Results for 'Nena Močnik'

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  1.  18
    Re-Thinking Exposure to Trauma and Self-Care in Fieldwork-Based Social Research: Introduction to the Special Issue.Nena Močnik - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (1):1-11.
    1. At the beginning of 2014, when I was two years into my ethnographic research on sexuality among survivors of war-rapes in Bosnia-Herzegovina, my mental health deteriorated. I had spent a good am...
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    Gender in the Prozac Nation: Popular Discourse and Productive Femininity.Nena F. Stracuzzi & Linda M. Blum - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (3):269-286.
    Since Prozac emerged on the market at the end of 1987, there has been a dramatic increase in antidepressant use and in its discussion by popular media. Yet there has been little analysis of the gendered character of this phenomenon despite feminist traditions scrutinizing the medical control of women’s bodies. The authors begin to fill this gap through a detailed content analysis of the 83 major articles on Prozac and its “chemical cousins” appearing in large-circulation periodicals in Prozac’s first 12 (...)
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  3. More than fulfilled expectations: An electrophysiological investigation of varying cause-effect relationships and schizotypal personality traits as related to the sense of agency.Nena Luzi, Maria Chiara Piani, Daniela Hubl & Thomas Koenig - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 119 (C):103667.
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  4. Ideology and fantasy.Rastko Mocnik - 1993 - In E. Ann Kaplan & Michael Sprinker (eds.), The Althusserian legacy. New York: Verso. pp. 139--56.
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    Alterkacije: alternativni govori i ekstravagantni članci.Rastko Močnik - 1998 - Beograd: Čigoja štampa.
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    Historical transformation and epistemological discontinuity.Rastko Mocnik - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (4):30-62.
    Starting from recent formulas of EU bureaucracy for subordinating scientific and educational apparatuses to the needs of the capital and to the requests of its political representatives, the article analyses the interconnection between the historical transformation of the ideological state apparatuses and the epistemological discontinuity provoked by the triumph of technosciences. The hypothesis to be tested is the following: While the crisis of West European-North American capitalism requires an ever tighter submission of ideological state apparatuses, and especially of scientific and (...)
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    La nouvelle chair à canon : la créativité périphérique prise dans l'étau de la lutte des élites.Rastko Mocnik - 2008 - Rue Descartes 62 (4):80.
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  8. Tolerancja, egoizm i solidarność.Rastko Mocnik - 2001 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 13 (13).
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    3 Teorije: Ideologija, Nacija, Institucija.Rastko Močnik - 1999 - Ljubljana: Zalozba /*Cf..
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    From Historical Marxisms to Historical Materialism: Toward the Theory of Ideology.Rastko Močnik - 1991 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 14 (1):117-137.
  11.  29
    The Suspicious Substrate: Calcidius on Grasping Matter.Nena Bobovnik - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (1):1-24.
    In the Timaeus, Plato famously acknowledges the receptacle as extremely difficult to comprehend. It is neither intelligible (which is reserved exclusively for the Forms) nor sense-perceptible (as it is a principle far too basic). Instead, as Plato proposes, the receptacle can only be apprehended through a “bastard” sort of “reasoning” (νόθος λογισμός, Tim. 52b1-2.). This paper explores an exegesis of Plato’s claim as offered by Calcidius, the 4th century translator of and commentator on the Timaeus. I identify two distinctive methods (...)
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    Eremita alter philosophus : pojmovanje askeze v poganski in krščanski filozofiji.Nena Bobovnik & Gina Derhard - 2020 - Clotho 2 (1):5-31.
    Izhajajoč iz označitve puščave kot najprimernejšega kraja za posvečanje filozofiji, ki jo v Hvalnici puščave poda Evherij Lyonski, članek raziskuje krščansko recepcijo antične poganske filozofije, zlasti z ozirom na askezo. V skladu s Hadotovim pojmovanjem antične filozofije kot načina življenja se v prvi polovici osredotoča na koncept in prakso askeze, ki se je izražala v obliki "duhovnih vaj" ali telesne vzdržnosti. Ob ugotovitvi, da sta obe dimenziji askeze obstajali že v klasični grški filozofiji, se kot differentia specifica krščanske askeze izkaže (...)
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    Ockham’s Flying Soul An Argument Against Henry of Ghent on the Powers of the Soul.Nena Bobovnik - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (1):151-166.
