Sabar'

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  1.  7
    Mi ani she-aḥliṭ ʻal goralam?: dilemot etiyot shel morim.Naama Sabar - 2006 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Liron Dushnik & Gadi Bialik.
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    The association between creativity and 7R polymorphism in the dopamine receptor D4 gene.Naama Mayseless, Florina Uzefovsky, Idan Shalev, Richard P. Ebstein & Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Putting the world in mind: The case of mental representation of quantity.Naama Katzin, David Katzin, Adi Rosén, Avishai Henik & Moti Salti - 2020 - Cognition 195 (C):104088.
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    Der neuostaramäische Dialekt von Särdä: rïdDer neuostaramaische Dialekt von Sarda: rid.Yona Sabar & Helen Younansardaroud - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):903.
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    From Tel-Kēpe ("A Pile of Stones") in Iraqi Kurdistan to Providence, Rhode Island: The Story of a Chaldean Immigrant to the United States of America in 1927From Tel-Kepe ("A Pile of Stones") in Iraqi Kurdistan to Providence, Rhode Island: The Story of a Chaldean Immigrant to the United States of America in 1927.Yona Sabar - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):410.
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    Men's Folk Songs in Judeao-[sic] Arabic from Jews in Iraq.Yona Sabar & Yizhak Avishur - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):332.
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    Neusyrische Chrestomathie.Yona Sabar, R. Macuch & E. Panoussi - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):438.
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    The Aramaic Dialect of the Jews of Zakho.Yona Sabar & Iddo Avinery - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):653.
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    The Arabic Elements in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Texts of Nerwa and ʿAmādīya, Iraqi KurdistanThe Arabic Elements in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Texts of Nerwa and Amadiya, Iraqi Kurdistan.Yona Sabar - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (1):201.
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    The Christian Neo-Aramaic dialects of Zakho and Dihok: two text samples.Yona Sabar - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):33-51.
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    The Dawn of Hebrew Linguistics: The Book of Elegance of the Language of the Hebrews [By Saadia Gaon].Yona Sabar, Aron Dotan & Saadia Gaon - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):516.
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    The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Qaraqosh.Yona Sabar & Geoffrey Khan - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):123.
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    “We must do something instead of just watch”: The First Medical Interpreter Training Course for Eritrean Asylum Seekers in Israel.Galia Sabar & Shiri Tenenboim - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (7-8):804-820.
    ABSTRACTThis article analyzes the outcomes of the first medical interpreter vocational training course for Eritrean asylum seekers in Israel. Our study draws on the work of Phyllis Butow et al. on medical interpreters’ perceptions of their role, including the challenges they face; on Elena Ragazzi’s call for a flexible evaluation of vocational training outcomes; and on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of “cultural capital” as an empowering tool for change. The course was initiated in 2013 in response to difficulties experienced by medical (...)
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    A transdisciplinary study of agroecological niches: understanding sustainability transitions in vineyards.Naama Teschner & Daniel E. Orenstein - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):33-45.
    Despite a widely agreed necessity for agroecological transition, there are various substantial constraints that hinder the adoption of alternative, more sustainable, practices. We employ the niche management concept to examine the initial phases of transition in the local wine-growing niche in Israel, or specifically, the replacement of herbicides with the use of cover-crops combined with the practice of mowing of herbaceous growth using specialized trimming machines. Our goal is to uncover the triggers, drivers and agents of change in farming practices (...)
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  15.  35
    Insights from letter position dyslexia on morphological decomposition in reading.Naama Friedmann, Aviah Gvion & Roni Nisim - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Dreams of Teeth Falling Out: An Empirical Investigation of Physiological and Psychological Correlates.Naama Rozen & Nirit Soffer-Dudek - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    An even more universal model of reading: Various effects of orthography on dyslexias.Naama Friedmann & Aviah Gvion - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):285-286.
    The properties of a specific orthography dictate the way people read it. We bring considerations from dyslexia to suggest that the claim can be extended further. First, the effect of orthographic neighborhood density can be extended beyond letter-position encoding and beyond the orthographic lexicon. Second, Hebrew and Arabic differ with respect to letter forms, and hence, in letter-position encoding.
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  18.  73
    Modularity in developmental disorders: Evidence from specific language impairment and peripheral dyslexias.Naama Friedmann & Aviah Gvion - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):756-757.
