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    A cry in the wilderness: the works of Nārāyaṇa Guru.Narayana Guru - 2022 - Gurugram, Harayana: HarperCollins Publishers India. Edited by Vinaya Chaitanya.
    What is your name, from where, of which caste, what job, how old? One who is free from such questions, his alone is beatitude. In the verdant countryside of south-west India, at the turn of the last century, lived the great poet-seer Narayana Guru. His message was very simple: 'Man is of one caste, one religion and one God / Of one same womb, one same form, with no difference at all.' Grounded in the mystical depths of life, he wandered (...)
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  2. Ātmōpadēśaśatakaṃ: Śr̲īnārāyaṇagurudēva viracitaṃ, śatābdipatippȧ.Narayana Guru - 1996 - Tiruvanantapuraṃ: Kēraḷa Bhāṣā Inst̲t̲it̲t̲yuṭṭȧ. Edited by Ke Śr̲īnivāsan.
    Original text with commentary on Ātmōpadēśaśtakam of Sri Narayana Guru, b. 1856-1928, work on philosophy of Ātman.
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  3. Ātmopadeśa śataka.Narayana Guru - 1999 - Naī Dillī: Ḍī. Ke. Priṇṭavarlḍa. Edited by Narayana Prasad & Ji Kamalamma.
    On the concept of Ātman in Hindu philosophy; text with Hindi translation and explanation.
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  4. [Darśanamālā] =.Narayana Guru - 1983 - Edakkadom, Quilon: Sri Sankara Sanskrit Vidyapeetham. Edited by R. Karunakaran.
    Verse work on the Advaita philosophy, by a Hindu religious leader and social reformer from Kerala.
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    Garland of visions: Darśanamālā of Narayana Guru.Narayana Guru - 2007 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. Edited by Narayana Prasad.
    Work on Advaita philosophy; text, translation, study with interpretation.
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  6. One hundred verses of self-instruction (Atmopadesasatakam).Narayana Guru - 1969 - Varkala, Kerala,: Gurukula Pub. House. Edited by Nataraja Guru.
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