    Medieval thinkers unanimously believed a human soul has various powers. Yet, the latter point is also nearly the only one they agreed upon. In the paper, I focus on two contrary opinions maintained by Henry of Ghent and William of Ockham. Whereas Henry of Ghent held powers of the soul are defined with respect to the activities they are powers-for, Ockham refuted such a contention. To make his point Ockham launches a thought experiment: if God created an intellective soul without (...)
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  14.  36
    Peter Green: Katul in njegov čas.Peter Green, Ana Anžlovar, Nena Bobovnik, Jošt Yoshinaka Gerl, Domen Iljaš, David Movrin, Meta Skubic & Kajetan Škraban - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):319-361.
    O Katulu vemo zelo malo zanesljivega in celo večino tega je treba razbrati iz njegovega lastnega literarnega dela. To je vedno tvegan pristop, ki mu kritika danes večinoma nasprotuje (četudi je kritika vedno spremenljiva in znaki teh sprememb so že v zraku). Toda po drugi strani vemo kar precej o zadnjem stoletju rimske republike, o času torej, v katerem je Katul preživel svoje kratko, a intenzivno življenje, in o številnih javnih osebnostih, tako iz sveta književnosti kot politike, ki jih je (...)
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  15. Ādi Bududahamehi pănena nīti darśanaya, Pārājikapāḷi kr̥tiya āśrayeni.Lalit Raṇasiṃha - 1994 - Koḷamba: Ăs. Goḍagē saha Sahōdarayō.
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    Koliko nam fašizma preostaje nakon Auschwitza? Uz (auto)imunizacijsku paradigmu Roberta Esposita.Marijan Krivak - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (3):543-565.
    Ovaj članak propituje socijalno-političke posljedice nasljeđa jednog povijesnog totalitarističkog koncepta. Radi se o fenomenu »fašizma«. Ima li fašizam neku teorijsku, ali i praktičku aktualnost u suvremenom »novom svjetskom poretku«? S unaprijed pretpostavljenim odgovorom da je tomu doista tako, nameću se argumentacijske strategije objašnjenja same pojave fašizma u suvremenosti. Pitanje u naslovu parafrazira naslove dviju važnih knjiga. Radi se o knjizi Giorgia Agambena Ono što ostaje od Auschwitza, te o zbirci tekstova Rastka Močnika, skupljenih pod naslovom Koliko fašizma? Članak pokušava elaborirati (...)
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    Ways of Narrating: The Biographical Space Between Politics and poetics in Patricio Pron and Josefina Giglio.María Manuela Corral - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:227-247.
    Este artículo examina las novelas El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia (2011), de Patricio Pron, y Yo la quise (2019), de Josefina Giglio, con énfasis en las formas de narrar, desde donde se analiza una tensión entre la experiencia vivida y su devenir en un artificio transitando la relación entre literatura y memoria desde la perspectiva de la generación nacida durante la dictadura argentina. Así, el estudio recupera el concepto de espacio biográfico postulado por Arfuch, articulado (...)
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  18.  15
    Sv. Bonaventura: Kako se različne umetnosti zvajajo na teologijo; O trojni poti; recenzija.Domen Iljaš - 2022 - Clotho 4 (1):179-182.
    Knjiga, ki ji je posvečena pričujoča recenzija, prinaša prevod dveh krajših Bonaventurovih del, O trojni poti (De triplici via) in Kako se različne umetnosti zvajajo na teologijo (De reductione artium ad theologiam). Prevedla ju je filozofinja in klasična filologinja Nena Bobovnik, ki na KU Leuven pripravlja doktorat iz srednjeveške filozofije. Poleg spremne besede z naslovom »Zaris srednjeveške in skicaBonaventurove filozofije« sta še dva uvoda v piščevo misel. Najprej tri kateheze, ki jih je papež Benedikt XVI. – ki se je (...)
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    Subordiscriminación y Discriminación Interseccional: Elementos Para Una Teoría Del Derecho Antidiscriminatorio.M. ª Ángeles Barrère Unzueta & Dolores Morondo Taramundi - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:15-42.
    Este trabajo se inscribe en una revisión in progress del Derecho antidiscriminatorio moderno que las autoras vienen efectuando desde hace más de tres lustros. En la primera parte del mismo se examinan los textos de una f ilósofa política y de dos juristas esta- dounidenses (I. M. Young, C. A. MacKinnon y K. Crensahw) que inspiran la propuesta de un concepto de discriminación y de una visión de la interseccionalidad basados en el reconocimiento de los sistemas de opresión. La segunda (...)
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