    Evidence from various subtypes of Specific Language Impairment and developmental peripheral dyslexias is presented to support the idea that even developmental disorders can be modular. However, in developmental letter position dyslexia and neglect dyslexia we show that additional errors can occur because of insufficient orthographic-lexical knowledge.
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  19.  57
    Dual Function of DNA Sequences: Protein-Coding Sequences Function as Transcriptional Enhancers.Naama Hirsch & Ramon Y. Birnbaum - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (2):182-195.
    The human genome consists of more than 3 billion base pairs built from four different nucleotides that hold the genetic information for the entire organism. The genome is commonly divided into coding and noncoding DNA sequences, with coding DNA sequences defined as those that can be transcribed into mRNA and translated into proteins, or genes. The genetic code determines the impact of a nucleotide change in a gene on the protein sequence and function, and it is essential to understanding the (...)
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    Semantic-Pragmatic Impairment in the Narratives of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Naama Kenan, Ditza A. Zachor, Linda R. Watson & Esther Ben-Itzchak - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    From “sense of number” to “sense of magnitude”: The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition.Tali Leibovich, Naama Katzin, Maayan Harel & Avishai Henik - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Things happen: Individuals with high obsessive–compulsive tendencies omit agency in their spoken language.Ela Oren, Naama Friedmann & Reuven Dar - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:125-134.
  23. Developmental Dyslexia and the Phonological Deficit Hypothesis.Anne Castles & Naama Friedmann - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (3):270-285.
    Dehaene (in Reading in the Brain) reviews and finds support for the phonological deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia, which proposes that dyslexics have a basic deficit in processing the constituents of spoken words. This hypothesis can be seen as reflecting three associated claims: a) there is only one basic kind of dyslexia; b) all (or most) dyslexic children have phonological impairments, and c) these phonological impairments cause their dyslexia. We consider each of these claims, and the evidence presented by Dehaene, (...)
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    PěSAT WA YěHI BěSALLAH: A Neo-Aramaic Midrash on Beshallaḥ (Exodus)PeSAT WA YeHI BeSALLAH: A Neo-Aramaic Midrash on Beshallah.Bernard Grossfeld & Yona Sabar - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):64.
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    Homilies in the Neo-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews on the Parashot Wayḥi, Beshallaḥ and YitroHomilies in the Neo-Aramaic of the Kurdistani Jews on the Parashot Wayhi, Beshallah and Yitro.Robert D. Hoberman & Yona Sabar - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):551.
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    Sefer Be-reʾshit ba-Aramit Hadashah be-Nivam shel Yehude Zaʾkho (The Book of Genesis in Neo-Aramaic in the Dialect of the Jewish Community of Zakho)Sefer Be-reshit ba-Aramit Hadashah be-Nivam shel Yehude Zakho.Robert D. Hoberman & Yona Sabar - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):734.
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    ASD Is Not DLI: Individuals With Autism and Individuals With Syntactic DLI Show Similar Performance Level in Syntactic Tasks, but Different Error Patterns.Nufar Sukenik & Naama Friedmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Evidence from neglect dyslexia for morphological decomposition at the early stages of orthographic-visual analysis.Julia Reznick & Naama Friedmann - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Dissociations between developmental dyslexias and attention deficits.Limor Lukov, Naama Friedmann, Lilach Shalev, Lilach Khentov-Kraus, Nir Shalev, Rakefet Lorber & Revital Guggenheim - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Network analysis of perception-action coupling in infants.Naama Rotem-Kohavi, Courtney G. E. Hilderman, Aiping Liu, Nadia Makan, Jane Z. Wang & Naznin Virji-Babul - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Relative clause reading in hearing impairment: different profiles of syntactic impairment.Ronit Szterman & Naama Friedmann - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    When Cultures Meet: The Landscape of “Social” Interactions between the Host and Its Indigenous Microbes.Naama Geva-Zatorsky, Eran Elinav & Sven Pettersson - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (10):1900002.
    Animals exist as biodiverse composite organisms that include microbial residents, eukaryotic cells, and organs that collectively form a human being. Through an interdependent relationship and an inherent ability to transmit and reciprocate stimuli in a bidirectional way, a human body or the holobiont secures growth, health, and reproduction. As such, the survival of a holobiont is dependent on the maintenance of biological order including metabolic homeostasis by tight regulation of the communication between its eukaryotic and prokaryotic residents. In this review (...)
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    Toward an integrative approach to numerical cognition.Tali Leibovich, Naama Katzin, Moti Salti & Avishai Henik - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Developmental Letter Position Dyslexia in Turkish, a Morphologically Rich and Orthographically Transparent Language.Selçuk Güven & Naama Friedmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Medical Theory about the Body and the Soul in the Middle Ages: The First Medical Curriculum at Monte Cassino. By Gerald J. Grudzen.Naama Cohen-Hanegbi - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (3):392-393.
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    Roads to Health: Infrastructure and Urban Wellbeing in Later Medieval Italy: by Guy Geltner, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019, 259 pp., $65.00.Naama Cohen-Hanegbi - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (6):640-642.
    Roads to Health was published just a few months before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent re-emergence into public consciousness of how health issues may impact all of society...
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    A Principled Relation between Reading and Naming in Acquired and Developmental Anomia: Surface Dyslexia Following Impairment in the Phonological Output Lexicon.Aviah Gvion & Naama Friedmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Deficit in Movement-Derived Sentences in German-Speaking Hearing-Impaired Children.Esther Ruigendijk & Naama Friedmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:184940.
    Children with hearing impairment (HI) show disorders in morphology and syntax. The question is whether and how these disorders are connected to problems in the auditory domain. The aim of this paper is to examine whether moderate to severe hearing loss at a young age affects the ability of German-speaking orally trained children to understand and produce sentences. We focused on sentence structures that are derived by syntactic movement, which have been identified as a sensitive marker for syntactic impairment in (...)
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    The spirit of Islam in Javanese mantra: Syncretism and education.Onok Y. Pamungkas, Hastangka Hastangka, Sabar B. Raharjo, Anang Sudigdo & Iskandar Agung - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The history of the development of Islam in Indonesia often fails because of the rejection of the local community. Therefore, it is necessary to make ethical efforts so that society can accept Islam. This research is an attempt to explain the Mantra by Sunan Kalijaga (after this referred to as SKM) as a medium for spreading Islam. This research uses a qualitative research paradigm. The primary data source is the spell text in Serat Kidungan ingkang Jangkep. Data analysis techniques use (...)
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    Promoting organ donation registration with the priority incentive: Israeli transplantation surgeons' and other medical practitioners' views and ethical concerns.Nurit Guttman, Gil Siegal, Naama Appel-Doron & Gitit Bar-On - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (5):527-541.
    Because the number of organs available for transplantation does not meet the needs of potential recipients, some have proposed that a potentially effective way to increase registration is to offer a self‐benefit incentive that grants a 'preferred status' or some degree of prioritization to those who register as potential donors, in case they might need organs. This proposal has elicited an ethical debate on the appropriateness of such a benefit in the context of a life‐saving medical procedure. In this paper (...)
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  41.  17
    Friends’ Closeness and Intimacy From Adolescence to Adulthood: Art Captures Implicit Relational Representations in Joint Drawing: A Longitudinal Study.Sharon Snir, Tami Gavron, Yael Maor, Naama Haim & Ruth Sharabany - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  42.  42
    Mindful Reading: Mindfulness Meditation Helps Keep Readers with Dyslexia and ADHD on the Lexical Track.Ricardo Tarrasch, Zohar Berman & Naama Friedmann - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:181957.
    This study explored the effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention on reading, attention, and psychological well-being among people with developmental dyslexia and/or attention deficits. Various types of dyslexia exist, characterized by different error types. We examined a question that has not been tested so far: which types of errors (and dyslexias) are affected by MBSR training. To do so, we tested, using an extensive battery of reading tests, whether each participant had dyslexia, and which errors types s/he makes, (...)
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  43.  19
    Scaling of dorsal‐ventral patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo.Danny Ben-Zvi, Abraham Fainsod, Ben-Zion Shilo & Naama Barkai - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):151-156.
    Scaling of pattern with size has been described and studied for over a century, yet its molecular basis is understood in only a few cases. In a recent, elegant study, Inomata and colleagues proposed a new model explaining how bone morphogenic protein (BMP) activity gradient scales with embryo size in the early Xenopus laevis embryo. We discuss their results in conjunction with an alternative model we proposed previously. The expansion‐repression mechanism (ExR) provides a conceptual framework unifying both mechanisms. Results of (...)
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    La mise en art de la danse sabar sous le prisme anthropo-didactique.Aurélie Doignon - 2021 - Noesis 37.
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